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Fall Camp Clothing - What I Do


I share what I do in the fall and into winter as far as clothing is concerned. Poncho http://wildernessinnovation.com/?p=1935

Fleece Liner http://wildernessinnovation.com/?p=2415

Tags: Clothing (Industry),outdoors,camping,fall,poncho,hat,gloves,poncho liner,long sleeved t shirt,hypothermia,exposure,survival training,cold,rain,wind

Video Transcription

hey perry peacock here with wilderness innovation and fun to make a little quick video on on some tips for getting ready for fall so getting ready for the cooler cooler weather coming ahead where we're into September now when I make this why what I'm shooting this video and of course the supply for spring as well but just some things getting ready for that for this time of year and and being able to be safe in the in the changing weather conditions that do happen in the fall and so let me just give you a few little pointers and tips on some things just some simple things you can do one of the one of the first things I like to do when the weather starts getting a little chilly and of course an area where I'm at here i'm at i'm a 10,500 feet right now so so we already do have cooler weather up here you know it's okay right now but when the Sun starts to go down we get much of a breeze why can it can get chilly right away and so one of the one of the first things I like to do is add a layer to my clothing and like this this the north face of t-shirt and this t-shirt happens in ebates made out of a hundred percent polyester so it's a so it's a woven polyester and I found it to be very warm it's a long it's a long sleeve t-shirt and so that works very nicely for me one of the things i do like about it as well as if I get a little moist or something or even a little bit wet this stuff dries very quickly and it winds up being wound up still being reasonably warm even when even one fairly damp so I really do like these one hundred percent polyester t-shirts now if you want to spend a little bit less money than North Face you can do what I got here some people have commented before about my army

sure here but this is an army long sleeve tee and it even has kind of a turtleneck on it kind of a half turtleneck i guess you'd call it this is also a hundred percent polyester woven t-shirt and that works very nice and I typically would wear it under whatever other shirt I've got on and gives a little bit of warmth to my arms adds a little warmth layer against my body so in the in a fall time of the year is where we find a lot of the news stories a lot of a newspaper articles of people getting out getting into trouble because they've been used to the warmer weather of the summer time they've been out you know since spring all during the summer camping in the outdoors everything's been fine and now we get into this time of year where you go up it's nice and sunny weather all day long or whatever and and then some storm comes rolling in or whatever the temperatures dropped like a rock the wind comes you might get rain you know like you might get rain it's 50 degrees or you might get rain and snow mix or something like that couple that with a wind and now you can be in serious trouble very quickly so it's very important this time of year to be a little more cautious sometimes we can throw a little caution to the wind in the summertime but when we get into the fall that's what people die not being prepared getting out there and you know death by exposure hypothermia just because they just get cut and it can happen very quickly it can happen and it can happen in an hour to a few hours okay so now I put this this North Face a hundred percent polyester t-shirt on so so there's kind of my my base do my base layer you do want some kind of hat of course this hat here works very it's it's a wool felt hat and it's pretty darn warm I I wear this down into the 30s usually and it does me pretty well you may you may or may not take a light pair of gloves that can be helpful typically when the temperatures get into the 30s especially into the 20s we start getting some numbness in your fingers and it becomes a little difficult doing some task especially this time of year where your body your fingers are used to warm weather and then all of a sudden it turns off cold it shows up very quickly in your body and in your ability to do things so you might think about that that's maybe kind of optional thing I would worry most about is my head keeping the trunk of my body warm and that sort of thing so a few things like this can make a huge difference alright and then one other thing that's very important and of course I like this because we we can't we make these things but but also it's a very practical thing one of the biggest things that you see outdoors as far as exposure injuries and and death by exposure from hypothermia one of the biggest things is one of the very biggest threats is wind and then you combine that some rain and wind even if it's a light rain something to get your depth and you and you get a little wind pick up and you can be in serious trouble you can be in serious trouble in less than an hour at times depending on you know depending on your situation so one other thing to really want to think about something like our our poncho here this is a well it's getting to be it's already the outcome but if you're almost deer hunting time here and so might not be a bad color and in the hunting season but and you know it's kind of nice to be seen sometimes you know I mean now you put that you put this punchy lon and and you snap everything up here and what that does is you know we often times we think of this like a rain poncho but actually probably in my probably in my life are probably using this a lot more windy conditions than I am really in a condition 1 140 about the ring you know so if I put this on I can feel the force of the wind but I'm not get too i'm not getting the wind you know driving right into me so i can i can have this part you on like this we want to step off the edge of the cliff here but i cannot this on and i can be walking around and doing my things the link and blow against me but it's not like blowing right through me it's not blowing into my layers of clothing so basically i can have a cap on my head this will make a lot of difference just a little bit of something like this and i can have that underneath my poncho and i'm really good to go and so ponch will provide me rain and wind protection especially wind and when the storms roll in in the fall the storms are cold so this will give me some head protection this will give me some body protection so I'll punch over that'll give me some wind and moisture protection I can add another level to that by putting on a say one of our s1r fleeces that actually goes designed to go underneath our punch oh it actually snaps into our punch oh like it also add a little head protection by doing this right here so now it got double protection on the head I can cinch this down around my face a little bit and I can be in pretty good in pretty good shape so this is yet all condition where it's more than you know just throw it a little something on so the conditions are a little heavier something like that or you're up in area like we are here above 10,000 feet you can get wicked in a hurry up here so you know you might be thinking about take it enough gear along that you can be protected up here in case of the case of some kind of storm alright so now I've added another layer protection so this is a ASR poncho and a tax f8 tax a you which it doesn't have as much green in it we also have the FG and a bunch of other stuff so anyway so now I've got my fleece so now I've got a fleece underneath my poncho so now I've got insulation clear down below my knees snapped into my poncho poncho gives me rain moisture protection the fleece and my other inner clothing layers give me thermal protection and so now I'm in pretty good shape I've got my sneaks my fleet snap down my poncho snap down I can this particular this particular fleece particular fleece I've got right here does have a does have a hood on it so I can get this thing in around my and get this thing in around my head and I can cinch it so it kind of comes down here since you're so kind of comes down here around my neck so I'm trying to hold a lot of that heat around my neck in around my head I'm really well protected I'm actually I'm actually pretty good to go even into the wintertime just like this so you see just with a few little items I can i can take myself from from fall conditions which can be you know one hour like summer in the next hour a little bit more like winter so with just a few items and of course I've gotten a little more extensive here but just kind of showing you kind of a full range but I can go all the way from summertime all the way into into the throes of winter just with the stuff that I've got on right here so this is perry peacock with wilderness salvation just with some tips today it turned out not to be a shorter videos I plan I want to be thorough you know we want to be safe right I want I want everybody to keep watch and want everybody keep return all their families be safe things but I'm show you what I do this works very well for me it's work we're very well my whole life and so and every ever since we started wilderness elevation and started making some of this gear this is all I've used as our gear year-round camping pretty much every week right around the year every week of the year and this stuff worked great for me so take care be safe have a good fall and do what you can be a little bit extra cautious as we go into fall because your bodies are not our bodies are not yet ready for that cold so one when we get hit by it it kind of takes us down a little more than it would in the so we'll see how the next you

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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