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  • Finishing up the Bushcraft Camp for the day

Finishing up the Bushcraft Camp for the day



Tags: bushcraft,camp,wildcamp,firepit,campfire,cooking,tea,coffee,wikiup

Video Transcription


I'm interested to see the long-term effects of heating up titanium a trigonometric because there's no like real research our tech team hasn't been around long enough to see like the drinking it for 40 years or something no right like what are the long-term effects like right like cuz of aluminum yeah because if I titanium it's even worse it's not because of lung but like a limo yeah I'm gonna Park YouTube right here I'm gonna change batteries we'll be back

here's a message from our sponsors after you know I don't have any sponsors some people do that oh yes they do and I'm selling selling razors you know like dude Mitch you don't you don't shave bro you got a bid you don't if I did shave though yeah exactly if I did Oliver first emancipations they turn it into like a major league spoof you know see that movie major-league the second one so good wow thing yeah Charlie Sheen they like cut take 30,000 whatever alright YouTube is back that's some weather coming in a little moisture in here movies 125 what's going to see that's why Mike yeah I'm fine Mike Love had a hole in the finger Oh everything else was nice and but that one finger was screaming yeah that's a nice surprise

I'll go you know it's pretty much one thing is it like what yeah stainless does he fit better I tried took it on the fried titanium frypan and I wear it I'll do well yeah one big burn spot in the middle anything else because I cold I think the main reason why that happens goes with titanium a producer is so thin that it's not thick enough to cause too much resistance which makes the whole thing warm up like the iron pans it's so thick but the whole thing has to heat up before that one spot really heats up something's really thin you put over flame boom it's on firing that one spot hasn't even spread yet it's like common sense I don't know why they haven't fixed that

I bet your Keith's senior you're on the titanium the Vulcan video that's exactly what you did so the vice-president of operations or one of the bigwigs sent me an email saying I saw your YouTube video about our product I'm glad you like our product that heavy cover has his logo on we would love to do business with you Cedric Cedric Cedric Cedric Cedric put your logo on yadda yadda yadda is a link pull over hey by the way guys so as a whole on my on my hand right on my glove my right hand I just burnt my firt my finger my first finger picking that up because it wasn't protected I didn't realize so I put on my left hand now and now the holes on the back so I can still pick it up and I'm fine right interesting stuff the pole on the other side illah hand comments my new spoon guy yeah I saw the pictures of it

it's beautiful yeah that's not perfect I can make it out of maple maple it's a beauty Thanks I figured you'd want to see it cuz quite a craftsman on there too yep full rosing in there some soup from the bottom other thing on there almond milk almond so good there's one that my wife gets sometimes that's uh has toasted its almond milk and toasted coconut milk mixed together done some good stuff yeah and there's no sugar at all completely sugarless okay yeah completely cut sugar out of my diet man I mean every once in a while I'll have it randomly kind of whatever but I'm not like a lot a big sugar guy you know even like that I just had a little bar a minute ago no sugar was dates and and uh cashews bound up together as a granola bar I'm so much so much healthier now without it almost no dairy almost no sugar I ain't pretty much just eating vegetables every day stay away from highly processed it's pretty much paleo I stay away from highly processed stuff like bread I had bread for the first time in about two months just recently and stay away from bread I think I think she said to yourself [Music]

I mean I never would have known he hadn't asked me to put a little and all their stuff and I realize that yeah it was all the same stuff you know I mean it'sit's on it it's thought that both logos are on the up though heavy a cover just like mine I have my needs to have a logo on that Keith titanium stuff Keith on one side is Bob on the other it's cool yeah but I mean those canteen where it's only 150 bucks I see what we did I see that Keith that had no logo on it just it was two hundred and forty dollars it has keys logo on it oh yeah oh no where peace oh yeah well that's all that's normal so I said that's normal Jesus and Chris is it Chris I didn't realize those both Keith's copied your canteen story they stole your idea then he's like oh no it's also buddy don't worry about it it's all set don't worry about exactly I was like okay but then when I actually got one that was like all right whatever that's a great marketing because no one knew

I'd call this a luxury I bought myself on actual ravier so I almost thought of using it because it just has a lot of you know let's leave this nostalgia usually I feel yeah my beer good almost all my kid is actually raised kid really is yeah I learned almost everything I know from right

that's my foundation and then everything else was from me after whoa that cup is the same cup right uses that Billy can hold this miss Marcus just like raise you she has the plastic Cantina and a black pot the black class those and then the Billy can is Raees I used to have raised a knife evil nice to teach for Dave way back when you know the Pathfinder school back in 2010 2011 Ike faunal 2011 does on a picture on that Facebook page have you stealing it with I I had raised would lure yeah you had hidden classes yeah dave was like get a black shirt on he was like a wasn't a pathway I had one I had one of the original logo is this whole to a guy he wanted really bad after the new logo came out people wanted it cuz was the old one I sold it I didn't really use it anymore they were pretty yeah I got quite a up a lot more for it than I paid yeah I could buy him for about $130 with Nova logo Oh battle horse yeah guys such a snake guy stole my knife in a survival knife call it the feather stick because hello I'm known for feather sticks huh lacy named after you Yeah right unbelievable tell you I steal all like LT used knives yeah LT makes the knife he makes that he makes he makes his own cheaper version it's like a knockoff paid together once upon a time they used to be blind horse and is way back one Oh LT took the heart rub you know he says God bless and every single email or text that he sends me at the m he seems to be on the back of his business card it seems to be a Christian like I am as well I'm very happy to be working with LTE because morally ethically quality wise everything about LT just seems to be on the up and up they could be happier he's saying even on his business card a he'd hate all bleh so it has this thing it's John he has scripture on his business card John three kings of the sixteen amazing sisters at the end of the other chapter three and talks well Victor those are the son hath life and those are doing over Sundays right I'm gonna it's a last verse in Chapter three guys not the backup in Scotty's hands mom she yeah I killed you a lot I tried to get him to come up to uh to the doing or bushcraft gathering to be a nice fender Shane had a one-of-a-kind knife that some guy was really on there was really hot to buy okay and of course rollin wanted the knife to Roland wants every night and roll it has every night has every night do rolls bought like three native survival knife said they get this boy so he's gotta be the most dedicated give knife customer I've ever had the difficult handle you were like I got a difficult one Joe knows one one in a hundred that was like more red it was wrong and then LT even send me a text like you know I had this one-off color to ended up happening you know I don't know what you want to do with it Michael on a text I text the picture to roll it I might do it you want this one-of-a-kind as K no other one will look like this he's like yep absolutely majority said already hold on yep money's already set in painting PayPal

okay we go there's my bag Oh cans my dad to bring you guys with me here turn it up [Music]







want to give me him yeah dude mean shame which I didn't release the video yet the sec part two did it was a nighttime dark by headlamp suit from over there shoot a ping ping is great dude great yeah yeah two levels introducing from

yeah I just send my Jen to nsk my name is a low-life 2lt to make this batch so you don't have it on you that's why I'm not using though I mean I'd like to use my more or anyways my pocket knife oh yeah but that's why I stole my Jen one

it's a my obviously it's in my carving I have like a toolbox all wood nice toolbox with all my spoon knife so my carving knives that I make my spoons with than everything that's all it's all my carving gear that I use all in there I have that khaki pouch roll down pouch you gave me with the clips years ago I have that in there I take all the pieces that are roughed out halfway done and I just keep them in there and inside this little bag or pouch so mom - viable knife is is in my carving kit because that's the first thing I use like when I make a spoon I used that knife after I'm done with the axe I mean yeah I don't know if the axe use many swallow knife so it's still in there I just have

yeah that's what it was chicken thanks Shane

got one I I started studying in my iron sights last week different way that Gary's little individual will rage yeah shootable anyway

I'll show you guys stick this up now I got two levels as you saw I just tied the second level to the Rope itself which is cool because those do that for DS this swing is very cool and I just tied this one this branch pretty awesome okay so just added that jug hanging off that branch right there so now we have three jugs lots of cans your new bag yeah that's cool it's on a frame right Alice Pat on the Osprey cool wanna show off any gear to YouTube Gary okay no game for you canteens inside yeah what else you got to do Mitch that's kind of it man I made a list and I think I'm gonna look at it I think it was Little Rock's work on the benches get them set get the BB range good to go and last some boughs to make a tripod for the artery back it was so sweet she knows kids oh yeah we need to clear a lane for that no right I think that needs to be done first yeah tripods not a big deal couple minutes yeah and I might even just find two trees or something up against it's funny every time we hear somebody over there I'm like hot big on Compton - there's Kim

yeah house is right over there now yep I figure that's probably where that camp come from probably from kids living on that Oh see what saying you know you're building a perfect shelter or light in the view of all the houses there yeah yeah

why would you that must mean you're not afraid of the houses that means you're not trying to hide from them yeah no it's probably because you're because they live that you living his house in the corner yeah doesn't know what he's doing Nick was probably been out here exploring the woods and saw the camps sometimes I wonder if he knows that's Mike and recognizes it yeah that videos go like it was two months ago it hit 1 million I got 1.2 million views in two months yeah III seen him right when I hit an early night buy for the post saying I'm gonna check on it again and saw what I did to it I'm like what the heck yeah I don't know if one of me videos viral like what are you gonna do to me a viral video if they make a good video oh yeah and yeah oh no I'm saying you gotta make a good video and it has to have a really good thumbnail and it has to have a really good title no one noticed to know that all the parachute can't be on a video car shoot with the camp belly looks when we possibly looks like give your parachute a parachute yeah pretty other ones like well yeah and then there was one other one that was inside inside there oh you lay an eye next to the fire that's got like 15 well he's gonna actually why is that getting why are those getting the little extra views and the other ones YouTube is I don't know that it's something about it doesn't seem

and now they're taking a look they're taking all the little channels again again wounded from analytic get making money come on station Edition yeah all the so that means they're not they don't want to pay anybody who doesn't get any views people are trying to say it's the gun control thing I said no way no one's watching your videos past a certain amount they don't want to pay and even the people who are washing everything's even taking money from them to the videos that are being watched yeah yeah YouTube's been pretty ruthless lately there's a bunch of videos like they sent out like a new a new kind of algorithm that like they like they like automatically shut off Manas monetization on a bunch of my videos Oh ask you that because I know they did it to Lily come on Lily made a whole new channel called on authorized I was all her like hunting stuff because all anything gun knife really really sure you home yeah just millet Channel and it's all it's on non-monetized but she took all our videos it does it has like guns and or anything like that yeah put them in that channel right exactly won't get it straight yeah yeah so I any popular ones I have a lot of views yeah some of them are my multiple videos with a survival boat no yeah yeah happen uh IIIi did request a manual review the side of the machine a whole bunch of them how'd you go through and all the tags erase anything that was like hunting shooting anything like that I'm still like my rock boiling one it's got like 700,000 views maybe a doors have passed hopital 780 views I think seven and eighty thousand views

they just cut money off of that why and now when I request a manual review if it doesn't get over a certain amount of views like per day or whatever and things like that then they don't do one of them review it as if it's like a dead video you know well yeah it's like it's almost almost a million but not quite 780 thousand I think and it slowly creeps up i watch it slowly creeps up every week gets a couple thousand views a week or something like that but they won't they won't review it and so I'll just tell you to not good there's zero money from that now like I used to have some videos out pay me you know five hundred AHL's a month and now pay me zero dolls that one video like I have 700 videos almost I actually you think I'm nine video short of 700 I make a big deal when I get some hundred likes 690 or something a lot of videos gather money and some of them were big money not anymore

dude I don't know which way to turn this anymore and it's so tight I can't even move it

yeah it's got really tight britches and I don't know which way I supposed to be moving at anymore I forget I think to the right tighten to left I think that's tighter I think yeah this way this way is tighter so has to turn this way Thanks I was getting 45 panties for thank you rosco maker the coyote brown ones I ain't USA and all the OD ones the coyote ones are Rothko's design the OD ones are Department of Defense design yeah it comes with tag saying I'm at all different the coyote had like a stretchy top what's something where those OD weather was like the military designed hat yeah ice the Salvos because they're so legit I want it then I had now my wool hat is the Canadian military hat my buddy in Canada gave throw nice a super thick dude that double thick too much well just be like this hat was it was a surplus in the 90s it was and yep it's way thicker than the ones oh yeah however picking that out how different the ones yeah ninety surplus is uh they had so much more money than they were at war but it'd by the high most high quality things and knowledge is disposing we ship it I'd buy like there's a tick oh you phone ticks yeah my my resin a black one just warming up euro yep check for ticks just found one on my wrist bastards yep

them in the fire okay see you later hey good seeing you Malcolm we will safe trip yeah thank you yeah yeah a couple weeks two weeks get together

I got a job - nice yeah I've got a bunch - I'm like a metal tin [Music]

all right now if I'm just left cross in the field he goes

there's all the rocks removed quite a bit yeah I wish I brought my BB gun brought last time yeah spaced on it I was so focused on the rocks you know thanks for the help on that last portion for weekend after the Iran even it's nice that so next week my days off will be Wednesday Thursday oh I see what you mean Tuesday Wednesday

see three days off yep it's not right two weeks

but it's everybody has chance definitely Gandalf every now and then too exactly let's go guys rotate try to keep people happy

it's always a bummer when a company you know has somebody like just little things that I couldn't let me consider it to me like they'll have someone close but then open the very next day yeah you know when they try to make a joke out of it oh are you clapping like no I'm hating life is what I'm doing yeah it's not let's not I put a cute name on it that's like get out of here yeah might think you're funny but exactly I'm just gonna get picture of you not weapon you know that's all pausing a minute waiting Oh see what I do a few people on Instagram see this right now I'm setting this up I don't even need this shot I don't need to uh I'm sorry I do need this shot I don't even need this hot tea let's take a picture for Instagram cuz I forgot to take one earlier Oh Instagram I was making tea earlier I didn't take a picture I have to recreate it now that's it make at least a single good picture that's even possible there's a couple there well it's certainly raining now decided to leave my my rain shell on my truck the other thing I was gonna rain good thing of a sweater so pretty soon I'm gonna be working on that behemoth right there talking I can pop into YouTube I'm gonna be working on the roof I'll make like a raised bed inside stuff like that make a door you know

normal stuff

I'm hoping I could start that pretty soon maybe next week next time I come out here we'll see keeps raining I'm not gonna because putting wet debris on shelters terrible idea all the reasons why I like baseball hats in the woods its when it's raining the bill cuts my face from rain now

these rocks never end man throw this inside you yeah whatever yeah that's not a very good spot for it I'll just move it just for the picture no oh just throw it inside if you want to throw it right there in that pile if you don't like what if you want to protect it then throw it inside the shelter throw it throw it inside then still pretty drying there yeah this is the type of watch for your saw it you got there you pick to step a lot of what just the type of log you want to cut with your pick to fly there yep yeah that's good firewood that's real try it

good stuff

I can put the backstop against the stumps laying on the ground yeah it's already cleared and maybe it's right next to the Beebe Lane sharing that tree maybe shooting this way close those stumps right there that might work out I'm gonna have to cut the sapling I think right here a little sapling just to make sure it's not in the way of the view so we'll mix spoons out of it and stuff so the lane will be right there I'm gonna just move that sapling get that out of there like so like I'd love go right across the opening right there as planned

that's a good maple you can use it the next ones man [Applause]

that next week I'm gonna bring my rapes and rake the BB Lane all the debris off of it the same with is the lane so it's very obvious that it's like a you know a stark contrast the rest of the forest the lane sticks out won't be any leaves anything in the ground [Applause]

yeah that'll do nicely right there so check this out youtubers it's a BB lane sharing the tree I'm gonna get another orange bandana

let's hi it right there and angle this way through these two to be the archery lane right there I'm gonna have to back stall I'm gonna use those stumps on the ground to have backstops setup cool that's not like they might have found on the rabbit half [Applause]

there's the hunky yep and the woods man so what people hunt I wish I was hunting today not a math lesson to learn math right now [Applause]

the new barcode is christen here's a quick tip for you guys gonna get your gear all full of the priests soap and everything on the pot just wrap it in a bandana before I put it in the bag it's that simple don't need some some big gimmicks and everything else to do it

spray paint special chemicals and wiping with soap and I've seen that seen everything in the world for reasons let's wrap it a bandanna I just want to take my camera and put it in its case and it's like pouring rain right now pick it up - yeah him in vigor yep yeah Gary just said he thinks that that's that's our cue to beat some feet man get out of here and I agree we're just packing up finishing up grabbing the last few things I'm pretty much tidied up got my Pelican case for my camera

I'm bagging everything drink it some almond milk on the way out it's pretty much it so there's been Mitch with many survival and Gary and Malcolm who's already left we will see you on the next video the next episode of the series of life on YouTube all right guys thanks for hanging out thanks for checking out the video

I'll see you on the next one later [Music]


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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