Survival Dental Care


Dealing with broken teeth, crowns and fillings, relieving pain. We are limited in what we can do in a practical way out in the woods, but there are a few things. One of the best is to being prepared, and in doing preventative maintenance. Blogs, products and info at:

Tags: dentist,dental,tooth,ache,crown,broken,pain,filling,Art City Dental,Jon Jackson,survival,training,items,supplies,prepper

Video Transcription

wilderness and innovation real survival kits survival shelter simplifying survival and wilderness innovation calm now this is perry peacock with luminous innovation and i'm here in the dental office with my dentist dr. Jackson and we're going to talk a little bit about dem care today and this kind of all got started in my head by I was reading some article on in the 1800s and back beyond their that one of the primary causes of suicide was determined to be dental problems where the dental pain was so extreme with people just couldn't live anymore mate they would just take their own lives and so we don't want to go to that extent but it kind of brought something up in my mind that you know dental care would be something that we may deal with if we get into some kind of survival situation let me introduce dr. Jackson here and start off with a little scenario and have him kind of give us some some input on so dr. Jackson good to see you not being this chair to such different this is a little more comfortable thing up is it one of the doctor kids that's right I can feel important now but anyway let's say a person went up in the mountains and they were you know back you'd hunting somewhere and got way back here and you know the four-wheeler broke down or something like that they're stranded for a day or two or a few days who knows and they've had a tooth problem and outs it's just really gotten incredibly painful is there anything that somebody can do for that like back in the ones I that ah if you were in a lot of pain most likely you have an abscess in your tooth or a need for a root canal or extraction in situations like that you were a little bit stuck actually there's a whole lot you can do if i see happen to have some lidocaine handy and a dentist available okay yeah okay let's say somebody's back there they've got a situation and are trying to do the best they can to survive and I eat something maybe it's got a rock in or somewhere they're just chewing and break apart of D thought what could somebody do for something like that now if you were back there you had broken your tooth that would be a different story if you knew you were going to be on an extended trip you know if you're going to be back to the backwoods of Alaska for a month or two you might consider taking some temporary filling material with you okay is there a particular thing yes I just just called to filling those are like a particular name or anything yeah it's called irm and you can just pick that out the walmart the pharmacies that you can go to and the good thing about it is it's a little bit soothing to your tooth something to happen to break a tooth in the backwoods you could take a little bit of this putty put it up in the hole where the where the Tooth been broken and I'll at least keep cold water off of it keep food from getting jammed into the other good thing about it would be that if you ever have a crown cap come off your tooth if the tooth isn't decayed doesn't have a lot of trouble going out fitting so if you're eating something sticky like a gummy bear that pulled them hold the crown month you could take some of this temporary cement and put it in there put it put your cap back on and write down and get it to go back on so you don't have to be without your cap for the next okay and oh yeah so I'd be a good remedy temporarily till they that night to civilization yep it would it's a good thing to do it I've learned in some blogs and stuff the people write on the internet about situation with survival or just preparedness problems and stuff like that and that some people tell me that you're right oh I can put some of that stuff that they give babies on my choosing stuff in that well but does that really help in a tooth problem not very much it's a lot of people think that it will be that children's ends all or only works for a little while it only seems becomes so so it's not it's not capable getting to the nerve of the tips I guess no it's not you'd be much taking ibuprofen and tied home if you were out in the woods I can have the I won't really do vindicated in those medications really won't do too much for you okay we always advocate and we supply in the survival kits that we make up have some ibuprofen sort of thing in there so I guess it'd be good to have a supply that even I guess it's probably not going to help a whole lot if you got a serious problem yeah it will help some if you have a really serious problem like an abscess and I hope where you have some buddy with some antibiotics on the end that would be the best thing likely to that happening in a survival situation I don't know but it would be nice to have some ibuprofen and ibuprofen take swelling down and do you actually we have an infection there's a little bit of swelling in an earth as well in the tooth and that's what causes a lot of me so that could be helpful in the short time yeah okay and especially if you if you are a lot of pain you can stagger taking ibuprofen and tylenol you can alter you can take the recommended dosages each one and stab them and see them start wanted like new start ibuprofen and take the title at let's say three o'clock and then at six o'clock you can take ibuprofen and stagger like that and the studies show that it gets the same amount sending more similar amounts of us taking them stronger than occasionally for time okay well that's good to know so I'll be good for years to you know try to prepare themselves ahead of time on some that sort of thing I think one thing we do concentrate on is being prepared they come from a lifetime of scouting and that sort of thing that's something we try to drill home and our scouts and adults me up to you know we don't that time I don't think about being prepared but but you know having the painkillers we're having some filling material with you probably could be helpful especially if you know you're going to be out for a while if something happens you can be taken care of and we try to tell people to take some things with them at least some basic essentials and I think along the line of being prepared probably even better would be trying to keep your dental care up to date all the time so that you know is how many times is somebody there having some nagging problem with their tooth and I'm going to go hunting or something and I don't have time to worry about that then they get up there and any routing it's bad there's like you say there might not be a whole lot you can do they like that pain so right yeah lets you have to have a dentist with some instruments terrier you're out of luck in a lot of situations the saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Lee goes way in a survival situation yeah a lot of people it's a funny thing but a lot of people will have a toothache and it'll be there for several months but it's really not that bad news we won't have haven't taken care of and then when they get up to a higher altitude and a different argument we will set the tooth out all the way and then they'll end up with a raging abscess and being a lot lot of pain the best thing that you can do to prevent yourself from having any troubles to come in the next over six months I things checked out makes problems all their small make sure that you're in good shape so that when you go out you're not done I mean yeah there's no sense adding to your level of stress or adding to your situation that's bad enough if you're stranded somewhere now not have to worry about the toothless just like killing yeah I don't know why people do it and I there's a general rule if you have to pain it's not going to get better it might temporarily get better but it'll come back and causing trouble so that's that's a thing like listen to your body like we hear you know some people talk about feeling pain or you don't feel right check into it right so it's something just like if you were to have chest pains or anything like that you would want to go on a 50-mile backpacking trip here having chest pains before you have to check out same thing with a tooth you wouldn't want to go out and do anything strenuous or out of the ordinary macaque have an injured he checked up yeah so if you ever have a to fester to bug iya that means they've been came a tune or the cracking that tooth or whatever maybe is getting to a point where it's going to need some serious work so most people think well gosh my tooth doesn't really hurt so I don't really need to go into dentist well it doesn't hurt that you have a really small cavity and that's when it's easiest to fix and that's why we're talking people to come back every six months it's that good all right well I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to talk to me and to to our viewers on YouTube and just everybody just take a take a moment just think about it try to keep yourself up health wise and as we talked about today try to keep your dental care up and I'll go outside and outdoors and enjoy your time out there don't be bothered I tooth pain things like that so for wilderness innovation this is perry peacock and dr. Jackson here in springville utah with your wilderness tip of the day thank you very much

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Wilderness Innovation

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