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Another one of those stormy days. Decided it was time to do a little sharpening. For more info:

Tags: Cabin Fever,gransfors and bruks,small forest axe,ulu knife,sharpening,axe sharpening,japanese waterstones,winter storm,snow,bushcraft skills,sharp,alaska

Video Transcription

well another one time to take care of that fever okay so we're at it again sick again today with cabin fever haha need to take care of that cabin fever I tell you so perfect day to sharpen a few things what I've been putting off a lot is the grantor's Brooks small hatchet I think it's called and obviously I always use water stones to get these things sharpened when I don't use sharp when I don't use these stones out like phurba knives I just you know strop them I just loves dropping this this last year that's all I've been doing is pretty much stropping but when it comes to a little bit you know bigger jobs like this one has been a while I'll start with this now I won't start explaining in this video about you know the this system or even the axe what i'll do is i'll just post the links to my website where i talk more about them if you're interested alright so this guy is in great need of some sharpening as any blade it's always important to get the right angle obviously and as you see the axe I I tilt it to the right angle this way but on both sides this one is longer and this one is like going that way so I just tilt it just a little bit not too much to make sure I get the edges here

now just a little bit on the 6000 I'm already starting to feel the fever going down here yay alright so what I have left to do now is just strop it a little bit and I use one of my old home eights drops for this just to finish it up the other side Oh

there should be pretty good now I understand you don't need to go through all this to get your blade sharp but I just like doing it you could see maybe not like to show them the camera but anyway I guess the best way to test it so with the famous paper looks good to the eye but paper rolls I'll tell us here goes nothing Oh a little bit there may be a little bit there too bad for an ex I guess not bad could use maybe a little bit more work if I go slowly I can feel a few no it's not Nicks it's my angle let's do this again you see if you want to know if your blade you just push alone foot instead of slicing push this foot see if it's so this is good enough I'm happy with it okay now I didn't work much on the Lulu so you gosh I don't have much of a piece of paper left this will be kind of weird she's sharp that's for sure kind of weird cutting paper with this hmm let's see it's not that be good for vegetables it's not as sharp as the ax go figure working more in our bush tools in the kitchen tools but it's not bad good for meat and stuff Josie is really starting to love this Lulu she's not going to make she spun I'm making a video but she wants to use it fully to be able to talk about more alright so this takes care of my cabin fever one more time and I got some things done I'm happy and I'm sure Josie's gonna be happy thanks for watching you

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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