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Feather Stick Trick - The Bad Weather Tinder Bundle


A critical skill in marginal weather to light primitive fire.

Tags: bushcraft,fire,primitive,bowdrill,handdrill

Video Transcription

today I'm going to show it interesting trick with fellow sticks stay tuned [Music]



so I'm going to just simply make a little feather stick demonstrate this trick

so the trick is using it like a tender bundle so I'm gonna go in my little bag of tinder take out some cattail that I have put that right in the middle so the benefit of this tinder bundle made out of a feather stick clearly is that one of the greatest problems of making a fire by primitive means whether it be hand roll bow drill Flint steel fire plough fire saw what do we need a tinder bundle it's hard to find one in the landscape every single time every time and it's doubly hard when it's been wet and raining and everything is damp so this method of creating a tinder bundle out of a feather stick it's something that's much more reliable than using dead grasses sedges pine needles things like that already got a few embers out of this particular spot we'll see if they'll grant me one more feels a little deep little fidgety give the ember a moment to coalesce into a larger number I'm going to sign my tinder bundle me out of a feather stick coupe and drop it okay

and away we go a very reliable way to make a tender bundle even if the forest is damp it's been raining or if it's active actively raining being able to make a tender bundle out of a feather stick means reliability it means an easy way to walk into the landscape with no preparation except for a bow-drill kit or a hand drill kit or flint and steel as long as I can make an ember on the fly I don't need to have any prep for my tender bundle at all all I need is my cat tail to go in the middle like a normally would I would usually have to walk through the landscape spend a little time gathering things up or have it in my tinder bag ahead of time with a feather stick I can walk onto the landscape just with meager preparations make a quick tinder bundle on the fly it's a mix with a native survival school try to check out our web site natus all calm and as always enjoy the outdoors you

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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