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3 days/19th Century Trappers Cabin Qc Canada (1/2)


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Tags: trappers cabin,18th century,bushcraft,adventure,survival,wilderness,outdoors,living off grid,best,cool,good,amazing,open fire cooking,venison,deer,fire making,primitive stove,primitive oven,Nice,Fun,Great

Video Transcription

oh man that hike was tough just kidding I am privileged to be passing or spending three days in this 18th century-style cabin that billion to you made you guys know Billy it's going to be a thrill okay so I'll give you a quick look for my home away from home for three days this is a 18th century type trapper's cabin that they used to make in Quebec Canada it's about it's not very big it's eight this way by four that way by about five high you can see and Billy with this great talents added this chimney here which there's a fireplace inside now and that's a lot of work let me tell you all by hand no just no chainsaws ever it's just all made by hand is just great look at that he tested it out works great show you the inside Oh see the window that's hide probably moose keeps water out some cold weather out and still brings him some light you have no windows works okay so here's a bed I'll be sleeping on there's the entrance there's clay all over the place very well done it's very small you see the light this brings in pretty cool moves the floor and some old tools there's a little stove here that someday he's going to put in there just to save on the clay because you know back in the days that's what the had to do but unfortunately there was a lot of chimney fires because of it because the clay after a while dries up and just falls down so we won't don't want that to happen so he's going to be putting that in anyway it's got all the feeling and the looks of a trapper's cabin and that's going to be cool so some of you are maybe not familiar with trappers cabins why this small can't be too claustrophobic but it's a great idea because obviously trapping was done in the late fall and mostly all winter and being this small is so much easy to keep the heat in and you know you save on fuel and the work of harvesting however reason why they built these cabins so small

not only to contain the heat easier and easier to maintain but usually trappers would be out alone so being that you have 8 feet long 8 foot logs it was possible for one man to do it with no problems easy to carry easy to install I did you know you don't need to be two or three it's a one-man job and usually they succeed within two weeks of building the whole thing and being in the wintertime you need this you need this the cold is your worst enemy all right so quickly just show you how I'm set up a bit so I'm going to use is stove there that's not working for now for a little table yeah and I got myself another piece of wood with another round piece to make another nice little table for other stuff I got my clothes in here and my ex and my pack is here for now and the bed is okay what I got is I put a wool blanket obviously it's in like this and goes up because the size are pretty rough and then during the night I don't want the damaged sleeping bag now this is folded this way and under that I have a sleeping pad so just to be comfortable and have my hat a little cushion because even though you know in Quebec Canada the real heat or the summer is in like July August May and June you still get some cold nights so I don't think I'll be using fireplace but you never know may light a couple of fires just for the fun of it so that's going to be the set up for three days okay so today okay well today we're going to construct an eighteenth-century oven and Billy is going to show me and us how it's done so where are we at right now well this morning I started before you got here I was waiting for you for about the three hours okay Donna let's start talking real yeah okay okay so um well I made a pretty good foundation just right here I put some rocks because I really wanted to be high I'm talking about three feet almost but that high and because you know what I would do the cooking I don't want to be this way and I don't want to be this way I just want to be half way from a high and I remove all the dirt underneath just to make sure the foundation the basement is this very stable and put the square of logs and not very good not and after that put dirt in it with power paper

you have a floor of wood before the yeah yeah of course Mike of course okay it's been so long I've seen you yeah I'm just too happy right now okay okay so how much earth do you need away like this I need at least a foot okay because because the fire will be on it and I don't want my boards being but yeah so after that we just do the oven after that yeah after that well yeah that will be the oven but first of all we've got to make a frame out of branches and after that we're going to put the clay on it about eight inches and after that you know we're going to burn the inside remove all the branches inside and we'll be good to cook a very good Brad I'm kidding you okay so the framing is actually to hold the clay so when it dries it's going to stay and yet the clay is going to stay not to brunch with the edges they'd be gone napkin frame okay yeah okay well we'll keep you guys posted if he's if I feel like it yeah yeah we'll see you'll see but I I did it already yeah so I know it's working you remember I had one before I'm not sure I had a small one and it worked it worked I meant let me I made you some cookies with it you don't remember I don't remember it's true okay so he actually done something I think anyway and it worked well we better stop yeah we'll keep you posted like I did this will be there for tonight oh hey look what we found here give you a second to guess what it is see those feathers can you guess we'll see if you got right grouse mama will be coming back soon good old fat wood oh oh okay good got it about 18 inches 18 inches 18 this is why it 16 he went one point four one point four so a little bit more work now we're at 17 perfect has to be a perfect round because this is a perfect oven for perfect bread you perfer fat bed and a first fit guy little not even getting to that

all the pebbles very good young man okay Winkie how many more are you gonna need there's a nice one right here put it yeah it was pretty good I'm going on but one and this system a miniature water

James's TV good city okay so part of the mainframe is done you can see the door is going to be here there's like a little weight going like this now the next thing we need to do is put some bark birch bark right there cover it up and then put the clay on top and burn a fire inside we get a mic makutano a profound shelter this could be actually a prototype of a shelter mini shelter okay so let the fire die on us found some old man's beard I don't know if it's uh-hmm soon find out if it's warm and warm dry enough

nurse it arson okay just a little quick view it's not something I talk much about my videos maybe I should more but it's always important to keep clean doesn't matter where you are hygiene is very important and this is the little kit I bring when you know I'm just I'm just here three days so I'm just showing you a minimum of what you could bring now you could add and you know put your own stuff that's fine but just for three days this is what I usually bring very simple just a little thing of pills painkillers stuff dental floss toothbrush turns our head down now I get these little things in a local pharmacy drugstore toothpaste and soap I know this is probably a North Face and other companies make them is just a little tiny paper thin as you can see now little tip because these are very thin make sure you take what you need and cut it before you use it because a little bit of water in this and you're going to have some problems going to melt away usually I have one I take one out and I tear it in two and what I used are these what they call toe tabs very very this is such a great toe tab invention you just add water and this becomes a nice towel like you know is cloth and what I do usually is I'll take half of this that's already cut with my cheesecloth and put it in there well to soften this towel anyway and put the little soap rub it and then you know clean the parts I need to clean now you don't always in the woods you don't always have a a shower and a bath and sometimes you may have a big enough river to clean yourself or a lake but sometimes you know you just you can only clean yourself with a towel and this is very small and the tote abs is very cheap this case with with a roll an extra roll I think is four or five bucks so that's it that's all I need for a couple of days now of course when I'm out for a longer term well the soap is a bottle from North Face which is this soap is biodegradable and it can be used for anything from washing your clothes washing your hair the dishes it doesn't matter it's very light and it does a job so just thought I'd share that with you I don't talk much about maybe I should but anyway now you have a little idea okay so just to give you an example it's time to wash up take one out just let it soak in

see how it becomes already that's good enough open her up this one wasn't well rolled she will do now it becomes pretty big pretty incredible these things now on one side it stretches the other side you have to be careful the stress will tends to want to rip so what I do is remember the soap put into okay just put a little bit of water

and a half is plenty to wash all the parts that you need to wash see how that's all soapy so then you wash what you need to wash and rinse and you know what you don't have to throw it right away you can still reuse it no rinse is good dry it use the clean your dishes you know whatever the case may be this is one of the greatest inventions for lightweight and backpacking and I mean it's so useful okay time to wash all right so dear me we have very blessed backstraps

some steak spices can't ask for any better right now oh yeah

sear it

okay oh yeah so one thing I like to do is use garlic not cooked I'll just slice it that's not everybody that's going to like this

and I eat it raw let's take a look at this steak look at that look at that this is perfectly cooked you can see that from there what I like to do is I take a piece of steak and a piece of garlic and OOP okay I need to get this I DS that is that perfection or what to me anyway medium garlic then onions and mushrooms yep hmm Billy or the bit so we had a pretty full day very fun and interesting learn a few things about the oven and well quite tired actually but this trapper's cabin is really cool to be honest there of course it's you know it's small and you have to be careful but reasons why it was made this way but I like being here because I'm just going to be thinking of this before going to bed I'll be thinking about the past a little bit on you know give me a little idea and experience of how it felt to sleep in one of these trappers cabins

now I know I'm not like I'm not like in their situation at all far from it but still gives me a little bit what they saw each night and it's kind of neat actually I'm the very first one to sleep in this cabin yeah I'm privileged so I'm going to do a little bit more reading and started to rain so we have to come in Billy's at further down the road this father's cabin I think tomorrow announcing rain may be Wednesday - I hope not because we got more work want to finish that that oven and also we need to fix up that screw spark canoe so - my rating get to bed and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a good night's sleep so we'll probably see you guys in the morning

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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