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Primitive Crab Trap - Survival Fishing


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Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

Tags: shelter,hunting,fishing,bushcraft,survival,native,nativesurvival,fire,water,navigation,primitive,aboriginal,shooting,shooting tips,trapping,modern,frontier,pioneer,field dressing,butchering,trees,plants,edible,medicinal,eastern,woodland,knots,sharpening,sun,moon,stars,trap,bow,arrow,handdrill,flintknapping,arrowhead,self reliance,nessmuk,kephart,boone,ray mears

Video Transcription

I doing this submission of the native survival school so we're gonna make a primitive crab pot stay tuned and I'm gonna end up using these as well as other things like vines but you just cut off the little branches make it for weaving

so I'm just doing a simple weaving method inside and out alternating just going slow working out the materials she has less chance of breaking I'm using it bro saying that he hasn't seen a stone in a long time we've seen it all man they remember at all

so simply all I've done is just hammered nine sticks into the ground one an odd number so as you weave you end up alternating not ending at the exact same place there's an opposite number when you come to the same location one time if you're going on the inside next time around if you're going on the outside of the same piece very very simple I just stuck them in the ground and the cavity in the middle is important to get to get exactly how you want so because it's a crab trap I'm making the funnel at the top I'm making it roughly about the size for a crab you know having a trap like this it's incredibly important for survival and for long-term living because it's catching food for you while you're doing other things of course so it's a great way to conserve calories catch calories for free basically because after your initial investment of building the trap then all you have to do is work it put it where it belongs bait it things like that maintain if it gets broken they'll just keep working for you for a long long time

I'm a big fan of what I call autopilot autopilot survival autopilot living it's having a ton of traps or whatever the case is

and everything's on autopilot is just running all by itself just using whatever I can find finds sticks off of branches whatever I just go back a spoke by end on the spoke and I go back one spoke on my next piece

I'm making this crab trap by weaving a vine yeah

through these spokes that I yeah these are the same vines that I caught digging there dance class that's right oh those we found the flower parts to would show yeah

thank you for giving me some wood so all right so here's the body of my crab trap yeah it's coming along sweetheart good size

you see the work I'm making a bottom for it now okay so I just lead sticks across and then I just cross that again stripping off the bark so I stripped the bark off of that sure honey and I fold it in half and then my exes over and under all of these that's all I'm doing is going one over one under I just took the cordage and fold it in half and then I just make X's in between every time you connects one goes over one goes under when I start skating a bit small why not excuse we're not job done

you find a plant thing you can strip easy it's easy to get a lot of roll pretty quick

good quick rope identify anything sweet crab sighs yes you are

no one

sometimes to help with you yeah you're great helper thank you thank you sweetheart quit

he's won been one direction younggook corn pancake

just keep reading I don't need anymore huh thank you though cuz I have all sticks I need for the bottom see how I'm just weaving around them using the bark of trees you're doing a great job helping me my favorite helper

mm-hmm yeah then after they go in the door it's gonna close behind them nice good trap huh mm-hmm a little bit you're designing traps let me cook on ya oh it's a great trap awesome thank you yeah right this my me of a little crash that baby class yeah see how it's coming okay I'm gonna keep doing that until it fills up the bottom there'll be the bottom of the trap does a gritty steering wheel yeah maybe that's one way that you can make a steering wheel for a boat huh stick slash together so where it's at right now when I keep at it get back with you

thank god this will make fire sure I just start cutting towards the outside start using bigger material you don't you just use the bark just tied a clove hitch right there I'm gonna just do over-under go all the way around Oh awesome

thank you for bringing me up a now either works oh yeah yep thank you still hungry let's eat some books oh good idea it's important to do whatever the opposite of the path you had before I started here and I went over next time and just go under that way I have an alternating pattern

you know Thunder gonna get a thunderstorm pretty soon thanks for that thank you

I thought I'd be the last one I need thanks a lot to be huh you're the wind becomes a storm that's the storm front alright let's go check it on the trap that is gonna be the bottom to my trap now all I'm gonna do is lash a23 and the rest I'm gonna leave open so it's like a hinge so I can open it so I build it does look like a basket so I'll be able to take it off and it'll still be tied to a couple and then I'll be able to reach out reach inside and grab the crabs and it'll be a lot easier that way if I can make the bottom removable lots of fun to make huh all right I'm still making my yeah very good at not thanks for helping me with the noise that's too - absolutely even better one eat you crabs on we'll be taking out some milk hope so


that's lopped on there working on your knots awesome yeah

yeah trying to a square knot or an overhand knot excellent no over ballerina not okay and then you pull on it and the extra piece comes off and it's all done yeah beautiful alright let's check this trap out

took the sod with it okay so here we have the old primitive crab pot put a bunch of bait inside crabs jump right in they can't get out it's angled so it's like a like a volcano as you can see the top is now within the bottom depending on the size of the crab but I can hold probably five or six in there maybe definitely four no problem it's pretty big trap so they jump in and they can't get out that's the crab trap this is the pot design that's a crab pot 5o 24 25 of them beautiful

all right so here it is it's got legs so I could sink it into the bottom of the ocean has a bottom that I can take off pretty easily

it just lashed a couple places wash them like three four places just undo it lashing and open it right up so I can grab the crabs inside and now are at the top then it is the bottom you know bait it with fish throw with you know throw some clams in their mouths bivalves things like that just shellfish all sorts of things like that dead fish innards and they'll come running well mr. Mitchell in a survival school appreciate views you come see a sport see in the next one take care

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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