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Making Maple Sugar - Woodland Bushcraft


NativeSurvival Community Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxv1HGqDaf04BnpDIdQ4L1Q/videos

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Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

Tags: outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,hunting tips,native,nativesurvival,sugar,salt,making sugar campfire,woods,woodland,frontier,pioneer,camping,wilderness,summer,winter,longhunter,self reliance,prepping,preps,bugout,go bag

Video Transcription



it's missionary survival tonight we're gonna make maple sugar yeah all right so have some people sat that I've been rendering down on my fire the goal is to get rid of all the moisture all right so I've just been mixing this as it's been cooling down and it's starting to sound sandy it's not in the sound like getting some sugar here that's a lot of grit now just pull my coals let's get started warm up again and I've been putting it on in just lightly suspending it over Michael's woman up get some more moisture out of it yeah well real close to sugar now oh yeah for real clothes now being able to make sugar in the woods is incredibly important it's a great mood lifter it's a great energy booster obviously it's great for flavoring it's a great way to take something like sap or syrup that won't last for a long time and isn't easy to transport or really to contain and to transform that syrup into something that can be incredibly easy to put into a container with a birch bark container or a buckskin pouch anything like that

okay so I'm just crushing it up into finer particles from the grains you can see it gets a lighter color when it's been once been crushed like that get a higher quality sugar so I'm just going to go around and powder eyes all this maple sugar

all right

getting somewhere just about finished alright there's an absolute ton of sugar and I won't use enough surf to coat the bottom of the pan I mean I'm just barely enough I hate to have it tilted just right or there wouldn't be enough to reach the edge and there's just a huge amount of sugar there look at all that pour it out and see how much we actually got here

alright sad my wood plank here yeah here we go

so s'more I could scrape off the bottom but this is the majority of it that is insane Wow would you look at that that's a huge pile of sugar right there for a really really small amount of syrup amazing all right now to taste it okay I'm gonna just shoot this stuff right down alright here we go hmm

oh yeah there's it's complex it's sweet it's delicious Wow it's maple sugar maple sugar meet in the woods on a campfire you know I'm really happy that this this worked out because we just made one of the most important one of the most important elements to thriving in the woods you know sugar is key you know it lifts your spirits it makes things taste good it can even be used for preserving food absolutely amazing sugar is so key it's so rare in the woods to be able to actually make sugar like that so rare it's been missionary survival appreciate you views economist need support [Music]

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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