7 Day hike across the Cairngorms | The Uks biggest national park
Well its been a long time coming, I almost didn't upload this video because I wasn't happy with the footage due to camera & filming issues. But, this adventure was far too awesome not to share with you all. without a shadow of a doubt this was the greatest most fun and challenging adventure we have done to date, A lot of laughs and a lot of memories were had and made in this truly breathtaking part of the world.
#bushcraft #walking #scotland #hiking #outdoors #adventure
Music from Epidemicsound.com
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Shot on canon G7x
Tags: Bushcraft,Bushcraft Skills,Wilderness Skills,Outdooors,Hiking,Camping,Survival,Survival Skills,woodcraft,wood craft,adventure,light weight,through hike
Video Transcription
just for me [Music]
we're going now I feel like I'm gonna die so do i without coffee we're ready for and this is this is the first I covered up don't do well smile boys [Music]
it begins yeah where are we happy more Royal Commission to find 18 voices officially sign she said became God we've been here before trip we do not talk about it's not right Charlie this is a perilous River yeah basic we're following this road down till we get to this coil and bridge and then want the soon as we get just be well just before we get to that coiling bridge will go past the hotel turn south and then just follow a foot path along which which basically follows this this river for a couple of cult kilometers and then we'll cross over it [Applause]
like you know much i team pantry doors mine
a little small this is nice everything is organized right
all of that buttons you
that's leaving camper Daewon well it's time on day two it's all good we're just leaving camp on day one day two when everybody's filming Oh pax is definitely lighter today just like removing one day of food really makes all the difference the video yesterday was a bit much so it's worth explaining what's going on so first video of 2018 and put a number of reasons why I'm not gonna new videos for all all that hopefully will be well known why in a few months but let me explain what we're doing we are in the king of National Park in Scotland the Cairngorms
and we are going to hike the entire length of it so from north to sit to south
92 something kilometres yeah yeah yeah hopefully I hope we don't get lost on everyone we're all carrying extremely heavy backpacks because they're just filled with all of the food in the world and I'm joining me on this trip we've got Rob
so hello Rob hi guys how you doing by the way I'm the Rope you know Island of Rob
we've got outdoor life of Brian as usual hi there folks all wait here we got Charlie
Bilbo here as well taking no prisoners not taking any prisoners today so currently we've just left our camp our first company evening didn't get as far as we wanted to yesterday just a long day driving up here it took us like several hours to get to the for a start point got this bags heavy oh my god we're now heading towards the la digue group which is one of the main ways into back to the Cairngorms main national park it's a huge valley and that runs down the side I've been doing they they might do me which is the second highest mountain in Britain well kaha measuring 1100 of 9 meters say that again measuring one thousand three hundred and nine meters snowed is the highest in Wales sky fell is the highest England then nervous is the highest in Scotland it's only just smaller than been nervous three tallest mountains in in each country yeah so today is gonna be a long slog we've got about 30 kilometres to cover rudia well we don't that was quick that and we're heading over to a Bob Scots bothy so yeah it's gonna be a long week [Music]
really adventuring now we're entering the Larry Drew Valley and we've got to get across this so we've come down and then this sort of ice flow thing the snow drift so we're gonna have to actually walk across it which isn't ideal but it's the only way [Applause]
Killa day there's no way we would've done this yesterday so amazing
it's now raining we're getting free time now are we still going got my rain kill off as you can see the boys here have their raincoats on how we feeling boys are you enjoying the weather that has been so far an incredibly long day we've now been walking for 11 and a half hours in very heavy packs we've got two kilometers left to go until we reach Bob Scots memorial Hut and hopefully did it hoping to God that it's free and that there's some fire dinners we can dry out we've worked very very hard today I haven't filmed as much as I wanted to just because it's just been a constant onward slog everyone's battered and broken broke and we're all really feeling a bit our pace has dropped right down but we're so nearly there we've just passed through where he was struggling to hold the camera we've just passed through like a really beautiful bit of forest where we had to do a river crossing unfortunately because they're mad time we've got and we and the fact that we're still moving didn't get a chance to film it so hopefully I'll do some others as part of this trip right on to Bob's got some more real bothy and hopefully I'll catch up with you well welcome back everyone a lot happened yesterday afternoon after that last clip fortunately there was just no way I was getting in a more filming done in the end how a route to this bothy here which is Bob Scott's bothy very very famous bothy took us 13 hours 13 hours with 20 kilo packs on so we're all a bit dead and tired when we got here the rain came in we all got soaked we ended up having to go through rivers and because we were tired we got lazy where we should have put handles on and gone across some property what we didn't we just went over our boots so here there's now mid-afternoon here and I haven't thrown anything this morning because I was dead a lot better now basically I think yesterday I didn't drink nearly enough and I got myself quite dehydrated so today I've been really really suffering and I've not going to eat or move I've got pound and headache which i think is partly dehydration and partly being battered by the wind all day I've not be able to get warm but now I'm starting to pick up a little bit can feel like the I've been drinking water all day and I can feel that starting to hit my system more very achy so today's a zero-day we're not traveling today we're just refueling recover in before quite an easy hopefully hopefully an easy day of hiking tomorrow out here Charlie I'm Robert doing a bit of the old yoga to be honest I wish I could join in but I just don't have the energy just at the minute because it doesn't make a difference how you feel stretching their muscles out spirits are still high well the UH now is I'm recovered my spirits weren't high earlier yeah this is really good bothy of having the walls align with wall so it's lovely and warm in here it's very very insulated but we've got we've made quite a bit of mess unfortunately just because we kind of came in yesterday and threw our stuff down everywhere so I think I'm gonna start getting mine tidied up now a little bit nice I'm feeling a bit better struggling to breathe and all kinds not it's not good what I am picking off a little bit so I might check in a little bit later on but I can't really see much going on today I didn't know you can record you could do a time or record oh well here we are it's getting towards the end of our zero day and then we'll take a brutal walk and show you some of the views now as I'm actually able to move around it's a little chilly it's absolutely stunning you would not think this was the UK it is absolutely amazing a bit of a cough I think I'm coming down with something which is great because we've got six more days left to go so this is Bob Scotts memorial bothy where we stayed last night and for all of today
really nice
and that is situated well into the into this or playing on main national park it's the most famous bothy that i think it seems to be very very well publicized we'll see hopefully just behind me was descending a bit of a hill to just show you a stunning view that Brian brought I was up to see when you have put a little walk earlier what I was suffering god I'm out of breath we have just eaten pretty pretty large meals I've definitely brought too much food with me but I was working on the principle of better to bring too much than not enough ah stunning absolutely absolutely incredible just it's like being back in Sweden actually it really reminds me of Sweden it's just not as warming wow I do not feel great at all still I feel much better than earlier well have a look at these views
it's just incredible that's where we're headed tomorrow right down here to the foot of those mountains I think doing the zero day was a really good idea and our sort of temperaments were getting a bit frayed towards the end of yesterday as I said earlier it was it was a 13 hour 13 hour walk hence the lack of filming like I really want to make a good video out of this trip because the landscape we're moving through is just absolutely incredible but it's also very difficult terrain but I think this rest day we've done nothing I thought today was gonna be really boring but we've just sat around and chatted and eaten and eaten and eaten I couldn't lift my arms yesterday even in from the from the sort of muscle ache that was in them but today the loosen up event I think all that foods made a big difference so I show you this river that the bothy is situated next to it's gorgeous this water is crystal clear there's no farms this is a huge Nature Reserve huge national park and there's no sheep or cattle or anything in here and they're usually an issue with the the water supply so sort of the biggest threat to the water supply is the deer and though that's a low a little risk so the - there's two older fellows in there in the Bosque with us today John and John and they're saying like they never they never filter the water around here
because the risk of getting ill from it is so so very low and it's gorgeous as well what was really tasty like it's kind of sweet which is nice I generally don't like water but I take hot to drink a lot of it today I'm gonna go on tank another bottom now I think but so far good trips gonna be hard we got some hard day's coming on tomorrow is quite an easy day but a bit of a slog we've got some pavement walking to do there's one town in the middle of the Kengo Braemar she's where we're headed tomorrow it's time a little place and then we're gonna camp in some some forest that's next to that then we'll back up into the mountains for a couple of days which is gonna be pretty horrible actually I think it's me hard going with the heavy packs on what we have to go over them to get to where we want to go take you down to river show you how clear is it's wonderfully clear hopefully I'll get some shots up in the mountains if as though it's quite hard to film because it's just not any of us working along Charlie's boots hunting the Sun over here we've been desperately trying to get our stuff dry here's the water is so clear look at it you can't even it's so clear this is what been drinking out off it's Donny here's the bothy Jon start outside over there one of the John's all these Scotch pines and there was a big old Scotch pines and it's nice to see them growing naturally rather than the usual of straight planted rows of them which is good so we're gonna go in see what's going on I was Charlie yesterday we arrived at the Bobby absolutely terrible hours I go home [Laughter]
we are back on the road again rough night for me last night very rough night was not very well after all I think I'd come down with some kind of 24-hour book luckily to me just kilometres before the mountains of stuff that we better we're gonna ascend and descend on the earth for days so yeah everyone's good nice and high just incredible scenery it's all very very good walking ourselves fit again after a lazy day of just stopping our faces break here by this nice bit of River and before we begin our long slog into Braemar so we've got about five kilometers now of walking along a road hope forgets relationships Charlie's quite excited about Rob's decided that he doesn't want to go this little hill he's on his own I think Robson struggling a little bit today I did know
although well thankfully the plaques are noticeable I know is the best thing ever currently food through your body art and losing the weight gorgeous I got new fun mate here make my new friend alive she's different
what is it my Audis it's a very small little yellow thing yeah on photo so this is Braemar castle we just left Braemar we had a good solid chippy dinner there we've got by another 10 ish kilometers to go this afternoon before we get to camp we're all tired which I'm sure I've said a lot of times in this video rob setting the pace usual pace is definitely sat waddle waddle well you won didn't you bring Charlie I can kill us did you need any yes why I simply I've got a gummy knee what are those pigeons you see down the town with like a little store in the back end of day three day three day three four day four three beers yeah and we've just entered Ballack berry forest if I'm pronouncing that correctly and it is absolutely incredible
it is stunning it is able trying to dream it really is so basically Caledonian pine forest Caledonian piper is situated in lots of a mountain range which we're going to go over tomorrow it'll be a ton of fun yeah just have a look at this is great so there's the mountains and we're heading up here so we've got and then we're gonna try and find somewhere to get picture camp close the foot of the mountain that we have to cross tomorrow she's like Lok Lak Nagar well yeah and we're going over to lock Nick tomorrow which is going to be really hard going basically it's just been a smoochie longer reach along we did stop in Braemar for an incredible chips and haggis dinner which honestly has made a world of difference that black pudding was really good yeah I think we're all feeling pretty good actually aren't we yeah yeah considering okay soon we've done a lot of distance today we're now following some Red Deer Brian's just disappeared off into the woods look just amazing it really is it's real wilderness it's really wild up here I mean we've barely seen anyone once we got out the town I'm we everywhere we've been with barely seen anybody I'm in Ord the place yeah we got red deer tracks the birds are singing in the trees it is just an amazing place Rob really wants to see a cup of Kaylee I think it's somewhere I want to come and explore a bit more really explore not just pass through just really explore it wonderful I look at the camping in this forest tonight some more mountains up there
so we're going to be passing over these tall mountains that we can see in the distance tomorrow that's good it's gonna be hard going but we'll manage it we will manage it also this is a new camera and I don't quite figured out how to use it yet I'm moving the camera though kind of g7x absolute GameChanger means that I can film a bit easier on these trips only problem is I'm going to stir it properly so getting it out the packs difficult so working on that and trying it Brian it make me something I think look in there doing some bushcraft she's bushcrafting
we are now on our camp on day four whoa it's not the best camp in the world but it'll do the job one nice thing about this camp is that we have been able to do a fire a very bad thing about this camp is that the whole place is absolutely crawling with ticks so now that's good and what I say crawling with them I mean literally they're everywhere there's one on my just too I can see two of them on my tent right now let's have a look let's have a look here we go everywhere no three of them one two three four
oh no that was a spider so there were ticks
there are ticks everywhere Rob and bright and on the other side of the river
don't double appear to be getting any but me and Charlie how many have we had channels they're absolutely everywhere well this is where were camped good view we can just see the mountains in the distance just over there the camera's not really making it out but there are mountains in the distance over there and we just can't by the banks of this wee river here which is nice we've redone some miles today we've done a lot of distance 10k tomorrow but over the top of the mountain that's gonna be interesting and it turns out that we have an extra day that we didn't know about which which was interesting so it means we can split off our last day which is set to be awful into two parts which is quite nice [Music]
hello and welcome to the morning of day 5 which is also Charlie's 25th birthday little camp last night gorgeous place to wake up to with the river and everything which has actually risen quite a bit we had a lot of rain overnight but we've got a perfect day for it today sort of blue skies a little bit of cloud in which is perfect because today we're going over a mountain with some difficult navigational bits so one large section of this mountain we're going over today there is no path there is no route we've got a walk along the bearing to get where we need to be which I think everyone's quite excited about we excited boys yay it's gonna be it's gonna be challenging
but we're gonna smash it it's gonna be fine it's gonna be good in your voice then hopefully a bothy tonight well folks we've begun our ascent over the mountains and actually it's going pretty well making very good time the weather is absolutely gorgeous and it's nowhere near as challenging is we were expecting it to be with all kinds of horror stories about this bit there's a little bit of a breeze I'm sorry for cameras picking that up I have got it's a new camera now time money to get like a monthly thing for it yet so what's at this point she's probably gonna be like really horrendous for sound we're having one of those rare moments where we've just got some signal literally we've just walked up and everyone's phone was like Bing first time in days so 4G at the top of the mountain it's always the way at the top of the mountains but look at our views absolutely bright sunny not too warm which is nice is warm but it's not too warm more climbing decent rates gonna flatten out soon which is nice so try and catch up with you at the top it is time for a photo opportunity so about half way would you stop for some lunch we just decided whether we're gonna go we're about to work towards the end of this route we're gonna go past the summit of what's the name of the thing hand karnburg so we were gonna bypass the summit at that book we're thinking it's like 50 old meters off our trail so we might we might summit it which i think will be quite nice but for now we're all a bit a bit empty a bit hungry so we're going to stop and just have some wood
I think you'll be very nice Bobo I'm gonna worm time up to the view because I think that would also be very nice Bilbo Bilbo Baggins
we're now at topped with the kern of CAC Carnmore which I'm probably saying pronged and what we decided to do is we're going to go to the yeah we're gonna go to the summit I'm khaki conveyed and but we've decided is the best thing to do is we're gonna drop our packs leave them here easy to do without the
you is built to be an instant fall in the back and it's quite high what nah mate so the chief point just say lock connect da well I don't know it's called I've forgotten it was on the earlier bit anyway and let's put your main check out these are you filming Wildlife's [Music]
it's mad how high it is and this is a proper peak as well you can see like right down it's awesome [Music]
so we are now descending down towards la make to potentially stay in apathy but it looks like it's going to be quite busy today so we might just be coming out ahead anyway outside the bossy but we'll see what happens we're coming down this very steep path here wait boys everybody's dead especially Rob and just over here you can see the path that we're gonna go up tomorrow morning well this is the morning of day six and watching my camera died last yesterday afternoon so I didn't get to film with us today
Oh while I look dead and this is the weather we've got today it's gonna be fab rain rain rain have now begun I will walk the day 5-bit gray bit miserable but no not a problem one thing I've learned on this trip is that I really struggle with the first couple of kilometers of the of the walk my hips have been really hurting and then it takes me a while to kind of ease into it but what we're going today is up here up that path and just about make it out up the side and into that cloud short kilometres today but a very very challenging start to the day and so probably going to film a bit more when we get to the top hopefully the rain lets up a bit by then what nice campsite last night or starting a circle as difficult conversation as I said early unfortunately my camera battery died yesterday sorting it to film anything so fully charged now and a bit more for today I'm very tired not what I'm saying anymore
so we've been up and over the top we hit some cloud up over there and now we are beginning our descent down into this valley here which is a bit that we've all been looking forward to because it looks to be just a gorgeous bit there was a bit of the walk it's gonna the bottom the valley is the River South Esk which we're gonna follow along it's a big big old glacial Valley with some waterfalls in it and the weather is now clearing up for us it was a bit miserable this morning but now it's looking ok boys have gone on ahead there I'll catch them up for a second they are got Charlie Norris PC plod Rob and outdoor life Brian just down there doing the thing Charlie stopping for some reason wonder what that is I'm back up here
so this is us descending the valley and beside the river South Esk she's just as gorgeous as we were hoping for so that's nice it's like this lush green coniferous valley waterfalls and a river running through it absolutely wonderful it's warm and humid here so I won't forget what accompany it because it would be pretty pretty tough with the midges I think today he's been took going really we're going to look up a few kilometers so far and we've still got about six to go which I think will crank out pretty sharpish but that inclining plan was so hard I think my pack because I'm not where your proper belt is restricting a bit of blood flow to my hips making them hurt really badly because I'm getting muscle pain right where I got these huge welts where they've robbed so that's something to remember for the future we're getting close to the end now but one more day of walking or more real day of walking anyway this is a beautiful valley all over the place on the video it's got a beard straight to it to focus it so manly Rob doesn't have a beard before just get rid of it mate we're just about to leave the valley we've been walking down and it was as beautiful as we were all hoping I think wasn't it absolutely stunning I'm really noticing the cut back that my pipe is sitting on my back a lot better and it isn't just weighing me down anymore as well it's so much lighter nice day in the end yeah a little waterfalls it's where we come from over there it's been nice so we just come across some wood sorrel
she's a nice wad out of them so we're all just a little bit of a snack on now this stuff here mmm tasty there's an apple peel are you ready to climb over that tomorrow boys we tried to figure out a way around there wasn't one rollbase to go around but also over yeah yeah what are your meals Rob yeah I'm gonna zoom out so everyone go see Charlie system [Laughter]
yeah been a long one surely the camp so we stopped the camp for the night and this is what it looks like so we've managed to camp in a square slash circle again
so all next to each other everything's pretty damp ask were so we're all drying our sleeping bags on top of our tents because everything was damp today it was a wet old night in a wet morning I'm Charlie's dry nice stuff everywhere oh yeah we just had one of the ranges from this area come through we're actually put Nick Nick right camped right next to a car park here and a visitor center and one of the Rangers came over and we saw him coming with Oh God we're gonna get told to move on we're not supposed to be here but actually you come over to say you find company er don't worry about it lads just coming to check in and let you know that it's fine for you to come here which I thought was really nice very different to England where you're not allowed to camp anywhere and usually get told to move on and even if you are allowed to come so in England people will generally try and discourage you from doing it anyway well I think in Scotland people seem to be very proud of the wild country thing you can walk up everywhere which is nice especially considering that right is it's the carpark it's just there she's got the wildest spot in the world it's actually still a gorgeous little spot to camp in the sun shining now it's lovely and let me show you our views so we've come down that Valley just over there all these mountains the stuff still in absolutely wonderful wonderful spot
tomorrow we're going up and over this beast we can just about see behind them trees they're gorgeous I've said it a few times I'm saying it again I'm definitely going to be coming back to the Kerrang arms what on earth what incredible area it really is a true wilderness it's absolutely fantastic it is just it's just stunning view after stunning view every single place with Ward it's just it's just amazing and this trip has been a good one it feels like we've been out for a month not a week it's been great really good now you never get rid of the face of the law regroup Rob still dead rob is Dobby else is having dinner now I'm not ready for mine yet I'm gonna have mine shortly I think so this even is just taking a bit of a turn for the for the worse so I've turned for the interesting as I just spent a good 20 minutes removing a very large tick from my testicles which was you couldn't make it up what it happened it really happened it was a big tick and it was on the underside of my nutsack which was really unpleasant Charlie found the first one and then we all decided to check ourselves how was your ticket spirits Charlie I had a couple of me I had one I had one on the inside of my leg it is a tiny little thing I should I should have waited to get off a bit later but decided to go in and get off anyway
I had another one crawling up my knee at the time and after that we've all talked our socks in Thompson's try to get rid of it but yeah think about it I feel like we've all kind of not has that much knowledge about ticks and so learning curve isn't it it's all part of the other where I live in Shropshire I don't have any ticks so I don't have any knowledge on tips very cruel saying yeah they just don't read they're not there it's weird because we had quite a lot of them at the camp not last night the night before and they were very different they were really big and really easy to spot these things are like tiny you could you could put them on the head of a pin the really small are tight very difficult to spot but obviously they get bigger because the one that was on my nuts was huge wasn't it it's really big I saw partly outdoors we've kind of put it into a part of the experience isn't it yeah everyone you're not is probably not the best it was more painful and I'd be removing it as well yes so that happened it was a big a big thing feeding on my my balls and now annoyingly somehow my sleeping bag has gotten like mysteriously damp and I can't I put it out to air it out because it was needed airing out it was a bit sort of sweaty from last night but obviously it was raining this morning but now that the whole bottom of it is is wet somehow so the whole sort of head of it is wet I don't know how it's - to get that on a bird crapped in it right where my head's going to go this evening that's a beetle thought it was a ticking my sleeping bag war ticks ticks ticks ticks so yeah that was that was not experience soon be time for bed in my wet sleeping bag so good morning everybody so we're about to start our day and for day six and at the Visitor Center in glendol this is pretty cool map which shows the whole coems and Brian hello the weatherman it's going to show you the route that we just did so we started the star by week anymore and we walked slowly and into the forest and spent our first night around here somewhere and the second day we worked our way up through the Larry guru and past work that waiver in this corner which seems to take forever and spent our second night here under zero days walk maybe worked our way around here through this valley doing two in Varese down here then through into Braemar afternoon then we came over yeah I would say so yeah drop down to this valley which is where we spent last night absolutely massive so that is twice the size of the the Lake District hours to freedom so bigger the latest we could we could do the Lake District in a few days theoretically it's been good and this Glen Dahl is absolutely amazing Neil the guy that works here was well worth a visit and you can drive to this part as well which is nice Charlie's just soaking it apart you may how'd you feel about ticks mate I hate sex never again you see it's just majestic oh that's a beer that is bigger than my beard so we're gonna begin our ascent up and over now and then that's the end of the trip I think we're all a bit of a ghost love today aren't we because we know it's the end I think along that is not no we can finish but all we got to do is get up and over then we can stop whatever we want whenever we feel like and I feel odd sad because his beard isn't as good as Charlie's that's true it makes one that slop whose it's not as yet yeah he's miss Brian saying that is actually my rescue out rescuing somebody by the looks of it from where we came down from yesterday basically just the other side of the valley slope is fairly sleeps oh what's going down
drop in the mountain bikers have that route around there as well might be a mountain biker right over my are only saying that they need to take one wrong turn in their rough day god bless them and rescue though I yeah my volunteers all volunteers yeah it's okay I had a too many more sloper then when the storm in the and I've gots to get coming back over now keep losing them so we're still on the platform kill ball and we just busted out the tree line and seen what we're heading off over nearly at the top now easygoing really compared to what we've done already but still knocks the wind out you a bit nice and moving along doesn't it absolutely credible does that one's really warm that's the warmest we've had it I think isn't it very warm and it's only just it's only just midday as well yeah yeah well maybe we'll have a dry campsite no ticks oh yeah fine what I'd have to remove another tick this morning from my air Meyer from little Pete from the turret so from the pepper army you
behind us
boys what you do it in the car it's time for the official Oh we have finished the height clip we finished we finished Charlie's got a beard I've got a bed Rob survived
I've got feet Ryan's Brian phone imagine feel boys feel fantastic so how was the adventure incredible good memories I've how do we finish our adventures time for the only brew for the brave and true little baby dragon you
About the Author

Forrester Bushcraft
Welcome to the Forrester Bushcraft youtube page. This channel is dedicated to teaching all manner of wilderness lore, whether it be primitive skills, traditional methods or modern adaptations. Here you will find all manner of information pertaining to the great outdoors. Based in the United Kingdom I explore all of the terrains and landscapes available to me. Here you will find full HD videos filmed and edited by my self showing bushcraft skills, plant ID wildlife experiences Journeys & adventures, and last but not least the odd bit of philosophy.
My aim with this channel is to help people get outdoors and experience the great wild world that we live in showing mutual understanding and respect for all of nature.
More articles from this author
- My self John and Hannah taking our leg of lamb out of our Mesolithic style oven.
- Bushwalk and a chat
- Journeys | Scotland Day 1 | When things go wrong!
- What I keep in my Fire tin
- out takes part 1
- Latest update!
- Camp fail - a lesson on being aware of your suroundings!
- Out and about
- How to; Store cordage
- Video response to Forestwalker111
- Winter Warmers - Pine Cone Candle
- Making Videos | Day pack load out
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #2 make a chair
- Chicken hatches at school
- Thank you!
- Cloud timelapse
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make a very simple cooking rig
- Processing Horses Hoof Fungi (Fomes Fomentarus) into Amadou
- Kit review; Bushbox XL
- Scotland Trip | Looking back
- Stoat vs rabbit
- Iron Maiden - the trooper Live
- EVEN MORE Stoaty footage
- Pigeon sleeps
- Recommended Kit: Ridgeline Trooper backpack
- Journeys | Scotland Day 4 | Journeys end
- Recommened Gear| DD Super Light Hammock.
- Kit Review; DD Bergen Rucksack
- Ten things you can do with a wool Blanket #1
- Channel update 03/15
- Wagon and horses fire
- How to get started: Foraging
- Book Review: Ray Mears Wild food
- A stoat eating a rabbit that it killed
- Enclosed tarp configuration using two hiking poles
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make tongs from a stick
- The Bushcraft Show 2016 | A review
- How to collect Fatwood
- Fozz Breaths Fire
- NUMBER ONE! on a windy day.
- Fire Craft | The upside down or 'Self Feeding Fire'
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- How to tie a timber hitch
- Should you baton with your knife?
- Kit review; Sugpak Response pack
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- Kit Review ; Craghoppers Bear Grylls mountain jacket
- Natural Tinder Options
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- Review of the mora companion
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- Tarp Vs Tent
- Bahco laplander folding saw reveiw
- Quick tip | improvising with a Trangia meths burner
- Kit review; Swanndri bush shirt
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- Kit Review; Gerber BG multitool
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- Identifying the Thistle for use as tinder.
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- Basic Fire lighting
- Fire Craft | Tinder pouch contents
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- My Bushcraft Belt Kit
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- Kit review; Shires Country boots (charlbury boots)
- FS7 II competition | The Bowdrill, Fire from nothing
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- Pine needle tea
- Tarp configuration | For use with a Long Fire
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #6 make a stretcher
- A day in the woods
- Bushcraft; Getting started
- Recomended gear; BHK Bushcrafter
- Vlog/channel Update autumn 2015
- Behind the scenes & a channel update with Fozz & Dave
- How to tie a Taught line hitch
- How to take down & pack your Hammock & Tarp
- how to; Use a knife correctly
- Bushcraft Skills | Winter Warmers: Making a small fire for a brew
- Figure of eight
- How to hang a ridgeline
- How to make simple cordage from nettles
- Wild Food | Wild Garlic
- Bushcraft Skills | Prepare a fish the Traditional Alaskan way
- Kit review: DD Camping Hammock
- Tarp shelter #1 Single pole tent Style
- Kit review; DD frontline Hammock
- Bushcraft Skills | how to tie a siberian hitch
- How to; Make charcloth
- Recommended gear | Klean Kanteen Reflect
- Tarp Set up | Open fronted set up
- Geting Started in Bushcraft: What is Bushcraft?
- Review of the DD 3x3 coyote brown Tarp
- Wild Food| Jack By the Hedge/ Garlic Mustard
- The Bushcraft Show 2017
- How to set up a tarp for ground sleeping
- Review: Bushcraft & Survival skills Magazine
- Gelert folding pick & shovel Reveiw
- Winter Warmers: Introduction
- how to set up a basic hammock and tarp system part 2
- Kit review; Everest Down Sleeping Bag
- Chorizo & Mushroom breakfast
- Sweden Canoe adventure | Part 1
- How to tie the cobra weave
- How to tie a square lashing
- How to identify and find Pine resin
- Reccomended Channels #3
- Processing firewood
- Kit review; Gransfors bruks Hand Hatchet
- Bsuhcraft Skills | how to tie a shear lashing
- Creating a camp; building the frame for the shelter
- Journeys | Scotland Day 2 | Exploring ancient ruins
- Journeys | Solo bushcraft camp
- Wild Cooking | Nettle and Ramson Soup
- Overnighter In ancient woodland
- Bushcraft Skills | How to tie a diagonal lashing
- Wild Camp | Peak District
- Kit review; Sealskinz waterproof socks
- how to make bannock mix on a campfire
- Shoutouts/reccomended channels
- Kayaking the Norfolk Broads part 2
- The Elder tree in Summer
- Recommended Gear | Compress Lite Jacket by Craghoppers
- Kit review; Ben Orford Crook Knife
- A quick update & a couple of shout outs!
- Wood Craft| How to carve a whistle
- Bushcraft Skills | Sharpen your knife in the field.
- The rowan tree
- What I keep in my backpack
- How to make a mesolithic pit oven
- Lake district photography trip : part 1
- Horses Hoof Fungus (Fomes Fomentarius)
- Recommended gear | Ultratour 55 back pack by montane
- Bushcraft Skills | Swedish Torch in Miniature
- how to tie a reef knot
- Recommended gear | Sola X cook set
- Journeys | Solo Day hike | Bowland
- Woodcraft | How to carve a tent peg
- How to make a simple candle, bushcraft style.
- Winter warmers: Making a Wreath
- Journeys | Scotland Day 3 | Bothy
- Tip: Pre-collecting Birch Bark
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #7 Make a hammock
- How to use a fire striker (ferrocerium rod)
- 10 Things to do with a wool blanket #3 Back pack
- Kit Review; Gelert Apollo Stove
- Kayaking the Norfolk broads : Part 3
- Walking with Pigeloss
- Kayaking the Norfolk Broads Part 1
- Bushcraft Skills | How to make a simple tent peg
- How to tie a round Turn & two half hitches
- How to Tap a Birch Tree
- Collecting cottongrass as tinder
- A short hill walk
- How to Tie a clove hitch (part 1)
- Kit review Gransfors Bruks Wildlife Hatchet
- Swedish log stove
- My other social media
- How to: Make a spoon
- Simple fire lighting
- 10 things to do with a wool Blanket #5 Emergency shelter
- Lake district Photography expedition part 2 (the worst video i've ever shot...sorry)
- How To Start A Fire From Birch Bark Using Only A Spark
- Birch Polypore or Razor Strop Fungi
- Getting started in bushcraft: Fire
- What is bushcraft - in my opinion
- A few Uses of the shemagh
- Building my camp & spending a day there
- Recommended gear : Life Systems 'Trek' first aid kit
- Reccomended reading: Collins guide to Trees of of Britain & Europe
- Recommended gear : thrunite Ti3
- Kit review - Gransfors bruks small forest axe
- Kit Review DD Action Pack
- Channel Update 2017
- Winter warmers: Brew Kit
- how to tie a 'Prusik' Knot
- Bushcraft Skills | How to use bramble as a withie
- review of the hultafors crafts man knife
- Bushcraft Skills | Fully enclosed tarp set up (3 meter x 3 meter tarp)
- Bushcraft Breakfast | VR to zed Outdoors
- Reccomended Gear; Folding Saw Sheath by Paul Dore bushcraft
- Recommended gear | SuperLight Tarp
- 10 things to do with a wool blanket #4 make a coat/cloak
- Getting started in Bushcraft: Tools for bushcraft
- Wild Food | Nettle Tea
- How to identify the Silver birch tree
- Lake District Wild Camp
- Sweden Canoe Adventure | Part 2
- Snugpak bivvi
- Recommended Kit : Mora Eldris
- Sweden Canoe Adventure Part 3 | Sailing!
- Recommended Kit | LK 35 Rucksack
- Sweden Canoe Adventure part 4 | Wildlife
- Kit Review | Luxe Mini peak II
- Kit load out for a 9 day hike
- kelley kettle | Explosions, how to use and a review!
- Im Back! a quick update to let you know whats new!
- Solo Hike up Skiddaw.
- My 'Outdoor' camera equipment
- A walk up Blencathra via Sharp Edge
- Fjallraven Vidda Pros | Are they worth the money?
- Over night forest camp with a professional film maker!
- The best way to use a Ferro rod / Fire striker
- Kit Review | Osprey Talon 33
- A hike in Snowdonia (2015) | When I met Brian
- Campfire Cooking | Simple Thai Green curry