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Purslane: Noxious Weed or Superfood?



Tags: recipe,wild edible,food,garden,vegetabe,superfood,foraging

Video Transcription

this is only partially tongue-in-cheek but all the trips that I've been on this summer I've been kind of neglecting my my vegetable garden pretty productive still but the waiting's got a little bit of out of hand but it's not always a bad thing sitting here in a and actually the road between my beds on either side of me here got some dill hanging over falling down in the path here we've got some potatoes growing here some cucumbers sweet peppers get that plant supportive with some onions going to seed here but the pathway here the between the roads it's full of purslane so purslane is one of those weeds that grows everywhere it's in the cracks in the concrete sidewalks it's in gravel it's grows everywhere but ironically I didn't have any of my backyard before I started this this size this type of vegetable garden a few years ago five six years ago whatever it was and I actually bought purslane seeds believe it or not organic personally Lane seeds and puts them in I don't know if this is a carryover from that leftover because I left it some of the ground probably is but it's everywhere in the garden now and it is really abundant and healthy in fact I don't think I've ever seen purslane stalks like that that's huge that good stuff anyway I don't think most people know this and I didn't know it when I was younger but that's a really good healthy edible it's a succulent so in this really hot weather it's still doing quite well that succulent means that it's actually like a cactus or aloe vera something actually has a lot of water and it stores water and leaves so it doesn't doesn't dry up and and fail in this or go dormant in this hot weather that we've been having it's like 35 degrees today with the humidex

up to 30 degrees Celsius 30 degrees Celsius anyway that's tons of it throughout the garden so I'm gonna harvest this I picked some yesterday and I put it into our breakfast frittata which if you watched watch the video and go on the website you see that the recipe for my frittata which we eat every morning try to put as many healthy things in there as possible healthy vegetables like spinach but this purslane is a perfect addition to it so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go ahead and harvest this massive plant here

look at that eat around the bugs till I get in the house and wash it all off good stuff though so if you have that in your garden don't kill it definitely don't put weed killer on it it's dead bring it inside and add it to your salad or add it to a stir-fry or something eat it up great stuff

About the Author

My Self Reliance

My Self Reliance

Shawn James Canadian outdoorsman, photographer, guide and self-reliance educator. Writer for Ontario Tourism. myselfreliance.com Outdoor adventures, including survival, bushcraft, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, fishing and camping.

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