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Tags: haiti,tourism,wilderness,outdoors,wildlife,nature,hiking,entertainment,travel log,yt:crop=16:9,africa,adventure,culture,news,events,funny,destination,park,climbing,south,mountain,canyon,national,mountains,trail,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips,survival

Video Transcription

Oh place just got back from the plane now we have a 10 hour right sits up on the top yeah what we say set up on a boat show for 10 hours together san nicola where we're going it was a great knee up there and our driver for the day is your name is what tone OC sweet red right but the magnificant in total Fred I think

epidemiol is

turn off a good basic I tremor true

be passing through the band's sometime tonight

the movie


it's been swell that patient well put we're in the mountains right now I won't tell you how the trip went good morning the trip was very long but I'll tell you this some other time we'll just show you when the highest to 10 hours with the highest point here the missionary station

show you some this is the limit but they got and this is the water basin we provide for them equal to take the shower washed up workers now today we've got to go in the streets and jungle and try and find who we're looking for and obviously the medical team will be here and people will just come here we go through maybe three four hundred patients a day that's about it for now

get the chickens so they make their cages so I'll show you some more whenever I got some time I've got to go right now ok so you guys take care hey how you doing good oh I have to do a lot of cutting in these videos there's just so many things I could video but I won't the bad things i can't show obviously there's I've got some limits we don't need to see thats not good to see anyways Jamie sick with no team on V ok sk booger city boy gasps de julio way yes brother souvenir the room the der boo got some nice kids yeah oh you speak English too oh there you go already Georgia all right nice to meet you guys even so even certain you just seem to speak good English we all right thank you very much oh all right this is where one lady desert laundry I'd under a tree and that's what she uses for now scrapes with strips are clothes that whatever is here the school of rebuilding and what

okay after that will be taken care of a medical loser





ok so this afternoon will be starting to build a medical team medical center and people will have exactly about seven days to come and go and okay people want to go in the camera well you guys want to go in the camera is that what you want okay what are your names going home sick way Oh regularly Lucas got song what's your guinea waiting so no y'all soon he's away good hit again again come on man yes the kitty well nice to meet you hello nice to meet you nice to meet you and we'll see you guys later okay bye bye you look you look good what's all wa-wait good oh is it correct okay okay w.e so we're going to be going down there or what that sound is just kind of all but we're so full then we have to climb up for more teachers how can be scary than medical centers there so we're going to try and find some people we know here and what's it to video that I think that's it hey Bill I'm right behind you Justin so if you do fall down I'll you know yeah it's not really really safe it used to be but that's all they got for now since it on the whole sleepover is a sedan more thing so did you see something say mega it would be easier that what exit so please pick a deep stuff fine alright hard to do half done going up you can see this what are this nation is somewhere over there talk to you guys later we're at the top of the hill right now I want to distress I more thing we're going that way once I with a ball up son who the medical center right now you won't be seeing much but this is our setup for the medical with it and should be around a thousand people today we're very early in the morning people are starting to come in doctors are not here yet there's some people coming already a lot of people sick but we press on so my dad Devon sound near or something together so talk to you guys later it's getting really hot it's only seven in the morning right now now we're hike get here I put on our multi happy potential it will further Java but there must be around 27 already Celsius alright talk to you guys later about 20 by this is their conditions up here you don't need an earthquake he's poor little kids so I said icons yalta by buzz whenever I talk about month I I don't want to get too close because sometimes it insults them which is normal people don't like to be filmed report by Porsche to Tampa city for supper is inserted a empezar con voi la cancion see my doctors hey doc doc gave not the Haitians obviously fly American doctors these are just helpers hired men to translate it's going so I got ripped ugly echa devil okay so we got to get to work see you guys later stopped ave e bar right so far we're doing pretty good that somewhat scribe yay it's hot it's sticky with other people too I'm just on my break time right now Shlomo Blake let's break but we're doing a lot of work a lot more work than we expect to do the families that we were supposed to find we're actually down in Porto planks which is where we're going to go next rest over the other five days that's where it's going to be the most dangerous i won't be able to film anything there okay don't want to get hacked with the machete just because i'm filming people don't like to be filmed and anyways this camera so if someone wants that they'll take it and they won't bother them to kill a little canadian like me but besides the point i'm going to try and fill them the best i can up here while we're in the mountains this is the best place I'm just going to feel good stuff okay guys okay so you got one thing haiti doesn't need to be in a disaster to be a disaster at this place here in the mountains anywhere else in haiti actually that wasn't affected by the earthquake it's just horrible I know their dearest quake was horrible but I mean things are all the same a few people that came in already on this place will be full in no time in a few minutes I mean I hours just a few people waiting while they're getting that shelter up the Sun so higher with you Ron authority now by the phone and read it without like a halcomb judo okay I don't have much time poor lady has a tooth to be taken care of and it's very hard to pull but she's tough oh alright this is the end of the first day we're all just beat out the end of the day how many people you think we treated today I think is it 5150 hundred sixty people today just hiking back he'll still come with that from there they make the charcoal use that piece of wood their new piece of wood and then they put San over it they light it up and then it's done okay okay okay this is the finished product that the woman didn't want me to see yesterday which God chuckle okay in the Maryland it's getting already full it's just seven o'clock that whatever don't miss I more Tang fair they draw some dude he set up nothing I won't be filming I will be filming the other days unless something unusual happens shrimp ipod Azul knickers with SI pastor mike ml laura I don't mark it Betty my battery's going up giving up so uh you guys take care okay talk to you later back ol boys may be severe okay we're in middle we're taking a break and plenty of people or barbaric oh boo boo tomar gender that do so we can't eat it in front of them you're just looking at us nobody absolutely me tipo que se va we got de la Monsieur sugar got it we're como tu t'appelle so qua to know what's your name so portable machine oh I don't want to film you anyway you're the doctor he's above you oh ok they took care of the roof pretty good you swine's to a 12 voila well that what mostly gave a hold on ok hey what this is my translator sassy mota mota tick-tock good good man let someone I'm e-mail see ok bye I just showing a few few damages up here people actually these are nice houses right now for them yeah I said they'd been made his own national Sean spookiest going is there more thing we're just in the mountains I we're still not down in the pole place on the pool pole place I call yeah right in the mountains ok they won't want me to go down here put down the other one okay I'm gonna go right here this is the last psych psych last day of being in the mountains Sid Dillon II don't know if we're convo or something it's can we'll show a little dizzy it's going to be hot again today even though it was cold last night okay i'll just show you the last you have to go you guys met to weigh the lens okay somewhere over there the clinic can't see because of the Sun but this is the trail they take every day to get some water you Prince I thought you know I took these all blushy nope beside that say I pic here so they come here every day to get our twice a day twice a day I'll give I'll give her a candy bar 0 wa today schedule okay all right we don't know who to give him a candy but you gotta give them candy when their longest he'll have about a thousand people around trail twice a day you got about what is it bill 40 pounds on their head water I mean waste water weighs about eight pounds gallons okay brief us I shouldn't even bring that up with my arm it's so steep it doesn't look steep in the camera but believe me it is

okay all right you hungry ok you can talk it's ok yeah what did I see any more would you give them all out oh you mean the candy yes ok just a minute my shout dressing ok this is the other side of the mountain still have to climb on the other side here that's the view that's where we came from somewhere over there look at the help in there somewhere there you see the cut back on that one oh yeah like that Susie Bundy blow virgin down there that's where they get that's where they get the water here see him up on top spin do we see the crime like this she's got she's got how many pounds 40 pounds on her head probably with one in the wall in the hand try and do that for a living hey this is the last day it's about seven o'clock he said ah there's already full of people so we got a lot of work to do next time we'll be filming probably unfollow plans if I can we're still waiting for that for Gilda Gilda yeah Yoga is made it from here and she's got the keys there why though I used to call her hill or which wasn't great Hitler oh you know that's not nice he's nice how far is she from here not not too far down a hill w oh no yeah yeah and she's got a motorbike do about that she lives over by the Nazi fuck yeah when she got out that first day where us yeah okay her gift as another time we need to find out at that child care is mine hey Bill a sick child we need to find out if they were here right out normal i think we all those book travel that stupid inside we particular game cuz Dobie Dobie some mikes one walking around oh good we got chick from the sink see he's a good man is that someone to hear yes you helped me a lot we bout the outfield with in a theater will you help me a lot with the with the crowd out there we had to go tell it yester mob oh yes bit of pee lo que pasa man without him nothing could done can nothing we kind of went good yeah baby yes I'm gonna miss you real son oh yeah yes it we pass a cure for my brother when you back my butter it is a thesis to I can can you please have him about your players players because he needs Europe your players oh yes just about your players you get all my friend Wilson okay yeah and God's gonna do something for you Mary all right what's your name Oscar come on IDI domoi bush okay the mabuhay sooie sooie oh sorry i suppose ya twat oh hey move it hey someone just there for me okay ask you he's not gonna nurse ah boo sooie sooie sooie

yeah yeah yeahs Nadu's okie son I i use Appa STC akira wat aboot sugar you bible cebu so yeah merci beaucoup again y SI bien thank you good bye bye okay bunny okay nobody kid this guy is making some some baskets some baskets here to put on the mules these people are just amazing they can build anything this is made out of coconut coconut leaves or coconut branches it's very fast they make not alter the penne pooh mitchell dizon say fed the afraid the coca coca tea all right that's enough capacity okay let me show you what you do here in the mountains to protect their homes against thieves two more tickets for potential remains only more thing conceived a lot okay check this out those are all pieces of glasses in the cement I'm system isn't it hey guys we're waiting for the we're finished in the mountains so we're waiting for this little plane to come get us finish our work down and paul panks but we had a five minutes what's behind me is the northwest part of the caribbean sea on a tenet IV on a few demo tang what if in admission Powell planks k schoolboy on IRC Lamaya that's no no with the cab and so you guys can just take a look a little bit by the way this is uh where Christopher Columbus landed in 1494

now if you can see the camera but it's beautiful blue waters now the airport is over there somewhere and the guy said well make sure it has one that's more than one wing so it's just a five passenger some kind of assessment he was joking obviously there's a running crabs will make a move to swear okay I'll make a move what wait see I go where is he you are areas just passing time waiting for the plane or bows dang okay buh buh cabeza there's mr. Crabb if you zoom in on this side hey

okay we're going to the airport the airport what's the name of the airport okay awesome I got a transit kinds of people will be watching this what somebody who Paul goes any car you but I just want to present to you greatest translator in the world his name is this what and he's a very good friend of mine there he is hey let's move where's Appa sorry for the shaking you can talk to think of it he can speak five languages hey boys you the door sorry too long where's the essence of those so another English

english good last one Olynyk angry you're gonna rule on ivy good morning everyone Hey okay good that's it

hey our plane is here let the OIC fire faster hey why I get my other friend on tape here Freddie oh my good friend Freddie okay thank you ah I gotta do this car come out ah come on come on mama come on in it come on with a weight ah no way nah what I say that boy no no booly booly booly you take care buddy okay thank you okay so she's not I've yoke for the sound pole place so it sound so you guys like this is the inside and playing city today the wo the CDC I seats small Cessna that's not yes all right the flying away now okay we're just about to leave when we leave we'll be able to talk with all trained get some pictures Oh tsavo Papa paleta to Posada to deposit on the scene medieval tangle fire up some some running out of words gain mountains going to the place where we're going to state respect on the roof where my bad MA yeah


Collective chakra my initials effect now you delete this to smoke okay we're in Palo pies

he sits like a draw we're quarter brian a year three four days trying to find the families and help them out bye

we all win ah alright guys this is where we're going to be sleeping for the four or five days it's pretty safe place be sleeping on the ground here somewhere on the cement but it's well protected as you can see I've got the real barbed wire with the razors what gave up their jury sees us a while I said to do a wire oh but some people either de boville crea flagpole trip is almost over leading tomorrow taking the plane in the afternoon this is going to show you a couple of couple of things a couple of wild edibles they have here obviously I know I didn't have much time to do bushcraft sorry about that but I guess we all got kind of sick a little bit so anyways i'm going to show you a couple of stuff this is a obviously banana tree they have

and leaves

what other wild edible was I taught here okay well obviously we know about this is sugar cane right there the brown you see the sugar cane sure your cane right there this here is uh is a lemon leaf make all of this lemon leaf you can make tea out of this smell this and it smelled just like lemons obviously you know this is a papaya tree big papayas here those are you supply is actually smaller one here

oh that's about it guys I don't know anything else I didn't take much time to be taught anything on bushcraft here so this will be it probably for the videos I'm not sure yet but I still go still got a little bit of work to do until tomorrow and we'll be back on Monday it's Saturday right now monday towards the end of the afternoon should be back home so

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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