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Hunting/Bushcraft Knike Care! Oiling Wooden Handles


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Tags: knife care,hunting knives,bushcraft knives,survival knives,oiling wooden scales,must see,best,how to,greatest,awesome,amazing

Video Transcription


all right so today we're going to be doing a little bit of maintenance now I need to talk a little bit just before we get into this so be patient with me now I understand there's all kinds of methods you can use all kinds of oils it can even lacks your wooden scales all that kind of stuff and that's all good I'm just showing you what I've been using like well not forever but that's all I've been using and I'm satisfied with it

it's a linseed oil it's not pure what they call boiled linseed oil which means it has some kind of thinner in there now there's a lot of things that happen or a lot of ways that people a lot of ways a few ways that people do their wooden handles I like to use oil for two reasons on my wooden handles number one it protects them it's not just for the looks it really protects them especially if you're off in an environment just wet or you get cold you know if water gets in it freezes ice just splits the handle I know if it's happened to you in the past it's happened to me and it's not fun or it will even unglue it if you have a little gap here if the water gets into it the ice will just unglue your scales there's all kinds of stuff so it's important to keep your wooden scales protect it and this oil does it the second thing would scales have depending on the wood but most of them have a nice grind or whatever grind it is and the oil makes it come out so those are my two reasons why I use oil now there are some people that are going to use just a little rag okay and just wipe it off like that and it's all good and that's fine I've done that before but it doesn't satisfy me there are other people that will complain that if you put too much once it's dried it will become all sticky then you have to send it off and that's true I've had all those experiences so I'm going to show you what I usually do now this is I usually take care of my knives once a year depending again if you're using your knives if you have several knives you don't have to do that but the knives that you use or I use I will do it once a year and I put four coats now when you just put a little layer it's not enough for me it doesn't soak in everywhere and it's not even you can see some spots where it's missing some so that's a no-go for me just using a rag now if you soak it in I understand if you let it dry it's going to become sticky and I don't laugh like that either so what I do is I do soak it by a little dry just an hour and then I wipe it off so I'll do that four times four times right here now I didn't do that all today whenever I have a you know some time I just do it that way I know that all of my oil or my wood is saturate saturated I guess it's the right word to where it's supposed to be okay and I have I can see all the beautiful lines of the grain of the wood that way now I don't like I like it when it's very shiny because it become a little bit slippery

I like semi gloss semi-gloss is fully protected and you see enough of the wood that you enjoy looking at so also what you could do is buff it I've done that before you know after it's dry you can just buff it and get the shine out one more time so I'm on my fourth coat which is my last coat and that'll be it I won't be doing it until next winter now there's certain knives that I don't do it at all and I've used not this one because this one is a new handle it's a custom harding it has a scale anyway I'll show all that I did this one because it's a new handle but these two I had I had to do because they needed it so now I know there's a lot of babbling but I just had to say those things and I know there are knife makers of watching this and you play with this all the time don't be afraid to throw in your tips and insights and tricks if you're doing something if I'm doing or if you can improve what I do I would greatly appreciate it now there's one thing or we get it all right very sorry about that so as I was saying I saw some I've seen people soak it all night long and I think it's a great idea I might have to try that next time just because if you soak it all night long it'll have all the time to saturate your wood and there's no problems for a drying become sticky because it's in the oil so you do it just once okay so that could be a way to go and of course people like to wax a wax there but I just rather play with oil so what I do now I didn't come in this pot here okay

I'll just soak the word completely let the excess drip off once that's done carefully now you can tape your you can take your it would be good to tape it if you want cut yourself now

I'm not well equipped so what I do is I just use a normal box and with the blade cutting edge facing away I'll just put it in there so it stays there now this one here is I have to take a special care for this one because it's bog oak you know that old wood there this one is I think 5000 years carbon dated and I had one unstick and glue from me because it it's beautiful but it's got full cracks so let's do this with this one make sure it goes everywhere of course you see how beautiful and shiny it is yeah cutting edge away make sure the knife is secure now don't worry if there's oil going on the blade that's perfectly fine let's do the third one Hey


it's nice and stable now all I need to do is wait just one hour for me one hour is perfect we'll wipe it off and you'll see that once it's wiped off it doesn't stay sticky and it doesn't leave any oil residue just perfect and this is the fourth coat

okay so time is up make sure you're very careful and wipe the blade part now I'll put that like that for now see there's just a little bit left now if you can see that there so what I do is I use first a Scot towel wipe off and the excess this one is at its max for sure one thing I forgot to mention if you do use a box like I did you know what to hold the knives as they dry now this is a mistake and then in the past make sure you put them evenly on the box all right you don't want to put them all on one side or just at the tip because I did that and I thought the once I thought the box would hold but it didn't there's too much weight at the end and you know the box flipped and the knives failed so make sure the best thing is to put them all in the middle if you have three or if you have four in all corners and that's the same thing when you take them back off just don't take two off on one corner because it may flip on you and all right so then just take an old cotton t-shirt and really finish it off get into the cracks so let's well wiped off

so the second time you use the t-shirt look at that there's no excess at all I'm just making sure there's no more excess and I'm just giving it a little polish there you go this one is done a nice semi polish and you see the grain of the wood I moved you more and towards the light this is the finishing it gives the nice semi-gloss and it's not sticky and it doesn't leave any you know oily residue at all and you see nicely the grain of the wood okay let's do this one here this is the one that was pretty much maxed make sure you don't cut yourself and do the cracks here there's a little polish see nothing there's nothing and it's not sticky and it's not oily again my hands look at the beautiful finish it gives a nice semi-gloss

maybe see it better from there down there yeah see it's not too shiny now you see it better from down here okay let's get this bad boy done now beautiful beautiful Bogle look at that that's old wood so nice I came out and again not oily nothing so this is four coats wait an hour wipe it off you don't need to do that in one day actually I don't recommend it because now before I put it in the sheath I'm going to let this you know not evaporate but anyway I leave it at least another day if there's any oh one little thing you want to do also if you have a you have a lanyard hole you just anyway I can do this later but just pass a quick rag so it doesn't stay sticky on the on the steel inside because sometimes the reason why I don't put it back in its sheath it's not a big problem so it completely dries up but sometimes oil will come out you know maybe out of the lanyard hole or if there's a little crack somewhere it's gonna want to leak out so I give it one last let's say tomorrow morning I'll give it one last good wipe and then I stick it in my sheath so there you go see this one okay no that's probably for me so isn't that pretty now give me a second I'll show ya I put them in my sheet okay so while I'm at it well I'm not using the knife and it's for storage I'm gonna put it in the sheath the first time it tightens I leave it that way now I know it takes a bigger box and stuff to put it in but that way you don't stretch out your your leather and loosen it up you know as it's stored so it's always nice and fresh just a little bit as soon as it's a little tight it's ready so when it's ready to use it's always nice and tight so I'll just take it right out there that's how I would store this one the same for all three so anyway I hope you enjoyed this

oh and don't forget if you use the let's see boy linseed oil make sure you air out your rags don't throw them in the garbage because

been known to start fires when there's too much anyway on the right so air them out throw them outside community garage and once it's all aired out you can safely put them in the garbage bin or something all right that's it for me have fun this is Michael shoutbox back [Music]



About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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