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Goldenage Bushcraft - Winter Camping Sled



Tags: winter,camp,camping,hot,tent,canvas,boy,scout,boyscout,ski,snow,snowshoe,babich,native,aboriginal,primitive,vintage,classic,traditional,sled,toboggan,wanagan,wildcamp,camplife,bushcraft,woodcraft,kephart,nessmuk,sears,mitch,mitchell,alone,aloneshow,history,channel

Video Transcription

how's it going it's Mitch knit survival school where are you yeah you uh today we're gonna go over the maintenance of an old sled to carry a gear in the forest stay tuned [Music]

okay so these these old vintage sleds really cool for carrying gear this is what the Boy Scouts used back in the 50s like I have old 20s 30s 40s 50s Boy Scout books and they had these old flexible flyers just wood and metal really cool piece of kit carries your gear its robust it's strong I use a piece of vintage rope here vintage style rope for it just to kind of complete the look instead of using you know power cord or something so basically all I do when I maintain the sled is two things I'm not sure if you can see me let's make sure I basically just do two things I keep the wood oiled so when I'm home I use raw linseed oil which is what I use for all my carving projects my cook says my spoons everything my axe handles my knife handles you name it we're all in Sea Isle all the time the blades everything I do the same thing here after I get back from the field from using this all I do is use raw linseed oil on the whole thing and I just soaked it and I let it really get into the wood and I just absolutely soaked it and if there's any excess I just wipe it off I let it sit for like you know half an hour so that's the first thing I do raw linseed oil like nobody's business second thing I do I keep some of my pack I'll leave it in there for now show you back home I have scrap beeswax I just have a bunch of piece wrap to hold my pot like a you know a piece wax brick pink heavy brick and I just make candles and my wife makes things with it she makes well whatever she uses it for her apothecary needs basically and I use it to wax

my skis on my sled very simple to do just have to wipe it with wax you know that's it I use beeswax because it's a bit more traditional but I'm sure you can use you know white paraffin things like that and other than that you know if something's broken it just has to be fixed and replaced and that's what's so cool about these things is that because it's just wood it's not like a plastic sled you can replace plastic with wood but I'm literally if I if I replace one of these runners the fire police you know if I replace anything on this it's gonna be with the same thing that's already on there I mean very easy to carve this stuff got my Abenaki babish snowshoes love these I found these on like he baked like 60 bucks bought them from Canada okay so yeah so here it is flexible flyer just basically wood and metal have an old rope and it's it's pretty it's pretty robust I mean I go over everything on this thing and no problem no problem at all just plow through it and I just just lost my gear to it as you would imagine to the runners

so I was gonna get to it this is a oldest stream canvas roof sack I sit my bag and stuff in there very simple piece of kit and it's nothing like having a toboggan or a sled to get you gear out there and one of these days I'll get it to Vagan but I really wanted one of these sleds right I want to do that you dig your toe in go straight up you can lift up the back of your snowshoe the back up right on so uh yeah I'm really into the old-school Boy Scout stuff and a lot of old books and this is what they literally have in their pictures you know what let's go home and I'll show you that old boy scout book one of them that has footage like it has a shot a picture of this like like the winter camping chosen a bunch of Scouts in a winter camp and they got their sleds like stuck up in the ground you know snowshoes and all that and they're setting up their canvas tent in a fire and you know that's that's like the one picture it's like that one scene for that winter camping chapter and so my wife actually bought both of these we have two of these we have one like this this one right here just flat all the way back then we have one that has like like wood walls built up which is really cool but I like this one better because my backpack fits on it and she got on like 20 bucks for both of them at like at like a antique shop which is just unbelievable so you know the stuff is around it's out there and it is super super cool alright so let's go back home I keep this stuff in my basement so let's go down to my game room my basement room and we're gonna oil this thing all down and I'm gonna wax the skis and that's it let's go Magnuson let's go maintenance this thing up let's do it let's get my snow shoes in my pack basket that's the raw linseed oil everyone's doing good today so keep my sled down here my game on my basement guys saying I'm in the house after you outside it's cold it's like crazy but could be like 65 in here and you're like sweating right okay alright so that's what I do being in the house this is going to melt pretty soon I keep the robe I use flash rocks and gear and stuff this just keep it lashed to it what was careful often such my my map of Gondor up there was such goodness hoping through that himself it's pretty cool right on okay so after I knocked the snow down I just let it sit for like 15 minutes you know I go upstairs and do whatever get out of my boots got in my pants do all that kind of stuff oh I do some of that right now boots up well I got you down here I'm gonna show you the oil that I use I picked this up online I think it into the website now it's been so long um it's very easy to find but it varies in price like massively I mean I've seen this for like double price on sub websites you know compared to others when I found it on it's a lot cheaper it doesn't matter it's the same little you know

right on the side so here's the oil sunny side is the name of the brand pure raw linseed oil raw linseed oh that's really really important boiled linseed oil where am I I am blood linseed oil is cut with a bunch of really dangerous chemicals so I use raw linseed oil for everything from axe handles for my spoons you know that's like eating spoons for everything I just buy a big tub because this is food great cuz its raw just left alone linseed oil rag I just use any old rag this one's nice and clean for a reason because this stuff is known to spontaneously combust it just lights itself on fire lights itself on fire as it breaks down it creates heat part of the byproduct of this as it cures it breaks down it creates heat so it can get so hot that I can ignite in flames so after I use it every single time I put this in the sink wash it real good you know and then I throw it into the the the laundry machine with the next load actually we have a whole bunch of that's why we got like 15 of these we throw them all in at once so I can just do a single one if I want I you just sort of the low because that's all we use there's paper towels in my house anymore just use this stuff for quite a while now six months now so I used to use paper towels with this but now I use towels because they don't go away all right right on so that's the oil there's a sled we're just gonna oil it up now even though it's it's wet and it's not fully you know ready to go which is fine I'm not worried about it doing it what is totally cool as well because as you wipe the oil it just wicks it off by is you just leave it alone for 15 minutes while goes away in the basement all that what else the oil I'm sorry the the beeswax okay let me snag the beeswax out of my kit and I'll get back to you get back here AM is the beeswax that's what it looks like it's just beeswax right disappears box can buy them and the big the big bricks and we do things with my wife makes medicine stuff like that with it so I just use little chunks it's the last one I used to go on the skis wear this in a big deal I'm gonna grab this I'll do it after all right right on let's boil it up couldn't be an easier process see if you guys can see that it's thoroughly soaked now as everything is melting like I was saying this is what happens see how what that is like absolutely soaked like dripping soaked so this is what happens to the sled so that's why it's really important to oil it up sit to metroid from Super Nintendo Japan Thunder oh bam balls gate PC oh snap a lot of the Rings okay so as the oil I mean you know gonna be simpler just grabbing some oil wiping down the wood get the endgrain of all the pieces I mean this is like literally water just dripping down so it's important to do another option is just to leave it outside move it outside all winter I know just be always be freezing and yeah you know leave it leave it underneath you know I'll leave it in a in a tent like a like an overhang outside or in a shed whatever I like to keep that's my furnace I like to keep this inside the house because my shed has a bunch of insects in it stuff animals mice and they just tear things apart and I wouldn't be surprised if they just like the taste of this oil or just started chewing at this thing and you know to destroy my shed I'm sorry I destroyed my sled in the shed it's kind of a tongue twister huh select the shed but uh yeah so I keep it inside because I can't trust them they've eaten other stuff of mine

so I've done wood where I can see it all in one side ingrained everything then I just do the metal help resist rust I'm missing his old man it sings old with me I think anyways I'm going to show you guys this is a little different model it's probably little new works this flexible fly 3 but I'll show you the Boy Scout book in a minute

all right so after I do that side let's flip it over obviously do the other side miss rag is so soaked with oil that I can just go pretty quick I want to make sure I get next to where the hardware attaches to the wood is a tensile split out there

just keep rocking the oil man yeah so if I need to repair some of this stuff I certainly can it's mostly wood right and this metal frame with the wood carriage okay so now last is the rope before I wax the skis let me get some fresh well for this so kicked out [Applause]

it's really important to oil the rope fight our do that too right there yeah you know that'd be a fun video right make some birch bark tar guitar this rope you should do that be cool

you guys want to see something like that is that cool I've never done it I'd like to do it now the knots I use there it's pretty important there bowlines that's all they are all right so this is all seven just close this up yeah the bull lines all idea was just literally just make a bowline knot and do how bowline is a loop I just put the loop through the wood you solved knots all right last but not least of course is the wax just beeswax man beeswax if you have bees when you process the honey you get a bunch of wax at the same time I didn't process these bees there's this wax but a friend of mine certainly does it right on its left over so this is so easy I just

where all the ski with alas now this particular ski has a concavity to it so after I do a flat wipe which gets the outside rails of it I turn the piece over I do the inside it's you should be able to see on the camera pretty easy

see how it looks like a white coating on it special attention on top because it fits it all first as some hardware up there excellent up that's it so it feels nice and oily now perfect alright as promised this is a scalp feel book it's a first edition it's 1950 pretty cool Scouts cooking with a racquet grill right there just can't stop in the background a couple of them page 237 shows winter camping it's it's good it's got a little bit of erroneous information I mean this book is is one of my favorites it's beyond amazing it really is it's absolutely incredible but it does have some stuff that's like yeah I don't know like you want to sleep warm proper bedding and talks about make a bed from bow from bowels piled high you know like branches right with a heavy layer of newspapers on top of them you can't beat newspaper for insulation god oh don't do that bring about your newspapers for insulation into a wet cold winter environment and expect to have a good outcome oh boy okay so other than a few erroneous statements like that this book is absolutely solid but yeah you got to kind of be careful here anyways okay there's a close-up of the camp

looks like they're pitching camp back there there's a sled nope my camera there's a sled right there leaning up against that tree there's a pair of skis right there there's another pair of skis there's another slide and there's another sled right there it's also a flier see right there it's a flier has an arrow on it just like mine does mine has an hour on it as well the same thing mine's a flier three I don't know what what what fly these are but they're a little different I mean not much it looks doubts pretty spot-on so so there you have it that's what gave me the idea weren't there camping with 19:50 scout book well thanks a lot for joining me today I also want to show you guys one more trick I can literally pick up my sled pivot it around like with my gear on it see that I can move all around just backup my snowshoes

right I mean this thing is robust like I get all my gear on it I just move it around whatever I want to do it's very agile I just wanted to share that it's not cumbersome to have in the woods at all and you know your gear just stays right on it I've never had a problem it slosh it all in there make X's front and back very simple all right spin Mitch with an ace survival school I appreciate your views your comments you support my in there hopefully I am good and smash that like button subscribe share it on whatever media you're on and I'll see you guys in the woods

take care



About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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