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Victorinox Farmer | Swiss Army Knife Multitool | Field Review


Krik of Black Owl Outdoors takes a look at the Farmer, a simple multitool made by the world renowned, Victorinox, the original swiss army knife. One of the standout tools contained within the Farmer is the fold out saw. While most multitools usually don't contain a folding saw, it is a welcomed addition to the Black Owl Outdoors gear family.

Victorinox Farmer - http://amzn.to/1N0wejK






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Tags: Black Owl Outdoors,Outdoor Skills,Outdoor Gear,Outdoor Films,Bushcraft,Woodcraft,Wilderness,Sustainable,Self-Sufficient,Nature,Backcountry,Camping,Hiking,Trekking,Self-Reliance,Victorinox (Business Operation),Swiss Army Knife (Brand),Multi-tool (Consumer Product),Knife (Sports Equipment),Farmer,Folding Knife,EDC,Every Day Carry

Video Transcription

howdy Turtles its Creek here with black ow

and I wanted to share a piece of gear with you today for today's video and it's going to be a small multi-tool what I have my hand right now is the Torrey Knox or Swiss Army knife farmer this is a farmer Edition and I think this is retailing for upwards fifty or sixty dollars but they can definitely be purchased for right around thirty on this particular model this is the silver a locks handles I believe I've seen them in blue and orange but this is like the silver color it's definitely a textured grip handle both sides into the tools start facing you what we have here is yeah there's three tools in this one specifically and it's top two here ice or this 90 degree angle and up top here we have a flathead screwdriver which is about maybe about a quarter inch also a bottle opener I can open it up the whole way and then the small little nitrate here is wire strippers and this is nice because you see it sort of opens up 180 degrees you can pop it to this setting to you know just depending on the task you're doing if you're trying to unscrew something you can set it this way work with it open it up you know more of a traditional screwdriver approach that's kind of cool though I kind of like how it you know locks here and open 180 I mean back up for a second overall size of this puppy closed length about three and a half inches you can see it's sitting in my hand how about medium sized hands moving on from that tool the second tool what will pop out is the can opener and this also has a smaller flathead at the tip of this tool coming here to the tip and like most K enterpreneurs you know this is the sharpened edge right here facing you the bevel is facing you yeah open up a can which is nice you know these tools are the ones you're really going to see pretty much on most multi tools regardless of their intended per you're going to see a can opener a bottle opener and it's really nice because you know canned goods in the forest or when you're hiking backpacking camping it lasts really or they last a long time obviously there can they can last for years and you get a lot of a lot of food a lot of protein a lot of flavor in a can so it's always nice to have a can opener moving on past that we have the wood saw and this is what's the length of this saw right around three inches I'm going to use this too I'm going to use some of the tools on here after I finish going through all of them and I'll use a saw this is one of those tools that does not show up on every multi-tool and one for one that I always look for in a multi-tool because I just like little saws I'm in the forest a lot so having a little saw is clutch for me and sort of a deal-breaker but it's definitely one of the tools that you know really isn't present on every multi-tool that I look for if I'm going to be purchasing one pass the saw then we have the only cutting edge blade on here and it comes sharp enough you can definitely sharpen it a little bit more not even sharpen it you could stop it and it would sharpen up a little bit and this is about two and a half inch blade right around there the end cutting edge fits fine enough in the hand with a three and a half inch you know sort of body of the multi-tool knife it's fine and comes sharp enough and definitely usable and serviceable and you'll see that and it has a little notch down here cut into the blade which just makes it that much easier to sharpen so you don't develop any flat spots down here nice little touch and it's a stainless Swiss made stainless down there and stainless is nice for outdoor tools because they just have a higher resistance to rust and corrosion and the last tool on here that I really like and another tool that I sort of look for on multi tools is you know calling this a reamer another tool that's really useful that I look for in multi tools basically it's a sharpen point almost kind looks like a beak to a degree kind of cool right and this is a sharpened edge a single bevel this side is not sharpened this side is single bevel on that and I'll show this being used and this is basically just being used for or excuse me is our designed for this tool specifically is to put holes in things to making holes and things and I'll show that and there is a small little ring ring on here small little key ring attach it but those are the tools so let's get a piece of wood and I don't know see this getting used I got a piece of wood on my lap right here a branch I want to show some of these tools in use because obviously it's a tool to use alright you just little saw cut this puppy down really aggressive teeth on there and you can even cut pretty sizable as branches or piece of wood with this but it would take a long time but nonetheless it's possible and I've been using this multi-tool just carrying it in my pocket because I think it's it's small enough it really is small enough to use in the pocket but something that is that's not favorable with having something like this ride down in the pocket is one there's no clip pocket clip but that's okay it's small enough and thin enough having a problem with that but there's usually a lot of little small particulates and lint and little gunk in your pocket that will get really caught inside of the bowels of this multi-tool and multi-tools in general so it would be nice if this was in a little case on your belt or something like that keep it clean but nonetheless it's small enough to be able to keep keep in your pocket

I just want to thin down both these sides see sharp enough if I really need to a feather stick you know I could but I'm just trying to take some stock off in here thin this up oh all right call that good with the knife you can see cutting really well sharp enough for sure put that away take off some of that wood let's pull out that reamer now try to put a hole through this

this is really soft boy this is tulip poplar see it coming through there I want to come out to the world let me be free BAM come from this side now you can use this on fabric would you get the idea really functional little tool for camp crafts anything like that you kind of punch that out so you can see some daylight there we go see that I can make that bigger fun one and two but nice easy way to do put a hole in put a hole in something pretty cool right I think so I really like this little tool and yeah it's not a plier you know function or sort of a plier multi-tool but just having a small compact nature and I believe a really nice host of tools really useful tools in here that uh that'll serve you well now there's no sort of traditional you know pick up here or tweezers that you see in Swiss Army knives but that's okay that's okay I believe so it's a really nice very nice value and package for you know right around thirty bucks so there's a farmer you know you've seen all the tools you see me use it sort of even how I'd use it at least out in the forest and I like these small multi tools for reasons I mentioned they're small to put in the pocket I don't take up a lot of space you know they're small they're light they're not really that expensive when you consider this will last your entire life if you take care of it I mentioned some things earlier about the gunk in there but that's really not that big of an issue if you keep up with it you can soak it in water then get a soft you know like old toothbrush a brush or a soft brush to get in there and then just oil it then and it will last a very very very long time so if you have any other suggestions or any other I'm looking for small little multi tools like this that's what I'm saying if you know of any let me know it's looking for small little multi tools they don't really apply or don't really apply errs but nonetheless ER super functional with their included tool set so if you know buddy let me know leave a comment sorry something up on the hill right down this valley and there's a hill right beside us and here a bunch of branches sort of cracking over there so it's why I'm my tensions over there because that's where actually we saw the bear came right from this direction before winter came I guess it was yeah I was like late fall when we saw a black bear coming right towards us but anyway so he finished his video so I hope you liked it

pop a thumbs up if you did let me know what you think this is correct signing out with black out later Turtles

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Black Owl Outdoors

Black Owl Outdoors

Welcome to Black Owl Outdoors official YouTube page. We shoot all of our HD videos in the great outdoors and our topics vary with our interests. We do bushcraft type stuff. We talk about plants. We talk about rocks. We talk about water. We talk about animals. We talk about places. We talk about life. We are Krik & stony, just 2 brothers with a hankering for the peace that nature loves to offer.

We do outdoor gear reviews. We are 100% independent. We are not owned by any manufacturer.

Our goal is to provide high quality outdoor content to our viewers.

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