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Bushcraft Campsite Work (Part 2)


Shaine and I are still at it working on the bushcraft camp, supposedly working on log benches haha


Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,basecamp,survival,primitive,camp,camping,wildcamp,wildcamping,log,benches,build,building,shelter

Video Transcription


your life flow what's that that's real life though oh yeah sweden and winter and he's at those little cabin and he I think he just the Grimshaw does the handle on this knife pretty sick and he shows Britt Murray's work on her work is from straw and everything and saying anyway so he's ice fishing and and so yeah so he's ice fishing and I think he puts in like I don't know how many lines holes five to six and he gets efficient every single one with a check-in and it's great cuz it's like maybe the fifth the second the last one he's like he's like wow he's like it doesn't did you work like this like you don't usually catch a fish in every hole I'm so happy you said that because that's that's real you know I would go ice fishing all the time I would ever quit my job and go ice fishing all the time that was good unfortunately it's not yeah you think it doesn't usually happen this way I'll tell you five holes five fish yeah right it's cool you want to snag some of that water for a team before I dump coffee grounds in it gives plenty of water there for sure you like your tea perfect I like that two-tone though yeah it's nice hold it up a sec walnut' toggles that's awesome man cool cool little Sammy coffee bag very cool

this is my pot tokes this is the last last my last carving project threw it in the bag with the coffee so it gets nice and stained up absolutely nice perfect scoop nuts tablespoon I had at home and they put like sugar in it and dump it in the bowl and so I have exactly like a tablespoon yeah that's good to know yeah it's gotta be it's gotta be right I'm the same way with spoons all that kind of stuff yeah I mean I don't use it to measure things so why wouldn't I know yeah exactly I want to be the right size things like that I don't just carve it so it looks good you want you want more of a boil than that that's probably what I'd call good for steeping tea but if you want it heavier then I'll throw the lid back on so if you say that's okay give me whatever you kidding me that's good cool using uh something else I got an idea from Ray as well actually probably bought it from his website years ago I was like so int array that I just I bought his knife even though this morning $50 anyways this is the crusader mug oh yeah yeah it's supposed to fit on one of those the English kind of canteen style like they're plastic ones yeah it's bigger than ours yeah it's so cool because actually the u.s. GI cuff will actually nest right into the middle of it oh right so they and then I can take our metal canteens or our plastic canteens and put it inside there it's pretty cool this is the Swedish I don't often even in frame but there it is Crusader Cup what do you got there yeah this is a the original one - this was plastic but had a quart actual cork top to it Wow in an aluminum Cup but yeah I kinda I was looking for one that just had a regular top but this they actually issued these for gas masks Wow you'd use this and then put the water in the gas mask would do something with a filter I'm not sure crazy guys like you're right there you go you heard the description it's a nice little cup look at that and what I like about it is I bought I think I bought two of them for like nine bucks I take two cups and my Crusaders cup let's just talking you guys about European is this some just this is just a cup that the UN uses and then military I think I think maybe I read that once this is like the UN military cup but yeah the u.s. GI the US cup will fit right inside of it

all right size for me it's great cup [Applause]

it's a bummer you're not drinking coffee right now I get this ship to me once every six months from Hawaii when I was in Hawaii we were staying at this woman's house it's like a little bungalow and her husband her husband was a pilot so he's always flying she's never home so she would always come over and talk to us the whole time we were there and she's like you know I know there are a lot of coffee farms in Kona but you got to go to this one they don't they only sell the people in Hawaii they don't ship so we went and it was like probably the best coffee I ever had so we were talking about like that was amazing it's a bummer we can't take it with us and like two or three months past we go home and we get a bag and we've got back from her every month for the last or every six months for the last two years now so you send her Christmas card and a little present every Christmas you know cool connection to make but well I'm not I I gave up caffeine a month ago how many cups a day thank you for really well I would drink two of that for that line it's a half liter yeah I would drink easily liter a day and I would put four usually three was the average three heaping tablespoons of grinds for that amount which is like usually for a pot so I'd have like two pots of caffeine a day basically before

took a few patha they'd be surprised how many people that sit desks away from me that do that whatever I might be very sensitive to it but yeah it was so bad that it was a real drug to me like I would base my schedule in my life around it it's like oh we're gonna go to sone so like for this holiday I'm like well what time well we need to be that I'm like well I mean I'm having my coffee at 9:00 so like you know we're not gonna leave you know but then I'll sign my second cup of 12 yeah cuz I don't want a coffee someone at this house cuz I can't cuz it like it won't be right unless I bring all my stuff my coffee the exact pot I use that cup because if it's not right I was like a migraine that shuts me down

I can't even function dude the day I quit I literally was in bed like I was dying of like bubonic plague or something the whole day just in bed like pounding death out of my head unable to move so weak I couldn't roll over there's bad dude it was like like I was getting off heroin or something dude it's like 16 hours in bed just and then the next day I was still was only out like 10 20 percent of my ability and then the next day I was at like 60% they took a good four five days for the headache to go away but that first day was real bad Jesus man it's serious so I can go detectiving coffee but I don't you get a little bit of a headache no I had to have it by a certain hour and then when I sleep like I want to have a cup like I want to wait I would like to wake up at 2:00 or 3:00 and have a cup because it's too long in between my last cup around say two o'clock in the afternoon till like nine o'clock the next day it's too many hours yeah that's a drug addiction and so that's I would want to wake up like I'd wake up with a headache

cuz I've had my coffee yet oh my god I sure you know that and then that's what else kind of was like if I'm gonna wake up with a NOLA night to go make a cup of coffee just so I can go back to sleep because I'm in too much pain I'm not having it like that's bad that's like really bad

so yeah I don't even know to be honest I don't even know if I even want to even taste that coffee yeah I don't know if I can handle it cuz I have coffee at my house and uh yeah I might I might get back into it man I know it's kind of like surprising to talk about coffee that way but it's a real addictive drug in the world it's a real drug dude yeah I mean just try to quit coffee like people like all don't no big deal I mean yeah I have my cup every day okay well then try to really quit forever see what happens definitely especially some wallets like that's why I always have tea my back too because sometimes I always have a bag my pack ready to go for the most part for like a day or two yeah if we're sleeping here tonight I'd be good to go I have to go back to the car and grab my sleeping bag but yeah yeah yeah oh really yeah because few weeks I'll just stop drinking coffee Wow yeah because it's like but then what kills me is when I'm at like honestly I get at that addictive one I get the adverse effects where if I drink too much then I get headaches then it's like because it's a diuretic you're dehydrated oh really then I'll get headaches because I had three cups four cups at work change it cooks off had an hour yeah big time you have two kids man you have a newborn are you kidding me you how many parents do you think live with a newborn without living on caffeine and yeah basically like psychological torture you know having to wake up to a baby you don't sleep any more than two or three hours you must not someone in that house is up taking care of that kid yeah you know yeah good parents do

during our best man yeah so there's no sugar I quit sugar - and that's another big addictive thing so I quit both at the same time and I think maybe my addiction was like you know a percentage of each coffee maybe that's a there's a relationship there because my girlfriend will get really bad headaches if she's not drinking so it's closed anyway I just think yes like my girlfriend will get really bad headaches if she doesn't drink coffee but she had coffee with a lot of milk and sugar I've always drank my coffee coffee black yeah I would I would yeah I would make my coffee so strong it was like poisonous and so like it can't be you can't drink it it's it's dangerous right without you know I would I would I would put it to the line which is about three-quarters of the way up and all the rest the last 25% was just half and half just to make it so it was like a dark khaki because it was so strong that to make it light like I thought doughnuts the light would be like at least 50% cream yeah to get it that light but then it's gross it's too creamy you know but um milk with a shower coffee yeah but but we're not really cuz that coffee is so strong that yeah so whatever so it's kind of an interesting dichotomy there but I would make it so strong that it put a ton of cream and I had to put a ridiculous amount of sugar like I would just pour the bag in every day and so I was like a mountain about two and a half three inches tall that would reach the sides of the cup on the inside you know so a good quarter of quarter of it was creative cream a good quarter of it was sugar and the rest was coffee and I fill up the whole mug and it drink two to three day it's pretty intense dude yeah it is that's bad it's bad not a good thing not a good thing so I kicked that habit

now I haven't had any sugar at all for a month and then he caffeine I haven't had any wheat kind of stuff no cereal nothing like that sugar bread never had any bread have not any anything with that it's pretty cool man don't forget maybe five days six days if I stopped drinking coffee I woke up and I felt I felt light there's no thickness like in my skin and my skin no thickness my brain I felt more agile instantly I had woke up and was like wow this is what I felt like before mine clarity everything even my body okay I didn't feel sluggish especially we meet bull I felt five years younger I don't know how else to explain it

yeah yeah I thought only five years younger yeah my mood has been really good I don't get cranky as much and swings all that sugar or not it was an El Capitan art and all I'm like wait am i stable now that's great I got so much more energy than I used to

you would think so it's like oh man I need my energy my coffee but like any other spike on the Arenal energy whatever is just a dream energy that's not really sustained now I just eat meat vegetables so my brain had to get used to making it show its own sugar and like I'll have one honor today or one banana a day and that's the only sugar I get it's been amazing do is crazy man also like bean brown for a while yeah my body I'm just getting rid of stuff bad stuff like my intestines and my liver and whatever was unhealthy man from everything I was doing before craziness oh hey here's a new spoon I carved I know we're talking about funny great things right

get off the coffee it's not good for you it's poison all right there's a new spoon I carved I have a book that I decided to buy I had seen it for years that I'll try to get you know like what you guys can see the thing that was change he was a very accomplished Carver and and so anyway so he told me about this book Swedish carving techniques that I had known about for a while it's I've seen it around but I never bought it

and so he had one and I had bought one just before because we've been always talk about it and was carved spoons together at rendevouz and stuff and so yeah the spoon wouldn't be possible without that book really good book taught me a lot it's um Cole rosing this is uh done the old way just looking the poops a video that I did you guys saw that short film that the focus for you there you go so I carved that with my knife and then fill it up with birch bark powder like the Sami people northern Sweden yeah this mine you smooth the bullion cube this is uh homemade chicken soup my wife made epic fuck chicken thighs and everything broke them all down she rocks titanium to core pot now we follow my tripod gonna love this we find another camp nearby and guess who had my tripod and guess who must have left the trash in my looki up thanks guys forever you are killing my tripod and putting crash in my shoulder well I've now taken my tripod back

it's kind of not okay right it's acting kind of weird yeah yeah a move over that's cool that's very tell you right now maybe to make me a nice hot little warm with a chicken I think maybe in my rock or something I got whatever

if gear can't hang with me and then I get rid of it so we'll see if I still have it you know that's all that's that's when I buy new gear guys by the way I'm not like a gear purchase dude yeah I don't collect gear man like if something isn't able to hang like I buy new pants

when these the holes and these get too big and these are pretty much at that point that's just how it is I only buy what I need when I need it and if something falls short and it's breaking on me and it's it's unable to hang anymore it's already lost its effectiveness use it for two seasons or something like I I got a tarp by equinox ultralight nice to be all into ultralight stuff I had ultralight tarp the thing was amazing I used to for I don't know four years straight and the thing is toast it's garbage now and so I bought it to talk you know that's why cuz I needed one that's kind of how I do everything I just I only buy stuff when I need it know what I have is kind of junk like oh my god the new model of XYZ I need it not me I'm the opposite I like used old things I love going to surplus stores and stuff you know you designed this designed it come on about it now you know what is this yeah sorry

small maker small custom maker in England makes one knife at a time RW l 34 it's the only steel that uses yeah and I kind of wanted like a Kephart's down like that's a little more style all my nicer 3/32 it's like man need some thicker yeah

you know should I just pick something off in venture school website should I call someone else about it and I saw this guy's work on Instagram I'm like you know what I'm gonna talk this guy see just how far he'll go because some of smaller makers that new knives one night at a time well they up there all cost them anyway right they all start from a paper template some other knife so that's gonna go right there you won when you turn it around but I just want it to be sharp but it's kind of not have any use the spine aligner I love doing that shoulder gang on the camera show the YouTube gang really shiny steel chains new blade he designed just you know I kind of was like this is the thickness that I want to work in I want something a little more stout than I'm used to and you know is if you want to polish it up and make it look nice great he was like well polished edge is easy easier for our WL 34 and he just kind of ran off with it man everything that's that could be bossed he did on it I'm sure it's like I stay like that but the materials Ironwood and g10 time wood G Tanith white lion just beat it through something hopefully uh you know the g10 will stay in peace more than the Ironwood wood

very nice he did a very very good attention to detail yeah that's a great blade nice to makers mark what's this name forget Adrian Eldridge I think there it is yeah small company really small company again I found him on Instagram I don't even know if he has a website or not but he makes well if you're looking for a good one off of the UK or I'm gonna wear in the US and you bought this check him out very cool stoked to have it right on I've got my pot of the fire I'm gonna do some work that's alright I think I have some bubbling are you bubbling in now oh yes oh she is who's that spoon at just do my teeth it looks perfect right yeah anytime I make soup that I don't want to reheat I'll make it a little watery so when i reheat at the second and third time it doesn't reduce too much yeah more if does the same thing she makes a big pot of this big lobster pot she pops the pot size and she pulls it up with 80% freeze it

nope keeps it in the fridge we eat it all week oh wow yeah that's usually what I do but I'll take and freeze a little bit especially if you wait until it gets to room temp you can actually throw in freezer bags yeah she has like some lobster bisque and stuff in the freezer and things like that but um but this she makes this once a week and I usually get a good three four days out of it yeah this was the last of that batch which is good is all stuff that's the real good yeah buddy ask me changes brought that log right there to camp I'm just hanging out at the other camp which is over in that direction right there as a path am i recognized out from the rookie up video but the old camp was over there this is my new camp so this guy's 17 he that's why I was able to get shots of me like walking and me mouth I'm doing things in like those moving shots it's on tripod you wanna come over here huh you want to come over like walk over and pick it up and put it over to you understood from right here this there is

nice whoa oh my god I almost died moving stripe out of the way and all that of course

right on dad but you move this side back a little bit yeah I think it's too far if we put it right up against that log this rock for a little support might be good yeah speech it all back I'm gonna mind that I'm gonna be more swearing us now like that right on the coffee table exactly cool so we'll angle this to match that angle we have a longer one just so second-longest times a second long yes ma'am



he's a super Lincoln Logs there's a whole vis oh he'll you might have to put the thick one down the bottom and click on it

try that too a lotta fuckin half all right so we're trying to have a walkway alright you should go over more we can still access [Applause]


that one yeah let's just go to the bottom slide


yeah did you be able to know [Music]


yeah yes I will cut that out I just use that as a single foot maybe yep

two feet



that guy ending up with the same pattern yeah look yeah well rotate him or like yeah I was just trying to get like the way in cannot be angled where I wanted to be straight face thought off of this now rock is kind of in the way for that yeah

once we had that end of the rock kind of the off-center

so I should put this on the larger one see what happens Oh oh yeah it's free that's actually a pretty good-looking seat cool for benches now






oh my god oh my goodness besides I mean it's the best taking us my whole life to get that out really yeah I kind of stole that I stole the idea for my girlfriend yeah well you do it the whole chicken you know yeah yeah I know my wife figured it out man it's all with a fine eat leaves your skin on

I want to take this up to make it look [Applause]

they can I may throw it on that gracious on this yeah that's a good idea no put your great yeah on that one your grace clean your great can't cook all that though huh dude if you put that great order it slutty just like like disinfect would offer you some bread really good oh yeah she let this cook for a while too yeah she cooked that for a long time tell about carrots let's so cool the Sun here in the field of there yeah we're getting that kind of hour throw these guys on this tripod [Applause]

so you can see what you missing oh yeah



yeah man I've been playing games more lately go saying earlier and getting back into that playing my NES game play some arcades free play just opened up in Rhode Island and Providence place is amazing

I joined Twin Galaxies breaking records dude you know well it is it blows my mind I'm like how did I just break a world record

oh my goodness it's shocking to me what happens cuz you don't mean to do it right like not every time you know there are times like that time right he's picked up that game hadn't played in a while and I just got out of a really good score and I checked the board and I'm like wow that's the top then there are other games where I'm like I want that top spot and I'll play the game for like two weeks hours and hours every day and I'm like I'm not even close it's like not even remotely that person's severely gifted and the second trees in third and fourth you know I'm like I maybe I just suck at that game I don't know there's some games and he's not so good at well they're incredibly good at do like Donkey Kong oh my god you ever look at that Donkey Kong record Robbie lakeman just beat the record in December and that's like the most prestigious record in the world to own and it's I remember a scored him I was like a million two and change like 16 thousand more than the last guy West Oakland but dude I play that game and if I get like 50,000 I'm like yes 50,000 like dude 1.2 million that's like a record so bad at all

the barrels like find me make it's like the after you cycle through and then you come back to the browser age and then they add a new stage and come back to our stage in the add the Pie Factory the cement factory then you go the bowel stage again I'm so screwed to the next battle stage they're just at a certain speed that like Donkey Kong knows where I'm going at all times I try to direct the biology you can direct them if you like go a certain direction you can make them go down other ladders on purpose and try to group them for triple jumps and double jumps over barrels and more points and and I feel confident going in haven't died yet doing good and I was all my men on that one board do it got nuked like wiped out in a single board awful that's cool arcade was awesome watch that a couple times actually no J's arcade replay yeah that corner and I got fired up yeah it was like yes it's on dude pick your head up it's about to happen

yeah I was real excited to get that intro um in that intro that's like I show an arcade as I scroll to the left that's actually fun spot in New Hampshire I gotta go there I've heard you said a couple times I've never yeah I think that's right they have crossbow you know favorite game since I was four years old I I knew but I didn't know I knew that world records were set there and like it was a thing as a place or whatever but I didn't realize it was such a big deal that like quote my arcade like you know I mean like like like fun spot has been in like documentaries and stuff and I'm like wait like you're like wait like you guys go there too like you don't even it was like weird for me but now it makes me look at those games differently like last time I did a walkthrough fun spot a quick tour like my first arcade bit I think and that footage is from that time that walk but it's weird like the game seemed brand new to me even though I look

my whole life I've played them my whole life now that I know so much more about like the hobby that I'm like dude you guys got you know like a two-player gauntlet that's bonkers like they those are like the initial because they only came a four player but the two player was like for the cart they put him out for around four tests so it was like you know they put it out just to see how the game was doing before they actually made the game it's like the prototype you know and fun spot has a two-player gauntlet and I spoke to somebody that works for the museum that fun spot is actually that part of it that's actually a museum and I asked them and the other one that told me that that's actually the prototype Oh God that you can go and play I'm like dude I like now that it's just like totally different of me like like they're um they're roadblasters in the corner I didn't know this but the guy posted a picture of it this is after I left a month later on Instagram of the roadblasters and I can help you up right on I saw it there you know and he and and and then he mentions in the post that happens to be serial number zero zero one your glasses which is why it's in the museum I was like are you kidding me zero the first one that's just like that's fun spot dude like I always went there because we used to go skiing every year and I always went there like maybe two days a year and where'd you go skiing up that way I wish to go to Loon yep that's the bacons trailhead yep it is

lumens awesome am i learned that gunstock when I was a kid and once I was good enough

my dad started bringing us a loom and we still got a Bretton Woods sometimes - we like Bretton Woods the glade trails are the best

we're like the trails that aren't groom and in the middle of the woods they just thinned the woods out and you have to look skiing between trees constantly those are the best trails for me but um my dad to be ski patrol at loon before I was born back in like 77 78 something like that so he knows a lot about the place he knows like he showed us like a couple secret trails people don't know about that only ski patrol use for shortcuts and stuff somebody's try to get to a place faster things like that it's pretty cool I kind of grew up on that mountain do a gun stock was like my earliest memory scheme I ever take him like like when I was four five six years old taking the class

I can't think let's call right now but they had like a leg of like a little kids class you know get started and so my dad would have us do that till noon and then he would teach us from noon until 4:00 fuck me laughs its Game four there is my 35th birthday without grease fire [Music]

yeah man so I have a line on Bravo I'm gonna get it man go y'all sick that be huh my pole position to that I have that a crossbow right next to it oh my goodness

and then like an upright Star Wars cockpit wouldn't fit my basement but that'd be sick dude when I moved out of my dad's house I almost bought a coffee starwars five hundred bucks how big is that it's like ten foot by six foot by eight foot it's like from here to that bench almost it's there pretty big free play house one is the sea feeling pretty bar back to fun spot - yeah that's pretty big yeah dude I mean I literally was like I looked at it looked at the prize decided you know I almost bought it but I I was um moving on to my dad's house going going into my first apartment you know what I mean and I'm like I need I need Star Wars like I'm on my own I'm buying arcade games or whatever yeah and then I really thought about it and I was looking at the ridiculously massive cabinet there's like you know I'm like you know it kind of felt moved in a pool table or something which is so big I'm like oh man I don't know buddy I'd love to have a Star Wars this whole time I was like 17 years ago now something beautiful you guys see that the expert bacon cooking going on yeah the grease fires the grease fire bacon yeah no no yeah yeah just in case you ever get a grease fire in your home don't put it out with water I tried that once it yeah we didn't work out do you not do that yeah the fire I'm gonna hit the ceiling that's what's happening right here that's not wood burning leather gloves helps yep the battery out poured water like bullcrap you open your GoPro case open open my GoPro water came out and the battery cover so are you you went to down the waterslide I was in Franconia Falls Oh pedal the Pema Basit yeah and they have a natural water slide where you can literally sit on three foot trough in the middle of granite and slide down and you know in the middle of the river and slide down into a pool Dianne's baths something like no it's Franconia Falls it could be like a specific one but it's in Franconia no no it's it's right near black pond it's like a mile from black pawn yeah is that where is that where the dynast fastest maybe anyways so I did that yep doing that I cracked the case I just like hit a rock or something that's a bummer so did you lose all year no that's what I was gonna say I actually got all the footage Wow yeah very surprising wow that's nice I used to go pro and Canada filming alone and I had a net set up with two posts I try to catch salmon going up and down this Inlet this river right and so at low tide it went out there right next to where the river took a turn to go right up in from the sound and I strapped a GoPro to the upright no way underwater yeah hoping and I and I it just had it on all night hoping it would get footage of like a fish getting caught in the gill net overnight he imagined that that shot something they probably wouldn't use like no no my fellow producer bought it after he was like dude why didn't that shot happen doesn't look too pregnant no well the reason why it didn't work is because when I went to check the GoPro said footage corrupted yep I've gotten that before man never got it with a hundred dollar sjcam I've gotten it like three or four I just did a like a small review of a of a the Vargo ultimate firestarter it's got the Pharaoh out in the pocket bellows yep I think that thing's cool you know it's like especially when you're messing around with fire but so I did like a little review that like four or five minutes you know I was like my buddy was telling me you know just mess around with it do stuff like what am I gonna do like grabbing stuff out of my gear drawer right like oh I'll check out this did like a four-minute video price on two or three times the only end up being a four-minute video plug it back in yeah oh so bummed out how many do you have I have four I mean I have a ton of my car but I brought in four little kids in a Red Bull can let's hang them up man yeah let's do it yeah they're just little cans but I think they'll be better targets because okay the cans are harder than regular soda cans sure but yeah dude I mean look I'm filming for TV do it I can't have like a critical failure like that come on

yeah like Oh such an epic shot go on I never did get a shot of a fish getting caught in the net no you they only caught you catch them like one fit they only showed you catch them like one fish anyway dude I caught like a dozen fish I caught eight fish every day I eat half that's why I only lost eight pounds I know I probably lost about 12 pounds to be maybe even 15 I'll even say but I think it was like 12 pounds actually but um yeah I eat fish every day half a fish so that's still a lot a night how big was that same in three pounds four pounds how long the biggest fish I ever caught oh wait oh yeah it was this long do its head at the ten pound its head was this do one eye when I cross a 15 pound salmon dude it was it was it was solid that means me I would do that I like that mom like a bucket-list fish for me it dude it was and on my my youtube channel if you scroll down far enough there's like a picture of me holding it at night or whatever and it's like footage of me cooking it I think that I ended up scheming off like the the broadcast then I made a little like natus of a video out of it they gave me put like my own intro artists but uh whatever man the producer told me to go ahead and do it even gave me some footage and he was like dude use this like make make videos with my footage you know take it not cool

so I did a little extra to but do the biggest fish I ever caught I don't know how many pounds it was but it was it was huge I guess nothing for five days yeah it's like a 10 15 pound fish 5 days bro imagine I cooked it I pan a stick dude the stick was like creaking he's trying to hold all that weight up you know when I was pan asked it was like you know a big fish sale it was this long it was this wide of meat and it was like this thick hanging off the stick dude it was like two and a half inches hanging down just like bowing like in the wind you know it was so epic man oh it was crazy well anyways yes I caught that eat half of five days but what do I do is I'd catch a ton of horn pow yeah it's so much horn pow good good meat okay so that my favorite dude like every other day clock horn pile on my trot lines oh yeah because you're fishing basically pass up off the bottom essentially exactly right totally ended up getting a I'll get to that minute foot so I've got a lot got a form pal and so what I would do is I would fillet and you have to flip out with certain way so you get four fillets you get two fullbacks and too soon exactly two backs inches sides and so I would eat two ie one side one hole in one pack of one side yeah I couldn't do any with the cheek that you small oh yeah but huh my biggest worry about oh they're probably this that fat so maybe that long exactly yep maybe 13 inches of soft mm-hmm but I catch one of those every other day and I eat half of it and then the next day when and I almost never caught a fish the next day just worked out ate the other half you know and every day I go out I also collect a big bag look we had a camera bag mon-fri Joe's actually about the same tripod that I'm using now like that's actually my alone rate about the same tripod when I came home the same camera that's it dude is that ridiculous very same microphone everything anyway so uh they gave us the bag with that which like blew my mind that they would give me any that had rope on it so you can like carry where it's like you know the company's slogan basically there you can like bring their tripod anyway because it breaks down to like almost you know pocket-sized right but they gave me the bag too so I was like dude this is like a hammer sash no so I used to go to the to the beach every day I found multiple areas but I found eventually or weeks and weeks I found the best area and nice to collect blue mussels go there cluck mussels and I'd fill that bag up I mean that bag was like this long it's about that wide right about that one I fill it up halfway every single day try to eat half a bag now the number they'll be about this size 60 a day probably I didn't know you could eat the muscles up there oh yeah yep I checked there was no red tide paralytic shellfish poisoning PSP it wasn't active the producer checked for us as well it wasn't active we were totally good to go so I eat about 40 to 60 mussels a day and half a fish so you can good yeah I mean as good as you can considering do the spa man if I would have had a 22 or even a pelican I couldn't eat I could have added duck or geese to that yeah a lot of people a lot of people were saying there is nothing out there to shoot dude I saw oh man I saw probably a hundred ducks a day because they were parked right out on my side of the sound but then once it got really cold nose ice my side was in the shade all day the other side was in the Sun then they all went to the other side but for half the time I was out there it was 30 days or so it was um it was just ducks all day and I tried shooting at him sometimes there's one time I stalked like going an arrow oh yeah one time I stocked up to maybe 20 yards from geese like Wow geese dude not I like golf you know you know then I'm not only Clegg's it's like like the tee box of the golf green we can walk right up to him Wow geese dude we're like we're they they spook 100 yards away I got mad clothes but it was pouring every single day and I have feather fletchings obviously so my arrow never flew probably one I couldn't shoot anything with that drove me crazy you know grab a couple pieces of bacon or yeah I'll grab all those ones there's like a little chunky one in there but there's nice crispy when you have all that America's all I got left is right there what's there I wouldn't dream of going there without a bow I got a lot of comics feel like why'd you bring a bow what a waste of an item really that's surprising because they're not a lot of firearms at all or traps ranging like that traps don't even really matter right nothing nothing a trap put beside all that I'm surrounded by bear where I see shoot up salmon 20 yards from where I'm sleeping you take it like if I'm sleeping there this chewed up salmon at that log he walked right past me everyday because I was that close to the beach line wolf same thing mountain lion same thing mountain lion came closer my wife

okay right on but uh yeah dude bears mad clothes Wolf's wolf wolves yes wolf I saw one I locked eyes with a wolf I'll get to that story after but man there's some I could just sit all day but uh what were saying I don't know bears oh yeah the bow why would I bring a bowl cuz I have Lethal lethal power because I vote walks if a bear walks into my camp I had my bow strung up leaned up against the tree within arm's reach at all times like six feet away from you max I get that get step over shoot that thing right in the chest right in the brisket BAM grab another arrows sit in there he's probably gonna run off somewhere because I just shot him and just you know point-blank range with an arrow if I don't have an hour with me to shoot a bear and walks in a camp what I'm gonna use my knife what I'm gonna use the flare they gave me oh yeah sure all right rounds the knife that closure yeah yeah with a bear dude you die like dill decapitate you what do you think you know so you stuck something that if you see it it wants you to see it it was like hey check you know no actually you think so but I surprised it did you really it was getting closer doing this dude

doing this like leaking and it was like no no shit dude here to that tree away from me probably right there that one right there and I'm right here my headlamp messing around getting ready to go to bed soon organizing things and I just do this and there's a month I'm a lion right there stocking up on me like and he's like oh he sees me and he jumps away that way and in the darkness of my headlamp and I can't see him I'm like I turn around and I still don't see him and I haven't heard him yet I was just dying it was got a tag that's no that's no joke and what just died to a gear it Wow

and then I find out where his trail was he had an opening about this tall you know how like like the rabbit rabbit opening on trails a real love dude his was like waist high and because he was tall weighs while his shoulders were like oh that thing was coming up to grab you by the neck and run off with you yeah who's gonna kill me for sure oh my god dude yeah and say I've done if that happened well what I've done what would they have done like a History Channel exercise there's not just there in my ability statement basically being like he signed his life away yeah shut the show down absolutely apologize to your wife


it's messed up the producer who I'm still friends with before we went out you said because we were there a couple days I'd like a week before release yeah it's to make sure we know how to use the camera clip and so he's like okay know if anyone gets attacked by a bear or a lion or a wolf or anything no don't worry about filming you know try to stay safe try to keep yourself safe but but try to film it he's like I'm not gonna go on record to say I want you to film yourself as you can eat or as you try to knock it he was amazing dude I'm like dude you're ruthless he's like well think of it as a lasting parting gift to your family it's at least they get to see you one last time I'm like dude you're savage like that's unbelievable he's like just was amazing I'm not telling you to film that but yeah I'm not telling you the die on camera but but but but make sure you film it though if you're really sad if you died it'd be more sad if you weren't filming at the same time he had a new proof of your death I need closure mm-hmm you would like some closure in the form of humble edited footage thank you preferably multiple angles they give us more than one cameras always have two at a time he had the wolf I was sitting on the beach low tide throughout so I would have been underwater and I was really bummed out because I hadn't seen the Sun in over a month like real haven't actually seen it no light source overcast a month and it like freaked me out I just I just I just was like I need to see the Sun dude this is just crazy you know and so I just hadn't seen the Sun so long and all of a sudden the Sun showed up one day at like maybe three o'clock my campus here was right there just over the tree line about six inches above the tree line and I saw the actual Sun it could see the circle of and everything everything lit up oh my god so I ran out there I brought a rock with me dropped it down so I could sit on it instead of sitting on the wet grass that's the seaweed and stuff that's always underneath the water and

I'm sitting there like indian-style in this little rock just facing the Sun it's like vitamin filling the a dude vitamin D feeling the warmth for the first time been a long time and it only show up for an hour but uh I was sitting there enjoying it and then this duck will be right on my side just talking to me you know he's giving the alarm call just meet him nobody else here he's talking to me nobody else here nor the docks nothing so I know it so I look at him like we're up there that long that's the level you're at I'm like like what tell me about and he's still doing it like dude it's just me and you man I look over and there's a wolf staring at me right past the tree line and he was kind of doing one of these things it's low he's looking at me any sniffs trying to get me mmm you know and he goes he takes a single step towards me but he doesn't lean his weight forward yeah it takes a single step stop coming towards me did I get up I put up my act - same act that put my ax on my my shoulder I'm just like what's up guy all of a sudden balls of my feet I'm this like I'm just staring at him you're not a man like I will eat you tonight bro like really like we're equals here we'll both power flow of both killers and I got no problem right now with my axe going toe to toe with you I'm totally cool with that you're a dog like I stab a German Shepherd looks just like you except you're more gray you know no problem dude I would kill you with my knife if I had to and he kind of looked at me he stood up a little straighter sniffed I want just like this kinda sat down and went back to the trail he was following and just went down the beach and I'm sitting there trying to get the camera on I just done like an hour-long talking to the camera like you know oh I haven't seen the Sun so long I'm so glad it's finally here like uh like whatever stress best you know and for the first time in my life dude while I'm like still sitting down he walked towards me I got him in frame dude bust busting up perfectly in frame HD 1080 see his hair roughing in the breeze and the now Sun that exists right magic you know National Geographic stuff I press record and it says memory card full first time in my life that has ever happened where card was slow and I want to use it I couldn't believe it so while I'm staring at him before I stood up I went to the screen I just did like like erase the last file which is me talking for an hour and just like press record again already you know trying to get it like good to go and then that's when I saw that he like looked at me it's that step towards me

because you saw me fidgeting in Hubli thought I was nervous and scared of him or something

but I was just tying to get the camera going so I I destroyed that file and then when I pressed record he was already like well I'm gonna come like come after you or whatever and he already moved because he started shifting I had a zoomed in so far that the footage was just junk and then then I got him to walk away I pick up the camera and instead of just using the tripod getting a nice like clean shot of him leaving or something of like zooming zooming past him and then hitting record or letting him like trot into frame and out of frame something I would think of to do now I like picked it up on the tripod and tried to like record him walking I don't know I was just out of my mind and like I looked at the footage after it was like the worst footage of my life I'm like ah I could have just had Wolf's footage oh man terrifying it's also like not the wolf that you see the one that you don't you know yeah I think he was a loner though

yeah cuz she's saying to me one night there's another cool day four or five after I finally found water and then I caught my fish my first salmon the big monster one we're talking about that was your first fish yeah your PB is your first fish yeah yeah yeah personal best fish ever first fish on Vancouver Island exactly first one all of a sudden I'm in my bed getting comfortable you know in my bedroll and a wolf pretty close to me from here to the wiki 30 feet max starts howling right there dude like full blast he came all the way to my camp from the mountains wherever he was and he's saying right beside me I just blew my mind dude he must have heard me singing you know a half hour earlier came down and sang to me and I just I know this song somehow yeah I do like it's his like his blood like heard it before you know hundreds of years earlier or something you know it just it just was such a amazing experience to have a wolf sing to me after I had just sung the traditional music of that land just crazy how cool that place is the elves are very nice to me they really like warmed up to me like more than I expected not all more than any other person was on the show one of the elders uh give me a shirt he was the artist to them canoe and are the two biggest things he was both used the last canoe builder and he was the artist of the tribe because they make all their totems and everything part is everything to them when their paddles on the walls of the houses so cool he gave me a red shirt you might have seen me wear it it's a red shirt it has a circle on it with a Thunderbird in a very like stylized way in the butt drawn in the traditional way I almost had a modern take and his name was stand he did that and gave it to me as a gift because that the greatest compliment that they can give is they give gifts to people the richest chief the most powerful person in a tribe possible was the person who could give the most things away the most kiss potlatch usually was the chief he had more than anything else what this last food so I I made a spoon while I was there they ever show you that picture of the spoon I go in the bowl right nob the bowls to my wife it's funny none of us made the show though spoon I gave to him I couldn't meet him in person because they're all secret with the show and whatever is then he might talk to someone and say oh I know Mitch made it this long anyways he visited to me so what did you do when you click home so I gave the bald my wife I kept the spoon I gave him the spoon I tried to keep the river otter hide

I mean sea otter hide but the game and fish people were freaking out over it I guess and they wanted to do paperwork first and blah blah blah and I wasn't gonna be there it's a couple weeks and before I could take a fur bearing hide like that out of the country I got an email two weeks later let me know that it completely got it rotted completely need to throw it away Oh Mike do I had that thing salted like a maniac i salted it for two or three nights before I left for the airport cuz they put me a little cabin for a couple nights at a talk to a psychologist I had to eat normal food again data like you know gives me put a place to like shower and they had to like make sure I was ready to go back to society you know talk to us a call just whatever in the phone and so I had that thing I was scraping in everything like I had anything on the counter and I bought a bunch of salt well actually I had the production assistant by the same girl but I put up a bunch of salt for me and I was salting it up to I think was so bad a picture of it everything was huge I tried taking that I couldn't found it right hmm we found it we found the dead daughter yeah yeah I found it so yes I took the bowl home for my wife I gave him the spoon I also made a plank that I inscribed like Claude see no Thunderbirds Haven or something like that

Claude see no sound thunderbirds Haven and on that split piece of wood which was from was just from my campsite I brought it with me I put in my backpack because I had already started it for him that gift was already dude when I split it in the green was a Thunderbird already in the green shit I didn't even do anything like if you look at it a certain way like very easily like inside where the coloring of a heart would from a branch and it just it gave me goosebumps dude I couldn't believe it so I owed that up with sunflower oil from the supermarket after I carved it all up and stuff and it gave that to production

I'm surprised they like take it take what the spoon and the all the wood and everything in my backpack I mean they don't know anything oh okay like when I left the woods like I just like jumped in a boat and didn't like check your shit roll for three hours on logging roads to get back to town it's so far and we were they take a plane to drop me off the first time play it was the middle of night and when I called them to let him know I wanted to leave there like right now I can it waits in the morning I'm like now right now I'm dude you know what this last respeaking

knots all yes it's like all right I'll be there almost four hours okay Jesus so something went wrong I don't come to wait for help they gave me um a little gun with blanks like a just like uh like a cap gun kind of yeah not even really a gun it's just kind of pull the little lever try to scare bears off as if you're shooting at him so so far out that I think they were kind of worried nice mission Alana and just visualize thanks Trisha just definitely you know it's cool I enjoy and I try not to use III generally I don't like using live bait

unless I'm ice fishing you know yeah but yeah I enjoy it a lot it's it's definitely a good skill to have I think in terms of not necessarily survival but just like just a good skill to have you know if I was in an area where safer to eat the fish I'd be taking fish home you know mm-hm how much does it how much does a trout cost at a you know at a grocery store 13 bucks or something you know right you can even find trout you take five a day in Massachusetts yeah and it's wild all that stuff is farmed in the store yeah nasty so nasty dude like living in tanks like aquariums you don't want to eat that anyways some of the trout and some of the ponds around here or stock but it's a different process you know there's a lot of them are the size where you can take them you know what I wouldn't take I wouldn't take a fresh release you know in Vancouver they microchip - we told us what to look for so we had a meeting with the head of Game and Fish and he was like telling us how they clip off yep

like hell yeah they clip off like angle you know to look for on the fins on the tail right yeah yeah yeah I think a wild rookies that looks like it looks like almost like a feather you know it's like yeah it wasn't on the tail though it's on top for the this Sam and he was talking about there's a an inkless to top they they cut out like a triangle like a take an angle out of it I don't know freak me out dude it has a microchip in its head he's like yeah don't eat that you can eat the rest of it it's fine just don't eat the head and definitely cut the head off before you you cook it in a stew or something and don't cook the head and ass too you know you don't want to cook a microchip and eat it after and yeah he's like you'll swallow it not try to avoid eating the computer part yeah there's a PCB in that fish yeah can we not be eating circuit boards please like that was kind of wild Jesus just hanging out guys having fun now it is alright you can do this do okay so what do you want to uh what do you want to pick this like shooting Lane what do you think I would think some over no one's gonna walk right right you don't have shots that of wild blinking around all right

maybe an area that's got a backing mm-hmm at the same time I want to be close enough so like we can kind of do it from the living room yeah what about it seems to drop off down there I'm sure there's nothing back there hmm yeah there is kind of a berm back there it was cool let's do it [Music]


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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