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Enhance SODIS water purification: heating


This video shows a quick way to ensure extra water heating to thoroughly kill certain tough bugs in some water supplies. Not normally needed. See our blog for documentation, look for the link on microbiology. Placing the bottles on black metal or dark rock is a substitution.

Tags: SODIS,water,disinfection,purification,survival,training,perry,peacock

Video Transcription

now for disinfecting the the water with solar the UV rays are of course the UVA is the is the method that does that now heat also helps in killing a little bit more quickly some other organisms in the water so if we can get the temperature up a little bit more why that's a little bit helpful now they say all you need is the six hours but if you want a little more heat than that just quickens everything up and makes the process better so let me show you how you can do that very easily alright so what you want to do is we're going to do here is just put a little mask on this bottle wouldn't have to be anything fancy we'll go about now we'll go about half way around I want to go too far okay so I'm gonna do here take this off like that go alright alright so we're going to do here's the spray thing the back part of the bottle black here so just some quick drying paint here all right now we've let it dry a little bit and you off our painters tape I just use that for quick removal alright so now you see the backside of this is black so so what that's going to do is lay that side down and that that black will help absorb some heat into the bottle and still be clear on the front side for the UV rays to come through and that will quicken up the process and make it even a little bit more effective so anyway there's how to do that

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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