Latest update!


Video Transcription

hi guys just a quick update here to let you know that i am still filming i'm still about I've just been out of action for the past couple of weeks or so I'll do apologize for that people have been waiting for video updates and whatnot but his letting you know what I've been opportunity day so I'm not the lows today little bit of origin I've made some widdy's out of brambles and talks a little bit about all the uses of the bramble plants so you know keep her if you're interested in that keep an eye out I've also done a bit of an odd video for me which was quite it was very difficult for me to film because i'm not good at just sitting there talking to the camera too much and that video is all about what is bushcrafter we are what does it mean now the videos all that what bushcraft means specifically to me not what it is in extreme detail I didn't go on too long what I help you all buying that valuable it comes up now they're going to be up tonight and today's day is it's tuesday the 15th of sep tember so you know keep posted they'll be up there tonight and if you're watching this late in that day while they're already up there thanks for watching guys

About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft

Forrester Bushcraft

Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.

My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.

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