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  • Snow Wildcamp Weekend - Natural Wikiup Shelter (part 2)

Snow Wildcamp Weekend - Natural Wikiup Shelter (part 2)


Snowstorm weekend sleeping in a Wikiup bushcraft shelter.

Tags: primitive,technology,shelter,wikiup,debris,survival,bushcraft,woodcraft,abo,aboriginal,native,wild,wilderness,parachute,camp,wildcamp,camping,scout,woodland,campfire,rock,roast,dinner,lunch,bbq,meal,gear,kit,concept,firewood,axe,knife,carve,snow,snowing,storm

Video Transcription


there's a parachute shelter living room sleeping in the wickiup tonight good to go suit and bag we'll divvy nylon busy keeping pad moisture barrier wickiup

good morning campers rise and shine it's a beautiful morning out here I think it's - to check real quick there is hope try that again nice to

discipline my globe back on I am a little out of my mouth come on in hello there oh there did you gents sleep well yeah right on my phone says this - - right now pretty cool crisp morning


I can't open it nobody knows more about water in a minute and do crazy cos it up doo-doo-doo doo doo doo de doo doo [Applause]

the only thing I've ever found that it drives me crazy about these canteens just seemed to create pressure any like yeah what's up bro it's going on it [Applause]

talking to the camera yeah Bri yeah not too bad right you knew you uh right on morning morning it's Nick oh yeah

fun a mutual what's that what Moses you know nobody doing it I just notice I won't stop running yeah no I'm I just thought of leaving a second ago no big deal tell you my water open these canteens like and get comfortable get some room he's uh oh [Music]

yeah these canteens we build up pressure it's not the one that comes with the bottom the cup that's it crazy it looks like a ball jar huh I'm always trying to figure out ways to not bend the top until the titanium yeah do you live in a frame there you are there you go fell route to the rescue nice oh yeah the nose is done yes yeah snow is falling onto while sleeping I was like right on oh that's a spot man I love footing water in my sleeping bag I just tell him those guys that this was all roses I had you know had one bottle in him one bottle like on the side of me you know and even the one just touching me on the outside still was uh it was slushy but it wasn't solid well good that's news to me it's cool and they're in glass to it they're not plastic wow you're lucky doesn't shatter dude glass Wow well the one when that was outside had a little out so it could expand of course right on one inside was filled to the top that's why I made its way from the bag it made its way into the back I put the phone in my back some wouldn't shout oh I thought you might like the water came out India back hello it's a nice setup it's got plastic d-ring if you phone on so that's cool I did you know like that it's plastic bag put mine just a case it will meet us or something oh yeah yeah I don't have the canteen action yeah I like my titanium pants though I love my lever go back to anything else I like cast iron to was just too heavy oh of course yeah yeah I did stainless for a while and I finally picked up to court titanium pot my thoughts cooking last night yeah I like that that's nice it is it's just right since - exactly you put a whole wrap it in there absolutely for the crab in there - yeah yeah yeah I bought a snow peak set mug my pot with a lid also was like a little tiny frying pan but I barely ever use it as a as a pan usually more so is a lid

is that that uh did you have it out there hey Leslie yeah I think I saw that yeah yeah so I start on one side of my tent I put down the hill I ended up on the other side of the tent seam here I was over here working my way down the hill as they go and I knew that those rocks were there so I was being wary like I was fighting the hill knowing that if I touch that it'd be a big problem yeah I would like it right I would I would cook like no I don't know I mean I'm screeching hot rocks dude screeching hot dude like my my boot I touched it when I was getting undressed I like what it was like what it was like whatever snow was in that spot was gone and the leather like had like a little like sheen on it like like it got cooked for a second Mike whoops yeah the one I was telling you about last night the mat that one's not the there's does the same one I had this doesn't have the mylar on it yeah I checked it is grab one side though that's the same one I had so what me and Kevin cut in half yeah yeah I saw the Kevin was using and so um I picked it up work urethra it on the trail yeah I've been using it for years I like it too it's nice I slept good on that inflate although I got for Christmas last year I bet no doubt about it I told you I've brought two really white one you know it's like an it's considered like an X frame or whatever it's like ultra light freaks yeah I mean it wasn't my choice it was a gift

you know but the other one the recon one it's like a solid mat with it incorporated pillow and that one it's like double the size of it so it's like it wraps up this big crazy so I stood on that and I had the X frame one on top of that and I figured the the empty pockets because you can see right through it it's like gaps yeah structure of it make sure all that just collect warm air inside my bag so I put the I put that in my sleeping bag you know I laid on top of the other Lincoln I sleep so just holds everything in and I just drape it down over me and below the draft man I love that it's like you know whatever I start subconsciously did that you know getting cold or whatever I always just I realized that like it's like it lifted off in a little bit I'd bring it back down it's like I just fall right back asleep it's so nice still got plenty hair I'm not gonna like little moisture [Applause]

what was that battery you were charged him with make a battery yeah yeah this right here guys got bacon and sausage going out there yeah nice look look some warm meal in a minute this is one of the ones you said you get from the show are just out of it no no no not eight but an it give you like three three three full charges

something like that that's really good I've never gone sighs dude I've never used it all so I don't know something like that you know I've definitely done three times with your phone off or off on really yeah I just uh do one of these plug it in and um I do it at night plus some new tissue it's a good box huh just like that man I already gained my percent since I just plugged it in key though is that one like negative two and whatever like it is right now your body I'm gonna put AK inside my bag while it's working it won't be able to charge the phone if it's just sitting out it will be charging it but it will only be like keeping the phone where it's at it won't be gaining anything it's like you know it's crazy almost anything it just sits there almost idles it like it just gets so slow so cold so I stole my bag when I'm working yeah man we got we got reception here almost like posting to Instagram last night in my wiki beforethe sleeve put a couple pictures up and they put a couple right before I went to bed where's all yours I was like you got good ones with the light with a Sun still up they got the best parachute pictures yeah you got some good you got a nice picture of Bruce you put up yeah it's a good good light on that one yeah and I hardly even that is them it all still passed out to Lizzie okay he's an ex-military dude so is he usually wakes up pretty perfectly surprised

yeah I'm seeing I woke up a little while ago Wednesday army army yeah I'm pretty sure yeah ma'am good time I had my times of revelry I don't I try not to get up exactly at that time defense of the circumstance so like I was up early today but it was too cold I was up five something Wow yeah look I rolled out periodically but I rolled out at 8 o'clock you know a little bit before 8 7 something you know I think it's what 9:30 10:00 something too

it's pushing time off yeah I'll be out of here in a sec to the throne though still pants yeah I just our line out I used a molecular hope with the draft of my time feelings it's uh sorry it's like Caviezel type again pack one yeah so if I open the vestibule sir right it's about three four inches it's great I don't know warmer months yeah I don't get as much condensation buildup mm-hmm but when it's like this you good airflow you me swim walk the extra walk yeah I kicked a bunch of snow up I have a door it's wide open whatever dude nobody deal last went to camp I did it was Kevin not off the side of the Totten River he found an old abandoned foundation we built up a little fireplace no no it's not cattails but it's like that Reed Swedes we made reed beds

mm-hmm four or five inch reed beds Rosen ground nice slept no like no cover just on the side of the fire and reed beds without their packs it was 18 degrees that day nice that was the coldest even bags today last night was the coldest I've ever camped yeah I guess season bags bags a thermal reactor yeah I think we even had the emergency Vivi's on it to just sure yeah yeah I got down and I mean well it's just - Jill my phone right now so when it's morning so I don't know what it got down to last night I was crashed out obviously I could check so maybe my mother maybe -6 or something all the trolls my facebook so she saw a couple of the pictures she's like she was up first thing send me a hello thinking like I was frozen to death

yeah I think I was sweating in my bag oh yeah Wow I wasn't surprised as a mice 30 bag my feet feel a chill even right now maybe from the wind from the door my feet they're not cold but they're not as warm as my cool and I wasn't ever cold in my bag but I wasn't as hot as I thought I'd be you know minus 30 bag yeah yeah

we make is is still at least an extra 20 degrees hello that's that's not mines like a 30 degree back unit out of minus 30 degree mine's a 30 degree bag or a 32 degree bag I was warm enough that I didn't need my wool hat or my wool sweater and I mean you only mean like I wasn't even dressed like that's good I didn't have my hat on sweaters yeah and so maybe maybe I would have been cooked out I was out all night put the balaclava on this lightweight one over it you still make sure it wouldn't fall off yes because I'm bald now so everything moves around the skin it just slides around and one thing I have is my North Face sweater on just to cover my head the worries which I'm surprised about actually all dais and I never put my wool hat on once yesterday yeah I kept my baseball cap most of the time that's all I had to let you bet but it's a hot by the fire it's warm in that parachute man this is surprising all right digging that got set up hope you get one yeah I meant 60 bucks on eBay that's pretty hard to complain about pretty hard to complain about ah indeed I got to do some BASE jumping I can tie it to the off spray [Laughter]

when you know windy out today here is how goes it a people shall leave that that's it that's awesome

guys number two keep some water in your sleeping bag

when I stir it all on into the pan yeah it's just my camping - is going on yeah Bruce is over there you might still be sleeping

hopefully nate is over there but you went home last night yeah whoa scattered my phone said - to at some point this morning so that's pretty cool so I probably got down to maybe - six free well anyway you kidding me I look at my sleeping bag push it back down to the knees dude the bag keep it in there for warmth you know I mean technically I'm funny I've grown fond of you yeah it's cold when we when we all crashed out last night oh yeah was this morning was the worst of it I think five five o'clock was the coldest five something yeah applewood smoked bacon oh my hmm Deccan Traps and they mix coffee vadas cool for me container here you just fill it up a grinds you don't need much just enough to layer the bottom because the longer it percolates the stronger the coffee gets yeah bill was explaining it has like a thermal chamber in the middle yeah the water comes up through the middle thumbs up for the spout here speaking this one's got a plastic handle so you [Laughter]


that's better than one cup of coffee right

what does he win out he wins a trip to the woods basically everybody because we'd won and no we're never fired a shot for if they get to the end in your camo the whole way up no one found you like five eyes on you six eyes on the slopes so there's a path there's a path and own path so you don't like known path you've got a you've got a one team you got whatever ten minutes anywhere along that path we didn't say ten yards of the path either side you got to ditch him channel yourself

whatever whatever natural surroundings and hi and if you make it yep we did it it was another one that we didn't do in the Scout class with Mike where I'm so like I'll just call him the instructors whatever the people who are just pretty much at that point I'm the end of the week just and drinking a little bit and there was a spot out in the woods they had a big bonfire going there so they were staying nice and warm actually I don't even actually it was June so it was insane mosquito season up and then just like we parted like it sounded like an orchestra and um the goal of all the students was basically to scout through the woods and what they were doing is they were running a ridiculous to get the goal is to get close enough to the camp gather data to bring it back from the Downloads like later on you know and so what they were doing is they were talking out loud and it was a ridiculous story like mama birch is like doing this and like what I have just stupid stuff but like whatever words and they what they would do is they would be the same story it was scripted like every 10 minutes they would run through the same story same story and after like two hours you didn't go through 12 times whatever it was and um and that while you were coming in and trying to get close enough to the camp to not be seen and not be killed or captured if he was seeing you're captured he was draw brought into the camp as a prisoner members would go out through the paths through the woods whatever with their flashlights clink they would do patrols and like and so you had to like get through the patrols get close enough to the camp gather as much data as you could not and not misinterprets and bring it back to camp and download it and be as accurate as you could it was interesting because you'd get caught or you'd hear something you thought you heard and then they would download the actual story of what it was was like you know mama did this was made a you know made a turkey cake or whatever it was something stupid sounds like

really I have no idea only no it's a cricket or like that's a tranny horse they do balks ears yes like yeah if you're out that's like that's like Mad Max stuff but the dystopian that's like Civil War times that's like society's broken down people are in camps and the people that get sneak around and get intel and all that yeah yeah you're the ones that survive and not screw up the intel on the way back to you know that's hot that's hot that's a hard game thank you that makes like hard yo freaks meals like the area 51 stuff or whatever where they have to like it the sensors that can feel the compressions on the ground oh yeah you know like that makes life huh you gotta like these really light on your feet you get a squirrel walk in like just yeah yeah it's the same technologist watching stars in space like look at the Klan that's it

what I've changed change the consular picture yeah I like track and I've learned a lot about tracking these last few years good at it yeah they like tracking that's one thing I am enjoying about adopting the hunting lifestyles how much you get to track yeah do you study the pressure releases and all that stuff yeah on the tracks no no no you know I'm not saying I'm good I'm just saying I get a little bit my goal for tracking them originally was just my kids get lost nobody ever find them - because one day I do want to stalk a deer and kill it I haven't been able to do that you know I don't even know I don't know if able or not isn't it Tom Browns but no I want to stop and shoot it yeah it's stuck into your yeah yeah

we have as many Hills man we're gonna drill I bought to use that Cedars world where he had a dream before after water grandfather's grandfather actually yeah yeah before after what this before after the LSD yeah had like giving him like like the thumbs up basically that he was like like gave him like a initiation through a dream that he had reached some sort of status gave him like a staff and like a talisman or something he woke up and it was laying beside materialized I wouldn't necessarily say it's impossible but I would say it's highly improbable I'm always shocked by things that happen [Music]


you don't have in use many times you always have to have an open mind and like I said in my martial arts class even then we study a key to all the time they bring in everybody from mixed martial arts is really fun no always I don't care someone even is a fruit loop and you hate them it might be some small tidbit of data and you can gather yeah you know that they've done like we was gonna goof like an hour all right well you know the rest of the stuff is baloney but that might be interesting you can't let your pride get in the way there's no shelter for the night sleeping bag all sorts of stuff canvas Rock plenty of them like massively I can stand up and that's you as Bruce's rig it all shut down right now

close down we have a lot of wind occasional snow nice turnout NES the front entrance of camp this is Jim's camp down the path a couple caps first on the right is bills just walk in the hammock pretty impressive at negative Fahrenheit temps

good times

it's next camp sweet town is very nice down a little path here that leads to the archery Lane and sting shot Lane down this path of cats is neat we're just packing up heading home early I think you just get stuff you want yours buddy came up here this must be negative temps out here negative too early today [Laughter]


it's alright my my Lords the three had two sheds and they promised me that they were

that was six months ago we discovered that most of we've had a couple occasions where these rocket scientists clean them out and played on the ashes out of it it would put it on the plastic bucket but about in the back world the shooting range bag of rocks arrows some shots all that stuff anyone that wants to shoot just use a goofball

mr. sheep situations all right yep famouser no worries take any work and it's pretty green sand and walk away it's just a wicked thick blueberry pancake this is nice how much cupcake we're gonna take your recipe let's steal it salt the Paula Deen kids would love this actually becomes that's why I like this one thing I like about the Karen box because I get these things that I don't I don't normally Sikhs I don't know yeah then I get things like this whole bit so since I don't accurately look for it sometimes I get things that I unexpectedly didn't know I need in or France and I didn't know about reoccurring favorite

a nice buttery anyone have a piece all the scrapings on the bottom a pretty epic as well it's like all the the buttery cooking goodness you know yeah stammering save is an alpha human here howdy grab seconds techies you want some more let's split it cuz I definitely want some more still gonna eat it anybody else clean so I can split this again

I've used those before I'm my only issue with those those are paying us to really I've just I've had them get really really gorgeous man yeah clean them all done we struck boulders that wasn't what when I you know what I mean good I've dropped them in food before it's why I keep making it that was phenomenal yeah no worries man thanks glad you liked it nothing like eating dessert before dinner what's that chicken noodles are I'm chicken those super chicken and dumplings is way too much for me if anybody want some stuff them right never bring I've never bringing that splitting ball again last time I was up here we really needed one I found a tree with a bunch of pearls on it looks like someone took two off of it about you know wasn't you now boys and girls welcome you did what a piece of the tree off trying to make a bowl no with me Oh last time I was here I did one yeah yeah I thought you were talking about now this time huh dripping you should be catching out in your skillet yeah but then it'll cook too fast I'm going to try catching it for you wait'll it

duh clock

studies in porta have you ever had pork butt I've had four o'clock phenomenal was actually tasted like smoking it man I'd smoke it and just lather and butter oh my god here was diabetes just stood firmly breakfast just smoked it with a bunch of on her oh man

that's great right yeah it's got a Princeton

like you did you want water I just spilled up okay thank you [Music]

I'm not taking it back let's get cerebral man that's gonna be terrible oh yeah

oh happy day - actually stop right there man that out there's a breeze or phenomenon I see as you're looking [Applause]


almost pork chop barbecue stone fried it's gonna be terrible [Music]



About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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