Making Videos | Day pack load out
In this video i take a detailed look at the contents of my day pack, how they are packed and why I carry them for short walks & days practicing my bushcraft in the woods. In this video there will also be a little focus on the equipment I carry with me for making videos on youtube.
All gear that I have reviewed can be found in my recommended gear play list.
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Tags: Bushcraft,Bushcraft Skills,Wilderness Skills,Outdooors,Hiking,Camping,Survival,Survival Skills,woodcraft,wood craft,Daypack,EDC
Video Transcription
hi guys got another video for you today and today's video is one that has been requested quite a lot now before I get started I'm going to talk about why I haven't done this video a little bit sooner so the video obviously you've seen from the title is about my daypack hold out I've been asked about this below as people really like gear pardon me I got a bit of a cold and but yeah I've held off from doing my Cape upload up for a while because I've been in the process of refining my day pack for out specifically for a day of filming and that's what this video is all about it's the start of a small little series of videos and we do about the process that i use for filming a video and i'm going to start with the gear that I carried obviously that is fundamental to film in the videos and I've been refining the system for a while mmm thinking of a way to pack it try to work out the best stuff to carry to maximize the quality of the videos that i use and of course finding the correct gear so before i get onto the pack i'm going to talk a little bit about the things that i'm wearing and so obviously this wallet top usually stays in the pack I'm a pretty warm pretty warm guy it's got a mile that here today but I have stopped this on I mean it has to be pretty cool for me to put extra layers on hmm it's damp in the edge there as I've got a little bit of cold so I put this on and my hat normal stays in the bag as well I don't like hat set up suit hats that I will avoid wearing hat or costs because they make me look like I've got off beam for a head but usually that stays in pack and I tend to try and keep my pockets empty if I can I usually carry a small handkerchief with me which I've actually forgot to bring out but I also have my phone in my pocket which even though I've got no signal I keep with me I keep the charger with me we'll get into that in a moment but I do quite a lot of filming on this phone this phone is a quality phone it's a sony xperia z3 it's waterproof films in 4k video unfortunately after stuff I had to stop using it as a minute because I've scratched the lens on it so if anybody knows how to fix a scratch on a lens but big scratch do shout out this is the phone that I carry with me it's brilliant to the little case is quite heavy it's quite bulky but it does make for good filming it also allows me to update things
my Instagram at my tumblr and my facebook page when I am out of words to kind of give let live update of what I'm doing got pretty good coverage on it mmm have to be pretty out the way to not get signal so that's it that's what I carry on my person usually when I arrived on site has got a little neck knife which goes straight on to my body and I put all the bits that go straight straight out of the pack onto me when I arrived at camp but and kept it in the bag today so I can show you through the process of doing it so the pack that I'm using is the ridgeline trooper backpack and I have already done a video on this i'm going to review this plaque so you have a really close look at it so that will be in the links description at the bottom and there's probably been a little thing that's roll out at the top any minute now these that have a look at so the reason that I've chosen this bag and it's not like this bag in the world but for a day like this I try to avoid walking too far I pick a location I felt that I and I film but it's perfect for carrying my bushcraft gear and my camera gear the reason for is it's got two main compartments get a feature that I normally try to avoid on backpacks so it's got a larger compartment of the back smaller compartments from the larger compartment carries my bulkier bushcraft gear spare clothes tools that kind of stuff and the front pouch bag contains all my camera equipment so this easy to access small its tight apartment it keeps it moving around too much the other reason I've chosen to use this pack for being out them than the videos is the ability to strap things to this packs it's got this mamali system on it which aesthetically is it something I like I don't like this military style stuff i like my traditional gear but exactly perfect for this kind of thing so I've got a selection of pouches on the front of it on the front of the pack here and what I like about this is I have the ability to take these pouches off and put them onto my belt kit at camp if I'm not camping I'm still walking and I need to access any of the stock it goes in these pouches so in here is my quick access though the things I need when I'm moving around and I'm walking around and so let's have a look at these pouches first it's the stuff that is there for emergencies so we'll get into that first I'm going to look at the couches then the main compartment and then the camera stopping last so you're not interesting the camera stuff you don't have to watch that bit in all of us craft gear predominantly is in the pouches and the main bath so let's have a look at that so we're going to start with the pouch the side pouch which is directly on the edge of the pack here so it's a tasmanian tiger brand ammo pouch and what I keep in here probably just sit poking out there which is the deliberate things that it's obvious and visible to others is my life systems trek first a really basic first aid kit realistically all you need for a day out I don't carry a huge first aid kit for me it stays on that side pouch which comes off arrived at camp and goes on to my belts it's accessible at all times it stays accessible all times when I'm walking around should I or somebody else and I come across need some Thursday the other thing in nurse and then that gets used pretty frequently on my walk is my compass so if I'm actually doing some navigation this stays on my person it goes around my neck what a day like today it comes with me anyway and it just stays in the elasticated side pouch of this side pocket of this pouch so on the other side of this pouch I've got this kind of desert camo pouch as well I'm not
what kind of power to those I picked it up the second-hand shop just to attach it on here and all I have in here is firstly some hand sanitizing gel and carry this accessibly if I'm eating trail mix something i'm using with my hands and I've been messing around with rotten bits of wood and getting fire stuff it's a really good thing to have just to give your hands a bit of a clean before putting it into your your food and then eating it then also I have something very rarely gets used but I do like to have because it's absolutely invaluable at the times when you need it is just a small Gerber multi-tool it's really the pliers on that come in the handiest the final pouch on the outside of the bag is this snugpak response response pack and I really like this it's very very secure I've been using it for quite a lot years now it's still in great condition it's not to beat up and what I really like about this palette is when i get the camp i can take this off strap it to my shoulder strap it to my waist and then everything in there is really accessible so this is the only pouch that contains non bushed bushcraft equipment on the outside the bag and what I have in here I have I only have anything in the main compartments start with pretty much on our Dyson on the side is i have my secondary camera which is a sony hx6 TV it's a fantastic little bridge camera but i do use it as my second to come when it's what I tend to fill many blobs on down there I have an ultra pod mini tripod this thing is incredible it's really really lightweight it's a very very versatile and it allows me to get some really dynamic shots and i'll be doing a full video on that some point as i will for the camera as well I've got a small tripod attachment that I can clip my phone too
and I've got a selfie stick which allows me to get shots like this which is really valuable so one of the comments I had from my last blog is pan slower so I'm going to practice that right now so if anybody's watching this you watch those videos is this a better slowing slow pan or you well that the selfie sticks really useful particularly for vlogging stuff I don't usually have it at this full extension what it allows me to just kind of look straight into the camera and take people longer walk with me and I also just got recently that this shot is quite cool so you can see in my little my little filming area hopefully I can't see the screen so that's the selfie stick I also have in here some snack food so i'll keep them on the outside of the on the outside a bag to encourage me to eat enough when i'm around today's snack food of choice are Hobnobs snack bars they're really nice and I keep my small been off the field knife in there as well so that I can quickly access that and put it straight onto my neck when I arrived at camp the only other thing that I do keep in this pack is in the side here which I almost forgot about so I frequently forget about it's just a small empty brass container and I generally use this if I'm kind of foraging for materials particularly things like a pine resin that goes in there and it keeps it it keeps the pine resin from melting and sticking all my stuff together I'll put maybe damp birch bark of stuff in there as well so I can dry it out when I arrived so yeah just a hand a little container containers are great you never know you're gonna find in the woods so that's the exterior pouches out the way just emergency access stuff stuff for any quick access to so let's move on and look at the two main parties i'm going to start with the main compartment now one thing that i do need to note with this main compartment before i get started is that there are two things which i usually keep in there which i'm not in there at the moment one of those is my secondary layer my warm layer and the other is my manfrotto lightweight tripod which just goes on the side it fits in perfectly and yet it folds up it's lightweight and it kind of adds a little bit of rigidity to the back of the pack so it kind of in conjunction with one of the writing that's in that it creates a kind of frame to support the back of that bag to make it more comfortable to carry of course I'm filming this so I had to take the tripod out to film on its my primary filming tripod alongside the ultra pod so already you're starting to get an idea of how much camera equipment is in here which is what makes this pack heavy but we're getting some camera equipment in a minute I keep waffling on let's have a look at the bushcraft gear so straight up straight first thing on the top is my belt kit on that belt kit I have a bhk bushcraft knife I've got a Swiss Army knife Hunter knife I think is the model of that and I've got a backhoe saw they're both kept on the belt which can be strapped over the top of my clothing to the quick access there are things I use most around the pan the next thing that got is I've got my bowl so popelka bowl set thing and sat into the bowl nestle nestle in there is my fire pouts which just has a arrangement of things I'm not going to go into the fire parts on what's contained in it or a couple of pouches in here like that I'm not going to explain watching them each will get its own respective video so down the side here is the second item which I'm going to actually use now but this helps what I said alongside the tripod to create a little bit rigidity and rigidity into the into the pack is an ultralight Trek mate sitting or kneeling pad really really great bit of kit so that's going to go down on the floor spend most of the time when our knees doing bushcraft so it's a great thing to carry so now we start getting into the smaller thing so down the side here again it's really quick access I can access this when everything else is in the pack is my klean kanteen water container or as current always carry a steel steel container for doing particularly Bush class stuff because it means I can boil water in it that is really really useful okay so next we've got down the side okay so all this stuff is basically on the same level so it's accessible or at the same time so from this point it's not really in any order I've got a small maxpedition organizer pal sorry a medium-sized one this pouch he is brilliant I have to hand put it to Brian over the outdoor life Brian for getting me on for this it's completely turned my life around it's got a bunch of miscellaneous stuff in it that camera spur camera batteries charger cables a lot of box and matches it's got nail clippers all right kind of stuff in it and it just allows me to be more organized with little components of my mic it and my gear so I'll do it again that's something is going to get its own video at some point that's in the quick and easy to access I have my optimus lightweight cook set okay so you're probably asking why I've got a bowl and the cook set with me truth is I just like having a proper wide ball ter I usually just do cooking and things in here but this also has a few items in it so in my cup set I basically got some blue washing up liquid blue so that it's not the same girl as my cooking oil don't want to get those two mixed up I've got small cloth and I've got a little sponge that's been cut in half and a small titanium folding for sport that all sits together nicely in their pouch and it also has a catchment toilet saw your mini water filter means I don't have to carry quite as much water with me bottle of meths to go with a small trangia mess burner a poker cup is much nicer to drink out of a plastic or a warden crop this is a plastic water cup and then a metal one because it burns your lips it stays warm a little bit longer coffee pouch I like to think a lot of coffee when I'm out in the woods DD super late hammock in case I want to be seated off the ground or or whatever for the weight of it in the size of it well worth carrying everywhere normally that can also go to pocket if i want to i try to keep your pockets empty it's more a bit of food I try to avoid Tim food but this was bought for me for Christmas but I outside edge bushcraft I love haggis tin food isn't the best to carry with you because it's heavy is bulky and you've got to take it away from you but I figured I'd treat myself today and then that is it no it's not I also have in here some assorted learn to college at least one really long piece I think that's about about 10 feet of cord there no one about 20 feet of cord and there's some smaller smaller miscellaneous size bits and of course my super light tart in case the weather turns particularly when I'm out filming wet weather and camera equipment does not go well and that's what the cause for to go with that that is I do believe everything next record in there so that's the main compartment of the pack gone through I keep it as organized as I can that's very important it's organized it's easy to carry it's organized you know where your stops going to be when you need it you know exactly where to go to get things and everything to raise an order of basically the way I need it so people will say why don't keep your tab at the top you shelter is really important when I'm out on a day filming like this that is kind of secondary and what to be honest even though it's at the bottom of the pack once the tripod is out it's it's that's it underneath the tribe but so the tripod comes out of the pack I can just reach straight down and get to that that top there's not much in here there's not much to sift through it's easy to get it so let's have a look at the forward compartment this pouch and I'll take you through the camera equipment that I carry with me not much in this front compartment at the moment i'm already using the primary camera which takes up the bulk of the space in here which is the canon 1200 d DSLR camera so in here I've just got a shemagh and really versatile bit kit I keep it in with my camera equipment to stop it all kind of get bashed against each other it's all that hard stuff in here hard and fragile things in there so that just stays in the front it can be used as a lens wipe it could use the scarf can we use to wrap one of my other lenses up just a useful bit of kit I've got a pack of thought is just don't get use that often but it is nice to have them like i said i'm trying to get a bit more into solve the speaker i said that a different video sorry I have got my lapel mic linear PCM recorder which currently is out of use because this has broken the jack in it has come loose so I'm actually looking into getting rid of them that's why the sound kind of sucks on this video a little bit because I'm just using the built-in mic on the camera probably the most important thing in there aside from the cameras is my external power pack so i'm using a ravpower 16,000 milliamp hour charger really good a little charge it is going to get its own video but one of the things I really like about it is it's got a little torch on the front there which comes in useful when changing can batches and things like that I have my emergency backup camera which is this samsung hm x qf 30 really fantastic little camera really really good quality really good zoom on it good sound alike the reason this is my backup camera is because I don't have any way of recharging this out in the field at the moment the charger port for it is really unusual it I don't know what kind of charger that is and I've been able to been unable to find one as yet it's something that I'm still looking into so any one of them that fits into USB so it can be attached to the external power pad I have a GoPro camera which is great it's not actually minus pin that this is on loan to meet from Pidge lost but I've decided that I am going to get one of these i'm going to add it to my my repertoire of camera equipment it's a really really cool little camera give some really nice shots it's waterproof splash proof actually kind of perfect for outdoor stuff I suppose that's what I design for I have a additional lens so this is a missing a lens cap they didn't know about that this is a 75 to 300 millimeter lens this is the big zoom lens I use I don't get to use this as often as I'd like because it's difficult to actually film on but great for taking photographs but it stays in there anyway and track one of the things I'm trying to get into is a bit of wildlife photography which as yet I've not been able to do anything with but that is it's just by what's a nice bit of extra kit to carry with and last but not least I carry always a map of the area that I am in I do have gps on the phone i do have auden servi gps on the phone but carrying a hard map with you is good it's great to practice you navigating skills you've exploring in there and keep it accessible in this front pouch with all the camera gear because it will also stay dry in there so I always carry one of them and that's why I've also got the compass so guys there you go that is my day pack allowed out and how I organize it in my pack now I'm not going into any detail really of any of the individual items quite a lot of them have already done reviews and I will try and get all the links of them to them in the description box if I remember I'm pretty bad at doing that but if I've forgotten to do it just drop me a message I'll get them all put in as with all the camera equipment and the stuff that I used specifically for filming which actually makes up I would say the the boat weight of this plat rather than the box space I'm going to do individual videos on each thing somewhere do a review of each camera so I'm going to look at the way these reviews going to work is I'm going to review the camera as just a camera but then what I'm going to do is go into detail about why I've selected these cameras in particular for their use in the outdoors I put a lot of work into researching this gear in this equipment and I want to share that with you because I get asked a lot about how to start a channel how do I do this what camera quick the news so I'm going to start really look at that I'm not going to do loads of videos on it because this is a bushcraft channel but for me the filming of these videos is a huge part of my bushcraft and light your life so I want to make a little bit of a focus on that and talk about why it is important that we do these things now in terms of our bushcraft I'm not going to get into that in this video this is a video on the kit lowdown and that is that's pretty much all there is to say about this this gear in this equipment and if anyone's got any suggestions for things that can be added to this gear that without bulk it out i mean very rarely now do i find that i need something else when i'm out here and that just doesn't happen there's a couple of things that i would add to this the different specific activities so occasionally carry a little hand catch it with me bought that doesn't come out with me very often anymore unless I'm doing something specific which is going to require a small hatchet and I think that's going to be always the way with your gear and equipment your gear and your equipment is always going to change and fluctuate with what it is you're setting out to do so this gear isn't designed for walk-in a long way it's very very heavy predominantly because the camera gear so if i was going on an actual walk or hike and actually take out stuff like the fire kit i'm not going to need that when i'm outta Battle just carry a lighter with Mina and a feral rod I could take out the hammock but I do like having that with me I could probably take out some of the crock were equipment but it's night again it's just these little comforts I don't mind carrying it I see the heavyweight pack for these little walks as kind of training for the longer hikes that I'm doing so as always I hope you have all enjoyed the video i hope you've gained something from it please do drop me a like a share comment and I'll see you in the next video thanks everyone
About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft
Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.
My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.
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