How to identify and find Pine resin


In this video I show you the best way to find pine resin, and exactly what it is you are looking for if you need to collect any decent amount of resin!

Tags: YouTube Editor,pine tree,resin,pine,corsican pine,Scots Pine (Organism Classification),bushcraft,survival,Survival Skills (TV Genre),ray mears,Bear Grylls (Author),camping,Arborist (Profession),fire lighting,candles,Tips,Holiday,Tutorial

Video Transcription

hi guys a little really short video for you today and what I'm going to show you today is how to identify and look for pine resin which is a really really useful resource pine resin has a range of uses so things like it's fantastic violating it's great for making little bushcraft candles you can render it down to make glue all kinds of different bits and bobs with it which I will do videos on each thing as time goes on but for today all I'm going to be showing you is how to find it the reason we'll show you how to find it is if you have been shown this stuff can be quite tricky to identify but once you've got the hang of it is dead dead easy to find the stuff so to start off with what you need to do is find yourself some pine trees like this one here pine tree is really easy to identify they tend to have this kind of scaly rough bark on them they tend to grow quite tall quite straight and they have needles on them okay instead of broad inside Pines are obviously their connector string and once you've found the pine what you looking for is sections like this one here so this so most people will just look like some rough wood okay the difference is you're looking for is if you can have a look at the scales on the tree you'll find they're going kind of almost vertical lines vertical lines like that all the way through whereas this stuff it's like bubbly and novel II looked almost like when you see volcanic rock that's gone hard and once you find that the next test to do is just break a little bit of that off on the inside hopefully be able to see this on the camera it's kind of orangie that's a bit blurry on there I will stick some pictures up on the blog for you to have a look as well the other way you can make sure you've got the right stuff to give it a bit of a sniff

really really strong smelling stuff that's prime resin okay so that's how you found it it's really really brittle breaks off really really easily so I'm going to collect some for the next videos now if you're going to be out collecting this stuff you don't really want to be just sticking it into your pockets but simply because even with your body heat or if it warm day or something this top starts to melt quite quickly and it it gets really sticky it's really difficult your clothes and literally everything sticks to like I said you can use it making glue so it is really sticky stuff so I'm just going to collect a little bit this now

using my knife so you can have a watch how I do it so what I'm doing is using the tip of my knife from the hand underneath and just flaking bits off just like that tell you what I'll do I'll move the camera slightly closer hopefully so you can see a little clearer is that I'm doing there we go down there and pouch straight in the pouch because it's easy to lose this on the forest floor as you can see just with the tip of my knife being careful not to damage the tip of your knife using an old pen knife or something is always good for this one I'm just taking little bits off like that hopefully you can see how easily all light is coming out a little bit down here as well now what you're looking for really to find the best deposits of this stuff is anywhere you can see in this one this trees been damaged somehow probably when it was much younger and the tree will then start to pump out this SAP to help heal itself

okay now the sap then turns into this pine resin not sure as that is an absolute so a bit of a break okay so like that some of this is actually bark that's no use to me I don't want a bit of pine bark doesn't do anything more than quarter up my pouch and there we go and quite a lot of the stuff smells fantastic and it's got consistency it's just like kind of crystallized sugar or honey or something really really good stuff I love it as you can see now housing getting into it loads and loads of stuffs coming away oh that happens quite a lot break that off there

so that's collecting the the crystallized resin that you find pretty calming on trees that's the best stuff to get hold of however if you're in a bit of a struggle and a bit of pickling you can't find it there are other things to look for okay so what I've got here is in louanddan quite strong winds playing in that wind the top one of these pine trees is well straight off that's fallen down here now you'll notice show you this this is the top of the pine tree here and on the top of this on the bottom of this stick that's fallen you can see that it's got all this white stuff at the bottom okay so that is the pine resin but that's fresh pine so you're not raising that pine sap some of its crystallized it's quite fresh and tough there's white stuff if you give it a bit of press see if I can demonstrate on this on the video actually you can see it's kind of it's still still sticky this stuff but it is starting to crystallize now I tend to stay away from the sticky stuff it really is it's like if you've ever had honey

that's still in the wax it is just like that stuff okay so some bits clean up I tend to stay away from this because my hands are really tacky and sticky now that does have uses though and if you can get hold of some of this stuff and just rub it on your hands if you're doing friction fire light and it comes in really we hand it back because it gives you a bit of extra grip on the rod when you're doing your your friction fire lighting so that's how to identify find and collect pine resin as always thank you for watching please give me a like give me a subscribe leave many comments or feedback some what you think of the videos and if you keep watching I will in the next couple of days be throwing up some videos showing you the various uses of the pine resin I'll do a separate video for each one I'll do it quite detailed thank you very much for watching

About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft

Forrester Bushcraft

Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.

My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.

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