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Cicadas 102 [Brood 2] 2013


Krik of Black Owl Outdoors stumbles upon a lethargic cicada during it's last moments of life.

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Tags: black owl outdoors,nature,camping,hiking,backpacking,survival,bushcraft,wilderness,forest,backcountry,cicada,spider,cicadas,brood 2,hatch

Video Transcription

hey wassup turtles is creek here with black outdoors and I don't know if you can hear this sound that's sort of resonating all around me right now is this high-pitched sound and that's actually a cicada this is a 17-year hatch there's one right here that I'm going to ask Tony to get in frame that we saw walking along the path but you can hear this eerie sort of bringing all throughout the forest it's really cool it's really special to be here right now particularly like I said because this is the 17-year hatch meaning whatever most of these have come out and ground right now have been sort of dormant waiting for 17 years to come out and cicadas will come out of the ground they're usually crawl on a tree up a tree hang on a branch and then source and then we'll split out and you'll see their exoskeletons left as they come out and then this will be their sort of final form in there and their life cycle just really crazy really cool stuff in the forest

this is Creek signing out black outdoors later turtles

About the Author

Black Owl Outdoors

Black Owl Outdoors

Welcome to Black Owl Outdoors official YouTube page. We shoot all of our HD videos in the great outdoors and our topics vary with our interests. We do bushcraft type stuff. We talk about plants. We talk about rocks. We talk about water. We talk about animals. We talk about places. We talk about life. We are Krik & stony, just 2 brothers with a hankering for the peace that nature loves to offer.

We do outdoor gear reviews. We are 100% independent. We are not owned by any manufacturer.

Our goal is to provide high quality outdoor content to our viewers.

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