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Fire Starting Tip - Using a Trangia Spirit Burner


Here's a safe alternative way to easily start a fire in tough conditions. Using the Trangia Spirit Burner our exclusive option, a sealed stove, allows you to store fuel without leakage. Check it out here. http://wildernessinnovation.com/stoves/trangia-spirit-burner-sealed-version/

Tags: Trangia,Spirit Burner,Alcohol stove,fire,firestarting,survival training,outdoors,camping

Video Transcription

hey perry peacock here with a little quick tip for you today this really will be quick I would even be long-winded or anything although I RDM anyway this is just a little tip that I've showed a few people is this winter for starting fires in tough conditions particularly when it's when it might be a little bit too windy to normally get one started not to any to run it after it's going but you know a little tough that way rather than go get in some sheltered spot to start it use a twig bundle there are some other ways you can do it and one of those is if you have a transia spirit burner or any of the others that are similar to this that burn alcohol this can make a very nice effective fire starter you know when it comes down to it you got to start a fire you use whatever whatever you got to do this right here is a good way to do it it's pretty darn safe about as safe as it can be let me just show you something we discovered this by accident a number of years ago out on a winter winter camp and we had lit one of these trenches and and had been using it behind some sheltered rocks and one of my buddies picked it up and held it up in the wind the wind was blowing pretty stout and we were getting flames out of this thing you know 22 feet long and it didn't blow out i mean we're doing all kinds of stuff and it wouldn't blow it out so ever since then I've remembered this does make a good good fire starter when when there's lenders will win because it doesn't blow out so you can take whatever you want get it started and once that flame is started I know if you can hear that a wind blowing across the across the top of it generally will not put it out okay so here we've got our little burner going here and that let me position like this I can show you how we extricate this thing on its done so if even if I've got some damp stuff or whatever you know I can play whatever I want to over the top of this and what if it needs to dry it out a little bit or something like that you actually want our stuff to be a little closer together here so it'll get scoops so this is some hot thorns it's got some thorns in it anyway so so you see the idea even if it actually snowed and rained some today so everything up here is a little bit on the damp side so you know what that is a kind of an issue but anyway once your fire gets going good and that sort of thing you know you can pull this thing out of there get it back out of the fire there take your take your lid drop it right down on there flush it out and we're good to go now I'm not going to worry about trying to keep this thing going i just wanted to show you I've got another fire going for tonight anyway but anyway so so that's the quick not so quick tip so I still took a while anyway so don't let anybody tell you all you you know you can't start a fire like that that ain't right you know whatever in my estimation learn all the different ways you can poss ibly conceivably think of the certifier and learn to do it with them I mean you never know what kind of condition you might be in some time and and that might be the thing you got to do maybe some time you're injured or whatever and you can't do much or whatever maybe isn't something like this might be a way that you can do one hand it or something like that you don't have to fuss with it you can sit there and get it going you know so you know to me it's just another tool every every method that we use to start a fire is another tool of fire starting so anyway this is your not so quick tip with perry peacock wilderness innovation have a great day be safe in the woods and use all the resources you have in your hand at your use all the resources you have your disposal

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Wilderness Innovation

Wilderness Innovation

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