Impromtu Live Video Filmed 25/3/17
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Shot on samsung galaxy s7 Edge
Tags: Bushcraft,Bushcraft Skills,Wilderness Skills,Outdooors,Hiking,Camping,Survival,Survival Skills,woodcraft,wood craft
Video Transcription
okay so how do I know when people are watching doesn't appear to give me any notifications so while i wait for people to decide whether or not the watching I'm going to make a brew don't know whether this is going to work I have never done a live YouTube video before how do I know if people are watching oh I'd subway Peter common I don't know is there anybody there if you are comment hello through our people watching and I've never done a live video before and I'm basically i'm filming a time lapse of the Sun track in the shadow of this tree and I thought I'll give it a go see what happens how is it would be we good everyone happy it's also a nice day to be out because it's haha brilliant i'm not alone well that's good to know everyone good everyone happy where is everybody from like I don't know what time is anywhere else in the world stirring stick ah you better stick to stir my brew with just you got a review at a kids party just run away just just run away and hide in the woods yo Ben and you even work today maybe I should do it ask me anything question question no a show type thing ask me your bushcraft related questions yeah the weather is really good today I'm actually I'm wearing way too many layers is a lot warmer than I thought it was going to be keep getting a waft of food from somewhere I think there's someone else in the woods thank you I am quite proud of my beard how's the connection by the way can ever is everyone is it coming through clearly because it says the top it's a poor connection how's it would be hope for goodness sake I can't make a stirring stick it says poor connections are hopefully it's coming through to you guys okay watch out for the Bears yeah birds are a real problem in the UK I'm walking so about the pheasants ones just wanna just tap this is so metal metal how is it how is it metal okay pixelation I think the pixelation Benny's because it's live and then later on when it gets uploaded properly it will be it'll be better my last cup of cup of coffee so how do i read I don't know how to read comments and stuff I don't know how to scroll don't know how to scroll back through them I can't do technology so I'll just have to watch them as they're as they come up so while I've got all your attention hello USA once I've got your attention and I'm out shooting some videos today that is that is why i'm doing this i'm filming time ups and they take they take a while to to to go through but is there any any videos you guys would like to see anything that you'd like like to see me produce
I'm not in the peak district at the minute I am literally I'm in like a little bit of what local woodland in just sort of Merseyside me where I live it's not like a vast wilderness or anything it's just a nice little bit of area to come and to come and film do stuff not in the peak district today trying out manure this small oak hello Canada no it's not a small oak Bennett's a very large oak it's good for climbing I fell out of it once in fact I think that video is way back on my Instagram somewhere are you all follow me on instagram you better be we go onto Instagram and search for forest a bushcraft yeah you from the size of Merseyside as well it's lovely isn't it that's a joke it's not lovely not not lovely so rude be what what's rude ass snowdonia mountain adventure put video please and yeah I could I could do that I could do that it's not it's not far from me actually snowdonia in the back garden Bush crackling with you some what are you doing John what are you doing out in the backyard and that's er that's a cool thing to be doing on a nice day Marvins was the Marvin's I've heard this in the UK isn't it somewhere Marvins where is that I should I should know about shouldn't I I think I've not had any video suggestions yet come on guys to just some more videos another one there's not only a mountain adventure I will do a snowdonia mountain adventure like snowdonia in fact i'll be in snowdonia tomorrow but i won't be filming i am on a father and he granted i've already got a load of ground shelter tarp tent plans if you want to check them out and the ones that i've usually used are the three by three tarts but a lot of them you will be able to do with the slightly smaller one hello Ella hello hello Liam thank you for the knife and liam is just commented has got an amazing facebook page for his knife creations if you want to put your link in here limb get people to come and have a look one of the balls month by month okay I'll do that and it's doing it's tricky because it's it's really difficult for me to talk about wild edibles are in different parts of world and obviously I have got a views from all around the world but i will do some an adjoining shelter fire pit and roasting pot hangar got to pass on the skills yet and if i can find somewhere appropriate to do that i will do knife videos Kelly here I've just plugged your knives Liam yeah Liam make some very very nice knives mountain adventure and a low from island okay yep and we've already said a man sir venture so we'll do that if you look actually one of my most recent videos was a mountain adventure I need to finish editing the rest of it Marvins we must additionally the border so basically in France then yeah the South France a winter minimal overnighter well Richard I will be willing to do that but you'll have to wait until winter I'm afraid more tart videos or a treehouse all right Ben see you later
yes the tree behind me is indeed an oak and there's a little oak just over here well it's hard to do on the camera that one there I really like these couple of oak site close to where I live but it's a really nice place to come and sit especially when it's a lovely sunny day like this make a treehouse I will endeavor to make a treehouse I have made tree houses before and it's in terms of skills it's pretty easy to do in terms of actual effort and putting it together and resources it's pre it's pretty it's pretty intensive but i'll try and do that tricky to film as well because it takes us a long time back to basics for beginners okay i already started doing some stuff like that i'd like to i do some more what kind of basics would you like to see try putting my phone sideways does that work oh no no no it's that if i turned it sideways it's telling me off just telling me to rotate my device unfortunately i can't flip the screen because i need to be able to see the comments budget kit okay yeah would you get to good idea yeah sorry about that tie rope yeah I'll do some stuff on budget kit budget kits really important in fact a lot the kit that I use is is is budget kit because I'm poor if you want to help me stop the IMP or head over to my patreon and give me give me a donation Richard pic for EM essential skills okay nice safety I've done a video on knife safety but i will do a more in-depth 1 i've got more experience with it nine nice hello Katie isn't it like really late at night in Maine now when you say essential skills what do you mean by essential skills are you talking like war purification basic cooking fire light and stuff like that or or things like how to pack a backpack effectively
okay I thought main was ahead of us in times that's my little knife store okay yeah that's me idea making the knife drop that's easy today medicinal plants and hello from Indiana use USA I'm not a massive expert on I'm got a massive amount of knowledge on medicinal plants but is something I'm willing to research because quite an interesting thing good to see you watching the video as well Katie this is like the easiest video I've ever film out to do anything just sit here and talk it's fun and make a brief run out of hot water top 5 edibles with easy ID to do that bird up read mace root black briefs depends on the time of year row and breeze all other disgusting strawberries yeah I can do that I can just rattle off a few top five edibles with ID easy ID good idea do you know what I don't know I've brought my notepad but I haven't a pen otherwise it could be writing this down I think the comments get saved them so that's how that's helpful holy I don't know how many people watching top five dangerous plants with an easy ID brambles they're dangerous okay yeah I can do that I need to put a bit of research and to make sure I get everything perfect what yea though good suggestions well i would use charcoal with mono but but i haven't got a fire going today and i'm not going to get a fire going I've no need for one edible fungi I don't know enough about fungi to do and stuff like part of me edible fungi I know I know enough to sort of help myself but I wouldn't be confident teaching that to you guys people dedicate their lives to looking at fungi and yes I have used a Kelly Kettle in fact I plan on doing a video about Kelly kettles they're absolutely amazing if you use them properly they can be quite dangerous but i really like Kelly Kettle so yes i have used one further stick technique and different pot hanging techniques oh really good suggestion lilium I like making stuff if it was to use for hand rule still humming my skills and remember only smoke em okay yet my favorite woods for the hand rule is i have literally only just started trying to get really to grips with andrew is clematis and elder and they're the ones that i have been taught to use i'm still hire you a kids party just shut them all outside just just kick all the kids outside yak lemaitre's an elder a good practice in your room your hand rule what get your hands used to it basically what i'm doing to really get get to grips with it is each day i'm spending sort of half an hour 45 minutes just just practicing the skill not to get an ember just to kind of get used to it get a bit of smoke and to toughen my hands up a little bit it's causing my hands to hurt a little yeah house will be trashed series you just kick them outside by starting with fungi i have actually done a video on fire start with fungi using horses who fungus so go back through and have a look for that the few of the fungi we can use I've done one on grunt balls as well King Alfred cakes that's a good a good one for fire lighting
and I'm going to do one on using birch polypore the razor strop all this that's going to be a good flight in fire lighting video finding fatwood in rain-soaked would I think I file it but not but it's not just wet okay Emma yeah we can do one on on fat would the best thing to do with fat would though you think you found some give it a smell and it is an unmistakable smell a good thing to do is maybe see if you can buy a couple of sticks to get that to get that smell the light not expensive so you know what it smells like and then when you go out it's it's an easier to kind of identify it because you already you already know what the smell is one fat words of funny one it's quite difficult to find your first few pieces but once you figured out how to find it it becomes really really easy to identify exit from miles away all right Richard I'll see you in a bit so that would why little balls it's not only a mountain adventure and it smells any other skills any other skills that people want to see anyone rope well what do you mean by a rope work tom do you mean how to make rope on how to make college or how to tie knots or different applications of it what do you mean but stopping I've done a full of video on birch tapping our way back trials are walking with wax okay yeah we can do that Bannock I my first ever video was about Bannock my first ever video that's a good strategy Chris Orton blood enjoying it any bids on race shed bell shelter building yes we could do that do that raised bed using natural materials okay yet just spend a couple of days sleeping in a raised bed so that would work lashings I've done some videos on lashings are very very old the information is correcting them but the video quality isn't amazing but yeah check them out and I might if people want i will reef I will take those old ones down and re film them raised bed shelter-building natural tim is in wet English woodland and see you later okay cool and natural teen lives in wet English woodland em okay just done a video that's discussing one of the methods for getting dry tenders and stuff which is all about whether or not you should Baton we would probably going to get a lot of hate over that but self-made equipment and I'm terrible at making things I'm really awful making stuff I have a go at making some things but it's not it's not my skill i'm not a very i'm not very very creative person or full up making stuff but maybe i'll try some projects i made it in the bag that's quite good i like my tinder bag I like to get my dad to help me with it because i suck at making things
I stand to curl I sup okay yeah yeah I really want to do a video on on cam hygiene it's one that's been in my sort of list of things to do for a while and I've just never got around to it lie so I really want to make some lie so i just keep forgetting to do it so yes that is one that i will add to the list of things to do it's pretty straightforward it's quite easy and there's a few of the ways of making self as well which I want to try and experiment with and really wanted to do a video showing you how to make soap with conquers this year but there wasn't any Kong cause it was a bad year for them I couldn't find any but hopefully that means that will be plenty out this year building boots and shoes what do you mean by clothing boots shoes etc give me a little bit more detail on what you'd like to see with that suddenly got really quiet out here it's nice a lot of birds around what's happening what's happening [Music]
clothing boots and shoes do you mean what clothing boots still okay yet Liam good suggestions how I'll get them back up there them huh split hazel brush the pot how to recut cast iron pot ah do you know what I'm just weak Rico it all my cast iron stuff so yeah I really want to do a regular day in the life of me but I'm working on how to do I'm trying to come up with a solution obviously I work a lot with kids so taking videos of other people's children and putting them online it's probably not going to be workable but I'm trying to think of a way of doing it just like John I'd like to think I don't know what you mean geeky faith mine should have been a little things / last night though five-year-old so it like a baby again I'm really confuse I'm sorry key my favorite clothing boots or shoes okay let me do that mething yeah that work other favorite pair of boots is my lifelong quest to find the perfect pair of boots and I'll exactly what I want in a pair of boots I just can't find them and my general favorite clothing is just cheap this is all just cheap cheap stuff for when I'm out in the woods because it gets battered my trousers cost me like six pounds eight pounds or something and primark and the perfect that absolutely spot on I would like some of y'all raven trousers out but I can't afford them I would really like to get into hunting a little bit more I've hunted and trapped bit of small games to squirrels and rabbits stuff like that pigeons one of my favorites hunting's really difficult in this country can't home with a bowl trapping and smearing has really complicated rules I and you can't just go and get a gun in this cunt in this country it's pretty difficult to to get there you have to get permissions and you can do at certain times a year and you have your gun license is specific to a particular area it's it's it's all very confusing Billy Boat outdoors hello thank you for coming to have a watch wanna stick fire one stick by yeah I my door one stick fire video it's quite a cool challenge yeah yeah feeling the pinch with the the bush class specific gear yeah it's like the really good stuff is expensive but if you research it it's it's worth the money I spent a lot of money on like my Gran's furs axes and I'm never going to need to replace them yeah I'd like some mind L boots but they don't do them small enough to fit little Hobbit feet like mine I go through a pair of booty year at work and I've the ones that I have have literally just ripped
yeah cheap play classical I would like some I would like some more expensive clothes and equipment because I am constantly the problem cheap stuff is you're constantly on to replace it so when the long run it actually works out more expensive the more expensive stuff you pay a lot for at the beginning and then it will last you a lot longer so it actually works out a little bit cheaper hello from Mount Gilead get Gilead how do you say that in Ohio filthy hobbitses I'm not really a hobbit I'm a goblin good morning from Seattle in Washington hello Seattle Washington is it will be just laughing at me being short yeah I am really short five foot three basically a hobbit this is nice i feel like i'm just hanging out with everybody it's pretty cool it's given me something to do while i do this time lapse what you guys don't see unless you're youtubers as well is all the time that we send spend just sitting here waiting to get the right shot we spend a lot of time just wait just wait in and sitting around yes I am but she quit her YouTube channel
and the same height is UK I thought you would tall at all Americans tall yes I can't I can't turn my phone sideways I did try to and but well I did it shouted at me and said re rotate your phone I can't put it onto the rear facing camera because if I do I can't see the comments so unfortunately it's going to have to stay in portrait which I know is is really bad and it sucks 54 find a good day you can change your height Wow five foot three I honestly thought you at all you always looked all in yell pictures TK Maxx for thick bush crushes TJ Maxx is brilliant but they don't do stuff for midgets like me what's not metal enough I can be more metal put all this and full of my face start head banging on a car see there's so much hair the chiropractic adjustment metal Viking got my Viking bracelet on today and my Mart where is it hiding under mine multiple layers my little Thor thing I like Vikings bangers ball head bangers not really do balls be more we kind of just bra rather than ball and do mosh pits and stuff 24 viewers that's how about 25 years cool that's quite exciting how do I get more viewers on a live video temperatures dropping a wee bit they we bet
and the sun's disappearing which is going to ruin my time lapse damn that's annoying
can I like this myself all right now cut like my own video on this one that's rubbish I count as a viewer free beer [Music]
people sure what on facebook oh the live video free beer I wish I why he's saying randomly freebie i wish i had some free beer I like free beer yeah everyone going show it on Facebook get the viewers in go for it everyone wants to just sit and watch me chatting nonsense on the internet do more live stream yet i will do some more live streams as and when I can't obviously I don't always have signal because it's not everywhere out here we here for more viewers how would I get it to them maybe in the next live stream I do I will drink beer and you can pretend that I'm giving you free beer awesome thank you sharing on Twitter what is my favorite beer my favorite beer is Hobgoblin by the Witchwood brewery or which would beer but i think since everyone started calling me goblin now i think i'm going to have to just start drinking ha goblin beer or I'll green Goblin's decided yet with the Witchwood brewery is good everyone should go to the Witchwood brewery facebook page and share this video on their telling them that I promoting them that they should send me a year supply of free beer on my leg on form of gonna sleep that's no good for a minute Oh have a bit of a stretch message them Oh Josh EP bush man outdoors is complaining because I can't go out with the air rifles tonight well fortunately I am on a canoeing course first thing in the morning so I'm gonna be up at 5am which is technically 4am because the clocks go forward today I'm off to see mr. ray Goodwin the camera angle you have had some into tomorrow I always have the camera slightly lower than I am to make me appear slightly taller it has gotten me a lot of complaints though in the past because people thought that the three by three meter tarpaulin that I use in my videos I thought I was lying about the size of it because they thought I was tall but the tarps actually bigger than me I also i only have a small tripod so i have to point it up family but i'm not a try for today just just on the gold an old phone am I going to visit the wilderness gallery unfortunately I am NOT going to will this gathering this year I really want to go however it just Falls a really awkward time of the year of year for me and I have to book off time midweek and it's quite a trek I will be at the bush craft show because that's my usual weekend off and sorry Weeden comments yes I'm with the bush craft show every year this year i am going to the bush craft show as a youtuber which could be pretty good favorite type of dog and i really want a dog I don't have a dog I want a dog that will to come out with me and I'm thinking something that looks like a big wolf will be quite cool maybe a hospitalization something they do make good pets and yeah not got a dog I would like a dog in the future at some point that would be quite cool have I tried purity brewery no I have not tried period brewery this one is out warmest there the year so far is outside and to right they should be all right people should go outside whatever the weather but it is much nice to be out here when it's sunny
it's very sunny out here today I'm probably getting sunburned start here facing this one well I didn't think i'll be able to talk on about nothing for 30 minutes this is going quite well can anyone hear me okay I don't know what the is a new phone and I don't know what the microphone is like on it so if you can't hear me sorry but there's not a lot I can do about it this microphone isn't attack isn't attached to the phone from the video I've been shooting somebody's been through a light pretty much every single one of my Instagram posts or my phone went a bit crazy then what YouTube channels do I recommend and I'll glad the sounds okay and YouTube channels i recommend outdoor life of brian obviously because i'm in a lot of his videos and that's the main reason o Brien's videos are actually really good check out the outdoor life of brian who else do i watch lots of poker at least channel and disease a sport correctly think I actually I don't generally watch those videos what I do is I download them as podcasts but they are a absolutely amazing source of information or Joe Robinette bushcraft dojo rubbing it bushcraft is a really good channel I'll try to think about watch I've actually been watching I haven't been watching many bushcraft channels lately I've been watching a lot of landscape photography store because it's something that I'm trying to trying to get better at so this guy called Thomas Heaton who does like loads of outdoor photography stuff which is really really good just to see what he's doing and you know it's a new way of seeing people in the outdoors or the bushcraft channels I can't remember what they all are outside edge bushcraft if you especially like you're you're you're cooking the outdoor cooking is good basically if you wanna know what channels i watch if you go to the home page of my channel on the right-hand side of the screen there is a list of channels which you can go and go and check out so head over there and give all those guys some support and love as well because I can't remember off the top of my head who they all are I just kind of click on stuff as it gets suggested for me there's a few times I I watch every time they post I just can't think who they are right now which is a bit rude really isn't it well you keep it out I do every now and then I do a child shouts out to keep an eye out for them Irish Wolfhound for dog then you can ride up with a like a horse when you can't be ha squawk it I probably could ride around on a wall part actually and to me it is roughly the size of a horse and my inter self-reliance are you preparing for the future in one or the other way no I'm not I don't really do the whole at home oh yes a you're too girly is a channel i watch as well and hello Ohio self-reliant and preparedness and prepping no that's not really my thing I really like really traditional stuff so my background is archaeology things like that so that's kind of how I got into it and I'm really like a lot of the bush craft skills I do kind of indifferent if you apply them to different situations they could be survival skills in terms of having like bug out bags and stuff like that last that's that's not for me boy are you bored of listening to me talk it's a hot you're bored of and but now I don't really the self-reliance thing isn't really for me I'm more focused on in just improving my general woodcraft and outdoor skills and I suppose you know if there is an end-of-the-world scenario I've got the skills to just come out here and do stuff bill look at yet I can't just unfortunately the way that the UK works is I can't just come out and build I can't just come out and build a cabin unfortunately I'd love to what if your dad gardening and I have fun of hilleberg tent I don't know even my fan of hilberg tent I have been looking at getting a hilleberg tent to test and trial but I can't afford one when I say I'm Paul like I am genuinely properly poor you don't make any money on YouTube not unless you're like Casey nice that and yell 16 billion followers I would like it I would like a hilleberg 10 the 10th I I have currently is I've got a lightweight DD 10 which is incredible for the for the price a little bit small but it's a lightweight talented uses a walking poles to prop it up and I in really bad conditions and really proper winter up in the hills i use a banshee Bangor banshees 300 which is absolutely amazing it is absolutely the bunch is fantastic apart from the fact that its massive and heavy that's the only problem with it what do you make what make a backpack are you using now how long did your DD last I still use the DD 1 it's really good it's just I'm just trying out all the stuff i'll use it generally as i can overnight a bag and eat my hiking bag is a Monta or to talk 55 backpack coldest temperature I've camped out in and how did I fur the college temperature I have been out in was this winter with Brian you can see the video of it I think it got down to around minus 8 and hello my phone's going off and yeah we did okay the problem with it was we were up in the mountains office was no fire and sitting around chatting was a little bit boring in the cold and it was quite hard work because we were we were really really cold but we couldn't just go and get in our sleeping bags because it went dark at four o'clock slept pretty much okay a couple of cold spots I thought it was a problem with the sleeping bag and the temperature ratings being wrong but actually turned out that it's an altima we'll be using for about five years now and the down inside it and move around so I'll fix that but we did okay it was just slept ok it was the kind of sit around camp just chatting which was hard work because you just suck they're still in your cold and yeah we'll be tackling that again at some point if I could put one knife take with you outdoors what would it be this one comes everywhere me smell it all then offered let knife just because it's nice and simple but the night that I have at the minute is incredible it is made by somebody who's watching this video now call Liam wins / he link your YouTube at like YouTube or what's the word facebook and he is a sort of custom knife maker and he was kind enough to make me a knife and I would definitely a hundred percent have that one with me and but you know with all my survival situation at the end of the day and knifes a knife so yeah if I had a choice I would take the one that Liam made for me because it's pretty and it's chunky and it's very very sharp yeah not having a fire was was rough you don't realize how much having a fire occupies your mind as well as when you're out in the woods the woods is easy up in the mountains is is hard work because you've got to keep yourself occupied somehow when you in the woods you got a fire going you can collect firewood you can start the fire you can mess with the fake and watch the fire up in the hills we're ad we were just chatting to each other what's been my favorite place to date for my photo shoots the Lake District absolutely one hundred percent the lake district because it's just it's just amazing the Lake District is if you get it on a good day the Lake District is one of the most amazing places in the world what I consider coming to Canada I would absolutely see you later Liam link your your your facebook yes I would absolutely a hundred percent consider coming to Canada at some point I will come to Canada I however don't know how to deal with birds and bird bags and stuff so I have to research and stuff but yeah I really really would like to go to Canada I think it'd be an amazing place to go and visit but I'd like to go for a long time do i use gustavs yes I do use gas stoves generally up in the mountains or up in the hills or if I'm hiking somewhere and the gas stove that I use is an MSR pocket rocket because it's awesome and it boils my water it boil what is it halfway of water in under a minute which is cool hello Dave just just Dave I need sorry I keep needing to stretch because my bombs going on sat on the sat on the floor here yeah gas stoves I like gas stoves the they're really practical just bought a DD hammock set up in Cleveland on the blanket away from my first trip next week never slept in one before so do you have any recommendations and the wrong side of 50 and test it out first fine find somewhere to go and put it up locally have a bit of a lie-down in it test it different heights make sure you know how to put it up properly I can hear a child screaming in the woods that's unnerving and yeah on the blanket you should be okay I'd also put in what is really good for DD hammocks near the old kind of closed cell foam roll mats try and get a decent thick one of them put that in as well and if you're uncomfortable your first time try it again and if you want come strolling your second time try it again because hammock sleeping I found does take a little bit of getting used to or not we're not used to sleeping like that now I can sleep in a hammock just as easily as anywhere else what it does it really does take a little bit of getting used to which hammock which hammock setup did you get which one was it column [Music]
see how my battery was doing I hope this isn't using all my data that'd suck I don't have to buy more data the Portland yeah you'll be fine in the front line one of the problems I had initially with the camping hammock was my sleeping bag went out the edge out of the side of it with the front line because you zip Tim you'll be absolutely fine but like i said before you go out and use it get out and set it up first one of the problems with the front line I don't wither dd's of DVF fixed is the little poles that go in the top all right Lin well give it a shout out somewhere at a later date as little poles going the top of the mosquito net they have a habit of not quite fitting in so what I had to do was there was little plastic stoppers at the end is I just popped them off and I put a bit of tape over it because it's shortened it by little by like two millimeters and it was it was able to to go in then on the on the front line last any problem with them but just get used to sit just get used to setting it up and try it try the sort of kind of explained it worthy imagine this is the tree and that's the string coming down try this at different angles to see which is the most comfortable for you is what I do and make sure you get your tarp set up properly again it's easy the DD hammocks are really simple to set up but it just takes a bit of tweaking to get used to the to it if money wasn't an issue what sleeping mat would i buy and I've got a thermal rest mat and it's awesome if money wasn't an issue i will buy the full-length thermarest and the one that's got down in it and I by the thermarest sleeping bag to go with it because it strapped onto the onto the role map so sometimes the thermostat great very thick so sometimes I come off it cuz I'm move around and my sleep but the thermal sleeping bags are literally attached onto it so that's what I would that's why I but I sleep I sleep very well outdoors anyway I sleep comfortably when I'm outside my time lapse will be done soon we've been here for 45 minutes tried the polls after watching you really must have fixed that problem all right cool yeah it was a tiny tiny problem and it will literally like two millimeters out so it's good that they've they fixed that have you actually put it up yet and try it out the front lines are really good hammock I love the front line hammock and d do an awesome company as well they really helped me kind of early on with this channel I think they kind of helped to boost the signal to get my stuff out there early which was cool got a couple of DD reviews coming up very very soon I've got one on the lightweight tent which I love and I've got one on the portable hammock stand which is I'm not a big fan of gadgets in the outdoors but the port bow hammock stand is awesome it like it's so cool a little bit heavy but it is so cool because I can climb up a mountain with an old trees and still put my hammock up it is properly good my legs are numb any more suggestions i'm going to stay for another five minutes to some any more questions about anything if i come to turnovers Cougars another wall aren't anything to worry about and if you're if you're smart i think the absolute experience oh yeah absolutely I agree that one of the reasons I want to come to Canada to CDs these animals in the wild and it's not something that I'm worried about it's just something that I'm very very word that I've got no experience on how to up with how to how to deal with them I don't know how to tie a bear bag I don't know how to prepare my food and stuff around birth so that that's I'm not worried about it it's just I'm very aware that I've got no experience with it I was watching your videos and you seem to have a belt kit can you go through what you have on it I've already done a video on it I've there is a video all about my belt kit basically it's a pouch it's a knife it's a backhoe sort and I've now added a small little dinky hand hatchet would it be an issue of the thermarest matt gets wet in the down I think it's waterproof imagine if it's if it's air tight it's gonna be waterproof so I'd imagine it wouldn't be an issue in theory as long as it's you've got that seal thing you look tank trucks bushcraft we were you shortlisted for the competition you enter I'm not sure the competition i entered the winner was announced and lots of people complained because a lot of people cheated on that competition so the reassessing it and they're going through the process of shortlisting and judging it again have you tried a silky saw I have tried a silky saw they cooked beautifully but their end of them has a tendency to snap off which is why I don't like them I'd much prefer the backup back i was a little bit more doesn't cook quite as well but i think it's a more reliable piece of equipment much more reliable piece of equipment that being said I've got nothing against the silky sauce I just don't like the fact that the every every single one that I've used either the tip has broken off or when somebody's lent me one the tip has already been broken off they let the metals a little bit more brittle in them easy to buy votes on fiber does that mean when you pay a bot account to like the videos because I'm pretty sure that's what's happening there's like some of the videos had 17 followers and it stayed at 17 followers even though they had 44 thousand views and you're like that's not really how YouTube works you'd at least pick up at single subscriber good to see a channel using the live punctual good job yeah have actually really i'm gonna i'm gonna go offline in a minute because i've gotta start this time like that I've quite enjoyed this I didn't deliberately do this it was a random a random decision to just do a video got beans have I got being a good cop I've I got beans I don't know what you're on about grouchy me have a cop beans you have one and a half minutes to get your questions in now so if anyone has any questions fire away because I'm going to we're going to go for a pee and I'm then I'm going to sort my GoPro out just doing its thing just just over here over there I should definitely be more live videos yeah I'll do some more some more live videos what do you think I just do them randomly like this or should I give each video so I do the live videos a theme a thematic kind of you know one day I'll do a live video tackling something over this is where I am is that rotated nicely is that working so here's the time up doing this thing there we go this is where I am nice little nice little spot oh no you did that when you when you say no what do you mean was it still in portrait mode 2017 is all about live what is it tree behind me it's a big ole ole tree well no it's not that big it's it's a note tube it's pretty cool nope no rotate okay so it turns out it doesn't doesn't allow me to do rotations no water or take Oh norway i really want to go to Norway a flown over Norway and I want to see snow we don't get snow in the UK very often unless you're high up or if it's melted to know which we like to call rain get a lot of rain here which is why when the Sun comes out everyone goes outside because we're not used to seeing the sky this color so we want some random live videos and some themed ones as well question and surf videos should i do like is it worth scheduling those videos you think or should i just randomly do them like I've done today however be showing off with the snow now just because we don't get any
we had 15 centimeters of snow yesterday we had like 30 seconds of snow over Christmas if I could do a photo shoot anywhere in the world where would your word I choose norway i think or anywhere in the real North schedule a day or two in advance yeah I'd like to go through North one of my life goals is to go and photograph the northern lights and somewhere in the cold and stay out there for a few weeks in a tent schedule and random ok that's cool I'll do that best month to camp in my opinion all of them I like every season equally for various reasons I like the idea of knowing to but I like the element of surprise ok i'll do both i'll do some schedule ones and i'll do some random ones as well yeah i don't like to pick a favorite month for camber because i like to do different things at different times of the year I love the winter I love the summer I love the spring I love the autumn what I hate is the bits in between that frustrates me you and the weather can't decide whether it's it's like the past few days of weather has been summer sunshine but winter temperatures which is nice but it's awkward because you know what you're gonna sorry ads got about 10 comments on the ones you don't know what you need to pack on what you want to do I think you're gonna have to try an error it but i think the word send out notifications on social media asking for questions yep that's a good idea what I might do is do a video and get comments and stuff in the dress like Thor while I'm in the North just for I just like Thor anyway I'm mini Thor in my dreams let's take off have a good day everyone okay I scrambled oh you've come in live for the for the end of the live video yeah I like the interaction too it's good to speak to people in real time gettin all the lights once a week oh you're just showing off you don't any we don't have snow or Northern Lights you want to get the canoe trip with killing like so much fun yeah I think I'd probably get along well with kevin caron hello from sunny Derbyshire have a camper in Derbyshire are you gonna go to the bush car show height anyone hello send a message till now top 10 in the mountains tough in the woods yes I'm having fun mr. Oh mr. scrambled oh this is the I I didn't plan on doing a live video but I was waiting for time-lapse to finish filming and I was bored so I was like hey I've got a new phone i'm gonna try this i'm gonna try this live chat check in here chikni trying this live chat thing scramble always one of the channels i watch a lot of he likes to show off with his fancy cameras and his actual effort put in putting my stuff together go and check out scrambled over tunnel it's really good thanks bushcraft come and say hello the bush craft show and have some beer with me that will be good when and where is a bushcraft show the bush crushed show is may bank holiday weekend and it's in Derbyshire how quickly do you need to take a beat I'll tell you what I'll hang on until we've done exactly one hour and then i will go pee that's what I'll do I'm going to sit back down in my numb bum seat and leaning up against my flask I've also i've run out of coffee as well there's the last rips of coffee I should have brought more hot water with me scrambled oh did you do a live video recently however I imagine that do I have a specific 10 I would use for three dayer it were it would depend where I was going and what objective would would be for that so hang on Brian's messaging me so if i was in three days in the mountains i want what no i did three no two nights recently and I basically turned my tarp into a into a tent if it was a summer at take something really really lightweight if I was going if I knew it's gonna be bad weather really cold and really wet I'd take my banshee but it's a little bit heavy most the time it's just adjusting what you have for the situation what you're going out to do if that makes sense replace hot water with hot your own no I have not the grill as i am not going to do that i would like to do a video with scramble home my facebook Messenger is going mad because everyone that decided to message me at once yeah I do a video with scrambled oh I'm gonna make him come to UK he can cook for us did di into the bush craft show to do a YouTube video yes I did I messes them and asked if they would have me along as a youtuber and they said yes good do you think you've missed the Goblet you know do the goblin dance already so Brian's just turned out so I'm just expecting to get a load of abuse now do I have an experience the tempest no I do not is that a van Gogh yes it is isn't it it's like a tunnel tent is it will be the same look forward to it yeah yeah be good too good to see you there are you going to the press conference thing wait a goblin everybody go on look at outdoor life of brian on youtube and give him all of the abuse that you can possibly throw at him because he's a noodle he's a skinny little noodle Brian but bright eyes me to tiffany's got a little death [Applause]
I pretend to know my stuff I don't know what I'm doing most of ours make it open and act like i know i'm doing ok here is just especially for brian we're gonna do that way doublet dance we oughtn't I give you tube I actually tried to change my facebook name my middle name on facebook to goblin the other day it wouldn't let me do it stupid facebook and the rules I people really want to see the goblin dance just go and watch Brian's channel had a nice chat with Brian top bloke he's not a top bloke he's a pleb we need to see that better so not Hobbit I'm a goblin I like the fact that the bush crushed show goblin show live absolutely the just give me beer and you will see permanent goblin dancing I like the fact that the Goblin is more popular in Brian's videos than brian is how goblin is a lovely ality people want to bring me a or Hobgoblin is the one to bring because as you've seen I am a goblin I love Hobgoblin it's my favorite beer it's not why I'm called the Goblin he got over me apparently Brian's going to have me in a cage and you can pay to see me thanks Brian ain't no cage can hold me boy oh nice get them to send me some free beer I make a good actor in Game of Thrones or The Hobbit I don't know what the Goblin origin story is maybe I'll do a video about the Goblin origin story Oh tank tracks that'd be awesome ok ladies and gentlemen I have been here for one hour talking nonsense at you for quite a long time I am busting for a way so i am going to disappear off into the woods now yes i do play Dungeons and Dragons on occasion because i'm a nerd so thank you all for coming to watch it has been very nice interacting with you all don't support me on patreon if you want to and i will see you all in the next video which in theory will be up tonight or very very early in the morning come and be nice to me it's about battling wood and the battling police are going to tell me off bye bye everyone baby gobbling gobbling gobbling
About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft
Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.
My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.
More articles from this author
- My self John and Hannah taking our leg of lamb out of our Mesolithic style oven.
- Bushwalk and a chat
- Journeys | Scotland Day 1 | When things go wrong!
- What I keep in my Fire tin
- out takes part 1
- Latest update!
- Camp fail - a lesson on being aware of your suroundings!
- Out and about
- How to; Store cordage
- Video response to Forestwalker111
- Winter Warmers - Pine Cone Candle
- Making Videos | Day pack load out
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #2 make a chair
- Chicken hatches at school
- Thank you!
- Cloud timelapse
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make a very simple cooking rig
- Processing Horses Hoof Fungi (Fomes Fomentarus) into Amadou
- Kit review; Bushbox XL
- Scotland Trip | Looking back
- Stoat vs rabbit
- Iron Maiden - the trooper Live
- EVEN MORE Stoaty footage
- Pigeon sleeps
- Recommended Kit: Ridgeline Trooper backpack
- Journeys | Scotland Day 4 | Journeys end
- Recommened Gear| DD Super Light Hammock.
- Kit Review; DD Bergen Rucksack
- Ten things you can do with a wool Blanket #1
- Channel update 03/15
- Wagon and horses fire
- How to get started: Foraging
- Book Review: Ray Mears Wild food
- A stoat eating a rabbit that it killed
- Enclosed tarp configuration using two hiking poles
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make tongs from a stick
- The Bushcraft Show 2016 | A review
- How to collect Fatwood
- Fozz Breaths Fire
- NUMBER ONE! on a windy day.
- Fire Craft | The upside down or 'Self Feeding Fire'
- Journeys | Short walk around Anglezarke
- How to tie a timber hitch
- Should you baton with your knife?
- Kit review; Sugpak Response pack
- What ive got coming up and a wet day outdoors
- Kit Review ; Craghoppers Bear Grylls mountain jacket
- Natural Tinder Options
- How to set up a basic tarp and hammock sleeping system part 1
- Review of the mora companion
- More footage of the stoat going at the rabbit
- Tarp Vs Tent
- Bahco laplander folding saw reveiw
- Quick tip | improvising with a Trangia meths burner
- Kit review; Swanndri bush shirt
- Kit Review; Gerber BG multitool
- Recommended gear | OEX Sleepmat
- Winter warmers: Layering up for mild weather
- Recommended gear | Feild Knife by Ben & Lois orford
- Identifying the Thistle for use as tinder.
- Identifying & using Cramp balls (Daldinia Concentrica)
- Recommended kit | Possibles Pouch by Paul Dore Bushcraft
- An early morning v-log
- The elder tree in summer part 2
- Basic Fire lighting
- Fire Craft | Tinder pouch contents
- Using a millbank bag
- How to make home made firelighters from cotton
- My Bushcraft Belt Kit
- Wild edibles; Wood sorrel
- Vlog: Night in a Bothy!
- How to Identify rose bay willow herb
- Recommended Gear | Thrunite Ti4 Pen torch
- Bushcraft Skills | Make your own Fat wood
- Kit review; Shires Country boots (charlbury boots)
- FS7 II competition | The Bowdrill, Fire from nothing
- How to Set up a DD tarp with an open front
- Pine needle tea
- Tarp configuration | For use with a Long Fire
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #6 make a stretcher
- A day in the woods
- Bushcraft; Getting started
- Recomended gear; BHK Bushcrafter
- Vlog/channel Update autumn 2015
- Behind the scenes & a channel update with Fozz & Dave
- How to tie a Taught line hitch
- How to take down & pack your Hammock & Tarp
- how to; Use a knife correctly
- Bushcraft Skills | Winter Warmers: Making a small fire for a brew
- Figure of eight
- How to hang a ridgeline
- How to make simple cordage from nettles
- Wild Food | Wild Garlic
- Bushcraft Skills | Prepare a fish the Traditional Alaskan way
- Kit review: DD Camping Hammock
- Tarp shelter #1 Single pole tent Style
- Kit review; DD frontline Hammock
- Bushcraft Skills | how to tie a siberian hitch
- How to; Make charcloth
- Recommended gear | Klean Kanteen Reflect
- Tarp Set up | Open fronted set up
- Geting Started in Bushcraft: What is Bushcraft?
- Review of the DD 3x3 coyote brown Tarp
- Wild Food| Jack By the Hedge/ Garlic Mustard
- The Bushcraft Show 2017
- How to set up a tarp for ground sleeping
- Review: Bushcraft & Survival skills Magazine
- Gelert folding pick & shovel Reveiw
- Winter Warmers: Introduction
- how to set up a basic hammock and tarp system part 2
- Kit review; Everest Down Sleeping Bag
- Chorizo & Mushroom breakfast
- Sweden Canoe adventure | Part 1
- How to tie the cobra weave
- How to tie a square lashing
- How to identify and find Pine resin
- Reccomended Channels #3
- Processing firewood
- Kit review; Gransfors bruks Hand Hatchet
- Bsuhcraft Skills | how to tie a shear lashing
- Creating a camp; building the frame for the shelter
- Journeys | Scotland Day 2 | Exploring ancient ruins
- Journeys | Solo bushcraft camp
- Wild Cooking | Nettle and Ramson Soup
- Overnighter In ancient woodland
- Bushcraft Skills | How to tie a diagonal lashing
- Wild Camp | Peak District
- Kit review; Sealskinz waterproof socks
- how to make bannock mix on a campfire
- Shoutouts/reccomended channels
- Kayaking the Norfolk Broads part 2
- The Elder tree in Summer
- Recommended Gear | Compress Lite Jacket by Craghoppers
- Kit review; Ben Orford Crook Knife
- A quick update & a couple of shout outs!
- Wood Craft| How to carve a whistle
- Bushcraft Skills | Sharpen your knife in the field.
- The rowan tree
- What I keep in my backpack
- How to make a mesolithic pit oven
- Lake district photography trip : part 1
- Horses Hoof Fungus (Fomes Fomentarius)
- Recommended gear | Ultratour 55 back pack by montane
- Bushcraft Skills | Swedish Torch in Miniature
- how to tie a reef knot
- Recommended gear | Sola X cook set
- Journeys | Solo Day hike | Bowland
- Woodcraft | How to carve a tent peg
- How to make a simple candle, bushcraft style.
- Winter warmers: Making a Wreath
- Journeys | Scotland Day 3 | Bothy
- Tip: Pre-collecting Birch Bark
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #7 Make a hammock
- How to use a fire striker (ferrocerium rod)
- 10 Things to do with a wool blanket #3 Back pack
- Kit Review; Gelert Apollo Stove
- Kayaking the Norfolk broads : Part 3
- Walking with Pigeloss
- Kayaking the Norfolk Broads Part 1
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make a simple tent peg
- How to tie a round Turn & two half hitches
- How to Tap a Birch Tree
- Collecting cottongrass as tinder
- A short hill walk
- How to Tie a clove hitch (part 1)
- Kit review Gransfors Bruks Wildlife Hatchet
- Swedish log stove
- My other social media
- How to: Make a spoon
- Simple fire lighting
- 10 things to do with a wool Blanket #5 Emergency shelter
- Lake district Photography expedition part 2 (the worst video i've ever shot...sorry)
- How To Start A Fire From Birch Bark Using Only A Spark
- Birch Polypore or Razor Strop Fungi
- Getting started in bushcraft: Fire
- What is bushcraft - in my opinion
- A few Uses of the shemagh
- Building my camp & spending a day there
- Recommended gear : Life Systems 'Trek' first aid kit
- Reccomended reading: Collins guide to Trees of of Britain & Europe
- Recommended gear : thrunite Ti3
- Kit review - Gransfors bruks small forest axe
- Kit Review DD Action Pack
- Channel Update 2017
- Winter warmers: Brew Kit
- how to tie a 'Prusik' Knot
- Bushcraft Skills | How to use bramble as a withie
- review of the hultafors crafts man knife
- Bushcraft Skills | Fully enclosed tarp set up (3 meter x 3 meter tarp)
- Bushcraft Breakfast | VR to zed Outdoors
- Reccomended Gear; Folding Saw Sheath by Paul Dore bushcraft
- Recommended gear | SuperLight Tarp
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #4 make a coat/cloak
- Getting started in Bushcraft: Tools for bushcraft
- Wild Food | Nettle Tea
- How to identify the Silver birch tree
- Lake District Wild Camp
- Sweden Canoe Adventure | Part 2
- Snugpak bivvi
- Recommended Kit : Mora Eldris
- Sweden Canoe Adventure Part 3 | Sailing!
- Recommended Kit | LK 35 Rucksack
- Sweden Canoe Adventure part 4 | Wildlife
- Kit Review | Luxe Mini peak II
- Kit load out for a 9 day hike
- kelley kettle | Explosions, how to use and a review!
- Im Back! a quick update to let you know whats new!
- Solo Hike up Skiddaw.
- My 'Outdoor' camera equipment
- A walk up Blencathra via Sharp Edge
- Fjallraven Vidda Pros | Are they worth the money?
- Over night forest camp with a professional film maker!
- The best way to use a Ferro rod / Fire striker
- Kit Review | Osprey Talon 33
- A hike in Snowdonia (2015) | When I met Brian
- Campfire Cooking | Simple Thai Green curry
- 7 Day hike across the Cairngorms | The Uks biggest national park