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Josie continuing with her cooking series. Please visit our website http://bushcraftbartons.com/

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Tags: how,to,make,pansit,philippines,filippino,meal,coing,eating,Top,Food,Best,Hits,Favorite,Greatest,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips,survival

Video Transcription

all right time to make some pants it this is what am i I should say my favourite dish again as you very well know my wife doozy does not write much of anything it's on her head so if you're interested take some notes first is going to explain the ingredients I will be using one red bell pepper medium size and I have some snow peas I cut them in two so it doesn't look so big and that's about a cup now have about three small carrots and I cut them like that one medium onion and then I have some green onions I divided them into two I will use the the greener part later just to put on as decoration and the white I'm gonna cook it with chicken I'll show you later what's the amount of the rings about yeah like in here I don't want to waste them so I had about four four green onions I'm just going to put it away and for the noodles that I use when I took this I don't know if you could find this in the grocery store but in here we we we have them and mostly the majority of the stores here ice-cold 4k let's just find any steamed fried noodles at the store and I will do sometimes they it's a there's another kind that's very yellowish that will work as well so for for this batch I'll be cooking two packs of this like for example for me and Michael one like this would give us about four meals so I have some peppers and I want to put a lot of chicken with work this is about two big breasts of chicken and I cut them in small pieces like a strips them and I have about a cup or 1 1/2 cup of bean sprout then I have some grated ginger and I've grated garlic now have a for for mushroom and I and I slice them like that thinly slice

then for the sauces to give some flavor I have some soy sauce oyster sauce is one of the main ingredients for easter sauce guys you need that good stuff and this is fish sauce and I have some sesame oil and also I forgot I'm going to be needing some white sugar I'm just going to give a pinch of that while I cook my chicken so that's basically all the ingredients I have and in advance I prepared I boiled some hot water I will be using that for my steamed fried to cook it for later so let's start my wok I always cook with this when I make that thank you the wok you always going to have want it to be hot the oil mm-hmm so it has to be just going to hit that off now when you cook your chicken you have to cook them by batch don't cook them like all at the same time because your goal is to stir fry the chicken and not to steam it and they look better too and a percent matter so start where we go a little onion basically repeated and just a repetition for these in batches some garlic

laughs and gender hi

on fire

so with a to cut breasts or that you're going to make three batches yeah three batches to stir-fry them okay we have to make sure your hand is hot and that's in your kitchen to that I'll be adding a little bit of that oyster sauce a little soy sauce no me surprise because in Asia we talk a lot in the whole games with soya sauce but I won't be putting soap a little pinch of sugar so I'll get back to you later cuz I'll be doing this three times it will be too long please all right so we got two batches done now we're cooked we're cooking for other people you'll need to if you just watch yourself you just make one back this is the last last back so what I'm going to do is I'm going to repeat the

still some grated ginger grated garlic so my onion the white part the little pepper soon dinner

I am a little soy sauce you'll need

mr. sauce but the oyster sauce will give you that sweet taste to it I'm going to add pinch of salt sugar no salt and I have a for Sesame guys with fish sauce oyster sauce and soya sauce you could make incredible stuff with that see that that's what you're looking for best stick like that but we won't be putting a lot of flavor to the noodles because everything is already in the chicken and of course you will be sauteing vegetables in here - everything will be cooked in here but they are all comes apart so this is done that's my third back it's not what Michael told you a while ago if you're cooking just for you yourself or two people and your cooking stops there so you see that mmm I think I got it in my favorite dish okay now we will be proceeding to the vegetable okay just a minute I'm just getting out okay so you just put a little bit of oil in there I got a watcher see it's just fast as lightning fun yeah in Paris together yeah you can put any kind of vegetables that you like and then just go them whichever one takes the longest time to cook so you you add you add a little bit of oil right exactly

double-o I also know the oil but I use peanut oil so you can use vegetable oil that's what

so let me cook a beer you can go to your vegetables according to the crunch that you like it I don't like it over for personally that I will be serving this with other people so I will just be cooking at halfway because I have to leave minutes early and this would also you could you keep them in your fridge for up to a week and just put them in the microwave whenever you're ready to eat still good then I'll be adding my movies me personally these are the vegetables that I like to go together then you can also put something else if you want like broccoli or sometimes I use cabbage just pick this up just turn down and then I'll be when as you can see I'm not adding a lot of stuff in here I'm missing some oil so I'm going to be putting some if you want to stir-fry the vegetables we don't look at that beautiful color that I'll be putting some peach stuff fish sauce

you don't have to put soya sauce on their vegetables always we'll put that away

I'll be putting a little bit of sesame oil and some oyster sauce just a little bit not too much my mushroom

feeding on valid laughter dad I'll be putting my Strauss and they don't take long so that's why I put them actually you can even turn the heat down or off there we go there's your vegetable it's looking mighty fine thank you very much just get them all together guys if you try this at home don't blame me if you get hooked on it and the last one of course to decorate your vintage chest so that's then you put that apart before you fry the the bean sprouts just a little bit just to finish early and actually that's individual but you can eat the bean sprout and the muscle ball mostly okay that's good put in here you don't want to overcook them but just quicken the way you like it better so I know I'm always on the meat guys what can I say there's meat vegetables okay so pay attention to these noodles I'm just gonna do one pack at a time my wok it's not that big and I want to be able to two cups of water hot water speeds up the cooking time and now they doing one bag at a time because - I might have a hard time mixing getting it all cook so she can see it's already boiling you see catsuit a lot faster I'll do is just add a little bit just a little bit of soya sauce of course you can use some what they called that chicken broth if you want but if you don't have any water what you want to do is keep staring it while you still have water in the pan make sure it cooks evenly all around but actually this stem fried noodles you can even just heat and roll like that they're good some fried in oil but I like to do it this way it's already steamed trying to and you will see that the noodle will start absorbing all the water so you have to carefully watch out for the heat so what I'm going to do is I'm going to lower that heat right away there we go for sure noodles going to pay like that but with your chicken in your vegetable it's going to look great it's some people they add some some more soya sauce and this is good for me it looks a little bit like the ramen noodles

you know the cheap things that nice we're like not quite I think for the recipe that you can do of course with with the the ramen noodles too but it's not the same effect with the stir-fried ones and this stir-fried ones would cost you about in here anyhow we buy them for about $4 per package like that so it's kind of a little bit expensive but so what's happening here quickly is I can see that my noodle is still crunchy I'm just going to add a little bit at a time but you will be surprised that this noodle they take a lot of water too those bags are the bags are what 14 ounce bag 14 ounce Parque it could come in other branch too so you just have to want to show them again no okay so still crunchy I'm just going to add a little bit more so much you probably end up putting about two and four to two and a half but it's getting there still crunchy

so you do this with your two batches if you're doing uh you know a big batch that's right

and once that's done I'll show you the next step so this is what it looks like there's no it's not watering it's just nice and soft the more water left that's when it's ready and you want to I'm just gonna lay your here but of course if you're just you you know if you don't have you have guests nice to do this but it's just as home usually I don't do that I think that it presents better so I'm just going to lay your dad and do the second batch we'll be right back for the first batch I'm just going to put some vegetables on the top because if I if I put the second batch right there then you have so many noodles and you're looking for the vegetables and the chicken where they went so this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna layer the first one right there with my vegetables okay to me and I'm gonna put some chicken first layer mmm don't be afraid to put the juice in there - that's going to help out with your the taste to flavor your your noodles as well so there we go put some more and I'll save this one for the other batch shall be putting later so after that you're putting another batch of noodles and doing all that again that's it okay so I'm telling you guys you never ate this you're missing something be right back now this is the second batch and just to be sure put two and a half cup of water then you you'll be sure that you're no loser Oh putting my second batch of course I'm feeling proud this morning so we have a big batch we usually have a small - for me in Michaels but if you're feeling a crown like me you can make a batch like this and just one thing after the other so when your guests finally gets to the bottom you have vegetables and chicken not just noodles okay feel like I'm doing a design yeah but okay after that I'll just spread a little bit of vegetables now one I want to see those beautiful color on top of so for me now put in chicken all of it even the juice spread them evenly as you can sorry I don't have a specific measuring for you but that's how I want to do it so always good cooks out there Josie they'll figure it out yeah so there you go put the other rest of the remaining vegetables just like that and you can send that to your guess you could probably fit easily ten people for the batch that I showed you today so there you go folks enjoy one last look at this greatness

Bon Appetit

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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