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Make Our Poncho into a Hammock


If you've seen our earlier video you know about our PSS or Personal Survival Shelter, which can be made into a Poncho, a Hammock, and a Tarp. This video shows how easy it is to go from Poncho to Hammock. See the product at http://wildernessinnovation.com/survival-supplies/survival-items/personal-survival-shelter/

Tags: Poncho,hammock,Tarp,shelter,survival,supplies,gear,how to,outdoor,camp,hunt,parachute cord

Video Transcription

perry peacock care with wilderness innovation and got a just a little bit of a short video here today talking about our new of our PSS personal survival shelter system which is which is a poncho that also makes into a tarp and also a third thing it makes into a hammock and this video today is kind of goes with the previous video we released about a month ago and this is just a few tips and hints on setting up the system and I'm some things about using it those sorts of things some ideas something to make things a little bit easier so up here in a beautiful mountains well the quake at aspen trees the leaves of have changed here this fall and had a little bit of snow up here a couple of weeks ago so we're well into the fall season and enjoying this beautiful time of year up here and hey what more perfect way to to celebrate it and to enjoy the outdoors and to be up here in this weather and shooting this little video so let's get on to it here and see we can come up with right on our previous video we showed the using the set up as a poncho and the snaps down the side all it sort of thing now let's show making the poncho into a hammock so what we do can take it off the new it or whatever but just a fun unsnap your higher snaps here on both sides then take that off now the thing can basically lay out straight and we can turn this thing into a hammock let me show you the detail of that all right so we've got the gut the hood of the poncho here and there's the bottom front part of the poncho and here's the back part of it and if you'll notice there's this the sleeve or two but sewn in here and that's it's hollow right through here all the way down here through to the other side and what we're going to do is spread our parachute cord through there in order to set this thing up as a hammock alright so we've got our parachute cord here we'll just undo it the wind is stuff up for you in a figure eight so it comes undone with no hassles and no tangles and all that sort of thing what I want to do is I want to just get the two ends of the parachute cord I mean this is what I do most of the time and you can kind of vary it however you want but I this is my my loop that's halfway and what I want to do is I want to drop this loop down through that sleeve that I just showed you and the easiest way to do that is I've done before like a fork stick little fork in it and just shove it through the shove it through the sleeve for other things I've done I have pocket knife with a little lanyard I've put on there and dropped it through that way so however you want to this makes it so we basically eliminate one not you don't need a knot at the hammock end of the rope we're just going to pass the other end of the rope to here I'll show you in a second so here's another way that I just came upon here just just a sinker and all I'm going to do is I just attached to

level 2 it just hook that through there and I'll just drop this thing down through the sleeve and when I get out the other end I'll just unhook it and then I can do the other side all right so here we've got the the hole in the sleeve right here how we want to do is just drop that weight down in there and then all I do is and I'm going to step back here a little so you can actually see this little bit and all I do is just drop that in there then you just just shake this a little bit like this you just kind of shake it just so it kind of falls through there and it only takes just a few seconds and we're out the other side here we are out the other side right here and what I'm going to do now is I'll unhook this little get up here and then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to pass the free end of the cord the double against we fold it in half we got a double here now all I'm doing here is just pulling all the slack out and I'm going to get this tab by the way so you can see it these out of the way here so what I've done here is I pulled the loop through the sleeves and then I pulled the rest the cord to here and now all I do is just draw that up tight so

so now the end of our poncho or tarp is now gathered all in one little ball here and now we can take the other end of this cord and we can tie it around a tree to do the process of setting up our hammock and once you get this down you can set this thing up go from poncho to hammock and in five minutes no problem all right we'll do the other side and we'll put this thing in the tree and we'll show you what we got there alright so here we go and this other end just hold this open with my finger right here so sleeve got my sinker down into there whatever you want I've got a little Swiss Army knife a little pocket it's a little tiny mini mini chapel I think it is so I put that on and done the same thing before too but I'm just kind of messing around with a new idea how good I something me so there you go just get out of 15 seconds or so and now I just doesn't hook this out of here and stick it in my pocket just a sinker on a then you know as we did before got our loop and our other end we just pull that up through the loop right there then we just start gathering this you see right here we're just gathering all this cord together drawing this down tight and I like I don't know I like to just kind of form it sometimes it kind of gets God together but just what a form in a nice tight little circle right there and now we've gathered the poncho ends both ends into a hammock configuration so let's set up the hammock now all right so now we're to this point here all I want to do is I'll just take this into the parachute cord wrap it around this tree now this depends on how big your trees are you know these are about five or six inches down

murder the bigger your tree you know you may not be able to do as much with this is what i'm going to do but i just want to show you this is my ideal way i like to avoid tying knots on these hammocks as much as possible that's why we don't do one here on this end we just run it through that loop on this end here what i want to do is I want to take as much stress off of a not as I can so I just bring my rope around and I run it underneath like this and bring it around I could either I could either tie that off right here just like that and I've taken a lot of stress off the knot by doing what I've just done here the other thing I can do and sometimes i do just on smaller diameter trees like this is i go back around the other way and then you know you can do whatever you want throw a couple of half hitches in there if you'd like to that works fine just like that so there we go that's plenty good to hold the hold the hammock up now we'll go tie off the other end okay so here i am on this side going to tie up the this other end of the hammock and i just wrap it around like this now i just pull back like that now pull back a little bit harder once now that I've got the other end I'll secure it I'll firm this up pretty good you're going to get just a little bit of stretching in fact a lot of times I'll tie up my hammock and then I'll then I'll lay in it and come back up and retention it because once all your cords kind of stretch in all your knots and all that sort of thing a lot of times they need another little

hello tightening to make them go right so that's all we need right there that'll that'll hold it just fine all right so here I am I got everything suspended now this tree over here is a little on the small side so when I get in here it's going to probably pull that a little bit inside you but we don't care we just want to be off the ground so what I like to do so I find where the hood is that's the halfway point I just pull one edge of the tarp down more hammock or whatever we want to call it it's all three let's pull it down towards the back of my knees so I'm kind of sitting right here in the middle and then just and just kind of roll back into it

and you know you can kind of adjust however you want to so anyway here's the hammock like this one of the nice things about it is since it is a poncho lot so it's five about five feet wide I've got a lot of material if I wanted to I got a lot of material that I can take him pretty much okay pretty white much button myself right into here if I wanted to so there we are the our PSS set up as a as a hammock here

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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