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My solo cooking kit - Budget Camping


My solo camping cookset


Tags: camping,cooking,shore lunch,self reliance,my self reliance

Video Transcription

should show my soul hiking canoeing cooking kit fairly clerk just quickly before absolutely

here I've got emergency fire starter so I've got some Vaseline soaked cotton later and f it to fuel tablet which is great that'll actually it's also good for starting wood compact emergency kit I don't keep it in here typically I would keep that in my life jacket I was canoeing over in my pocket preferably if I was leaving my packing or anyway that goes with me everywhere and in my cup which is a big cup that I can eat it up as well as drink I'm 80 today but I usually have oatmeal or soup or something I can cook cook your or eat it right out of this that's big enough piece of tinfoil if I want to cook some fish or something or use it to protect the pot or a number of things I can do with some microspheres tablets I keep them in several places in my kit then little sponge for cleaning which if I was eating more was aired on a longer trip oh it also a little photo matches and then so this packs into here easily if I was also if I was out for more than day or cooking a bigger meal I have a pot titanium pot that's a little bit bigger than that and a little frying pan a slightly bigger than that all nest together and still touching the bag so and any longer utensils fit up inside the kettle here no I do everything right there so it also fits in that bag with the other utensils in the chimney pod in the frying pan so it's still a very small ship and anyway I prefer that cuz I'm not carrying that's my stove - I'm not carrying any of any fuel of any type of on top of that so that's you

About the Author

My Self Reliance

My Self Reliance

Shawn James Canadian outdoorsman, photographer, guide and self-reliance educator. Writer for Ontario Tourism. myselfreliance.com Outdoor adventures, including survival, bushcraft, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, fishing and camping.

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