Kayaking the Norfolk broads : Part 3
In this video me and rob leave the water and head further inland to some ancient woodland! here we see lots of wild life and I run out of memory on my camera!
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Shot on canon 70d
Tags: Bushcraft,Bushcraft Skills,Wilderness Skills,Outdooors,Hiking,Camping,Survival,Survival Skills,woodcraft,wood craft,wildlife,adventure,overnighter
Video Transcription
good morning everybody another great night's sleep mostly great night sleep terrible morning sleep and so we set the alarm for 5:30 however I woke up at 3:00 a.m. which meant that when I woke up at 5:00 I was really tired and just went back to sleep so it's about 7 o'clock now we've just got out of bed was woken up very early by the world's noisy especially about 10 feet away from the camp just going oh yes for about 12 hours where there's at being being a local yokel to Norfolk pheasants I'm used to so I just slept like a baby it wouldn't normally a bomb it was because it was so loud and it just went on for so long and it's just like oh like part of me was I'm just going to get out and so I stick at it to go away pretty like on the nose I just went on and on so basically what we're doing this morning is we're just get some more water and prepped in the old mill Bank bag in fact that pots probably ready to go in the guys we're going to show that on them then what that's doing we're going to start packing down camp clearing the area way clear in the fire area or some remnants of a cooking and stuff from last night you just see down the couple of pots and stuff get that stuff cleaned and pack down camper to text about when he minutes the imminence max I think we're both on a bit of a golf slow today this morning it's you all right I'm feeling a bit worse for this - I'm a bit dehydrated a kind of tin the rest that lucozade yeah I think the quality thing for me is I had a dry night sleep last night bring out a dry out my sleeping bag and being in a can yeah that's not a park was written on have we actually described that yet on here not yet not yet that's concise to come but yeah the plan for today is and we're not going to spend much time on the water today and what you're going to leave the
for broads because Rob has a woodland near his home which we're going to go and check out and have a bit of racket and just basically like a a standard overnight and teach Rob some more bits out there our first port of Polar's is what appears to be a beautiful plaid with stable you just seem to climb up again actually I want to step out into that cornfield that's behind us and just get bit a Sun just probably leave the Norfolk Broads huh did you know that did you know that the hovercraft was invented in the Norfolk Broads I'm not actually surprised by that no that's a very Norfolk thing to do to our oil there's me ourself a boat that flies it's got I denied it and underneath I don't know why they've got a West country accent they do they effectively met in the middle of the country we're like you go let you go left I'll go right
yeah here an offer people pretty special like me ourselves on a flying boat I'll be good that hey it's all legitimate stuff there's no one else of income nobody's very few people come up with a practical use for a hovercraft hey cause across the well goes the fun but it's like the phidget spinner of the bolt world now - swampland yet it died for better so yeah we're gonna go and get you onto the boat with a little a little fucking compliment we haven't gone much don't take it away so we're going to do is go out gets just warm our face up of it because it is quite warm that's one of it still quite chilly in the forest so gonna get a bit of warm you know swallow it waters running through get some coffee on pack down dump in the bowl paddle back to where the car is get the bolt on the car and then drive an hour back to Rob's chill at Rob's for a bit and then go and do some more like sort of bushcraft tutorials with Rob out in the woods [Music]
and this hash pretty much what you do rub up some of the ash and literally just scatter - doing this is not what yes
good let me release ticket over well outside right now we just took all the leaves back over literally those hooks and sits over the top of it as well goodbye my old friend nettle sick and just do the same where you said was as well yeah so you have compressed it all down just kind of fluff it up a bit I saw the look that button off the mic surpassed my and Emil I'll enjoy it yeah all right I'll get this on me all right little old rock can't do that with the rope who's under the bike oh yeah
so you how did you push it oh you keep doing it that way actually be alright because it's only the same distance clinic right if you can turn the back bit more parallel with the back [Laughter]
how we did the G chord Robin you know they make me quick you hand pain that milk while you write you're really like okay folks so you're joining us on the next part of our Norfolk adventure so we've come to this bit of woodland that Rob has been able to kind of get us permission for a Dane Kiki you know yeah yeah the gamekeepers are a salon owner so yeah basically the rules are we keep ourselves out of sight don't leave any mess yada yada yada same old same old and so we've just wandered in here it's a bit of a trek in it didn't film much and unfortunately the quality of the filming is potentially about to drop a little bit because for the first time ever I have managed to fill the card on my big camera which means I've got that big weight of camera to carry around and [Music]
no way of using it which is frustrating so probably going to be a long set of videos this one judging by that knowledge because I basically thought three cameras work and stuff and a GoPro so there's Rob still going yeah you're actually heavy so we've left them behind what we're going to do is head into this woodland leaving our packs here to go and find somewhere in this little bubble you can see it's really dense all the way around in 360 really really good when you put woodland and then just over in this direction just through here if i zoom we have pine trees which follow a little baggage Rob loves to solder so those pine trees those pine trees are pretty pretty thick back there I prefer to be under the broadleaf bit nicer yeah also just as a running update I have had some antihistamines now which is a really good call considering it has mainly made of bites and stings by the time the brawls has finished yeah you were pretty you were pretty like swollen earlier where you are why I'm still I'm still fairly small and like I rest are still kind of like lumpy gar survived um it's been good so close cool ready to learn oh just sort of potential for I might be able to resolve the camera shoot yeah maybe hopefully naming shoulding so let's find it come to up right folks made our way to a camp so we're in this area here so turn the cam around so I can show you where we are so we're in this area Rob's given up all right and but where this little early there's a little rhododendrons over here which is a little great cycling's rhododendrons with a quite useful tools today because you're basically givers like loads of cover from that back area and I'm going to be camped between this tree here and this tree here and we'll try a new and tarp setup that I've not tried before tonight and yeah it's pretty good really nice little bit of woodland got tons of birds just over the earth getting the fire going so it's going to be really easy and it's do you think is like ridiculously hot in here isn't it is is like a jungle temperature but as humid as well isn't it yeah so be honest I'll be quite happy bit range than sick yeah it is runways come easy hearts with us good Petoskey yeah let's put some sausages and Part A and Part A and Doc and orange brown spam and spam I'm tannic and coffee about spam infused Ballack so basically we for one night we have got all I'm looking up with the camera I've got these PRC pouches here these are saber pouches we've got well them filled with food to die like serving approximately being CrossFit does matter so yeah it's going to be a much lighter walk out on I yeah like what yeah we basically we weren't sure about water source in here so we've we've brought this massive thing of water in with us so yeah I think it's gonna be a should be a good night should be nice relaxing it's going to be hot though is gonna be a muggy hot night but not nice relaxing one after the heavy kayaking game yeah yeah I'm it's getting it's about six o'clock now so I mean we've got to start cracking on this stuff but with time running out of energy our which doesn't really even tire and the biggest hardship tonight is going to be getting the fire going getting food on so yeah sligon we come up we can energy up on plutonium well let's get camp set first oh yeah yeah Origen some more water lightning and you need to sort of you you're not going much either mmm yeah no I'm drunk alive either go get it we've not been drinking water no any coffee
there's no alcohol to drop your hey Rob yeah yeah so a lot of a lot of good fun going this forest yeah I'm going to take people in shot in the fungi shot because I got a little bit excited didn't I I've never seen a person so excited when it's not been a child at Christmas the certain fungi I just love to see as I am what my neck of the woods I'm the big one honey yeah ten a penny the literally everywhere and they're here neutrally right let's get that come so you're all the wing dangling that extragenic loose back leg don't get frogs head yeah is long do you imagine we put chasing me down like dragonflies that belies the Spitfire post of pigment one into or it will still get like it still get nectar it's like looking but yes like a big flower that was quite far away
we want gimmick oh my god no I love every single toy in the world yes what do you want you wash it against me you want it all yes please why do you have a bowl I me not little cool I have got a cup of the cups table big enough we've been through this and wonderful months what just have more than one fateful slide drink a bowl I'm game
ripped to shreds shreddin shredder again ripped to shreds by the anything and wild life often offer coffee in there and try or what a lot of it's all because I'm game well I'm propagating it there's Nordic summer stuff that got this awful soft horse mouth yeah yeah really yeah looks like we seem to work that seems to really do the trick look please wax and so you have a nose for these lights every time I go an area for like what caddies what do that be like I speak even my own I'm down with it I love these way Oh smells people and fantastic a tree and wood got a full of coffee in the puffiness again I think next time we bring like two packs of coffee there's something yesterday on the Broads well I'll do emergent oil on it just leave me did I did I thought someone he put a scope on that's even worse
how does this contraption work we go open then pull open fork and then push the fork up and the balls going down just all the way around me look on evil ways off
hilarious room lots of blood to your bike doing a lot of massive fun of coffee later sometimes I really fancy agree with copulating it an addictive chemical this is a pretty interesting Muslim as well I'm getting excited about before
yep since the horse's hoof mushroom or film airs formant arias with the Latin name for it and it's really good out the 8-month I had this on him and they smooth up like fire lightness but I'm going to burn it it actually keeps the mosquitoes away so like in side dish but like a fleshy layer surprisingly it's probably tough it's tough but it's really identify it's called horse's hoof mushroom because it looks like the hoof of the horse button really that's what is pretty dissolving but obviously these this is the top but it's the Tweety spell down so yeah so almost looks like water yeah it does reinforce nests but then inside you got a live active of it so it's pretty difficult to get in and get to the a MIDI and I'm exhausted yeah yeah the a MIDI are coming but the the layers call there's a name for like the layer of it in the mushroom and motions of different layers but yeah you can like burn it as it is once it's dry or it can be processed and people used to make clothes out of it I want really soft like it feels like suede like a mushroom
I've actually got like a little strip of it in the in the car let me show you yeah people used to make like hats and stuff I have in clothes like like trousers stuff like you wouldn't want to smoke your pipe near really I'm not sure Kiki Sakura not mushroom pants but it burns really well like it burns properly slowly doesn't like flame it just like smoulders away a really hot ember for me and I'll keep up and it keeps the bugs off but like if you need to put it into like a bundle right into blowing to fly might burn to a really long time cool and you can this wings like a tiny bit of it clip burns so slow I think we try and get one of these we'll try and like split one open somehow but like that is like that's a sharp knife book right you guys we like harder than the real one yeah and you think like you normally don't get this amount like no like well this actually I'm using like a good bounty that that's the spare that's honest is it quite a quite a Goldy color yeah yeah it's like that's what's like climate coffee caramel color looks like profit solid mmm I get off like it will build on your night keeping like that one might be better we will try and get one of these off I'm fine get something um buddy well mm-hmm because I can always do a minty protection stuff there all right it feels like it feels generally luck would look like a mug of varnish would get closer to the birch get way closer to it get that strike up 45 degrees to the rod yeah it's not a 45 degree in its fight against it Oh so basically no no so so this one's been out 45 that's it yeah yeah yeah and then get close to you Bert and you got it happy days push the rest you Burton closer yeah gently yeah I'm good how's that mate feel Rob you just start a fire with sparks I feel very pleased with myself just in peace hashtag whisper because you lean down and those are quite big flames like it was like a massive fire but it's actually not yes I say put a foot on April 4 I am you know wealthy okay I might get a bit more he'll ago yes so you can't see much what you hear it it's what we've been listening to which is a tonal fledging right behind it well folks that is the camp packed away and very calm with Phineas you scuff marks on the floor from us walking around but not a lot we can do about that
and unfortunately that is the end of our little Norfolk adventure so I hope you've enjoyed watching the videos of it when they finally make it out cassette meanwhile a big thanks the world for being in the videos and sort of showing me and showing me around like the broad stuff cuz he knows the area quite well so tell them check out your channel again yeah well first the guys - my pleasure to be on this channel and I've had a really really good weekend and hopefully you've enjoyed my broads backs hopefully I haven't been to win wouldn't it start off with because obviously I myself I'm still getting used to actually you being on camera and but as I said that my channel is the island of Rob it's health well-being focused around all sorts different things one of the main things with DDP yoga which is something really good really help you out in case but it's something it's something that here is it has been watching me do when I get up and do the actual and I'm really good for the physical side of what we do in the outdoors so kayaking hiking stuff like that it's really good to just like stretching those muscles out in the morning which is what we've done we didn't do any of this we've actually I did some up the first day of kayaking but yeah it's one of those things that can very easily put off that you really feel the payoff is you actually to make the time to do it so what I would do is and if you do find yourselves like a penis up in the mornings we've been outlaws get over to most I'll check that stuff out and have a look if you can follow me on Instagram that I'd be fantastic I do have a forest to book a Facebook page to get on over there and have a look at that and I also have a patreon account so patreon if you enjoy these videos and your support help me to make law conservative patriot and that is what helped me out that way there will be rewards on the patron accounts coming overseas and thanks for people the other huge help and a huge help it really makes a big difference like
now straight but third place my storage unit weight of hydrogen appreciated my opinion so yes girl patron if you prefer any selling adorable comparable that's great free makes big difference loving by a nice microphone which sound helps to get an answer basically their videos are these videos has cost me what do you think
all every home yet so thank you all for complete medium and I'll see you in the next video the next video will be Sweden so I'll see you all of that was rough
About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft
Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.
My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.
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