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Fire with Rope - Also Testing Conduit Legs for PD Shelter


By twisting certain bark into a rope, fire starting materials can be compressed and stored for later use. Sparks from a ferro rod can ignite. One short piece of rope can start many fires. I also test using conduit as legs for the PD Shelter over the fire started with the rope. The primary use of the PD Shelter is to make a campfire more effective and to allow fire use in the rain and snow. This shelter is made of parachute type ripstop nylon and is sized for use by one to four or five persons around a fire.

Link to PD Shelter http://wildernessinnovation.com/shelter/pd-mini-chute-shelter/

Tags: fire,campfire,pd shelter,fire shelter,camping,conduit,tripod,DIY,bark rope,fire starter

Video Transcription

not a month or so ago I twisted up rope why is that on the desert this is kind of a fire lighting rope or a fire fire court or whatever and it is made out of Cottonwood bark and so I've roughed up the end I've used this finger time or two when i get done using it i just kind of stopped out the flames and stuff and so you see its chart a little right there so i just i'd like to take these little eight inch spark rods I just carry them in my pocket you don't even know you've got them in there yeah here's a nice spot right here well I think I'll hang my poncho up yeah my more there see I've made a piece of cordage out of this bark right here and this is some this is some cedar bark juniper and I just twist I just twisted some juniper juniper bark into a cord yeah I can throw a spark in there or whatever i can i can use this various ways as a fire starter this is some inner bark from cottonwood trees that are down here in the wash and you see how papery and find that stuff if I have this is a little bit to get right here so I want to peel apart some of the layer and then some people will watch this and say I've stupid cotton ball and Vaseline is better well this is more fun this stuff almost looks like corn husk a all right so just get a pull out a little bank line off my bank going dispenser here this way just for the heck of it he saw that in together I just wanted divided about in half and then I still up here and I just start twisting and you've kind of got to get the feel for how much you can twist I'm twisting at one direction I'm pulling it around together so we're creating a kind of a friction here some about as long as I'm gonna make it here that's quite a bit of fire starting material there's a little finished piece of cordage from the inner part of a Cottonwood bark and like I say this actually you know it's actually pretty actually reasonably strong and it's not like it regular road but it's actually not bad didn't take one to make and but that makes a great little fire starter deal not like i normally I only make them maybe a little bit longer than that right there but you know I just use what I had today but anyway so a little fun little tip or just something to do while you're milling around can't alright so we get going then I can can put it down into my fire here normally I do one that I start from the side instead of from the top like this but then I just kind of stopped that out that's good for the next go-around you can get a lot of fires out of this thing right here this is Cottonwood bark that I split up and that'll get me started pretty easily i think couple pieces on top here

that right there kind of high crisscrossing on top that helps contain a lot of the heat of the fire down inside and I'll help get this stuff going most of this wood around here is a little bit on the moist side cause of snow just melted here I'm over 18 months 19 months myself others Boy Scout you name it this thing is then beat like you can't believe but it still works alright so this is how it comes out if I shake it out a little like that start from anywhere I want there's ten of them on there strung on to their okay start the little piece of cord in there keep going it plug it in there we are so anyway so what I do is I just start going around here like this and you'll notice when you start getting about half way the tube is going to assume is going to flex on you a little bit and make kind of an oval and there we are and just get this at your electrical department in your hardware store and I'm going for three quarter inch right here is happens now just going to spread the legs at once you've got the polls in you're good to go it really makes a nice a nice way to enjoy the campfire [Music]






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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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