Journeys | Scotland Day 3 | Bothy
Day three of our Scotland adventure! we move away from the coast and head for a Bothy in the higher ground a amidst snow topped peaks and silent dense forest Check out brians account of the day at
Tags: Bushcraft,Bushcraft Skills,Wilderness Skills,Outdooors,Hiking,Camping,Survival,Survival Skills,woodcraft,wood craft
Video Transcription
all right folks Warren of days three and it is bleep it is really bleak out here today how bleak is it Mickey and so just packing up as quickly as you can and we're gonna make a move to the car and head Rance coughing hopefully dryer stopped off Charlie slept beautifully in the car last night as lovely and warm tops in their blessing cook I brought my camera well as well camera and I was closing warming Miami I'm just going to pack it up now so we'll pack up and get in the car okay folks that's a pretty much packed up for this morning were pretty sudden it's pretty wet I think this camp has been brilliant but more than two days and would have actually destroyed the place I look at the ground it's just so muddy we're still got tidy up on that but yeah let like to do its thing and replace it replenish the site a little bit like this Moss grow back over in a few days you'll never know we're here I don't think Brian's just finishing up after his dial Emma losing is this please sir its peg yeah in my list lose okay here's my really poorly pack I've literally like I've not even packed it properly because it's so wet I just shoved everything in and I'm taking a lot of stuff out of it ready for the body anyway so I'd shove don't from the path we've gotta remove the fireplace get rid of all that we go take the third walked away with us take the Dutch over and that and then just do your last sweep Charlie's gone back to the car to drop some stuff off yeah we think he might be dead could be alright is Charlie so yeah I think we're going to go head back to the car get that warmed up maybe have a little bit of a look at the coast you want to do a time lapse of some of the gear yeah yeah yeahs might might do the same thing myself GoPro and then we're gonna hit the road again okay folks so you may notice that the camera quality might have just dropped a little bit and that is because I've just dropped my new sony hey check six TV in the sand so so trying to use it and get an old son in the mechanism I'm hopefully going to dry it out and and it'll be alright so because I've got another camera that we've got a piece of grit in the mechanism and it's not working but we'll see how we get on like I really hope it's going to work out okay because it's a poorly in camera and basically what we're doing now is we're just you can see we're just having a bit of an explorer on the beach like the tide is out you can see by my very wet out there it is a very very wet and we're going to set up so much time stuff so that's what that's what the plan is just now all right so here's Brian setting his up who is in this thing so I've just i just donated to the outdoor life of brian so i take all credit for all of his nice timelapses like this little camera like phone holder thing I've got these time lapse as well learn tonight sorry I'm sorry about that there we go so it is pretty pretty soggy in it can get it literally the last time I was here like see when the end of these rocks are it was there because it's not stand it slightly mud swirl the rim it started here but further it just turns into mud but like annoyingly there's definitely air to raise a cousin of one there how I know his up that the holes like the dead far out they drop a low tide interest rain Charlie skirt a razor clam alright so basically what's happening here is we're in the car we're basically the superheat the car look how condensed it is in here this is a cool little feature my car has been keeping you drink warm or cold so I put my camera in there to heat it up and hopefully dry off to get all the sand out of it so I mean this camera is absolutely amazing and I don't want it to be broken you just might see new refurbished yeah all the standing brittle it there we just emptied all the rubbish out the car some fits and the spot it and hopefully get dry so I'm glad to strip off all our layers put the car on super hot and try and try it dry everything we've got mate like take all your coat everything off there's brands sexy ass take all your layers off just shove them in the back and I'll just put the heater on like four so that's what's going on sorry about the blurriness on this camera this is another cup of an issue facing this is the sony sent free phone which is amazing for the outlaws my name's to scratch the lens on it so everything that we is slightly so sorry about that basically this way over filming yeah we must join us on to a dry browsing elsewhere that's bright but but it's so well organized out the back there with religious let's just do our stuff in the boot it is Chuck stuff in it
look at you okay guys so back on the road again and online channel we've had to use a different camera because I dropped mine in the sand and we're trying to try it out so the quality might be a little bit different to go to shit yeah lately like everything that could go wrong today let's go
we still it was very best of them ever re enjoy losing my wallet for second time
it's the car somewhere as well organized yeah we're heading further inland now and it up doors like into a base in the higher ground it's go away go away there's snow on the mountains the skies cleared the grain store temperatures dropped it's all good we're down to two degrees and mid game to ust midday position because I billion stop my head I said they were just here for some time lapse is here on the road both channels I told going good our droid
call Eustace cremate great about this big easy it will bring you back when it this is where was phone again check out the scenery folks it is absolutely turn into such a beautiful boy god I'm watching you throws Romo let's ride mate he's on a hoyt here achieve visit set this camera so zoomed in i'll check out the serial don't skype oh I don't want be redone yeah this is dark sky park so there's no light blue shirt on it so hopefully it will stay clear right so we pull up the sir car park I guess pretty good when you see the properties a minute but I love Charlie late he's on it already like we've been pulled about four seconds he's fled pace you got out the car around our left could have picture it through space radek but look at his face look how happy he looks look look at it look at how gloves you bright yellow space but he's got a proper grin on his face bushcraft Bilbo oh yes it's a good photo bushcraft Obama loves it so I put the put the card back in the camera so basically move back to Sony now team FF hit me and Brian will manage to fix the camera it seems to be working all right now we've pulled up at the car park and honestly just the car park the view is stunning i'm going to hop out the car it's really cold so it's gonna be a little short clip for warm up a nice sort of gear out but honestly like Charlie had words with you is absolutely breathtaking guys you've got to just come out here and experience it for yourself looking at this you can see my on the BBC doing like travel documentary system second I'm there for tears well let's have a look then come on fling just give up so this is where we're at i spit work sweater that it looks actually that's the view for the car is that the bothy is just kind of on the other side of this forest I was even alive that's what my head into sorry miss with wendy is pretty freeze out here man it's cold but snow on the hills got the the mist rising out the trees it's so scenic a love Scotland is if you've never been to Scotland you don't need to go abroad for this stuff just come to Scotland it is absolutely incredible see our bush bushcraft Bilbo wants to film some of his blog so how's the game is pretty good yoga camera camera and they peer tell these guys whose channel need to check out they'll it right okay these cookies gonna make a channel I'm seriously I checked out bus convoy check out all right I need to get up Rock money so go check out Bryon's I'm not get out of car but Brian comes across as like a pro it's not Jean busca for a scare the dark cold company my car company Charlie we should rename it if you rename car companies pulling us charlie yeah don't you don't refer shortly yeah for making a washing line right so basically quick update what we're doing now is we had all a heavy weight gain with was frightened the woods but what we're doing is would totally rearrange it because we're heading towards the body so we're just like switching out all the stuff we're not going to need for being a body so like we've got tons of stuff with us we'll leave most of it in the car basically so it's gonna be a nice lightweight walk like 5k walk yeah basic basis we re all guys like everything so can I look at the state of the bottom of my bag they so disorganized now so we're we're getting on it okay folks so we're back hiking again we got about two hours of sunlight left we're just making our way down
to the bothy now so bright Brian's got the firewood on his back Charlie's got the food so I basically taken entire interns to a to carry some of the extra provisions because hopefully I'm hoping to do a bit of restocking in the bothy because the last time I came to this one was nothing in it so that should be hope so so it's about roughly a 5k walk which to be honest is like walk up to 29 miles roughly yeah they're about easy easy and it's flat for the most part as well through this pretty amazing landscape so good crazy-lookin space they start it's amazing Oh get to refer by it is pretty pretty impressive he's cold though what Oh such good echo like the forest is so dense
scenery is absolutely phenomenal look at us we're looking all over amazing absolutely incredible how often is it you get to see a view like that in the UK we're good love Scotland several buyers doing a run or it'll burn nothing just wants to get there now swallow possibly a viewpoint literally all you can hear is like the trickle of water and our footsteps so good I had the water so clear miss cuz were high up as well but it's just he doesn't have time to get contaminated and follow like salt and crap so there's a snowy mountain we were like looking at in the distance before so you've made pretty good pretty good time it's quiet
give an hour it's a bit dark it's not actually darkest come making like that but there's our first exciting of the bothy so that's where we're headed to still a bit of a way away there is just that little white speck in the distance there what it's wreck about another 10-15 minutes to get there wha let's get on so this is a son bothy about to find out if there's anybody already in there I was exited you knock do you knock I'll just I'm not sure if there's a sign on the door that I will fit in the morning so we're at the bothy Brian's just nipping outside for a bit of a reccy so I would any of you like my of a good talk the bath use the one in his house everyone Charlie's trying to figure out the stove which last time I was here like was broken so good after like really look at it before we get started there's loads of action there we'll have to clear that I've got so much to do be some will be some there's a lot of tools and stuff down here that they can have a rummage through to find something to scrape it out waiver so we basically like lighting the cut the place on the candles but it's pretty dark in here the table is crazy like I'm probably gonna tidy all the stuff before I go like there's like bars of vodka like some pans like this i just opened that blue bottle that has petrol in it i'm pretty sure its petrol in this get the life sorted this one as well this proper water there's like a mirror so meeting boys and i will walk me back into a book would right ok and this shit hey made us 50 pee on the floor mate is it stuck down ah 30 ft Restonic lads with Wicked Witch done it was so cold we our goal we will air making money/doing bushcraft yeah is a this house done astounding as you said
right right into the north Oh massive bozos so here we've got Samuel William Newell and philly and Stig from Darlington and bell bank back to see the old tongue scheme bothy found it to be as pleasant to stay as it ever was hats off to the NBA and friend for his preservation maintenance and also to all visitors for the respect they are treated with it sorry about the graffiti though 29th to the 30th first of July 2015 I think like I'm actually going to add I'm going to add my own like inscription to this I think I think that's the right things this the way it was the way to do it man but I actually I actually like cut a lot of quinte places like this that's getting a way to office yeah but it's not cold here is it a chargeback is jumping now I went to get water make some fucking punch to achieve so far oh that's what we've only got a bit of a sister but it is serious hard work ok hoping if you keep a hurry off I just got some stripe off of the ball it is gangsta so yes I'll go through this little just saw here for a thing is that like this is just killin isn't it I me everything I will follow some proper proper Warcraft they use a pick up pieces got twisted it just so we don't like it's hard way long like oh yeah greater than in so long like putting guys watching this on my towel basically this isn't the fire will be like this is Clarice like there's no fire in the sky boys at all and all of the lesson is bottom is huge what so really difficult slip doing anyway touch my one thing we need to do some work with the whole night is depending like splinters of wood I reckon a large go I can t tell for myself nothing sunglasses on steps without diet it's really cold as ice or via fraction safeties I upon the point in you boy on our 3d sense this thing doesn't go we're not gonna go easy if you know now it's never gonna go didn't go down I'm fine Boyz a bit go up 10 / come on their tail the heat oh it's getting there good time huh oh there we go Oh once it starts sucking air in from the bottom just fell rolling boys let's feed this bitch yeah feed it all right folks so we pretty much we've moved on fire you know and construed it a little bit between basics I to rush it but we managed to manage to sort and absolutely bang that out he's now so what we've done is just above the fire here I'm glad forget the torch just for a second just to show people yeah both my rope here just talking about muslin so so we've got a stuff it's really light in here a lot of cameras not picking it off so basically I stop hanging up dry we have set up we've cleared this table base before all of jump that is unnecessary underneath it and it's a coffee pot line and we put all the useful stuff but anyone who's coming next it's on the back then we're going to use this places to prep our food and putting your action yeah that's fine 100 the window so we got you can probably hear the radio go we've got a radio with battery in it which is it's actually pretty pleasant isn't it on the radio it's really nice we set our beds up because it's getting pretty warm in here now with the fire going so hopefully the damp there's a little bit down list in them so that should start leaving us pretty sharpish what's over really nice just bin bag and then I think we're going to kind of basically it's basically like daylight in here because the tour some reason the camera's not liking it but we're gonna tone it down with the torches a bit just have candles that I think here we've got a bottle whiskey to drink basically just chill out for life so the next on the agenda spewed basically isn't it out yeah we've got pizzas low yeah Brian's idea fair play to him we're just gonna cook the pizzas on the top of the stove hopefully I smell him at stone baked pizzas all right we're pretty good so Charlie's gone out to Charlie's been out to get some water so he's going to get it we got a big 4 liter bucket that was in here and he's gonna film at look we're gonna I'm gonna filter that info all right so a bit of you how TV when it's cold you be outside for a week it's reading Hardy Boys don't be galleries all right krewella go this is the delicacy we've got cross this evening she's there too so pizza being cooked on his war in stove which is absolutely banging out heat Charlie how is yours you're the first one to yo phone iphone in a half though sniper level calzone peeps just pretty good though man fuck you so much looks pretty good that one nice oh snap dude is pure spokes I open the door for a minute they sewed I the stars outside incredible listen theater whoops Troy yeah we've nailed the wood situation camera is not gonna pick the stars up which is a shame I'm gonna come out with the DSLR later on trying try and get someone on the gun oh so smoking here gotten else just give me some without set your brain come her feet but i've got probably check out all my short I've got proper Hobbit be making sweet foot long alright guys so this is the end aboard a wheel 33 this is the end of day 3 me and Brian about the best part of a bottle of whiskey so it's a bit shaky both your mind but brands up a bad time of it what like washing wrong way nobody's got much just a little bit we got the best part with bottle whiskey I'm feeling it a little bit motivation and a little bit more Charlie's dead he's not he's long gone chinese and more food and the temperature outside is absolutely plummeted everything's frozen outside which is pretty good because well well I pretty
nearly 3,000 all toasty it's what I Singh here everything is dry will colors either both the bodies put your clothes even for men a good night without finishing the sing-alongs we've got some candles right in the place up there you go this candle and hopefully there'll be some videos come you speak there'll be some pictures it is specifically some images in this video of what would be healthy but yeah she's been a pretty just put a wall children you know it yeah it's nice to be out winded out the rain that it hold but still really like coming who is ready it's not rendering yeah we basically like we won't wreck out somewhere different we spent we're spending a couple of days the woods then we've come here it's been really nice it's really good so what all about to hit the hay I'm gonna sleep well tonight about half of all of us give me I reckon bright brands naked but privately sleep well and I will catch up with you in the morning so thank you for watching guys so tomorrow
can't send that that's a can turn the camera off
About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft
Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.
My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.
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