My 'Outdoor' camera equipment
A fairly long video taking a look at the equipment I use to film these videos for youtube... a list of this kit can be found below.
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Shot on canon 70d
Canon 70d
Canon G7x
Zoom h1
Rode video mic pro
Tags: Bushcraft,Bushcraft Skills,Wilderness Skills,Outdooors,Hiking,Camping,Survival,Survival Skills,woodcraft,wood craft,photography,walking,canon camera,rode,youtube,kit,gear,forest,mountain,wild camp,landscape photography
Video Transcription
hello hello and welcome to another video today's video is a little bit different because it isn't directly concerned with bushcraft on the outdoors but it is something that I've been asked for a lot and it's something that's a huge part of my outdoor life what can be doing is having a run-through of all of my filming equipment that I use for filming these YouTube videos I'm for taking the photographs that you'll see on my Instagram page if you haven't been over there and checked it out please do and so I'm filming a video about the equipment that I used to film the video so this is going to be quite difficult I apologize in advance of this videos a bit all over the place but I can foresee it being quite awkward to film the other thing is I'm not going to do any detail reviews of anything what I'm going to do is just give a quick overview of all of the equipment I'll use if there's anything in here that you'd like a closer look at or more detail review of please leave me a like not unlike a comment in the comment section below and let me know what you have a like to have a closer look at I'll make sure I research it properly and I'll do a a proper review of it another note to add I am NOT a professional videographer I'm not a professional photographer I don't fully understand this equipment this quick equipment has been pieced together looking at what is going to be burst hired and useful for the outdoors rather than the technical specifications of it so that what I'm what I mean to say is I don't really understand what's happening inside this little black box I'm looking at all I know is that the way that I can use it is versatile for what I do so that's what I'm going to be having a look at in this video it's probably going to be a long one I've got a lot of equipment to look at and it's worth saying I don't use all of this equipment all at the time I pick and choose stuff dependent on what I'm filming where I am and what I am doing okay so either way let's have a look at the first thing which is the container that I keep it in and what this is is a pillar case for five one four five zero case and this case is probably one of the best things that I have ever ever bought I think the produce for the sort of specifically produced for
and military but they are commercially available and they are quite expensive however I will say that they are worth absolutely every single penny this thing is I think literally bomb-proof the water proofs are the great for canoeing they are sealed and I've had I've listened to people who have little drop this in lakes and rivers and it's gone right down to the bottom and being absolutely fine
they're pretty shockproof the well padded out inside they're really sturdy and they are robust obviously looking at the size of it this is not practical for walking with okay I mean just a local little bit of woodland here today and even walk in the sort of ten minutes this became pretty heavy pretty quickly got a nice rubberized grip on this really sturdy handle which means I can tie it down in my canoe or what have you and you can even bolt it shop with padlocks if you need to the clips are like double clip systems so there's like a secondary clip in there and that clicks really sturdily shot when we open it up you'll see that it's padded out inside and around here is like a silicone rubber seal and that's the only bit of it that is likely to wear out this is where I keep almost everything unfortunately not all of my equipment fits into here there is where my keys are here there was a camera missing and it's the little g7x I'm filming on right now which will move too but straight away you can see I've got my main camera which is a Canon 70d my main microphone which is a rode videomic pro with the the dead cat on it the wind muffler I've got a GoPro spur lens charger and couple of filters in there and it all fits in really nicely I keep my phone in here as well so this case is really really very nice I'm probably even going to get a slightly smaller one for keeping my power banks and things in and they can be like ratcheted together I've also found out that if you've seen my knife sharpening video the little knife sharpening kit fits perfectly into one of these little ridges here so that is absolutely brilliant so let's have a look at some of the equipment that I've got in here so I'm gonna have a look at first is what I probably say is my main camera we
is my canon 70d so this to come that I've been using music for quite a few years now I think three years and I don't want to change it I'm really really happy with it there's a few reasons that I really really like this camera before I was using this I was using a Canon 1300 D I think it is which is a fantastic camera but there were quite a few problems with it one of the main problems with that camera was that it lacked this which is a fold-out screen so that meant I never knew whether well whether I was in shot or not so it was such a long drawn-out process of making sure that I was in the shot at one point I was even using like a stick with a printout of my own face on it to make sure that everything was lined up and in shot and even then it wasn't quite right so having that fold-out screen is absolutely invaluable so it means that I can use it for filming like this and make sure that I'm in shot and I'm not dropping down or coming up too high it also means that when I'm filming like this I can sit where I think the shot is and then adjust it as necessary so that Regis makes things a lot easier a big game-changer having that fold-out screen the other thing it's a massive massive improvement on this and what I was using beforehand is that the lens and the camera have an auto focus function in video mode and what that will do is you can I can click on my face on the touchscreen so it is a touch screen and basically wherever I move it will stay focused on my face or stay focused on a particular point so with the previous camera didn't have that function so I'd line the shot up and then I had to basically stay put because if I moved slightly I would go out of our shot it will go blurry also all my video video in a shooting that I do on this I do in manual mode which means I can adjust for the light settings etc all of that kind of stuff
which means I can get those really really nice sort of arty shots and try and really capture the moments on it my other camera was just it was a video and you got what you and that was it okay it's very very easy and versatile to use it's very very sort of intuitive you can adjust things just using this there's a little spinner on the top just here and there's a little spin on the back and that just stuff I can adjust all the ISO in video mode and another advantage of this is it doubles up as a proper photography camera not as good as some of the other cameras out there for photography but as I said it's mainly for filming and I probably will get a proper photography camera at some point so downsize for this is it's big its bulky and it's heavy the lens is heavy the camera is heavy also because of the shape of it it's very very difficult to pack into a rucksack so it doesn't get to come out with me all the time this is generally what I use for doing my kit reviews or stuff around quite static but if I'm hiking or I'm walking long distances this basically becomes incredibly difficult to use I'm playing around with a few solutions for that because it is a better camera than what I'm currently filming on now you're probably gonna notice this this shot is very bright and slightly blown out I'll have to hopefully edit that afterwards I don't have that problem with this because I can change all the settings if anyone has a solution to carry in one of these for long distances without damaging it I'd very much like to hear it especially when we consider that this camera also goes with my main microphone which is this which is my rode videomic pro again this was another game-changing piece of equipment it was quite expensive for what it is it doesn't feel like very much it is quite lightweight and I also paid extra to get this like fluffy wind the muffler thing on it it's kind of necessary and essential in the outdoors what I like about this is it records what is directly in front of it so any background noise gets cut out and you don't have all that kind of like dizzy noise that gets sort of caught up with it another thing is it makes the editing process a lot easier because this sits directly on the camera and plugs straight into it a lot the time I use this lab mate here which is great fantastic sound quality but I do have to do do stuff with it in the editing process
I'll have a look at that in a moment way this works basically slides on top onto the hot shoe it's that little metal bit on the top that tightens down you can see that wobbles around quite a lot on there so that basically means that if I'm bumping around it sort of floats and you don't get like loads of noise with it it's supposed to wobble around at the top if something's like rubber shoes and then that plugs directly into the camera just here like that and then I'm using it it just stays plugged in that turns on the sound goes directly into the camera if you're somewhere really noisy you can drop the sound down by 10 decibels you can have it at the standard zero decibels or it just doesn't change anything or you can bump it up a little bit which is what I tend to do my only criticism of this microphone is that when I got it on the back here there were some buttons that switch it on and the on/off button literally it's tiny it's tinier than my little fingernail it's like a quarter the size of my little fingernail dropped off it into some grass and was gone forever and I can't seem to get hold of rode to get them to send me another one which is really annoying so now I have to use like a knife or a stick or something to to clip that on I think it's possibly like a one-off fault because the other button which is identical to that has stayed on it is just a little bit frustrating especially given that it wasn't it wasn't a cheap piece of equipment that sits on there so as you can see that is pretty bulky and I wouldn't want to have all of this attached to itself in a rucksack so if I'm using it I've essentially got a carrier or it goes in this box so this camera this set up generally as I've already said gets used for things like kit reviews or little bits where I'm out like this where I'm not far from the car I'm only like a local a little bit of woodland or if I'm somewhere where caring it doesn't have to be a problem so I used this on my sweden canoeing trip I used it on the Norfolk Broads canoeing trip that I did and it is very very good and even when it's like this it can just sit straight into the into the Pelle case with a little bit of curve
sort of pushing with it so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move over to this now I'm gonna move over the microphone you might notice a bit of a change in the sound quality maybe we'll see ya and then we'll have a look at this camera that I'm at using just now which is my canon g7x so we have now switched over to filming on the Canon 70d which means I can get nicer shots like this one and the color and everything is pretty much okay and I have to do less editing however I have recently purchased this canon g7x camera and I really like it because it's essentially a tiny version of the big camera that I use now I'm not completely used to using this yet I need to get out I have a play around with it a bit more which is what I'll be doing tomorrow up in the mountains but I got this camera because it is small essentially it's small it can go in a pocket and I can use it for hiking etc so I can give you too much information like salmon you use it too much but I'll go through some of the things that I've learnt about it so far and so just like the other camera it has a flip round screen which makes it incredibly useful and that screen also comes out at the back as well which could be really really good in bright sunlight when you're taking photographs so that is one of the major reasons I got it it can be used in manual in full manual focus using this sort of spinning wheel on the front here haven't quite got to grips with that yet I know it can be done and it has a number of different scene selections as well again to be honest I don't really use them I pretty much do everything in manual has a little flash on it which is really useful again I don't use the flash very often one of the things that I really love about this camera like really love about it has a built-in time lapse function which I do have another camera that does that we'll talk about that in a minute but I really like the time lapse time lapse function on this because when you set it you set your photograph intervals your number of images and then it tells you how long that time-lapse will be and how long it's gonna take to film it so say you need to film it tell you if someone's gonna take 20 minutes to film a five-second time-lapse if you do this kind of stuff that is so useful because normally you have to sit down and try and work it all out or do what I do and just kind of wind it and help everything turns out okay what that works out really really nicely downsizing this camera and I can't use an external microphone with it I have to use my lavalier mic which is what I was filming on a minute ago and the microphone is actually right on the top here whether you can see it on the camera right on the top here and there is a thing that happens in the outdoors which means it's windy so you constantly get this kind of poor sound on the top of it which is a little bit frustrating but it is kind of the price you pay for having a small point-and-shoot camera lovely a mic is okay too usually I'll have a look at that in a minute it's just a bit of a faff overall I do like this camera the other downside to it is the zoom function is is pretty slow and the auto function autofocus function that's so hard to say it's also pretty shot slow but overall I'm really really happy that I bought this camera five hundred pounds so it's sort of fairly expensive but absolutely game-changing and as I say it can just be short in a pocket or a side pocket or a rucksack and it's quick and easy to access so you go that's the canon g7x which i know a lot of other you to be type of people are using so next up we have what I would call my secondary microphone which is this she's a zoom hate one that a handy recorder
I have a real love-hate relationship with this thing the sound quality is brilliant it's very very easy to use however the shape of it is really awkward it's all avoidable really but it's kind of a rectangle with a bump on the top and this is all rubberized which means it's great for holding on to but really frustrating to keep in a pocket and also the microphone goes in at the side which I hate because it just sticks out like that it'd be so much easier easier if it went in at the bottom it's such a terrible design feature but yeah overall it's a microphone it's just the shape of it isn't really conducive to being in the outdoors that being said it probably isn't designed for being in a pocket or anything that like it's probably designed for somebody sat at a desk it's like a broadcast-quality thing the microphones on this I do need to remember to get Spurs because they're on this like wire and they do break pretty easily but you can get these good quality with mufflers which just sort of sit over the top of the microphone again they're really really essential I think I paid about 12 pounds with these off Amazon but they really do jam the wind and stop it stop getting all that horrible horrible background noise and stuff and the reason I use the two microphones is I did a lot of research into into into video quality stuff and apparently and I am inclined to agree your sound quality is really really important where I am at the minute is there's loads of like farm equipment and stuff going off in the background and what I'll do is I'll shoot a short segment in a moment without the without the microphone on so this is me recording without the microphone as you can hear the sound quality isn't quite as good it's not very windy today however if it was windy focus it will be all the farm machinery nearby is stopped there's nowhere planes going overhead so it's not too bad however without the microphone if a helicopter and airplane was to just to go over right now you'd really really notice it and there's all I can be insane going on some of it can be quite nice but what I tend to do is do a recording of some of it what as I'm out filming I'll do that today and I overlay that just to get like some more of that ambience in there as well so you go that's a quick segment without the microphones yeah that's the zoom h1 about 70 pounds the battery lasts ages it takes a little micro SD card for some reason it seems to only take a 2 gigabyte SD card so you do have to carry spurs but you get about 40 minutes of audio on each of them which is is more than you generally require and it's a microSD card a tiny so you go down the biggest the biggest problem of this before I forget the thing that I hate more than anything is that these microphones have the longest literally the longest cable in the world on them and that all gets tangled up so the minute I'm keeping it all looped up like this if anyone has a better solution to stop this thing getting all tangled up you're going all over the place and constantly break-in I would absolutely love to hear it that's the zoom h1 I've ranted about it but I do actually quite like it
ok last camera is the ubiquitous go prompt so this is a gopro hero4 silver these are brilliant cameras and it's a weird thing because i actually very rarely use this gopro whoops but when i do use it it's absolutely invaluable so you might have noticed i've started doing a lot more canoeing a bit more stuff in the water and there it's completely waterproof it is absolutely completely waterproof when it's in the case out of the case it's pretty small not much to it takes a little micro SD card films in 4k does time lapses does bursts and you get some really good quality stuff on that downsides to it is whilst it's in the case this is the hero4 the sound quality is absolutely rubbish whilst it's in the case the newer version which is the hero 5 or 6 it doesn't have to be sat in a case so the sound quality is better on them that be instead I do love this down another downside to it is the the battery quality is pretty poor on it the battery runs out really really very quickly however the battery is if I can remember how to do it battery does come out somehow oh yeah the battery comes out the tiny little thing just like that and I think you can get like two spare ones for about 15 including a charger I've just never really got around to actually buying one so I don't use it that often oh yeah that's the goal from really great for those like panoramic shots and the quality is fantastic annoying that you have to use the editing software so you have to if I'm using anything for the from the GoPro I basically have to edit the footage twice it goes through the GoPro footage of the GoPro program I fix it all up in there and then I put it into the other editing program I use which is Sony Vegas currently change that soon then there you go
GoPro really versatile you get some really interesting shots with that so folks that is the cameras that I use what I'm now going to look at is a lot of the little additional equipment and gadgets and bits and pieces that go along side my filming and to be honest I couldn't film the videos that I film without these little additions especially when I'm out for multiple days at the time so I'm gonna go through these as quickly as I can try and keep this video short so let's have a look at this stuff major thing when we're outdoors doing filming something that we have to think about is power obviously you can't charge your camera camera easily or effectively when you're out about so I carry a selection of power banks if I'm out for just one day I just take one which is this big one in multiple days I pick multiple power banks I actually have three of these and the brand that I always go to is ravpower I've used anchor at these Power monkey and I've used another brand which I can't remember the name of and the rare power ones are amazing you get the very very good quality and they don't break the bank the anchor ones are very very similar quality but probably double the price so I really really rate the ravpower ones I've got two different sizes here so this one is my newest one I keep it in a little plastic bag that it came in just to help protect it a little bit from any moisture and this one is a capacity of 220,000 milliamp hours I don't really know what that means if I'm honest all I know it's got a big capacity first of all on the side lights up these little blue lights here and it tells you if it's fall and I really like this one because it's got three USB ports on it it's just there that you can see so that means I can charge my phone I'm both of my camera's at the same time and that is really really really useful or the one that I use is a slightly smaller capacity are they're coming these nice little pouches as well which is a 16 thousand milliamp hour one and it only has two of those little ports on it well I like about these ones though is that they have a little light on them it's quite dim light but it's ideal for filming so this as a 2.4 amp charger a 2.1 amp charger so it's only got the two and the capacity is a little bit smaller but they're very very useful they also have this eye smart technology in them so when you're charging something say I'm charging a camera battery once the battery is fully charged it stops charging some of the ones I've used in the past continues to try and put power into it it just runs them down another thing that I really like about these Rebbe powers is they have a plastic case on the outside they're made for plastic which means that they don't get too cold I haven't experienced these suffering in the cold all of my camera batteries my phone batteries and everything as soon as the temperature drops the battery just dies on them these don't seem to get affected by that and I've used them in some pretty cold temperatures and they've done very very well so those are my power banks I'm gonna do a full review of them at some point in the very near future power banks know you set the cables so I have this Maxpedition to organize a case and in here I've got a bunch of stuff that isn't related to camera things but a bunch stuff is this is just like a miscellaneous pouch but the things relating to the camera equipment is I've got a little torch which I also using my tent so having a little light with all my stuff is really useful especially when filming in low-light I can shine that on myself so I show up I've got a selection of cables I also keep the cable in the Pelle case so I've got microUSB cables and one of these cables that I can never remember the name of which I guarantee isn't gonna focus on oh here we go come on camera it doesn't know where to focus but one of them and that's what charge is my GoPro and yeah my GoPro that one for my GoPro everything else charges through a micro USB spur SD cards in here I also have in the back here some these little Reichelt stickies for stick in the lab my corn and some optical lens wipes and just cheap ones for my qual concerns I think they are alcohol white and that is pretty much it for this this pouch this is where else keep spare batteries and things for these are for my torches and for my love Mike but because I've got the power bank I don't tend to carry spare battery cameras I just charge them as and when because also to go along side my charge and equipment in here I have this which is for my Canon 7d this was about five pounds it weighs literally nothing plugs into the power back by it by the microUSB sorry I keys going out of focus and my camera battery just sits in there and I charge it overnight the battery on the 70d will last me pretty look today also have a spur 9-volt battery in here rats and some cling film so it doesn't short out and that is for the rode videomic so yeah that's the charging equipment
absolutely invaluable the charging equipment you can't I don't think you can manage without it also in the case I have a big ol zoom lens it's just the cheap kit lens but it does the job this is a 75 to 300 mil lens which honestly I don't really know how to use looking with a photography workshop in in a couple of weeks I have a couple of filters mainly for taking photographs so I've got a pot circular polarized filter which is great when I'm shooting in bright light it just makes the colors pop out a little bit more and I do use that sometimes when were filming and I also have a which one is this I also have a long exposure lens and I can't remember what kind of long exposure lens it is but it is essentially a darkened lens I put on from the camera you'll see the effect of it so it's blacks everything out that is for taking photographs more than anything now they're glass so they stay in in the case okay so if you don't know what they are I can do a video of them on them at some point and then that's that so that's my charge equipment and my additional lenses and filters there's only one last thing to have a look at some tripods if you do any photography or filming of your own you'll know they're quite important gonna pop this away damaged and so I've got two two main tripods that I use I do have another one that I use but I'm not going to talk about it much because I just don't use it that often my main tripod is this Manfrotto compact micro compact carbon fiber thing where's one and a half kilo so it's it's pretty heavy and and it's not a full height tripod but I really like it I'm quite small anyway so it doesn't really matter it's pretty robust it's fairly lightweight compared to some of the tripods that I've had but it is quite bulky but it is an essential piece of equipment I really like it and the only thing
I don't like about it is the ball head mount on the top it's just a basic ball head mount which is what it came supplied with at some point in the very near future I do want to get a proper a proper sort of fluid tension ball head mounting at the top are coming with a cord but they're quite expensive but as tripods go it's pretty decent it packs down to a small enough size that it can go down the side of a backpack if I need it to and it does come with a bag but I generally don't carry the Bible don't really see the point of doing it at a store it in the bag at home and this top bit does come out should come out but I want to be the correct bit like this and it's pretty sturdy only problem with it is there's nothing to hook on to the bottom of it for high winds so you do have to be careful but yeah that is the main tripod that I use again I don't really walk much with that I will be carrying it with me tomorrow just because it's so heavy when you've got all your hiking equipment add an extra kilogram on isn't what you want to be doing so the thing that I use when I'm walking is this ultra pod mini tripod ultra pod - I think it is yeah ultra pod - and this thing is great so all it is it's made from nylon which it's pretty robust it folds out like some very very sturdy and it's just got this little ball mount on the top again a little bit clunky but it's a mini tripod what do you want well what's really cool about this is that you can strap it onto trees or poles
it's like designed to do that that's what this velcro is for so you can kind of strap it onto it the branch of a tree to get extra height but what I really like about this tripod is I can put my camera on the top and film like this so it just gives me that little bit of extra distance what's gonna bit wobbly on there sign it off of it so I can kind of walk around and do like video log style stuff and keep myself completely in frame so this tripod combined with that flip around screen means that everything becomes really really versatile especially that it's microphone on the top so I'll microphones point right in my face so pick
that sound quite nicely so yeah this is what your seat find that I'm using a lot of the time it also allows me to get the camera really close to the ground without putting it straight down on the floor where it's gonna be wet and it's a very very lightweight tripod I think I got it from ultralight backpacking dot-com so there you go folks that is all of my camera equipment that I would use for filming as I said at the beginning of this video I wouldn't carry all of this stuff all the time I have to pick and choose the equipment that suits what I'm filming and the trip that I'm on just like all of your outdoor stuff you wouldn't carry a canoe up a mountain and you wouldn't use like yeah you know you wouldn't use a heavy woolen smock to go swimming in you know you've got a pick and choose this is everything that I have to do with filming - a couple of things I just don't really use that often very word that I've run through this very very quickly and I'm very very worried that this video could well be all over the place if there's anything that I've shown in this video that you want a more detailed look at and a more a more detailed sort of review of let me know in the comments and I will get that sorted out for you this was just an overview of the stuff that I would use for filming and a little bit about why so as always if you've stuck with this video until the end thank you very much for watching please like subscribe comment all that kind of stuff and I will see you all in the next video thank you very much everyone
About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft
Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.
My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.
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- Kit review; Everest Down Sleeping Bag
- Chorizo & Mushroom breakfast
- Sweden Canoe adventure | Part 1
- How to tie the cobra weave
- How to tie a square lashing
- How to identify and find Pine resin
- Reccomended Channels #3
- Processing firewood
- Kit review; Gransfors bruks Hand Hatchet
- Bsuhcraft Skills | how to tie a shear lashing
- Creating a camp; building the frame for the shelter
- Journeys | Scotland Day 2 | Exploring ancient ruins
- Journeys | Solo bushcraft camp
- Wild Cooking | Nettle and Ramson Soup
- Overnighter In ancient woodland
- Bushcraft Skills | How to tie a diagonal lashing
- Wild Camp | Peak District
- Kit review; Sealskinz waterproof socks
- how to make bannock mix on a campfire
- Shoutouts/reccomended channels
- Kayaking the Norfolk Broads part 2
- The Elder tree in Summer
- Recommended Gear | Compress Lite Jacket by Craghoppers
- Kit review; Ben Orford Crook Knife
- A quick update & a couple of shout outs!
- Wood Craft| How to carve a whistle
- Bushcraft Skills | Sharpen your knife in the field.
- The rowan tree
- What I keep in my backpack
- How to make a mesolithic pit oven
- Lake district photography trip : part 1
- Horses Hoof Fungus (Fomes Fomentarius)
- Recommended gear | Ultratour 55 back pack by montane
- Bushcraft Skills | Swedish Torch in Miniature
- how to tie a reef knot
- Recommended gear | Sola X cook set
- Journeys | Solo Day hike | Bowland
- Woodcraft | How to carve a tent peg
- How to make a simple candle, bushcraft style.
- Winter warmers: Making a Wreath
- Journeys | Scotland Day 3 | Bothy
- Tip: Pre-collecting Birch Bark
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #7 Make a hammock
- How to use a fire striker (ferrocerium rod)
- 10 Things to do with a wool blanket #3 Back pack
- Kit Review; Gelert Apollo Stove
- Kayaking the Norfolk broads : Part 3
- Walking with Pigeloss
- Kayaking the Norfolk Broads Part 1
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make a simple tent peg
- How to tie a round Turn & two half hitches
- How to Tap a Birch Tree
- Collecting cottongrass as tinder
- A short hill walk
- How to Tie a clove hitch (part 1)
- Kit review Gransfors Bruks Wildlife Hatchet
- Swedish log stove
- My other social media
- How to: Make a spoon
- Simple fire lighting
- 10 things to do with a wool Blanket #5 Emergency shelter
- Lake district Photography expedition part 2 (the worst video i've ever shot...sorry)
- How To Start A Fire From Birch Bark Using Only A Spark
- Birch Polypore or Razor Strop Fungi
- Getting started in bushcraft: Fire
- What is bushcraft - in my opinion
- A few Uses of the shemagh
- Building my camp & spending a day there
- Recommended gear : Life Systems 'Trek' first aid kit
- Reccomended reading: Collins guide to Trees of of Britain & Europe
- Recommended gear : thrunite Ti3
- Kit review - Gransfors bruks small forest axe
- Kit Review DD Action Pack
- Channel Update 2017
- Winter warmers: Brew Kit
- how to tie a 'Prusik' Knot
- Bushcraft Skills | How to use bramble as a withie
- review of the hultafors crafts man knife
- Bushcraft Skills | Fully enclosed tarp set up (3 meter x 3 meter tarp)
- Bushcraft Breakfast | VR to zed Outdoors
- Reccomended Gear; Folding Saw Sheath by Paul Dore bushcraft
- Recommended gear | SuperLight Tarp
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #4 make a coat/cloak
- Getting started in Bushcraft: Tools for bushcraft
- Wild Food | Nettle Tea
- How to identify the Silver birch tree
- Lake District Wild Camp
- Sweden Canoe Adventure | Part 2
- Snugpak bivvi
- Recommended Kit : Mora Eldris
- Sweden Canoe Adventure Part 3 | Sailing!
- Recommended Kit | LK 35 Rucksack
- Sweden Canoe Adventure part 4 | Wildlife
- Kit Review | Luxe Mini peak II
- Kit load out for a 9 day hike
- kelley kettle | Explosions, how to use and a review!
- Im Back! a quick update to let you know whats new!
- Solo Hike up Skiddaw.
- A walk up Blencathra via Sharp Edge
- Fjallraven Vidda Pros | Are they worth the money?
- Over night forest camp with a professional film maker!
- The best way to use a Ferro rod / Fire striker
- Kit Review | Osprey Talon 33
- A hike in Snowdonia (2015) | When I met Brian
- Campfire Cooking | Simple Thai Green curry
- 7 Day hike across the Cairngorms | The Uks biggest national park