Journeys | Scotland Day 1 | When things go wrong!
In this Vlog style video my self Brian & Charlie embark on day 1 of a 4 day trip to scotland in winter, in a storm. things go wrong but spirits stayed high! Part two will be released next Tuesday! Be sure to check out Brains Channel to get his perspective on the trip
Also check out Tamarak Outdoors, they have some really top notch outdoor gear
Music by
Tags: Bushcraft,Bushcraft Skills,Wilderness Skills,Outdooors,Hiking,Camping,Survival,Survival Skills,woodcraft,wood craft,Scotland (Country)
Video Transcription
okay folks so it is about half-past eight on Saturday morning and the 28th of November's go surf every november and today i am setting off on a four-day trip to Scotland will go to galloway so just wait for the boys to arrive now cars all packed ready what gear what a heavy gear we're doing traditional style camp for this one so it should be good let's go away park so the coastal camping then on the third day we're going to move inland and go to die skies private hopefully the weather will stay now gorgeous and the weather forecast isn't right interesting free horrendous for this trip what doesn't matter doesn't matter they are yeah Laurie sorry I thought he doesn't like 50 bit to fill my mum gotta be a movie than me yeah one Roy so let's get some breakfast and find my car keys which I've like lost before you even set off I need it call it human are you young bill yo give me nice I've got no not all of it 5ml by exit alone don't even own a real person ok right on the right well song what weird place for for this like in the middle of nowhere in this one house ok in it good and this shot is lady it's an outdoor shop when I did this to your statement the middle of nowhere but i'll link the shop in the bottom of my video because it's a really good shot oh yes I think I know it wasn't still doing it used to get fifteen fifty fifty percent discount just going to show me it's the border on my Roy always it mainly on my chocolate yeah you know just Tamara but the last is lots filmy side they deserve doughnuts only tell you can we maybe get sleep I don't follow rules it's a nation is a good nap well I've never seen this one evening
okay folks so we have just left tamarac PA bought a few things what did you get I picked up a mathematician first aid kit which is in red because I wanted a bigger first aid kit i think Charlie's going to demonstrate in the back here we can see the air max volition couch is rad MGM just left there and I also got a is it the gadget is it cook colca I don't know actual first like like a plastic plastic cups or set which looks like metal or plastic I really like them and I wanted to get want to give it a go so I'm treat yourself to one of them didn't get food oh yeah Englishman we've been playing around with spoons for a little decided we do realize do we have any color rivers apartment like Charlie I ever broken fork and a spoon like Charlie's the only one Tully's like yam you need to kill you guys need to stir for me if I we forgot that gasp all we've got regarding both God gastos no gasp oh yes I looks like a bean roots yeah MCM we are now heading to Scotland we've got about three hours left on road we're gonna able to step off bits of coffees in it yeah I probably ought to stop off i think maybe stop off in carlisle and stuff sweet don't know i don't know where yet just what if we need it we pilot right so yeah well they will bring you on Oh Calvin so morn update peers just mess the whole fellow I have ruin the whole trip they thought more of you doing so my new car isn't a petrol car but it now has a tank full of petrol mm-hmm so does that mean Peter it's only for the wrong fuel in here was that so basically I put the wrong fuel it luckily the green green flag are on the way I've not turn the engine on so it should be just a case of draining it and then putting the right fuel in yeah and hoping for the best so we're already slightly lights and they were just gonna we're going to be set up in the dark yeah mom but we can we can manage it will be fine we'll be all right professionals partly I think oh yah oh you mean is part of the adventure oh yeah we've got a little weight and then turn into a survival situation Holly joyful great sasa pro you it's not even as hot it's my heart he's got by go see anyway we talked to record the placing all of the car oh yeah how do you feel loved it I what it's just one of them things I have that fight I mean noise are going to be set up in the dark for that's the big disappointment
while will be in self it was really Bryan went for a food right so we're now in the garret waiting room my god if you like the comfy is most pleasant waiting room I'll ever be in a carriage i repented a little bit the tour so we've got but you know you stand the comb Alex gonna meet reading material here yes here we've got classic Ford magazine company by the new BMW sort of the local newspapers yeah we've got two hours a fucking yeah we've got a car flying that's been signed by party Pete my best moves on the dance floor apparently and then ok IM chill out please really plush leather sofas watch it is TP the heat is on those vending machines is toilets we just can't there thank you say nice mom laurel road mate this is like a prep behaving that you know that the windows are we sure this isn't it out check it out i salute le bois my Brickton cop unload here I come back in the living the Dallas the Dallas I hear me but I can't use mine this is lit this is the same self i have in my living room I think so yeah over the weather oh yeah let's check the weather outside internet oh the definition grew windy
okay guys as we can see from the demonstration here we do a lot of rain compensation in a few days I'm rush egh snowfall this evening we're in the North made your point of dust burning them throughout you keep safe as you can see here wave struggle we're on to travel that travel news it's a wet and condensation 0 60 mile an hour sorry skies Maurice be joining us in an emergency what we've done is we've actually got the car I'm rubbing it from Pete and we're doing for although I meant to go backwards there so what we're going to do is we're going to just do one we're gonna leave feedback in the in the place and we're off upset we need Peter otdf we're all back again here officer you tonight well that was fun oh wait it's like I really felt the tank because he's like up what's make security late aww sound legitly lit you like the party before the tank do I go is a boss that guy's not going as a boss true is the man oh please hello on the road again on board again so we're
burning slowly night all right we're gonna we should have an employed to get comfortable maybe or i have your insight the flags of time frame o'charley's we got Jim how to pilot car park it'll go far as I sell if you drip tip over Hey 30-noon
they call not God I've got a single that it means it about the car Hollywood open
so there is the estuary or the sea that will be coming next there the forest or borderland there were companies just up there yeah work will let you like four minutes I do something so we have started walking now and we just come to a bit of the forest where we've got our first so I'll proper view of what we're camping next to and it's pretty cool there's a little town that's nearby it's not actually as dark as it looks on the camera by the way still dark oh yeah let's crack on all right so we found a spot it's not actually as dark as it looked on the camera but obviously like low light cameras and stuff so this is where i'm setting up so and then go into this tree with the the hennessy hammock so this is its kind of real trial I've used it a few times that this is his real trial out in the wilds of Scotland it's pretty nice bit of woodland Brian's getting up over there Charlie's going to get off over there then we're gonna have a fire here in the middle it should be good so I'm going to step up and then we'll we'll we'll tune back in well I guys so pretty much set up now we're just Brian's gonna do the honors to get a fire going just here so Brian's in his you'll see this all on his videos as well but he's over in his DD set with the hennessy hammock underneath it Charlie's here being really industrious with the firewood he's well industrious he's a ground dwelling tonight so over there that's this little cell zoom in a little bit you see it she's down on the ground pretty roomy under actually isn't it yeah tons of space DD three by three car I've not hung out the back section of it which normally gives me a ton more space inside but just for a quick setup while we're in the dark that's pretty it's pretty tasty I quite like that yeah pretty smile might do a video on that set of facts and then I'm over here in Maya Maya defend your content you're gonna make a chance my conscience now fight you for it shove over here in the in my Hennessey setup that's just my dry bag they're just chillin and then I stepped on the got my the canvas pack from wild canvas yep there we go it's just pretty dense woodland actually like we're pretty well pretty alright with the work whether actually it's nowhere near as bad as we expected is it well I mean when we got out the car was awful like we're literally blown over but in here like the trees like barely moving so yeah alright it's pretty short as well I'm not cold or anything I've only got like a thin only got my fin my fin kind of range of shirt on so good get fire going oh sweet sweet actually waters it like the miss things like a pill is it like the couple cut ya think it's like a poke from plastic makes beach riva it's really cool alright updates me and always well do what I really like it well I like the light in on this camera with you see if you like George this looks really good it looks proper cool seen this yam I've made myself one of them do pref in that span bit preppy then he'll want to go look taught some extra bed for a five pocket play oh no disaster whatever dawn so I can show it absolute nightmare mate ferrysburg Bobby forreal isn't she back I really like it when it's gone proper dry it's gone past droid it's gone like I just started to like just it's gonna look tough the lights I try to you do today yeah that would it actually captured saw it don't take this number I'm not getting mouth shut up on a nightmare
hold in
unless you not even an issue tonight all right folks so fire is going slowly so basically because of the car incident were quite behind now so what we're gonna have to do is actually go and get some food so we've got a fire going contained it all nice it's not going to go anywhere and we're going to go and get some some food from the shop it's like literally but we've got trek back out of the woods which is not a short walk but it's not like a massive walk either sir gonna get some food come back and make I was still going with curry yeah all over that oh yeah this is pretty crazy given that what date is it like the 28 of 29 28 today so the eighth of februari in in Scotland and there are still fox blows out right with the flowers on that is crazy that's how warm it's been this year went through his comment hopefully like eventually okay so back from the shop by a Tesco back at camp we'll just watch three get the fire going it's so hot and uh we'll get some grub on the go and i'm not sure you got watch on so 10 plus seven sault ste Singh up time in it roofing survive well let's get the fire going fast all right just stick it straight down Charlie's like the keenest bushcrafter I've ever met trying to practice some of my construction skills this try and Brian like I just old and jaded how did you get shoot door it's why we brought him to be honest knock it off that walking oh that was a killer walk up with all the food the fighting the food was heavier than the gear the gears just more awkward I think I'm gonna have you got mine on yet walk it going on here any time to stir with boys make some of your bushcrafter way you to make sauces taught me that ok I'll give Brian from it Berlis how is Chow is Charlie like more preferred to those but everything we think with good him or not I think that is it like here's one I made earlier ladies another well better channel with us we want or just everything in this at all it is working as well you make I've serve 15 p but this pot like when it's full up and that's using like watery and I will run for breakfast then ok guys so we've just got on a bit ver we've decided on my adventure because we've just spotted the moon and it looks incredible out there whoa this is a really slippery Hill so we're going to go and take some pictures for it so what a bit of a rush we'll catch you when we get down there let's do the trees right guys the view that we've got here like is absolutely phenomenal and the camera isn't injustice at all so there's Kubrick in the distance there but the tides gone out over this river ds3 which is just creeping behind a cloud now is like reflecting off the off the mud flat tail amazing it's so dark here so I think we would take some long exposure pictures and they turn out okay I'm gonna stick them in the video kind of give you an idea
I think mr. C thighs right each man it's just no one into focus truck stuffing them tomorrow it's my own vendor mixes its salt from the South farthing you get salt in the South bother oh you can you cover my little son glued only the best it's still steaming Robert it's fucking cold shit okie sweating over Jennifer so I'll just bleep you out this is not going to work and break my back it to land
Charlie you made something that works go change oh wow charlie didn't actually make it we're just trying make him feel but like I built those whip this up before me drop earrings it Charlie's running around in the dark the box is a bison real I'm pretty happy with that let's come together all right no the dog went to another corner we can be back a little so after a pretty long day and a lot of messing around with finally minus to get some food on the on the ghost we've made tomorrow Oh Cory it's pretty good actually I quite like it it's nice crunchy rice light so we did that in the older children which was pretty cool and now it's getting a blue one so I gonna eat up and eat ok so that is day 1 over we'll call it a night pretty early we've eaten a hot drink we were eating quite a lot we had like an amazing Cory there was so much of it but it's been a long day been eventful day so we're all calling it a night now so we're hoping to get up pretty early like before the Sun and just explore this little bit of woodland and this general area tomorrow so been fun day and I'll see you tomorrow
About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft
Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.
My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.
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- Winter Warmers - Pine Cone Candle
- Making Videos | Day pack load out
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #2 make a chair
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- Out and about
- Chicken hatches at school
- Thank you!
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- Scotland Trip | Looking back
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- Journeys | Scotland Day 4 | Journeys end
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