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  • Making Wild Chokecherry Syrup at Camp w Shauna - Cook Roast - Sleep Set up

Making Wild Chokecherry Syrup at Camp w Shauna - Cook Roast - Sleep Set up


Shauna decided to go last minute on this camp with me. We quickly moved our gear from the truck to the Tahoe. We picked lots of Chokecherries and Elderberries and made Chokecherry syrup. For cooking we also did dutch oven nachos, and slow cooked a roast in the fire pit. We also used our multipurpose gear for sleeping. Ultralite Poncho used as a hammock, Ultralite tarp overhead.

With multipurpose gear you can do more with less.

Our website http://wildernessinnovation.com

Tags: Making Wild Chokecherry Syrup at Camp,make syrup at camp,wild chokecherry syrup,cook roast in deep coals,ultralite tarp for hammock,convert hammock to tarp,camping with wife,overlanding,wild chokecherry syrup recipe,his and hers hammocking,picking wild berries,elderberry picking,chokecherry picking,dutch oven roast,dutch oven nachos,scratch pancakes at camp,scratch syrup at camp,camp cooking,making candy at camp,elderberry picking season

Video Transcription

all right

sounds like Shauna's about got dinner done here so I'll be heading over there and look the Sun hasn't even gone down yet it's getting close eating before the Sun Goes Down this is like revolutionary we're over landing peacock style here and this this was like a last minute we only took us a few minutes throw it everything out of the truck into here and just came up here sean has got corn getting ready to go get burgers of cheese all that kind of stuff it's gonna be pretty awesome I don't know sean has got it done I've got a double stacker here I don't think she'll better get that in her mouth I'm going to my handy spoon and fork set so I'm gonna do slaw like we do in the south place place we're eating the other night had this leftover and they said they need to get rid of it so they gave us a whole thing of it well this thing's gonna be messy look at that juice trip another

now that's a sweet slaw so that's a little you know when you live in the South my guys down there 25 years or so everywhere you go has a different kind of slaw so you know what just this works real nice here time I get done there's gonna be stuff everywhere though video and eating supper without any lights it's not 10 or 11 o'clock here's our sleeping for the night Shawna's in and dang she is not gonna get cold

she's got a beast under her she's got a extra-thick climb the shield blanket on top of her and her other blanket miss he takes everywhere camping I stick him through these I just took the thing how I do it when I got it of course you might not need it doing that I guess there's that there's my setup over there I haven't put any bedding in there yet better I go to bed I'll be doing it well I was gathering firewood Shana cook breakfast and now I'm eating earlier than normal for breakfast to milk go go go go and as the flame takes off that'll all be gone yes it's a bigger column of smoke really coming ten nine eight seven six five four three two one that was pretty close about a second off we found the found the mother lode of chokecherries here these bushes right here loaded up with chokecherries right there see them in here all over let me raise the camera up there you go as far as you can see down there

acres and acres and acres of chokecherries all right we just made a quick little jaunt up on the ridge here and picked us some choke cherries well we got a pretty we got a pretty decent we got a pretty decent amount of them actually so to make a choke cherry syrup and then once that's made we're gonna use fresh fresh choke cherry syrup picked wild picked today on pancakes this is gonna be so awesome it's absolutely insane it's crazy but it's how peacock it's how we do over landing man this is how we roll so the first thing we want to do is we want to pour enough water in here to cover the berries that's pretty good right there just enough to cover them good all right so up here they go keep a lighter in here that's getting ready to boil here I scoop out some of these cherries and they really are the church it's a choke cherry it's a wild cherry you see how the how the skins of popped they burst and that's what we want to have happen a lot of these variety bursts see that so you see the juice is starting to darken up all right so this is this juice is looking pretty good here and now we're gonna pour the juice out this is just a little old beat-up strainer we got in our cooking supplies gonna go right there for now let's see how much juice we got out of there there's one cup two cups three cups we want to make syrup out of this so we're gonna do an equal amount of sugar in there I've got to we got to dissolve the sugar in there all right so now we got to get done three cups of sugar in here and let that dissolve down this will make the most wonderful syrup all right there it is now you got to cook it enough to where that's all the crystals are thoroughly dissolved all right taste a little bit of it oh that's nice that is nice tastes like old-fashioned cough syrup may not sound good but if if you're in your mid 60's and you remember carve cough syrup on your kid they tell me that's this is what they used to flavor it with was the chokecherry wild cherry all right you see now we got a little simmer going on a little boil you see how nicely is this stuff kind of cooks down see we work clear up here boiling syrup right there chill cherry syrup now this right here that's camp cooking that's overland and peacock style either even got my compadre with me Shawna so we're doing this together today I've been sitting out here and once everything cooled it was pretty thick so I think we're pretty good if we go too much we start making candy out of it all right

put some in there to use for syrup look how pretty that is wow that's good man that is gorgeous that is gorgeous syrup right there now get something going for that syrup

golden-brown is that what we're looking for I think so gonna be beautiful fresh made just barely starting to cool down a little bit might be still a hair hair runnin still but it's gonna be awfully good I got my ice in my milk so I'm set now it's time for breakfast now if you've watched my videos very much you know that I love the chokecherry syrup I'm gonna tell you what nothing tastes like chokecherry syrup then what maybe two hours ago we picked the berries and now it's syrup that is heavenly how my gosh that's so good [Music]

I mean there's something about freshness that's crazy

I mean when stuff is this fresh you can't go wrong the flavor I mean it's always good but the flavor right now is so deep and so it's just like exploding in my mouth it's absolutely amazing how good this tastes and you see it's not that hard to make it at Camp either you know give it a shot sometime if you get a chance

this is absolutely absolutely 100% awesome that's even better than regular choked cherry syrup being like two hours ago was on the bush two hours ago the berries were on the bush and now we're eating them on pancakes we just barely made it into sugar sugar we just barely made it at a syrup I mean I'm telling you it almost has too much flavor it is like crazy good we need to pretty much fill this whole pit full of clothes then we're gonna bury the Dutch oven bury the whole thing down in there let that thing cook for a few hours there's our little bonfire kind of thing that burns down that pit will be clear for the coals and will be by then we'll be ready with our pot or cast-iron pot will will completely bury the thing in the coals all right so we're gonna do a nice roast here you've had it thawing out

nice roast there that's gonna be beautiful later this afternoon we're gonna eat this thing she's got some onions kind of sliced up here and we'll just kind of throw them around in here we got some beans and I scatter those around in there just kind of dump the rest this and carrots stuff grind up some salt here nice coarse grain and then you know you got our plenty of pepper get that on there it's just gonna cook for three maybe four hours I don't know so there's all that I gotta add a little water to it the old-fashioned way right out of the a little more like that so there we go we're not worried about time because we're not cooking this in an oven you're you're starting out hot because we've got to bury it right in all the coals but as time goes on it's gonna cool down when you bake something on your oven at home it stays hot for the same temperature the whole time so it's a little more temperature sensitive but with this you'll be hot at first and get cooler so even if even if we leave it in there an extra hour or so it's not going to hurt it because it's gradually cooling down a little this I'm gonna have to be quick because that is better get the camera phone out of my pocket or I'll dump it in the coals no be toast okay this is really hot so here we go all these coals go up on top of here so I just found this clump of elderberries which are all these things are absolutely luscious

it's just absolutely loaded with berries and these things are these things are just these things are so ripe they're about ready to fall off here Oh flavor is really good nice and sweet we're looking for choke Terry's across the way down here somebody been in picked them all pick clean so we drive them back to our other spot on the mountain and saw this clump right here and thought we're just we're gonna just nail these guys right now all right so sean is gonna hold the bag and I'm just going to clip them oh yeah there's a nice bunch right there you got it

that's those berries so op this one one little clump of bushes you got all these berries holy cow we're gonna make some stuff out of it dad pits still pretty warm it's been almost four hour we've been all over the place picking berries

I would say everything's done it ought to be after four hours I'm kind of simmering slice that roast down oh it's tender yeah it is tender tender and juicy stay me on my plate well everything's dead hog done kind of like some of those vegetables are roasted a little bit right begin here I like the potatoes a little bit roasted on the top good stuff got a roast its juicy tender that is a good roast almost don't even need teeth to chew it almost you could probably gum it

Friday we pitch this up rainy we got the ultra light a new ultra light rectangular tarp over top of an ultra light poncho and we got our ultra light tarp kit that we use to suspend the tarp over at all these little tarp worms right here this little metal gadget you don't owe you you just pull like that and it's undone no trying to pry any kind of an odd and done anything to hook it up you just flip a loop just like that that's it just tension it wherever you want to go flip the loop pull it over it done we've done this kid is you've just put it on a piece of shock cord so here's my setup I just threw half my tart back over the back and so I had a osteen arrow blanket in here I put a torso put a torso beast in the bottom here lay on give me a little give me a little insulation from the cool breeze blowing through and this is one of our super UL Poncho's you see right here set up as a turkey or as a hammock set up super yellow poncho stop that hammock or cooking the syrup it's like we did for the pancakes everything and the damn but what we're doing is we're cooking it longer and hotter we've got to get it sucked converts what they call hard crack so that when this stuff cools it'll be hard will be a hard candy instead of soft other stuff is cooked to the point where it's cooked to the point where it's basically taffy temperature right now they string that in the water see how it kind of kind of say stay stringy and see how I pull it out of there right there's like half the material I think once we get a little oh no that's actually hard that's actually that's actually gonna be hard candy right there so I'm just gonna do a quick little setup ready for camp with my I got an ultralight poncho right here you know and PS SL size and I'm going to hang it with the new simple just keep on trying to simplify simplify then here's some dynamic cord with I and that's that's what I'm gonna hang it with and I've got a couple little go a little test connector I'm going to do but normally I just title it a couple half-hitch nights around the tree and I'm good to go I got a little ultralight tarp kit right here that's all there is to it weighs a few ounces and I'm gonna hang this this is one of our new ultra light ultra light rectangular tarps made out of a super UL fabric unpack the poncho the poncho a hammock our tarp 12 tie out tabs on the outside this one's in coyote brown super UL fabric which is also ex wide as a cord sleeve in here got to drop a cord down through there to turn it into a hammock they named a cord with an eye is about ten feet long it has an eye built in one end and the other end has just double back on itself to give an end that's all there is to that cord I just put some I just puts hang something from the eye just to give a little weight

put the free end of the cord through the eye drop the slack gives me a gathered end hammock right there I have a little experimental fitting here the end there here it goes like that you turn a loop like that you pull it locks it on the tree that's all there is to it this is a little different kind of fitting here put that through there I take the whole thing around the tree and I just start pulling however much slack I need to pull and then I just hook it right there I bring it up I twist a twist a loop right there I'm in I need to adjust anything up and down the tree I thing like that I can just unhook it hook it back and that right there will hold and then the hood turns into a pocket by drawing up the dressed string like that

I'm going to take some Doritos here we're gonna make some nachos gonna do it peristyle here slowly there is take take some foil

yes item

lightly crunch it not crunch it really hard just a little bit what that does is give this little give this a little space off the bottom of the pan and we set our pan here in there where the chips will go and then we'll cut some cheese I don't think we have a grater it's kind of nice using these Doritos for the chips because they got a little flavor on them already and you kind of start off that way now put some cheese on there we're going to let that melt right in alright so we'll just greatest plenty of cheese on here this thing's for Mikey it used to have a plastic bowl that you're graded the cheese into but so how do you know if you have enough cheese well you pretty well can't see the chips and you know you're good alright so we go like that then we're gonna put the lid on it I'm gonna shovel fresh coals underneath this thing you got everything right there I'm gonna pull this back a little bit cuz it's hotter against that side of the fire there now the final thing we do here is we heat up the lid that'll melt the cheese all right let's check it out it's getting there it started them out just a little few more minutes alright brush the coals off I said melty that's what we want to see there we go get some salsa on there and we'll be good right go for the salsa here little paces the Connie sauce oh yeah right there there we go gonna be good I'm liking it this is a good afternoon snack I think it'll do the trick okay so this is our tarp pull it out I've left in place my shock corded connectors right here on all the on all the connection points so that way I just pull it out and I have to put them in I'm ready to connect up my ridgeline I'm ready connect up my tent stakes and all that don't have to even fuss with it at all

as part of my ultralite tart kit I have a 30-foot Hank of parachute or parachute cord Dyneema cord so I just string all this I'm going to use I'm gonna use a method here called a continuous it's kind of a continuous loop for my setup here go around my tree and I can adjust it later it connects up here to a to a tarp warm well I've got right here is experimental thing I'm working on but our kit comes with a tarp worm which I'll show you in just a moment when we do the tent stakes here I've got another connector and once again you'll have a you have one of the tarp arms I'm just this is just an experimental piece I'm working on just for the for kicks anyway so that that holds it all in place now if I need to position my tarp over my hammock because I'm going all the way around the tree see there's my end of my hammock I want to cover that all I got to do is it's light so I just slide it to Center it where I need it and I've got it set it over my hammock so all I got to do here to make the tarp worm work you'll have six of them in your kit you'll have the experimental ones I'm working on not yet that's gonna be a while so we just twist a loop so you're making a half it's what you're doing let go it you're done it's all there is to doing this if I need to adjust something I just pull on it no it's loose I just get it hover tight I want I twist that loop I'm hooked back up get my tarp over top of my hammock and I can adjust this up or down or however I need to to get it dialed in how I want it but that's how simple it is and I'm trying to make it as compact and small as I can and so we never stop experimenting


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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

"How to" for outdoor camping, hiking activities and survival. Some unique equipment and ideas. "Simplifying Survival" is our motto. Follow us on Twitter - WISurvival

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