Tip on Using a Handless Pot!


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Tags: bushcraft tip,how to,pot,open fire,amazing tip,outdoor tip,outdoors,wilderness,best,greatest,awesome,survival,creating fire on snow,knife,hunting knife,survival knife

Video Transcription

finally a nice day to get out [Music]



give you a little tip thing I've done this in the video one to see people with you know pots that have no handles no this one has but we'll pretend it doesn't and you know especially when you come to pour your water that precious water that you had to boil you don't want any bad things to happen or accents are wasting it so what people will normally do is it will take a stick and pour it this way which is fine okay but when the water moves sometimes it could be accidents that happen others if they have something that looks a little bit they'll pour this way but when there's wait it could be danger you know using the bail this way so a little neat trick now i'm not going to secure this and make it perfect it's just showing find yourself a wide stick as much as possible the two sides like as much as even as you can kato on one branch going this way this one it's not perfect but it'll give you the idea you put it in the pail i mean in the bail okay and you just hold the bail now it's loose ok when you come pour it this thing going anywhere ok now I know there's no water in it and all that stuff but trust me it works well have done it a few times you can't go anywhere you're holding the bail the white stickers out of the way and it's holding this from going like that okay so you just pour your water lets loose you can use it quickly do it that way now if you're in camp for a few days and you want to secure it mark your areas ok on both sides and at the top and notch it ok you know how to create a notch where it goes on the lip and this will just clink in and will never move but I don't usually not notch it because I'm not in one place you know long enough so why branch hold the bail ok you can't go anywhere this way or that way even if the water go you know goes all over the place it can go anywhere and put clothes or even if you want so anyway just thought i'd show you this little tip it could be useful I don't need it because I have some handles but I see a lot of videos on YouTube that dough and well thought this could be a little tip that could be helpful I'm not putting all the pressure downwards because my hand is under if you push too hard branch could break and I could hit some of my fingers but I'm not doing it that way that's very simple notch

just a straight stick okay very simple in the snow and what I can't be here too long a little bit of water in there just put my coffee again three-in-one nescafe seem to be having all kinds of questions but that's what it is I'll put a cover and we'll be making what I call the fastfire now I have a video on that explaining everything in detail where you can make a quick fire right on the snow you don't need any bottom layer and all that stuff this is a quick or fast fire to get this thing hot enough for me to drink so gotta get the materials man Oh as you can see i have no base when you do a fast fire i'm going to make sure that your pot is ready you don't want to miss out on any of the heat and you start it right under even though the flames go over and all that good stuff Oh fall air plenty of birth spot for a day I'm going to use my primitive lighter you guys have a primitive lighter very handy hey wait start putting your wood flames are going to climb start putting bigger pieces right away still seizing it obviously from the top all right fire climb and will eventually climb back up get this going and no time keep building can already hear it I could probably stop right now now no platform no nothing I got a good fire going that's right on top of snow now eventually this will think I could still keep on feeding it from the top it would continue until it's too deep and it will lack oxygen and it won't work well then you have to dig trenches on both sides keep going this is a fast fire that's all I need right now this thing is steaming already I give it five minutes oh boy he's done so sir so it didn't take too much work to get this guy ready still steaming wait till it gets a little steam older as you can see this thing is slowly sinking but i'm not going to add anything to it i'm just going to leave it as is because i don't need any more fire Wow finally well I praise God for this beautiful day let me tell you we're still not out of the woods concerning winter though but maybe another good month we'll start seeing some grass it doesn't show but there's an average of at least three feet of snow fills we had all three days of very cold the coldest I've I think we've had this year and then the two days snowstorm but it's normal in March you know before sugar season there's always a storm and there may be another one too but the worst is done today is like oh right now must be maybe zero Celsius 32 fahrenheit but supposed to climb up to plus four this afternoon but you know in March varies this is going towards the end of March we've got a couple of pluses and then I think two days of minus 16 but then the next week let's say the first week of maybe in two weeks first week of April will start staying in the plus 1 23 Celsius hallelujah this is great

man I'm actually sweating I'm not going to complain Lord so anyway I hope you guys enjoyed that little tip I think I did I did do a video a while back on that but I've got new subs and I said why not show it pretty busy month so don't have much time to come out so today I could I said why not add that to the video hopefully it'll help some of you maybe not because most of us have handles on our hot but starting if this snow can start going down there and of April expect some outdoor videos trust me I need to get back out here oh yeah I do I want to dedicate this video for special people it's not much I know but I still want to say it I get a lot of comments when people tell me that through my videos you know they're able to go in the woods that type of stuff and they're really nice people nice comments and i'm sure you guys making videos have those too and these people are either bedridden or or suffering from some kind of disease or access and they can't come out summits for life comes for a longer time or any type of suffering I want to dedicate this video to you guys I have a hard to see you guys I know it must be tough it must be tough especially when you're used to come down here but I want to tell you a message a message of hope and it's not a popular message not at all never has been and never will be but it's still the truth and the truth people don't like to hear it but for those of you watching me right now suffering I know someone who can comfort you someone who understands you and I mean really understand you and his name is Jesus and as soon as you say the name Jesus Wow people go crazy but it's the truth you know idea was to be part of your life but it's a choice he wants to give you a sense of your life you want to forgive your sins you want to give you eternal life show you your purpose but people keep on rejecting him but I'm talking to you the suffering right now and the way to let them in it's pretty simple actually you must realize that you're a sinner you need to repent from your sis that means turn away and believe what Jesus did on the cross and that died for your sin he shed his blood for you and by faith and by believing and by asking him to forgive you and to become your Savior and I promise the Bible promises right away you will know something great is going to happen at that moment if you're honest with yourself and with God and repent right away something will happen let me tell you when there's a god as big as ours gets into someone's life it's going to show but it's a choice you have to make you know nice see people suffering that really breaks me I don't like that it breaks my heart I don't like to see suffering so that's why I'm taking this time to explain to you this again I've done in many videos you know who I am but take it this way let's pretend that your heart there's a door but the thing is on that door there's only one handled and it's inside so he can't come in you got to let him in and you know how now I just told you we see the problem nowadays with Christians those are born again saved and I'm included we're neglecting to talk about sin and that's wrong all we do is speak about God's love and that's okay god is love he's unconditional his love is unconditional there's nothing you can do more that he there's nothing you can do to make him love you more or anything you can do to make him love you less it's unconditional for everyone but the thing is he's a just God he's divine God and he cannot look at sin he cannot let sin come into heaven so that's why jesus paid the price penalty for sin and we're all sinners all of sin come short of the glory of God but we are becoming weakest Christian and because of it there's a lot of false professions of faith they profess but they don't assess the true gift it's like it's hard for someone to accept the remedy when he doesn't know that he's sick and the sin makes you sick spurts spiritually and the remedy is Jesus so once you know you're sick and you know the remedy you accept the sickness and you know what's going on you're going to receive him instead of walking in your pride and walking in this world doing your own thing going with all kinds of opinions because one day it'll be too late

now I know there's some of you right now listening to me and you can't wait to write bad comment you can't wait to try and discourage me in this thing and to change my mind to get into another thing let me tell you just forget about it because it won't happen just because I know in whom I believed and nothing will change that but if you do put some bad comments either against me or any of my subs and friends it's simple i'm just going to block you okay I've been on YouTube for eight years I've given people second chances third chances but now I'm done one bad thing against anyone my friends or me you're blocked it's like that old saying where a dog bites one he'll bite again now I'm not treating you as a dog but your ways so to finish this those of you you at suffering and are open to what I just told you and I'm wondering if it's true I have one question what stuff now I know because of this video and because of what i said i'm going to lose some of you and that's okay not that i like losing you but i'll explain to you why it's okay there's one month last year I lost 1500 subs in one month and that's fine because for me youtube is not just about videos it's not just about the outdoors or skills for me my mission is greater than that my mission is people that's what it's all about the main is to help people is always that I can by saying the right word doing the right thing and I pray that God guides me through that and that it does affect you not just while you're here but eternally so that's why it doesn't bother me so much because all this YouTube thing is much greater than the videos themselves and it should be because this beautiful planet will not be here forever and you don't need to know the Bible to understand that there's something that's coming

but everyone will live eternally the thing is will you be living with God or apart from him you don't want to live apart from him trust me read your Bible you don't want to be there thanks for watching this is my crumble chef Mark ok [Music]


About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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