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Tags: chaga tea,how to,natural remedy,nature,wilderness,mushroom,outdoors,birch tree,You,Fun

Video Transcription

okay so hell everyone a little tea video now this is what I've harvested from that tree that same single tree from the previous video for tea if I look at it quickly this thing is going to last me at least four months two people a tea a day yep now if you've never heard of chaga maybe this is the first time you've heard about it

I've got other videos on my channel that you can watch and there's you know there's other videos I'm not the only one that you know they talk about chaga where to find it and even the medicinal properties and all the good stuff okay this this video is just about tea so what I do once I harvest it I will spread it like that because obviously they're full of moisture because you know it feeds from the SAP of the tree you can go ahead and you know use a chunk and boil it up right away for your tea no problem but if you're used to grinding it down bring it you know to little particles wait till it dries up now I put them like this again to dry them up because if you put them in the bag you know you don't want any molds or any kind of junk growing on that so make sure it's all nice and dry before you store them yeah all right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you what I do for my tea each day now first thing I want to say is I love my chaga tea strong black I've always liked it that way and I'm not going to like anything less that's what I'm used to so the way I do it is a way that will bring it black fairly quickly get the strength that I want now there's different ways now just before we finish we start here this is move this this piece here which is about the size of a softball not a circumference not in that diameter but anyway you see the size of my hand this piece is done with okay it lasted about a little over five weeks for two people each a tea a day so that's pretty cool and that's how I do it okay let's move this now there are some people where you can do is bring it into a kind of powder like this okay now you see that the thing is a couple of things first of all when you talk about a normal tea any tea we drink each day or during the week you know a plant life plant like tea you have to watch that English word infuse it any way you don't want to boil it because it kills all the good stuff but when it comes to chaga this is not plant and I truly believe that by boiling it you do not kill the good stuff in it and it's only by boiling it that I can really get the amount and the the strength that I wanted when I do it this way with the powder first of all it's quite a job to bring this into power if you use a machine or if you use your fingers it's you know dangerous for both could be hard your fingers and going to be hard on your machine too and it creates a you know dust and also what I don't like is if I take you know about this amount fill it up this amount and you know even if you try and infuse it it's not going to get my the color I want or the strength I want and it takes forever so even if I do use this piece and they put in boiling water it does work but I need more than one to get me two teas so I can still do it that way but the problem is is every time I finish my tea I want to strain it because I don't want any little particles or dust when I'm in the house in my teas okay so when I do strain it and then I'll show you later what I do the small particles block the strainer and the tea does not go through anyway it's a real pain but that's me okay I'm showing you what I do so put this apart and I'll show you I'll be using a piece here this is a piece about a little smaller than what I used this should last me about a month this is nice fresh chaga so don't go away all right so this is what I use to make my chocolate tea now first thing I'm going to do is just put the amount of water I want or whatever amount of tea I like I always put a little bit more than what I'd like because obviously once you know as it's boiling its evaporating water so I'm losing some so I just do like this okay so the next thing I do is just put it on your oven just put on high okay make sure you use the right side don't burn yourself put on high take your piece of chaga just dump her in right and what I do is put a cover on once it starts boiling it usually takes about 10 minutes and I usually get the color I want so we'll be right back when that happens okay so as you can see this is boiling been boiling for about a minute and it's already changed colors drastically so this fresh batch will not take too long another Oh five minutes and I should get my color that I that I usually want all right so now we are at five minutes mg's exactly like I like it wow this really didn't take long it's going to be a good batchest tree shut this off this off the fire oh yeah she's beautiful so next I do this I'm just showing you what I do pretty much all every night so I'll just use a wooden spoon and take glue take this off put it there and you know I'm not going to put this in the fridge or put it so I just put it on the sink out of the way I leave it just like that it's ready for another time like tomorrow so this gives you an idea me okay you won't see through the night there but this is how I like it right so the next step is I'm going to strain it now I've got just a normal strainer with your coffee break of a jig here now obviously when I'm in the bullish I don't really care okay often drink pieces of Chagas or what but when I'm inside and I can do it I'd like to have my tea clear of little crumbs so I'm in the sink not to make a mess I probably will make a mess I'm on video so

is the color see how nice and rich it is okay let's dump flows through very well okay so that's good have enough for another one for Josie when she gets back okay let me get this out of here okay so again when I'm in the woods I don't take time to strain it and I'll drink it just like that it's good you know it's but when I'm at home and I got some luxuries I'll add a few things not just for this demonstration I will add just a little bit a tiny bit of sugar not much just about this much you can use honey you can use maple syrup use whatever you like right and I'll also put some cream a little bit of cream oh look at that that's going to be look at the rich color of that you can get hooked on that trust me so this is what she looks like we try and give you a little you look gross like your typical coffee or tea nice and rich what does this taste like well it tastes like a piece of heaven that's all I can say but seriously if you have ever I know drank water from the birch tree during the spring which again is has also lots of good stuff in it it tastes pretty much the same okay and you don't have to drink it as a tea or what I mean you can drink it also as an iced tea you know put it in the fridge whatever whichever way you want this is going to be some good stuff people okay mmm Cheers gotta love it okay one last thing once you're done with your piece where you've extracted all of the chugga now you're going to see it once it's all gone here the color of your water will just stay a little yellow okay that means it's pretty much all gone so you take it out and you look dry now when your piece is finished and all boiled up if you know chugga is when you first get it it's hard as a rock but once it's all it just comes apart easily okay and pieces if this also I've noticed that the darker color seemed to give me a longer-lasting tea you know compared to just give you an example here compared to this more of a yellowish this brown piece here seems to give me longer tea and of course I'm no scientist so I'm just telling you what I think the yellow part when once you get you'll see it become more spongy it's a lot better for fire and the brown so anyway

okay so once you're done mmm now the black part on it is actually the bark the inside is you know the good stuff and the black stuff is the bark it grows to protect it against bacteria once it's on the tree and you know the weather but the black and the black there's also some good stuff okay I'm not going to start saying everything but the whole piece is good but once it's all boiled out you don't throw it away what I usually do is I'll just take away the bark and you just break off I usually I'll take a knife there button I'll just break off a small piece oh it's so nice and tender I'm telling you this would come on anyway I'll break it into tiny pieces wait where are you okay this size are about the size of a quarter and I'll use it as what you call like incense all right I'll cook some fish and stinks you know after this thing will kill the smell in no time so all you need to do is light it up and this thing is going to go on its own just like incense and this thing smells great and it's not dangerous for your health it's actually good even to smell this smoke so I'll just leave it here and let it do its job now I won't leave it here I have a little dish that I usually use for that okay and obviously you know some people use it to start fire in the woods and all that it's nice to have some chunks to start up your stuff so that being said I think I'm going to finish my tea and I hope this was a little helpful for those of you who are interested in this and you know the way I do it compared to the powdery stuff first of all it's a lot less work it's less messy and it's more effective to what I want I'm still going to go and get everything this way but in much easier and starting to put in powder all that stuff okay that's enough for this vid thanks for watching guys

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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