Blueing a Knife Blade


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Tags: how to,blueing a knife blade,bushcraft,diy,must see,amazing,awesome,greatest,best,must watch,hunting blade,bushcraft blade,survival blade

Video Transcription

in this video we are going to glue a knife blade


now I've done a few videos on this before so maybe you've seen it maybe not I don't know but I decided to do this little blade here and why not put it on video just in case you've never seen this done before it's nothing really hard to do it's really simple why blue a blade well I rather blue a blade then force a patina on it just because it's more resistant to rust anyway in my experience and also it gives it you know a nice look so we're going to do this small knife here this is obviously a type of a would lower clone now this is a special knife for Josie I have this made you know to our specs about oh I'd say maybe nine years ago or so by a knife maker in England it's all one tool steel your Scandi grind it's got a kind of a jade g10 scales or a kind of yellowish greenish camera doesn't give it justice but it's got your coke bottle type handle it's already got the camera doesn't you know show it but it's got a natural patina on it as you probably can't see but anyway first thing you want to do is to make sure your steel of course this only works on carbon steel it doesn't work on super Steel's even if they're high carbon steel there's just too much chromium in them so it's it's it doesn't work but you're a 110 five and all that stuff does work so the first thing you want to make sure is to clean this up okay now I just touched it again but make sure there's no grease the grease is what is going to stop your bluing effect from happening but make sure you clean all this hot water and soap where you want to blue it what I'm gonna do I don't want to blue the bevel I just want to blow the the rest of it I don't have to worry about any handle material the blue product only affects carbon steel okay so you don't need to tape your scales or this is stainless so it's not gonna work so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to tape my bat alright so I saved you from watching me work on my horrible taping skills why did I take the bevel well mainly for two reasons one I think it should make a nice contrast with the rest of the blade and second even though I do blue or if I would blue the bevel every time I need to sharpen it let's say on my waterstones

it does come off it's hard to come off when you strop but when you use a stone when it does come off so it's pretty you know useless but for the rest there it's pretty cool now I'm not going to try this is not perfect taping okay there's gonna be you see it's like square there you need a thinner tape to start with to round you know to trace a perfect bevel so once this is done you're gonna see some straight lines but I don't I don't really care what you just have to make sure is that your edges are all taped so that the blue doesn't go in but of course it's not it's not a big big deal now my goal is not to blew it so it looks like Barrow the shotgun or a rifle even though it would be nice but I rather a light coat just so it looks like

oldish kinda maybe look like a natural patina and I don't want it to look too even also you're gonna see what I mean what else am I forgetting anything anyway I'll just start so what I'm using is this gun blue here G 96 you can get liquid gun blue or paste I rather use pace just because it's less messy for me this one is getting pretty old so it's not too much of a paste anymore it's pretty dried up but it still works and I like to use you know you just get your three by four packages sponges there with no soap and whenever I need a piece I just cut it off now what you need to do is once now you can put several coats the more coats you put the darker and it'll be half obviously but once I put that on you need to bring it right away under cold water just for a few seconds because that's what neutralizes the blue if you don't do it you'll just wipe it right off okay now please forgive me this is as you can see it's not paced anymore so what I need to do is bring a piece off like this and I'll just put it on and use my sponge okay you want to go in the that's what I like about the sponge I can go right in the cracks here or it's more difficult now if you see areas where it doesn't seem to want to work it's because it's probably greased up you see I'm having a problem at the tip here where it doesn't want to darken but as I said this is not a perfect piece that I want to do get some more hair now I'm just planning on doing one coat on this it's not going to stay dark like this you'll see it's like a nice transparent look to it now a little tip the nice or your finish the nicer your blue will be if it's rough it won't look that great it's nice and shiny it's gonna shine okay now you're gonna make sure you get all the parts you want I want to get the ricasso here not miss it ok let's do the other side of the blade and also what it does ill hide any imperfections on the blade that you don't like to see you personally okay so see it's that simple now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go under some cold water and neutralize it I'll show you the next video okay let's get some cold water going here now I've glued a lot of knife blades another reason why I like I don't like any coatings on fixed blades if they put you know on your production knives so most of them I stripped up and then I blew them it does the same job concerned me and considering the rust resistance there but your knife goes so much better it slides into the wood I'm talking about you know the knives that have a thick coating there okay so you have nice cold water all you want to do is put all the cold water like this that's it I'm going to take some Scott towel just wipe off the excess see there's some excess coming off there it'll save you some work see save you some work on the next step see the excess that comes off quite a bit okay so it actually did a really nice job on this there's some there's a few spots that didn't go like there must have been a greased spot and a little bit on the tip that's okay just gives a character this is not a masterpiece but being this Josie's knife well I'll be using it too I just wanted to make a little change and maybe someday God willing I'll change the scales to maybe put a you know that old bog oak wood which has dark dark color I don't know I'm not sure but this knife is a keeper so I wanna you know sometimes it's fun to change the looks of a knife a bit all right so let me show you the next step last and final step you want to want to take the tape off carefully without cutting yourself

get that out of the way it's not perfect perfect the taping that's fine I'm okay with it

next thing you want to do is use triple o whoa whoa what do you call this yeah wool ah I don't know my work my English words are fading away well you know what this is right you get the triple o I didn't want to take all the excess off completely you'll see that it won't be as dark make sure you get everything when once you're done you want this to be nice and smooth okay now it's possible when you do this of course if you're careful you'll be okay but it's possible that steel wool there you go it came a steel wool will touch the cutting edge and you'll dull your knife a little bit take it all off the excess I mean okay you can see where it needs more work obviously the cutting edge here will be affected I need to get that off of course I'll take I'll take some pictures because the camera doesn't show everything

done a good job there anyway and a super job on the spine and keep the blade away from your hands now little mistakes you could take care of that and redo it like the tip here it's lacking some that's good with me I don't care let me stay under the garbage can here I'll have a mess to pick up okay one more side now if you can see the difference

that's the excess okay and of course the more you do it the more coats if you really wanted that dark well you're gonna have to put several coats but I don't want it that dark give it one less trying and we'll be done folks after that what I do I won't show up there but I'll give it one last I'll just put in hot water real quick cuz it's got a little bit of dust from the blue here still on the blade and we'll see the finished product okay so all cleaned up now maybe you're asking if you re washed it with hot water is this gonna take the blue off know once it's neutralized you can't take it off with water it was just to take the you know the dust now I know we probably won't be seen this well the light is not good in the world yeah there's some missing here see if I turn it off I like see better you see the difference I can't tell them the camera cameras are good they're not always good I'm gonna have to take pictures so you can see better you see it's not all nice and even there's like spots a little bit here and there that's what I like so anyway this is sadly it's really dull especially on this point here probably too dull too much work to bring it with my strop so what I'm gonna do in the next video I'm going to sharpen this little knife I know some of you want to see another sharpening video so this is gonna be a simple one if you're just starting and I had no cheat for the knife but I had I'll make me a nice one here because it's small it's become a next sheet who was that let me put some lights you'll see better I've talked about how many times in my videos Canadian Maker Nova Scotia I asked him for you know a simple black distressed and he did an awesome job there's his logo right there so I hope you enjoyed this little thing I'm going to take some pictures so you see it better and if you like to blue well it doesn't cost much and it gives your knife nice style if this is something you like and this isn't cost too much and you can do it yourself so I'm leaving pictures and the next video will probably sharpening this thing thanks for watching this is micro bushcraft partners



About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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