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The Best Bushcrafters Discussion - Ray Mears, Mors Kochanski, Cody Lundin



Me and a bunch of my buddies wild camp for the weekend. From Primitive Cooking to a BB Gun Tournament, this weekend has it all. Join us in the forest!

Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,camp,camping,camplife,survival,skills,primitive,style,trick,technique,tip,group,solo,overnight,semi,permanent,wild,wilderness,rewild,fire,skill,adventure,weekend,rendezvous

Video Transcription


so uncle ray yeah let's do a toast to Uncle Ray mister Miz thank you for making that old guy in Australia is a feel right for telling us dumb American folk bushcraft is yeah yeah I just watch that I think yeah I think he made it modern Australian but he definitely certainly modern will show in the UK but you're missing a piece a lot of people bring bushcraft to the masses in a modern way but he brings it in such an authentic highly skilled sophisticated way that links Jack with the native First Nations using their skills at the same time so good all the people just don't like making canoes up in Canada unbelievable making snowshoes northern French what's it called northern something that poor part series Nolan bushcraft videos that are on YouTube channel are all the special features on that it's really works I love them the best walkabout yeah oh you know what I meant to tell ya

you know what I got today I immediately thought retire full-year magazine release of boys like that yes I used to have a subscription to boys life I grew back in the 90s Google nine fire right because I was looking for some books on it that's so sick like I flipped through the magazine it was like how to make like birch bark candles like that was I haven't seen back in the day but it was from the 50s I didn't only four and fifty five I didn't know there it's so far back did we show you these things man there sure I would love to hang out and check those out so they're they're all original they're like all still in the packaging but oh my god flip through the magazine itself come hang out some night like instead of going a free play whatever just come on to my apartment we'll hang on the game room and just geek out on Boy Scout crap dude because I got like a 1950 first edition the the Field Manual that boys can ski said is is one of his top 10 books of all time and he say he held it up and he said what was the first book on bushcraft that changed the world it was this one right here I'm like that book is off the off the charts do everything from canoe paddle without a paddle canoe look new strokes all the way to winter fires like everything do the racket grows it's just it's like pages of host craft from 1915 it's just like drag them with a change yeah and they did it to create a stronger stronger youth so they could become like better politicians better generals run militaries they can run governments that like they wanted the youth to turn into strong able-bodied men so they could just like help run the country better and they literally use the Boy Scouts as like pre military training it's the book the magazine is yeah

a three-page article in the same winter edition that has the nine the nine fire is sick by the way the article they wrote for that that's in Ray's new book butts the first time but it's flat so it doesn't roll yeah yeah bottom of the next one in the logs in the front are long enough to you can make rabbit blanka's if you have enough hides I have a book now Paul Campbell wrote he passed away now just like two years ago I think one year ago very very special in California yeah used to used to hang out with a third time I found his book online years and years and years ago it's called like native skills of native California or something like survival skills of native California and it's all like black and white pictures of legit like First Nations people making like boats out of cattails

and then like dude making rabbit blankets and like all that stuff that like nobody talks about these books good like it's that book it's like a it's like a book for our University yeah it's not it's not like a bushcraft book to buy it's legit juice and like I got a deal on it was like I was so stupid so yeah we're totally intellectus that that like finding that old I mean look I would use every single page of this yeah to learn so that's the best part I take notes on these things and I'm like I'll make like a list of things that that like I'm gonna do I'll go through these old books and I'll just go like page by page and just like write a little tick of what I want to do and sometimes I'll like one book will give me like 50 ideas of things I want to work on you know fire would heat you four times more times huh oh look at that that's gonna be terrible I can't oh look at this oh my liquid happy oh my goodness can you guys see that I don't know if you can can you smell it can you taste it can you oh man here we go oh my i'm sure i'm so overexposed but it is what it is oh boy yeah i watch the first episode of the wild food series yeah mm-hmm to the bush tacos

mm-hmm get that maple handle crank it on that camera or what yeah I got a know stoked to see that that really was like the most Mitch Mitchell toast I've ever seen that's funny yeah you didn't find it but I did make a replacement that's a bummer dude yeah that's what that's how that happened

yeah you know I can out from that way some work but it was still in your picture yeah oh that last picture of us walking out with yeah yeah so you know roughly where it is kind of well I don't think I don't think it's on the trail man cuz like after like that picture we took halfway up the little road there yeah and like there's nothing to get hung up on after that it must have been in the car transfer I know I know it I thought between the cars somewhere it was not in my car and I'm Malcolm Stein your car not at the store it's not in front of my sister's house when I change cars to the boy not in front of my house not in my house I'm from the boys it's around here go those pine shoulders yeah there's a concrete downwind's back on the just the right side of the trail as you come in a couple yeah yeah they're not like I'm so Sebastian get different when the pine it like doesn't look like the same like any bang out to hold all the older trees but I know especially where whoever that is right that cut down all the like it was like there's like well you know there's a lean-to over here you could set up and I was like I won't just out of spite thank you

like angry Attica like I was like but it's birch did you look at the wood like did you realize that it's rotted probably like some of its rotted in it's like it's not even the right size and the angle is not right no I got I got salty about that which is not something I generally do but that kind of pissed me off yeah and I get it to look if somebody's new I'm just glad they're trying it out and we've all made mistakes starting off and all that I know the NA meeting came from a standpoint of like going through your and like leaving trash in your wiki dad that's where it started yeah I'm like did you stole my tripod dude no no they were like this thing's looks cool I'm gonna take this and ran over my kid yeah

can you move that for my coffee please oh thank you thanks for the heads-up yeah you tried it a little bit baby it's okay

that's a good bridle bridle other guy that's bomb-proof levar nice yeah yeah my buddy Kevin decided to try to have the latest feet possible he's doing one hundred mile hike in Maine it was like Katahdin and all that stuff and he brain out of food he started fishing for food and people like to get the coolest person in the world he's telling me is fine and whatever and he was wearing like moccasins and stuff like climbing climbing mountains and stuff and just using like feather-light moccasins people have these like crazy massive boots to go I'm upwind then look at him like he's they like bugging out or was this little flimsy thin leather moccasins yeah I like Cody I think he's uh

very sharp dude I like that four-sided like pyramid shelter that he taught in Canada on that show about being like lost like lost and found or whatever he did this where he like taught a group how to live like a community and the shelter was just bomb dude oh my god was it good he's a cool dude going back to Morris um I found a video online of him from Mike way back and dude he built he's so ridiculous he built using no tools just like knocking like pushing trees over and then breaking him in crooks and stuff like big trees he built like a raised bed it had like a pasta sprung mattress like a lean-to fully thatched and even used a tool yet look dude like multiple full-on raised bed like a foot high and then in any both a reflecting wall for his fire felt the fire got sacked on like and the video has no cuts and it's like 17 minute video of something and within 17 minutes we do it as a full-on like primitive lean-to northern lean-to shelter fire blazing away with a reflector Esmond like pulled an axe out no nice I'm like dude this guy's such a like doesn't he doesn't go in the woods listen to himself talk dude he like does the most efficient way to like well it's cold weather I'm gonna show you how to make a fire with a feather stick and he turns around grabs a branch bangs a feather stick out and he's like and he's talking and so and so what you want to do with and then you do that and it's so now it's lit and then you just like three seconds later he's at his house and he's like forging like a blade he put makes a handle and there's a video on his channel where he makes a knife from like an old rusty saw-blade and and then he makes like try the sticks with it when he's done he sharpens it up it's like legit bushcraft knife he's like yeah I I give these away sometimes I cry the gifts and stuff I've moved so many over the years I'm like dude a swatch you make an oath in like half an hour later on seems like more is just a man dude really is really again it's like he doesn't ever make a video plays a beauty the video editing H is sitting talking to the camera are the most like like the most well thought out in well you take notes and the guys just wrapping off improv dude so good it's like you taking a like everywhere that you going to college dude I don't forget when when Facebook I'm like do you by comment on the Kara Matt wilderness waste page on YouTube a lot oh you wash your socks yeah I Cameron I comment on the care Matt wilderness weighs a lot and tell me it's Kara Matt that responds but I know it's Kelly that responses is um Brody Shay yeah yeah he's a nice dude - but man Moore's just has the brain in the thing that I like about the relationship from Kelly and Moore's is that Kelly like truly understands the capacity of Moore's like he talks to him like he is straight up his Yoda and I think a lot of people look at that and they're like while you have this kind of fanatical relationship with your mentor but really he just sees the capacity that he has you know what I mean

like Kelly sees the capacity Morris as he sees his humbleness and he sees his intelligence and I think he he wants people to see that - it's like he taught some like BS like fire safety crew like outdoor survival training and they were all kind of like half checked out and he was like you know you're gonna want to write this down and they all have like blank pages you know I'm like it drew it drove me crazy because it was like the first class that Kelly kind of got involved with - you know but Noah wrote anything down you know I mean is like I feel like he's just doesn't care he's like I have all this information I'm giving it to you if you don't want it you know yeah yeah he's he's something else man god bless you Morris you know I'm sure you'll never watch this but the Northeast is a hotbed of crap god bless you

horses Canadian Western Western Canada oh thank you so much Lamar at all really no he's not missing careful I'm pretty sure he's like like southern Canada almost like Michigan or something oh yeah he says that could be wrong I never been to his house or anything about was like when I first started looking up before any of this like when I first started really getting into like bushcraft but I wanted to take a class with him so yeah finding out where yeah that's exactly what I was just gonna say is like we shouldn't do that I that would be only needs two classes a year one of the summer I'm playing the winter probably like local people like no I'll do people travel from around the world to hang out with him and learn it gets all that I don't think I don't know yeah it would be for me everyone just go to bed what just happened no I think they went to grab some wood or the camp okay yeah that's a bunch of wood over there okay just go to bed yeah there is I think maybe Kevin might have went to uh Denny Jack Kevin [Music]


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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