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Passive Pit Cooking | Survival Cooking


Passive cooking is a great option for cooking in most survival

situations. In this video we demonstrate one way of passive cooking,

with some cornish game hens. For more information on what we offer

check us out at http://wildernessinnovation.com/2011/06/06/passive-cooking-its-about-efficiency/

Tags: outdoor,camping,food,pit,rock

Video Transcription

wilderness and innovation real survival kids survival shelter simplifying survival and wilderness innovation calm hey guys we're out here today doing a little passive cooking or pit cooking we are building our pit we've built up a firm with rocks to be able to get rid of some of the wind that's coming in what we're going to do is we're going to dig be able to get everything down low start our fire down in there get things nice nice and hot and then you can put a chicken we're doing some Cornish game hens today or if it was in the true survival situation you could put any kind of wild game sage grouse whatever's in the area and after you've scanned it and prepared it you can go ahead and cook it in a pit alright so in the simplest of terms we've got a three-step process we're doing here the first step being digging out the trench or our pit for our game hands and lining with rocks so these rocks lighting the pit would be step one step two would be building a fire and letting it burn for about an hour or so and heating these rocks once we've got these rocks heated up for a good while we'll scrape off the fire put it into another pit come back and lay our game hens in here with our juniper boughs and we'll cover it back up with dirt and let the the superheated rocks transfer the heat into our our meat and cook our game hens


so this is step three of our process now we're going to let mother nature take its course to cook our food we're going to let that heat transfer from the rocks and cook our hands and we're putting the juniper bowels the tree bark and now covering it all a third to kind of retain that heat part of passive cooking is to be able to prepare your area put your game in it and we've kind of coined a phrase set it and forget it so you don't have to worry about it for the day whatever other activities that you have prepared for that day or or you know shelter building or any other situations that you might be in you can just go and do your other activities and forget about this for the most part they're not going to overcook might get a little dry in some situations but you're you're not going to burn it the way that we prepare this so you can for the most part just set it and forget it all right we're going on earth the a bird or two here then how long a couple more than two hours three and a half three three and a half hours in here some of these rocks are some of them are a little hard hot to handle yet play golf okay so I see worst-case scenario with this is Oh rocks are five as you peel the peel the skin off there we are right there put it off to the side of the chicken a little bit we are I don't care if I a little bit it's done yeah no doubt about it done good now let's honor some more man ok here are going to show the difference between the the chicken that was wrapped in tin foil and the one that was hooked straight in the fire you can see that there's dirt on top but if you get the skin and just peel it just gonna get a nice surprise very nice look at that nice and juicy nice white meat and you can see the juice flowing here that's it what actually happened with this one since it was wrapped in a lot of the the juniper branches and the boughs and we also took some of the bark off of the juniper and wrap it around it it created a smoke flavor that's just to die for and hopefully they're done it feels hot it's hot it's hot whoo look at that Oh sweetie haha it's hard to hold it nice huh feel a little there we go look at the whole your shoes look at the juice just pour it out I can't hold man I can't hold this thing so hot I got to put here let me put the juniper bound on my hand there we go hot bad oh my God look at this we're not talking about any kind of dry meat here right okay oh oh my god that not good awesome slice off some more for everybody here this public wow that's delicious good we got no seasoning or anything on this this is just kind of moist and tender its moist tender the only kind of seasoning that the only kind of seasoning we might have is just from the cedar from the cedar flavoring from the univer

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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