Vlog/channel Update autumn 2015


Just a quick update on the channel and a few questions! appologies for the sound quality this was a very spare of the moment video

Tags: Bushcraft,Bushcraft Skills,Wilderness Skills,Outdooors,Hiking,Camping,Survival,Survival Skills,woodcraft,wood craft,Video Blog (Website Category),Blog (Industry)

Video Transcription

hi everyone I'm out it's boring a kind of new little patch of woodland today and I thought I'd take this opportunity to do a small channel update I'm a word I've not done one for a while and people might have a few questions I've got a few things to put to you I've just spotted this actually nice health a little birch bracket there's tons of litter in this place sure kind of sucked I've kind of reasonably out of the way but it seems to be stuff everywhere I mean the remnants of what appears to be some old building no idea what it is ah it's going kind of all the four things like our badges that something but it doesn't seem to me maybe everything seems to be moved around some old building not the standard of woodland I was hoping it would be but it will do basically the litter is where I am there is a huge huge land thorpe it is absolutely foul out the back of me nobody really comes out here that's just why I can't have a look but it seems it quite a lot of the stuff from there as made its way out of the landfill pit and into here but actually looks pretty no reasonable health was quite a young forest some more these polypore fungi dot around so I'm going to do I'm going to find a little place to sit down and I'm gonna just do it's gonna be a really real quick update i just got a couple questions to ask and stuff like that so find a spot the ubiquitous special crew comes kind of seemed to permeate every inch of the Great British landscape fantastic I'm also trying to get out the wind a little bit i've broken my microphone i don't not currently no map I don't know whether anybody's noticed i usually have in my videos no tie clip Mike and I've broken it through use so i apologize if the wind is getting giving us that horrible wind Buffy buffeting sound I'm going to do my best to get out the wind for this video today for you let's put your mushrooms in it so i keep getting strapped i'm supposed to be an update and I'm just chatting away if we got around here all right ok I'm on the edge of a field now that's no good it's quite a small patch of woodland it's a basically really local to me I live somewhere a very urban so finding yo nice but you can do your bushcraft anywhere but finding nice locations to film is quite challenging for me I have to travel quite a way to find stuff works feel when you're away from people you get some funny looks from random passers-by if you just you know in the woods chatting away to a camera I'm not bothered what kind of ruins the videos rings videos where is the feel of it ah this just is just junk everywhere but I've never seen anyone in there it's just so unnecessary right why are we okay here seems decent off just a little patch sheltered so I'll set up an allure I'll get back to you okay so this can be really quick it's just a really really quick update something I've been meaning to do for a good few weeks now and just kind of never really got around to it and I kept kind of thinking or doing do I really want to ask that though I really need to say that so first off if you're wondering where I've been over the summer summer is a really busy month for me I work in the outdoor so obviously that's what most people wanna go outdoors it's just really busy and I've struggled to find the time to actually get out and film some videos so i do apologize for that hopefully next year is gonna be a little bit easier in terms of time to get stuff done what else build a a couple of questions I wanted to ask you to the subscribers the people who watch the videos I've got I've got two ideas but for some stuff that I want to do partly get some more content and partly just because it seems popular on all the channels and I don't know whether people are gonna be interested in it you know I do that I don't do this for me I do you guys I enjoy making videos yeah but I enjoy people watching them as well so one thing that I've been kind of toying with the idea with them playing with a little bit is just doing sort of be logs sort of not really really like not every day and potentially every week and the reason for this is I'm outdoors all day every day near enough and people seemed to like these fly on the wall kind of videos and I might be able to teach a lot of stuff through doing videos I thought now might not necessarily think of doing a video on and so if people are interested in seeing that kind of stuff just V logs on my general outdoor kind of things are going on you know comment on here and let me know if you don't want to see that kind of stuff and that's gonna be boring comment on here as well and let me know about that it's just it's just something else to do a new way of teaching I already do some v logs I've not done a great many and I'm planning on doing a lot more trips out and expeditions and hiking and stuff which I know isn't necessarily strictly bushcraft but it all kind of falls under the same umbrella so I'm going to be doing them they're kind of v-log style videos got one coming up at the end of this month which should be good i'm not going to tell you exactly what that is yet but stay tuned so sort of beginning of december that should start up here employee hopefully all being well and the other stuff that i wanted to look at is one of the questions I get a lot is what camera do i use how do i film what camera equipment do i take out and I know this isn't bushcraft um no it isn't wilderness skills but in this day and age technology is really important and photography and so is its kind of yo it's really popular in the outdoors a lot of people who take really fancy cameras out to take photographs when they're doing the bush map and I absolutely love this it's a fantastic way of sharing people's experiences so I was thinking of doing like a kind of mini series on the equipment that I use and then maybe some of the methods I use for filming I know my my videos aren't exactly the most kind of visually fantastic things in the world I tend to focus more on the skills but I do get asked a lot so I was considering maybe you know recommending some of the camera gear that i use the reason for this is the cameras and the equipment I choose I choose it because it's more practical to take out into the outdoors so I've got a lot of friends or professional photographers and they've got some brilliant stuff brilliant cameras amazing video cameras fantastic tripods and flash systems technological stuff that I frankly don't understand which is great every photographer but if you're into the outdoors and you will do outdoor photography and you want to make your own YouTube channel perhaps it's going to be absolutely used to you it's big it's bulky it's heavy doesn't do well in the web so people are interested in seeing the equipment I use and the techniques the methods I use I'm more than willing to do a video on that i'm not a big technique I'm not really much at all but through doing this channel have kind of picked off certain skills and certain like snippets of knowledge which is the kind of bridge gap between photography and the outdoors and I love to see all the people channel 0 so I'm I want to help people I'm on a lot of the bushcraft forums bushcraft pages on Facebook and I what I really like is seeing what people are up to them what they're doing everyone just see most people just seem to post pictures and neither stuff my phone that kind of foreign I'm not not really that in turn I'd even quite on it and what I like to see is people out doing their outdoor stuff so people want to see the equipment i'm using comment for me if you think that's you know not relevant to this channel you know shower this channel is yours as much as it is mine it also few guys watching it i wouldn't be making a channel so you know what i want to see what kind of stuff do you guys want to see oh good amount and other than that that's pretty much pretty much it i bought a few videos coming up as always if there's things that you want to see if the skills that you want to learn put them in this comments think me one of the hardest things for me is he's coming up with ideas for content and I've got a lot of ideas what I quite often I'm unsure whether you knew people want to see it was no point in me filming it if you guys don't want to see it I love filming videos I really enjoy being out into the camera it's kind of like you can see you at Yale so you go that's the update for kind of late autumn 2015 thank you all for watching I will appreciate all the comments that are coming in actually that's the other thing I wanted to say yeah just reminding myself I get a lot of comments now on the videos and rapidly approaching nine thousand subscribers but some of the videos I've had I've done I've done like fantasticly well you know some of them over I'd like 74 thousand views on them and I get a lot a lot a lot of comment I read every single comment that I get is the odd one that slips through the net I do read them all however I currently don't have the time to reply some more as I said I work in the outdoors and outside most the time when I'm not working I'm out here filming videos practicing skills and just exploring so even though I have network signal the majority time on my farm or a really good Network it's actually it takes a lot of time to apply for those comments and to be honest a lot more comments duplet for comment but I do i do enjoy reading every comment I've read every single one that again I really really appreciate the comments please don't stop commenting I will reply to as many as I can if you've got an absolutely burning question that you need to ask me my email address is Forrester underscore bushcraft @ hotmail.com UK

and again I will try to apply the mock item on there the other thing you can do is I do have a Facebook page I don't reuse it that often but if you just gone to Facebook and type of course to push back the the photo for it is possible under which would be this video send me a message on there and it is some reason it seems to be a little bit easier to reply to Mon there the YouTube app on the phone is it's pretty slow which is why it's so hard to reply but it's much quicker to apply to message somewhere and yeah that's it please comment please give me some ideas let me know if you want to see the stuff i've talked about and thank you all for watching I'll see you in the next video thanks guys

About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft

Forrester Bushcraft

Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.

My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.

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