To Survive - Just Flip that Switch


Much of our ability to survive depends on getting our minds to focus on solutions, rather than dwelling on the trouble at hand. In this video we show by example the view as a victim and also as a survivor. More stuff on our website and blogs.

Tags: mind,mental,survival,training,attitude,switch,paradigm,shift,perry,peacock,food,berries,chokecherry,rose,hip,service,berry,saskatoon,edible

Video Transcription

wilderness innovation real survival kits survival shelter simplifying survival at wilderness innovation calm hello perry peacock with wilderness innovation and what I'd like to talk about really number one is just thinking something that I I try to take in the in a mind myself and to teach others also is a possibility thinking you stop saying I wish I wouldn't have taken this trip I wish I wouldn't have turned on that road I wish you know I wish I wouldn't have done this or that that that thinking right there turns us into victims and well we want to be as survivors not victims so I have to flip a little mental switch when we turn on that switch when we flip that mental switch we turn ourselves from victims into survivors and once we turn ourselves into survivors that's when all the good stuff happens and so I want to give you just a couple quick examples here so let's see what happens when you change from victim to survivor flip that metal switch right here from victim which is in a down position flip it up like your turn on a light now you're letting the light in your turning on your brain that's when you flip that switch now your enlightening yourself you're allowing your brain to work to say hey I'm a survivor how do I survive flip the switch and let's become survivors

okay now Here I am Here I am I'm the victim all I see around me here is dying dead dry dying plants because it's starting to get into early fall I see out through here just a bunch of a bunch of scrub oak trees you know I don't really see anything what am I going to eat now let's see much of anything around here what is there you know as a victim I don't see much so as soon as I flip soon as I flip the switch in my own mind I flip that switch up turn on the light turn on the brain all of a sudden I start looking for solutions so let's see what solutions we can find here so as long as you are considering yourself a victim you're not looking for solutions you're saying I whoa is me I'm a victim okay right over here in the direction we were kind of aimed right over here look right up in here and see what we see right here right there look at that there we've got kind of a wild rose right here this thing is loaded up with rosehips this thing's this thing's probably got i bet i could pick a quarter rose hips off of this one little bush right here these things are very nutritious and these actually even have a good flavor to them a lot of them are kind of bland but these are actually kind of tasty there's more of them back in here and you know what it's sort of like when you're putting the jigsaw puzzle together you know and you're looking for that one piece you know there's so many pieces and all that and it's like how do I do this well you know you'll say okay I'm going to find some corner pieces while the sudden your eyes and your mind start focusing looking for two square edges you're looking for a corner all of a sudden it becomes easy to find those once you once you start dialing in looking for that puzzle piece or you're looking for a certain color green or flower or something you know because much easier to find it because your mind is looking for it now what right over here when I found these rose hips which by the way are very good these are these darn things are like citrusy flavors are very good once I found those but I started looking around and all the same area that I just panned the camera where's those bushes all over the place here we never saw any of them until we flip this possibility switch to survivor from victim once we did that we found these all of a sudden we see them everywhere that's that's what happens when we become survivors so let's see what else we've got just right in this area within within about 50 60 feet of where I'm at all right here I am I took about 15 steps from our eyes just app and right here so if i can get these where we can see these on the camera good right here a bunch of chokecherries actually I've kind of a cherry type flavor to them very delicious and very nutritious good for you so here's one brush bush right here that just in our victim looking around as a victim we didn't see those but now let me show you something that's even more incredible right here let's look at this right here and look what I've got behind me this thing here you can't even see all of it in the picture I'll bet I'll bet I could harvest I don't know numerous five-gallon buckets full of chokecherries off without one off that one clump right there and we could preserve those in dry him and we could use them to help extend our diet now see when we panned around a little bit earlier and our mental switch was down in the i'm a victim status we couldn't see anything but just drying grass and scrub Oaks all of a sudden when we become a survivor we saw the rose hips then more than more than one place in fact they just saw some more right back in here they're all over the place we didn't see him before we didn't see all these chokecherries in here and there are either there's probably hundreds of pounds of choke cherries and rose hips that I could pick within a football field area right here where initially it looked like there was nothing to eat so flip the switch from victim to survivor oh my gosh look at this and look at this a whole tree of these berries these things are just incredibly delicious just a wonderful wonderful flavor and we got us a whole we got us a whole big tree of these things up here look at this see we flip that possibility switch on and we don't just see a bunch of scrub oaks and dead grass anymore we see food we see delicious food berries and all kinds of nutritious things that can keep us alive for a little while till we get help and I just looked down here a little farther there's more of these bushes on down that way I'm telling you what there's like food everywhere if a person starved to death here it's their own fault so when you get out of the situation guys just flip that switch flip that switch like there's one right here in your temple or something or in your neck or somewhere flip the switch become a survivor throw off turn off the victim thing become a survivor and look around there is stuff everywhere I look to eat now it might not be a hamburger like maybe you're used to eating all the time that doesn't matter this stuff here will help keep you alive it's got carbs got minerals now you got some vitamin C you got different things like that in here perhaps some iron some other minerals stay alive think of the positive things don't starve to death in the middle of plenty here so anyway this is perry peacock with your wilderness quick tip or two


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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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