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Krik's At Home Knife Sharpening System


Krik of Black Owl Outdoors shows you the tools he uses to sharpen his wilderness knives at home.






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Tags: Black Owl Outdoors,Outdoor Skills,Outdoor Gear,Outdoor Films,Bushcraft,Woodcraft,Wilderness,Sustainable,Self-Sufficient,Nature,Backcountry,Camping,Hiking,Trekking,Self-Reliance

Video Transcription

hey what's up turtles creek here with blackout outdoors we're going to be taking a look at my home sharpening kit today I'm going to show you everything I use while i'm at home keeping my cutting tools sharp and we're going to go through it all i'm going to talk about the price and sort of why i chose everything that i use to start we have the dmt duo sharp sort of bent stone diamond system and this is the package that came in i got this at that store woodcraft and this is right around a hundred dollars you can get this for the two-sided diamond stone and the base comes with this and you can see all the potential possibilities within this duo sharp system and what I have you can seize checked here is the fine and extra fine and our corresponding grit and even with the fine being or does that say 600 I can still get a decent amount of material removed being that's a fine as opposed to the you know extra extra coarse extra coursing course which ideally I would like to have but in a perfect world you know I would have it I am one limited funds as most of us are so this is what I had this is what i use and i make the best make the best with it here's what it looks like i think they said this is eight by two and five-eighths just the size this is the base so what we have here this is the green it's color-coded so this is the finer of the two that i have extra fine and this is the green little stick that helps me figure that out and it's really nice having this because i can just flip this base over and there's sort of two little points pitch pinch points excuse me there's two down this end push them in sort of clicked open might not be able to hear and there's two at this end and what that does on the other side is it picks this up and I can slide that out and flip it over and that's red now so usually I'll start with the red depending what I'm doing from sharpening you know sharpening is that there might be some damage on the edge of the tool whatever tool i'm doing so i'll actually start pin it with this and i will show you the straw but most instances can really just get away with honing your knife again and using a strop so i'm going to get this back on the base and sort of show you the technique i use if i am going to be sharpening a knife locked into place good to go so I have my favorite companion knife on me this is actually my design I had custom built by a knife maker but it's a scandi grind one here and i'll just show you just the technique because this isn't a how-to video on how to sharpen a knife i've already done one of those just to reiterate i do not bring the system out into the woods with me i did it today for obviously filming this video because where would you rather be right now right ok but some of the basics are put the knife flat roll it up to the bevels making solid contact with the sharpening stone and then pull towards you picking up the butt of the knife to accommodate for the curve swoop in the belly of the blade and just continue that and I just can people keep repeating this excuse me and don't protect don't critique my technique on this I'm doing just for demonstrative purposes this is not how I'm going to usually sit at home to do this I just want to show you in case you're unfamiliar but it's important to keep the bevel consistent consistent pressure move through it and do that I'll do one side and I've mentioned in other videos before when I'm doing something that sort of skill-based that I'm really trying to increase the coordination on the left side of my body so instead of to do the other side of the blade excuse me instead of flipping the knife of keeping in my right hand and going this way away from me I'll put it in my left hand and do the same thing draw towards me and do that and when I am using these Diamond stones i will put i will put water on here as a medium to help suspend the meadow I'm taking off the hair of the alloy and it just helps it continue to cut and sharp in better by putting that medium on there and I'll just do the same thing you know keep the bevel consistent do even number of passes on each side depending on the damage or nicks or roles whatever is on the blade I'll do that you know left hand here switch it over and do with my right hand as well and this knife is really sharp it's very sharp but I'm just showing you in case you're not familiar with sharpening a knife never know who's watching right the next part of my system for sharpening my cutting tools is once I'm happy with the edge and the sharpness I get from my Diamond stones and I moved to a leather strop with compound on it and I'll show you the compound I use in a minute but this is a leather strop two-sided from do t trading and there's two pieces of leather guys have them floating right now you can see one side will have a piece of leather other side would have a piece of leather and that's nice if you're using different grits of sharpening compound you can put you know coarser on one side and a finer to move through the succession of going to a finer grit as you go through the sharpness of the blade but that both of these pieces of leather were really or they just taste needed a tended or carrot because there's a lot of metal one them from stopping a lot of my knives my cutting tools for leather I strop them a lot so there's a lot of videos online looking for how you should you know take care of the leather I guess what I'm trying to say put what I did I found the best way I just ripped them off and what that allowed me to sort of been the leather and a lot of the stuff came off of it really really nice if you really want to see an in-depth video in stropping or leather care or anything like that you can let me know this is just touching on what i use and sort of how i use it and i never got around to putting it back going because doesn't have to be pretty just has to get the job done and i will show you though how I strap so if you remember when I was using the stones I was drawing it towards me sort of cutting into the stone with leather and stopping you do the complete opposite as you take it away from you same principle applies you want to keep the bevel nice in or make contact with the surface consistently same pressure and pull it away from you because you're cutting the leather if you if you try to bring it towards you I'll do this for any given number of passes depending on the day in my mood on each side and I'll switch my left hand again because I want to be balanced physically mentally spiritually all that use my left hand do the same thing there's something very therapeutic about sharpening have tool and satisfaction of using it then once you get it super sharp just a joy to use so I'll keep doing this sometimes I'll go like 10 on each side and eight and six and work down that way 10 10 passes excuse me if that wasn't clear system pressure sometimes I'll work down the strop too and we'll get a piece of with the end of this just to make sure this knife still sharp these products have worked really well for me for as long as I've had them and like i said if i had money to buy whatever I wanted I'd probably make some some different purchases I might get some extra extra fine diamonds for for the base or some diamonds stones for the base but this is what I have this is what i use and i get pretty good results so nothing's really pressing that's basically all there is to it with using the strop i will get out the compound and show you the compound i use and talk a little bit about that right now here's a big bar of white compound this is bark river bark river makes this and i bought it all together with that a DLT strop from DLT trading this is white and usually compounds you'll have like white red green and black and and what that means the colors usually denote their grit or there yeah I guess how much grit they are so what my stones are 600 1200 and I think the whites 12,000 you can get a mirror polish office assuming you have the leather loaded pretty well with compound but once I start using for a while it's hard to get a mirror polish off of off of a used you strop but this was I think fifteen dollars just for the white and the strop was i believe the double sided paddle strop was around 2530 bucks so we have forty dollars sitting right here and then i said around 104 for the the duo sharp so it's one hundred forty dollars my sharpening system but it's imperative if you're going to be using knives a lot and you're really getting into it or there's a view who have been doing this for years you understand that it's important to have the skill to maintain your tools maintenance is just as important as or probably more important than the product or the knife itself if that makes sense because you know a lot of us get caught up in what type of knife should I have what knife I do have what do you use and that's all fun we all like you know we all like gear and that's great but the most important thing is maintaining your tools and being outside and using them so to load the leather strop this is what you do just take the bar and just rub on it this really doesn't I don't really think that this piece of leather needs it I could probably use that little cleaner piece but that's alright you just do this and basically just put it on I've even tried different ways to get a really nice even consistent load doing this by taking like a hair dryer and warming up the leather a little bit and warming this up because this is almost like a waxy feel it's like a hard wax a lot of the stuff I learned is trial and error so hopefully you can learn a little bit of something about what I by what I'm showing but this is a really hard by acci feel so sometimes like I said I'll warm this up and warm the leather up just a little bit and I've had good results with that but you know every time I'm constantly learning I'm constantly trying new techniques doing different things so maybe something I say this week in this video maybe three months a month from now I do something completely different and that's just that's just the nature of it by constantly learning and trying new things so try things out see if you get good results if you happy with your results you know don't anyone tell you it's wrong continue doing this and like i said this leather has been pretty heavily used so you really not seeing too much of the compound go on but is essentially all you do let's do a couple more passes on the strop and then we'll get a piece of wood and see if this knife is still shot two or three like I don't know for will say five six or a little tips and some here at the end of this motion keep the tip one the strop don't pull it off don't do anything do if you like that when I'm stop make sure to contact a little bit and stop stop flag get off let's just call that good see what happens now one more let's get a little piece of wood I'd say it's still pretty sharp right we have a little girl well I decimal that one is and a good test now people do paper test they see if they can shave their arm there's a whole slew of tests you can do to see how sharp your knife is but basically whatever your intended purpose of the knife is going to be woodworking test it on a piece of wood after you you're finished with your process of sharpening and/or honing intestinal net to see if that if the feel the feedback is adequate for for what you want to do but I'm happy with this just to recap everything I use in case you forgot because you are so hypnotized by my soothing tone do a sharp 612 hundred on each side if there is damage on my edges this is when i'll use this most times you know eighty ninety percent of the time i only go with the leather strop so if there's damage my edge I'll use this get it fix up all that damage then go the strop if I've just been using my tool for a while and it's lost some of its dullness no damage just go right to the strop bring it back and this is just the compound I use just the white the 1200 i believe it's twelve hundred grit for the white or somewhere around there you can be really creative excuse me we're sharpening and stropping I've seen people use all types of unconventional type materials to sharpen ants drops so if you're on a budget like I am and this is pretty expensive for me because for the longest time I wasn't using anything near as nice as these diamond bench stones so you can get really creative there's a lot of videos online there's a lot of very skilled people making videos on how to sharpen knives and while I think I'm pretty good at it I can get a knife pretty dang sharp and shaving sharp there's people that are a lot more skilled than me so if you're one of those more skilled people let me know some of the techniques may be some unconventional materials you can use I know people have tried to use denim cardboard for shopping you know ceramic glass all that type of stuff you know let me know if you have any questions about anything I've went over leave a comment always willing to answer comments if I have the time I apologize in the recent recent past I've been very very busy and I'm trying to go back and answer as many comments as I can so I just want to apologize if I haven't gotten to your comment yet I am trying my hardest but either way I hope the scenery was beautiful and you enjoy the video this is quick signing out with blackout outdoors peace out Turtles you

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Black Owl Outdoors

Black Owl Outdoors

Welcome to Black Owl Outdoors official YouTube page. We shoot all of our HD videos in the great outdoors and our topics vary with our interests. We do bushcraft type stuff. We talk about plants. We talk about rocks. We talk about water. We talk about animals. We talk about places. We talk about life. We are Krik & stony, just 2 brothers with a hankering for the peace that nature loves to offer.

We do outdoor gear reviews. We are 100% independent. We are not owned by any manufacturer.

Our goal is to provide high quality outdoor content to our viewers.

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