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Tags: bushcraft,adventure,outdoor,wilderness,fishing,fire making,outdoor cooking,river,wild,camp,refuge,nature,forest,woods,survival,hiking,hike,mountain,Camping,Summer,Fun,Holiday,Weekend,Family,cabin,knife,candle holder,bush,bushcraft project,whittling,relax,enjoy

Video Transcription

our canoe trip was well I had to cancel it a three-day canoe trip I was talking about just incredible the rain we've been having I mean there's almost floods all around this planet you guys in the States hope you guys are doing okay the flooding areas man even Alberta Ontario and over here well we had lots of rain no important flooding but for what I was wanting to do the rivers are still high way too high and too while to you know go on it so we decided to do something else we rented a what we call here a refuge it's just your basic camp out in the wilderness and we're going to be spending three days and two nights there we have a short hike about half an hour going up and well could be happy if you could join us what we're planning to do if the mosquitoes don't kill us first is eat sleep relax and if I have time to do something else it'll be sleep eat and relax some more so you guys come along it's not too far as you guys can probably see there's still some rain coming down now that's hopefully supposed to change like the next few days hopefully will so there you can hang out there all right so you're going to be looking at at the same time as me it's nice and cool in here it's not very big I say it's about oh eight by twelve not much more than that

and you won't see it right now because but there's an excellent view out there it's a nice balcony I'll show you the outside when it's time all right I want to hang your clothes pile of wood wood stove little table and our sleeping area that's it that's all no electricity no running water I have some good times in here so I'm gonna get set up and maybe give you guys a look of the outside a little bit better all right so I'll give you a quick quick look of the outside right now some wood piled up which is cool I can't forget about our poop Center and the trail goes down here this trail goes way down to the river and we'll be checking that out tomorrow maybe do a little bit of fishing and this is the trail to the camp got a nice shed there with a dry wood give you a little view of here okay there you go obviously I can't go down and show you the front because it's way too steep and won't be able to catch it but still give you a little look there's a little picnic table here and a nice little bench fogged up there ya go that's our home for three days and hopefully it's going to clear up because well they're supposed to be a pretty cool mountain somewhere

it's called Sugarloaf suite so anyway I got some stuff to do when it relax and keep you guys posted so what am I going to be sleeping on well this is pretty cool guy on special Half Price you know how I like to look at those things it's therm-a-rest it's the mmm it's made in Seattle USA and it's just Trail Scout medium anyway it's the self-inflating one where you just open this up you see it's open inflates itself see anyway it takes a few minutes there and then you close it up and my wife had the same thing and I'm going to be using this I didn't tell you guys yet but I finally got what do you call it I finally got the modular system okay see you and the 5-piece and what's cool about it that's each piece is supposed to be good for minus 40 or something anyway I'm not going to talk much about it because I need to test those things first but comes with two bags and this is the second bag and I only brought one piece which is supposed to be good for minus 10 so let's say about 0 just to sleep here and what's what's cool also about each piece they're all waterproof so you can use them separately but we'll talk more about that when I you know when I might setup learn more about it so far I'm very pleased with the quality you know texture and everything and it doesn't weigh too much that the whole thing weighs about you know the three-piece I think around 7 pounds they said and it's pretty compact it comes with these uh calling always forget my the names anyway or you can make them smaller but so far I'm happy but the real test will be this winter white which I will you know make before I do anything so that's all I'll be sleeping on and then pretty sure will sleep pretty good alright so that someone say coffee yeah I heard you we're going to just use the as oh Rico would say right way of saying it Trangia stove it's just for coffee anyway so

never sell the coffee fucking a hole oh that's good enough there you go that aside that should fit right on top perfect

yeah thunder rain that's all I'm seeing right now it doesn't matter I'm not complaining and not wet comfortable have ourselves a nice coffee there should be pretty good so let her up make sure I don't burn anybody here bring this down to the ground get the thing up come on okay wait till she blossoms you know I love fires and nothing you'll ever beat that for me put in this condition right now where I don't have to start one this tranquilo with you know this comes apart you guys know about this it's perfect and everything goes in the Coleman here there she goes oh I can put everything inside with some coffee or tea or whatever so now it's just a waiting game right cheese boiled cheese bar much Oh two nice ones I guess went to the trick one two I'm just in case let's put a half there

and sugar will usually do this at home but anyway we're not on one - it's not a lot of sugar it looks like a lot but it's not let's try this and sadly don't have the cream but we'll have to go with the dry stuff see just a little bit more you guys got your cup ready this will be now if you like a dark sorry but not this time so oh she does look pretty good if I do say so myself this if you guys can see it let me help you out a little bit not bad huh

okay I know this might be dizzy for you guys here now let's try not make a mess yeah right for some coffee here oh it's good it's good it's good pour some more in here a little bit of a mess a little bit of miss that's okay Oh

can you smell like guys that's going to be real good okay so we're going to take one last walk doesn't seem to want to stop raining go down to the river before we head back for the first day and have ourselves a little supper alright joseline all right it's a nice little trail actually here steep but it's nice now I'm pretty sure the river will be way too high hey watch your step river will be way too high want to do some fishing but you never know so as soon as we get to the river we'll show you we just got to a bridge did not know this was here this is the river and she's very high he's very high look at that here

boiling some more water it's going to be time to eat and tonight we're going to have some Mountain House lasagna can bring beef when you have to hike a bit so she's ready I can hear her right that's cool

well folks never seen before in my life not in my lifetime and Josie had to do it

would you just cut catch I mean muscle can you believe that rain here look at that now what are the chances of this happening I mean I thought it was heavy well we'll keep it and we'll cook it if you catch a few more of these will have a supper maybe should open it now make a baby out of it yeah that's another idea all right keep on muscling well we have an expert on muscle fishing right here folks

yeah the second one minute there you go well keep it keep it up keep it up and I'm tellin you're gonna have a great meal so well you're the expert for sure now I could never do that so with further examination obviously if you guys want to catch mussels this is the bait you want to use is this guy swallowed him you see the mussel well bit on it anyway the mussel just bites on this and we catch them stays closed these no tricks because the the hook is inside the muscle now there's going to be a lot of fun getting this one out alright alright so someone's open here can you see she's opened up and ready to eat somebody else I chose you want to put your finger there oh dang guess that doesn't bother them not an expert with muscles but this one is still closed what thank you love stop yeah and actually closed up I was wanting to catch her closing up sorry alright so seems that there's no fish in this river now it's not the best time fishing the waters way too high but anyway still enjoying our time well this rain is just not given up what

we're down the river you decide that this poor like crazy but anyway still got to eat right right now I'm boiling some water from the river and have ourselves a little quick meal

bacon an egg yes sir put this on not too fancy we're in the woods okay onions bacon now let that cook for a little while want to throw in the eggs all right so we need to be a little more quick about it because she's pouring quite a bit of course we're protected by the tree but it looks like it's going to be poor and even more so get this done get this in their stomach and go back to camp almost will boy bacon and onions almost done and we're going to make it simple I'm just going to throw the eggs right in that pot mix everything together so to

I hate chills in my food great see I see one right there I put my hmm can't leave home without it cowboy meal whoo-hoo I'm not a cowboy though okay

can't be fussy I'm almost done you

Josie needs her bread folks well

yes we could do better than that take my stick like this just put a little shim so it doesn't touch the fire make it long enough and instead of going in there burning your hands you can lift it up out of the way and put it back that's very simple okay time to eat hey the Sun whoa

now we're talking all right so we decided to invite you guys for supper just hope you're not too hungry we don't have much that's going to be a little bit junky today now I don't know if you've noticed just a little tip you guys I do have this Trangia type thing you know you'll just comes apart if you notice it's upside-down usually it goes like this turn it this way when you sit this in right now I've tried something and maybe some of you have done this before I don't know but this is the flame is too close to whatever pot you have and I found by doing it the other way I say that least a minute and a half to two minutes on boiling time anyway that's what I see so just a little tip obviously when you have a smaller pot you know it tends to just have to keep it as straight as you can but works fine so that's all ready we're going to be cooking some some dogs tonight very simple meal and if this guy start first

wait till she blossoms use the other top of my cone here soul max got a little bit of butter in there see when she gets to the full blossom I don't know but I'm no expert with I can tell you this heats up a lot faster than the other way alright so not enough let's have some having leftovers tonight hope you're not too difficult some other stops but this will be the main dish alright let's cook yeah

she gives a very nice flame nice equal and nope you can see the camera how's the camera do we just show you a little closer see that it's getting right the tip of the of the flame there it's nice and so anyway maybe some of you guys have tested this before does it take too long to cook these dogs so get this cookin and when she's done you guys can just come and eat well I'd say she's about there let me know if this is that okay for you guys the one disappoint anybody that's good that's going to be some good eating right there boys and girls so time to eat I just finish off the night have fun and try make a little project hmm you know candles well we only can you don't always want to use the wood that's inside like the table talks and all that stuff and you always sometimes you need to move stuff you know you're light and all that and we only need a small light so just found an old piece of wood here than a try and you know try and straighten it as much as I can because this is how it is on the table and you know make two holes and put my two candles you know something like that so and I chose a piece that's a little bit rotten not rotten punky so easier for me to make the holes that looks fairly straight so if I got one here one here they'll make these tool make a pretty good light and be able to you know move it from one place to another it's just a little project just to past you know the end of this nothing to write over about but even though it's punky it's got some nice grain colours all right so let me work at this a little bit and I'll show you the progress now you guys ready to see the final finished product now don't offer me too much money it's not for sale and it's not going to be on eBay ready okay tada a little decoration my wife put her touch to it that's what it is now no I don't want any money okay this is a unique product now in the house I can just grab it I want some light here I'll just put it there all right very simple now when you're making holes

just a little tip with a knife right if you want to be easy or easier don't make round holes make them square especially for this here and you fill them up with up you fill them up with wax and just stick that in and that makes a nice convenient thing of course you wouldn't you know you want to run 20 miles with this it's just a little decoration and by the way credit goes all to my wife I was getting lazy and she said why don't you do something like that so there you go the candlestick oh yeah she wanted to add her little where go ahead and add them she want to add or little greenies oh that's pretty Wow

you know most important there's gonna be this one here there you go all right there you go all right so our trip is is over and well as usual want to thank you guys for joining us we had a great time of course we had our ups and downs but all in all it was awesome and you guys know when you come in these types of trips don't expect anything to go your way but that's part of the game thanks for watching

whoa can't leave you guys here right gotta bring you with me and

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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