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Tip on Lighting Birchbark with a Firesteel


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Tags: bushcraft,adventure,outdoor,hunting knife,bushcraft knife,lake,fishing,carving,outdoors,woodsman,forest,nature,woods,camping,wilderness,fun,how to,amazing,awesome,greatest,best,must see

Video Transcription


all right so welcome folks this is just a little tip on lighting up verse park with the fire steel I must be saying what in the world is that about it lights up easily and you're right okay this is just something that I see a lot and it's happened to me a lot and I just want to give a little tip now I'm not talking about you know the fluffy birch bark that you just fluff up and just throw a spark that catches well I'm talking about the scraping method you know where you scrape and then you light it up one thing that happens and I'm pretty sure you've seen on video sometimes they show sometimes they don't maybe it's happened to you I know it's happened to me a lot in the past and I got tired of it and I understood why you know what we'll do is we'll scrape in the middle okay once we have our little pile

we'll light her up and all of a sudden it doesn't burn long enough to bring to our fire it burns out or maybe the wind is blowing too strong it puts it out or burns out just the curls too fast and I understand there are some people that don't have much birch bark and they'll just scrape the middle and then once it's lit up they have another piece of they'll light up light the fire then they put this out and keep it okay now I'm talking about those of us that are very blessed and have lots of these ok the problem why this doesn't last when we just do in the middle ok this is what happens I scrape I light her up and then we want the fire we know it climbs so we turn this way or the other way and all of a sudden goes out you know it'll burn these the curls but then it goes out now why does it burning well because it has nothing to catch on to a fire likes to catch on the side the thin side of the birch bark so when we're doing it this way I climbed it has nothing goes out and we have to start over that's why we split wood it's the same thing split wood it has all kinds of angles where the fire will catch easily and get you know get your fire going so for those of us who have plenty of these and don't want to screw around too long instead of scraping in the middle okay I don't need this much birch bark to be honest so I'll just save this for later so instead of scraping in the middle scrape on the side okay as you scrape on the side one thing will happen is when you do want to make it to climb it's going to climb and continue on the side to burn so this way you'll be able to get this birch bark cut and actually I don't even need this much the waste okay you actually won't need this much so just to give you an example actually you can even scrape it at the bottom so it has plenty of time to climb up on this side so let's just give this little scrape here and it's okay if it destroys itself on the sides no worries there it's not a big problem make yourself a little pile that will stay always the preparation now if you want to be sure you can scrape a few more here on the side okay doesn't have to be big pieces just just off the side a little bit also what you can do is you can just break it up a little bit so what it does climb it has other areas to go to just do little things like this so see I don't have much of a pile er just a small little thing so what we'll do is I'll start at the bottom and because it climbs it should catch the whole thing as opposed to doing just in the middle and it burns too quick and then I don't have much time now of course there's obviously some wind see I almost lost it the wind is not on my side right now well you see how it climbs a lot easier on the side to keep the wind this way then you have a nice piece ready that will catch will not go out and you just have to put in the fire that lights up and we try and and it just goes out so let's try this right yeah let's give it one more shot okay I'm not I'm not even doing a big file just just a little tiny just to break it up just break it up a little bit here

you notice I got just a little small tiny couple of curls they're hardly noticeable so let's try and get this this little thing going here and now it has nice edges to climb to and the wind now burning your hand and gives you ample time make sure this is well caught before you put it in your fire it was all frame there I guess so I know where you get the idea right so I know it's not much and maybe this won't do anything to anyone but maybe it will help one person and if it does it's all worth it thanks for watching this is my Chromebook apart




About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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