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  • Review of the saw blade on the Swiss Army Hiker - nice!!

Review of the saw blade on the Swiss Army Hiker - nice!!


For years I have carried the Victorinox Swiss Army Camper knife and I love it, it does lots of things very well, it is durable and trouble free. The saw blade is one of the best features of the knife, and when you don't have something bigger, it can help you get done what you need to do.

Tags: Swiss,Army,Camper,Hiker,knife,survival,demo,review,perry,peacock,wilderness,innovation,kit

Video Transcription

close perry peacock wilderness innovation I'm up the canyon to the debris Hut that I've been working on I keep adding more space to put here I don't know why I just for fun I guess but I wanted to show something out of the out of the off-road survival kit and it comes in our regular survival kit as well and that's the Swiss Army knife and I know that you know typically you know if you're out i probably would want to carry a fixed blade knife four or five six inches of blade length but this is this in the hunter camper series of knives from swiss army a very good quality knife and we'll cover a few things as we go along here but you got your long and long and short blades and then the thing i want to talk about right now is the saw and that size about i know three or three and a half inches long and you know it's not real long but it is effective it takes you a little bit more time but you can do some things I've just just for kicks been cutting off some little chunks here of of maple there's a lot of mountain maple up in this area so I've been cutting off a few chunks of that so I just wanted to show you just a quickie cutting a little bit of some maple here and like I say it it takes a little little doing a little patience but it can be done and here again you're going to do it you know when it's necessary a lot of times if you just want short pieces of wood you're probably going to you know snap them off or whatever something like that use whatever you've got sometimes you need to make a cut this saw blades very nice for if you need to do any notching or anything like that it's a lot easier to use the saw blade in that regard now this maples all pretty pretty hard wood this is some we had a big ice storm this last spring here and this stuff what's this stuff around here fell in the spring so here he goes about a inch and a quarter piece of of maple here I sliced off you know it wasn't hard to do or anything did very well the teeth are extremely sharp and got the diet the razor offset cut on it the back spine of the blade is thinner than the teeth so you don't get much binding because the teeth are a little wider than in the back is so I mean it works you know works pretty well for what it is and you know I really like it as a as a feature I've used a lot of times notching various things and stuff like that now I'm going to going to do some other stuff here

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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