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Punk Wood Winter Fire Starting using sparks


Using punk wood is a great way to start a fire when using sparks to create an ember, once this wood catches a spark it generally glows till all the wood is consumed. In winter it's possible but a little more difficult. Video by http://wildernessinnovation.com

Tags: Snow,Punk,wood,fire,winter,Doan,Magnesium,Fire Steel,Sparklite,Survival,Skill,Training,cold

Video Transcription

well perry peacock with wilderness innovation I just want to do a little introduction here for this Punk wood fire video and where Ben and I went up temperature was well below freezing and snowy of course and uh we've done a lot of stuff with Punk would you know in the summertime spring fall that sort of thing very effective means of catching a spark and getting a fire going and we just wanted to do it you know in a snowy environment where the temperatures were you know much much cooler and you know that that makes the spark cool off a lot quicker when you throw a spark so you know makes it a lot less effective the colder it gets but we just want to mess around with it see if we could do with with either a spark light type setup which we do first and then we just use the spark right off the back of a dome magnesium bar so you know I just wanted to give you a little intro on that and as the video starts ending up there the Sun had gone down a while before so it's guy starting dark a little bit so the buddy gets just a just a little bit grainy but still very effective you know to see what we did with that so hope you enjoy the video Oh perry peacock up here with Ben Hendrickson I don't know snow conf oh fun up here today you notice this cottonwood tree right back here had a big branch that broke off and fell on the ground some probably several years ago or so they're noticing this soft rotted wood here I don't know I i call it Punk would you see it's got snow that's kind of falling in on here and they can actually use some of that wood to help start a fire even though it's kind of been out here in the weather so uh what I'll do is I'll go in here in this take my knife and just pull some wood out of there I mean it actually it actually feels like it's maybe a tiny bit damp but that stuff will catch a spark pretty easy if we'll try to see if we can get it here I get my little spark tool out of here in time see if we can throw something down into here somewhere you kind of want to have some let me just get some but you kind of end or something up here any all it takes is one of those to catch can be pretty good here I may have to dig just a little bit deeper sometimes the stuff that feels damp but sometimes it's just the texture of it this stuff might actually be just a hair on a damp side here just about took it that mean little bark there's nothing nothing no glue there's some there are some members right there

Madeline or not let's go in there now okay loosen a little ass up there we go some little embers going there it's not a bad way to do it right strike in the burn stuff I get the knife right here Shaun's course I think bad either try to catch it into something else here there we go Ben's got a good idea they're on till you drop it oh actually look dropped it right in this town still got number going almost almost Dame else that was still going there how's the good demonstration but they're not even feel my finger at all I can't be here oh good there how's the good demonstration they're not even feel my finger at all I can't meet you I'm good so bent out a good idea here in this snow getting this Punk what it's just we loosened up a bunch of it and then he just struck the sparks right into there it was a lot easier and trying to configure something on the ground there and then what you got a piece now we just can add more material to that and we can make a fist sized bundle pretty quick here dang i'm seeking all to the place I said hold still right now now if you grab some more stuff and put around there he can blow that into something you can warm your hand right up take from bigger pieces here yep santa chili on there this Punk what is amazing stuff man once it catches you can't hardly even put it up

now we can just keep on add more wood to it as we go here and we can have us a full-blown deal going on I've got to cut its going out of focus i think it's a little dirt alright anyways closed type you might have to talk while I'm though I don't know what they say so as you can see here we just keep working at this pretty soon we'll have a fist-sized water this stuff that we can put in some bark and we can get a fire going with it that's a pretty good amount of coals right there

we're sitting here about 30 or more degrees below freezing with a nice hot nice hot ember here not fist-sized and you can always add more stuff into it and you blow it and it catches on to I've got to know where I put it oh here it is bag let's take my scavenger bag and Fleck stuff I've collected some bark here so I'm just gonna be crude with her right now I don't even really care this gonna take this bark and this kind of bring it all up around all this Punk wood here

you try to get that wood up there touching the bark a little bit here there we go so there we go we got from Ben's little from benzyl spook right in their tiny little Sparky gathered we just kept working this Punk wood and it is 2 in this temperature with everything kind of damp as it is a little bit took a little bit of doing but it shows you can still do it you can get a fire going just from a few sparks head anyway we're not gonna stay the night here so we're just kind of

so here the intensity of that torch right there put that to some more bark like that and some small twigs and stuff you got a fire you're good to go there we are leaving this innovation up there have a little fun then


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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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