Fast Deploy Paracord Bracelet


Kind of as a joke we wound up with this Parachute Cord Survival Bracelet that is easy to make, and deploys in seconds, so If you need to use it, no problem. Anyone who can crochet can make one in five minutes

Tags: parachute,paracord,550,bracelet,survival,supplies,camp,hunt,hike,camping,gear,band,edc

Video Transcription

hey Perry peacock here with ruinous innovation quick dip is just this is kind of a this is kind of a fun little deal the other day I was joking around with my wife or whatever she's busy making things but you know birthdays Christmas is all that sort of thing and I said today why don't you why don't you crocheted me a hat out of parachute cord or something you know we're just kind of laughing about it and I said she said oh you want me to and I said no I'm just joking and that's a wound up what happened was wound up crocheting me a bracelet or a band I guess you might call this pants a couple inches wide band out of parachute cord and this thing here can be worn flat or actually it you pinch you like that all the way around

and it goes into around and it'll just stay like that so he can wear it either way and I don't know the joking kind of all turned into a it's pretty cool actually I've got 25 feet of parachute cord on here and one of the cool things that I really like about it is how easy it is to deploy it some of the survival bracelets out there and everything you know they're pretty good but it can take you a little bit of time to get them all you know get all the weaving undone out of them and everything where this is very quick and I want to show you that right now so anyway this this thing is finished like like this right here on the bottom we just take the end and then unpick it like that and all we've got to do from here is just start pulling on it like that

now look at this how you step back so you can see it though yes I got 25 feet coming off here just like this there it is we just keep pulling like that and pull the last little deal out there we are bracelet and just maybe 10 15 seconds I've now got 25 feet useable parachute cord so anyway that's that just kind of it was a fun little joke initially but actually could be kind of practical so anyways Perry peacock with wilderness innovation with a fun little quick tip that you might want to try we may we may Wieck we may wind up making some throw on the website for fun if people don't want to make their own or whatever but but anyway it's just a fun little deal give it a shot and have a great day once again Perry peacock with wilderness innovation with your quick you

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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