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DIY Wood Burning Stove - Boil Water Test


Krik of Black Owl Outdoors performs a boil water test on the DIY wood burning stove.






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Tags: black owl outdoors,nature,camping,hiking,backpacking,survival,bushcraft,wilderness,forest,backcountry,DIY,Do It Yourself,wood burning,stove,boil water test

Video Transcription

it was so Turtles it's Creek here with blackout outdoors and today I want to do a video using the DIY camp stove I've done a pretty excuse-me previous video on I wanted to do a boil test with this stove a boil water test excuse me this is the stove right here that I made a little bit of a wet ground on it it's already did a video showing ins and outs and this kind of sort of specs on this but this is the stove I'm going to use made out of two food cans and for me personally why I choose to do a boil water test because you can cook yes you can cook on stoves and that's all fine and dandy but the ultimate test for a piece of equipment such as this for me is how long it's going to take and how well it's going to boil water to be able to disinfect water so that's why I'm choosing to do a boil water test with the stove today follow me over to the water

so I have about 2 cups of water in here maybe a little bit more just as a gauge to help gauge the time and all that with the stove so to get this fire going what I'm going to be using is a gnarled wax cotton ball it did not turn out as well as I hope there's not a lot of fibers actually at all in here so I'm just going to use the mats to get the started drop this in put a little bit of birch in it and then add some fuel but before I do that I want to talk about the fuel this is some hard what I have that I baton down this is very very dry wood and the type of fuel you use is going to affect how this cooks all the time just like any type of fire you're going to you're going to use the principle is a fire-making apply directly and are the exact pretty much the exact same when trying to cook and use this type of stove because you are going to use the open fire so fuel comes in the side comes into play the size the type of wood the oxygen you know fire triangle the heat oxygen fuel all that comes into play so that's something that will affect how efficient this works for you just basic as a type of fuel will affect how this performs with all that said this is an efficient stove like I said with the airflow and in design so just this little bit of wood I'm going to be using to get water boiled if I were to have this as an open fire traditional you know open fire but not burn really that well to work because it's contained with this efficient of air flow design it's going to work really well so to get the start like I said I'm going to get this wax cotton ball on fire drop that in get some birch bark get a little bit of a fire going in there and start adding fuel to it and because I know this is a really efficient design I kind of did one of them went a little heavy with the fuel load because I know I'm going to wait for this taxi get to like a maximum flame where I know it's burning good and efficient yeah it's smoking right now it's not where I want it but you can see the flames starting to grow and pretty much once the smoke starts to dissipate and I can tell it's burning really well and hot and efficient once this goes out I will then add the stand and start to boil some water all right now that I have good flame I can see the smoke is pretty much stopped I'm going to add to put the can the stove stand on top and get the water on top and once I get the storm on and start a timer on my phone and we're gonna see how long this takes timer started

and with my experience the amount of fuel I have in there the type of fuel I shouldn't need to add anymore to have this out of rolling boil you can see how high these flames are coming up I'm getting really good airflow the fuel is burning really well right now so it shouldn't take long at all we shall see and like I said I really loaded it with this fuel this is actually a pretty big flame really big actually burning really really well with my fuel in there like I said just be cautious anytime you're using open flame like this where you are with your surroundings anything any other type of fuel on the ground that could potentially catch on fire you can see around me what this is like a sandy substrate it's completely saturated I'm not worried about even a little bit of embers falling or excuse me coals or embers falling down onto the ground right now pretty much cleared of anything that could potentially burn and if this pot was blackened I I cleaned it from the last time I used it but if it was blackened it would actually absorb the heat faster from the fire and it probably and will actually burn the student me take the heat and heat the contents inside of the pot even faster well the fuel pretty much burned up now is that right under three minutes I'm going to add some more fuel not a problem you can see there's no flames not a problem there are some coals in there and I'll show you how easy it is with the correct amount of fuel to get this burning again add one more piece and then with a delicate delicately placed breath should just push all the heat out and form a vacuum is going to suck it all up and get a flame back in this pretty quick and one more just got done adding a little bit more fuel to that running over five minutes now I can see there's already steam looks like there's some steam starting to come out of the pot yeah I can hear bubbles I can hear boiling so I have a little bit of boiling going on not a rolling boil I'm not completely happy with that so we're almost out of rolling boil where I liked it a little bit more fuel to list just to make sure I want to I want to sustain rolling boil just to make sure if I'm disinfecting this water to make it drinkable depending on your altitude and all that if you're at a boil that should be the critical temperature where you're going to kill pretty much everything in the water and be safe to drink we had some technical difficulties with my phone resetting but it was right at a little over eight minutes I want to say eight minutes three seconds when I saw it to maybe a 10 seconds until I started it so when we see the finish time of this boiling it'll be eight minutes on top of that and realize I'm talking through this the whole time and should be a little bit longer than you would if I wasn't talking here's a so damp in this mountain valley now I'm putting the pot on before the stove is actually burning at its efficiency with this fuel type I have in the conditions surrounding it being committing the air and all of that you can definitely get fuel to last longer than what's happening here this is burning really quick so I'm just working it as a situation presents itself I'm adding a little bit more fuel than I needed to but nonetheless it's still really not that much fuel to get water boiling and make it disinfect it with this little bit of controlled fire I'm going to bet we're going to have a rolling boil on this last load of fuel and there we have a rolling boil so like I said at about eight minutes on to what this timer is right now was at three and a half so about eleven and a half minutes to get this rolling boil considering that I'm talking through this which takes a little bit more time obviously every video I talk and explain things it takes longer than it normally would if you weren't explaining it it's always keep that in mind just in general like I said before depending on your elevation once you get a water to a boil it should be fine to drink but just to be safe let it go for about a minute at a rolling boil to make it safe for drink and human consumption had to add a little bit more fuel than I've needed to before in the past but that's okay situation is going to be different every time you use this that's the variables with having a fire in general but nonetheless it's a cool little idea something you can make at home with very minimal tools you could make this all by hand if you didn't have a drill I'm sort of working on a way to be able to do that make it really easy but nonetheless it's really cool cheap something to do at home in the winter when it's really cold out and still have that longing to be outside you can still make things that sort of take your mind there again if you have any suggestions on this stove you have experience using this stove or anything similar please let me know leave comments link a video all of that I really want to learn more and as much as I can all the time so please don't hesitate to offer some criticism constructive criticisms some suggestions tips and tricks you've learned along the way if you're experienced and that's basically all there is to it to this stove getting some fuel going in the fire going letting it burn remember to check out blackout doors calm check us out on Facebook check out blackout on Instagram this is Creek signing out with blackout doors later Turtles

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Black Owl Outdoors

Black Owl Outdoors

Welcome to Black Owl Outdoors official YouTube page. We shoot all of our HD videos in the great outdoors and our topics vary with our interests. We do bushcraft type stuff. We talk about plants. We talk about rocks. We talk about water. We talk about animals. We talk about places. We talk about life. We are Krik & stony, just 2 brothers with a hankering for the peace that nature loves to offer.

We do outdoor gear reviews. We are 100% independent. We are not owned by any manufacturer.

Our goal is to provide high quality outdoor content to our viewers.

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