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Tags: montain,retreat,cabin,in the forest,in the woods,fire,300 year old trees,tree,birch,yellow birch,chaga,bushcraft,river,water,wilderness,nature,winter,snow,cold,cold mountain,Weekend,Camping,Holiday,Fun,Family,Survival,Outdoor,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips,survival

Video Transcription

my piece the other day became I so I was able to break it so i can read further the water here is not quite deep but over here was deep enough for me to sink in my gallon of water now i can see under very nice and I know this is solid now we're trying to adapt learn you when you're in your home you don't realize how much water you consume but when you're out here and you have to get your water we try and make it with a gallon or four liters a gallon every day that's not much when you're talking about drinking cooking and washing so right now we're going to get ready and we're going to try and find that the old forests are talking about about those huge yellow birch trees it's about a five click so with snowshoes anyway I don't think I'll go any further today but you see anything interesting we'll let you guys know well we've got a couple of clicks done and we're starting to slowly see some big birch yellow birch trees there are some nice white big ones here it's not the biggest we've seen but what I was wanting to show you is still not here yet on the other side right there you have two smaller ones but riding between the two you're starting to see some big ones so anyways we're going to keep on going to keep on going towards our goal it's about four clicks so eight clicks for today will be plenty but as soon as we see what I'm wanting to show you there you know we say an ancient forest but it's ancient trees because the other trees are not that ancient but what I want to show you is 300 year old birch trees the yellow birch more specifically so well as we're slowly climbing this mountain why not show you some of the little beauties that's around i'm going to show you everything but Your Honor on a bridge right now it's just beautiful I hope that the camera gives it justice oh alright I thought I'd just show you a little bit of the process you see it still has its little those of you you those of you who know about the yellow birch right now the trees i'm going to show you is not the biggest trees in the world right but for this species they are pretty rare now in my area we're about now and a half from my home and we're in the mountains of course we don't see these anymore so see this it's slowly changing paper into thicker bark this tree is getting up there we're starting to see more and more we're still not in the Old Forest or the old trees anyway must be getting closer and I'm happy somebody's already passed here like all right couple days ago so that helps us with cell phones so nice and peaceful lift up jump the river there let's listen to this complete silence why all right look west part of the corner of my eye will be clear in the camera anyways you guys know what it is if you don't well got videos on it chugga another one up there we try and find a a piece for the league ID then there's another nice size of course we're finding juggle everywhere but I remember my child is not a lot but some people or tell me that you couldn't find it on a yellow birch well I'm not here to put anybody down we're just to prove my point that they're all over the place got one nice piece there let me show you something better right there that's a big chunk right there see that that is huge that must be 0 2 foot wide I know how thick then you got smaller pieces going up another one there anyway this is really cool okay so remember jogo can be found on white birch or more commonly known as the paper birch and the yellow birch I got a very dead old birch but some chug at the top there you can see some right here usually when it's dead chugga is not that great anymore I'm going to try this chunk right here to bring a sample to the guide hopefully it won't be too bad all the good stuff seems to be way too high plus it's frozen be hard with one hand here it's gonna be a little bit difficult to round it to froze i need a rock so anyway I'll just I'll just figure out some other way I need my two hands for that though alright so I wasn't able to get this I don't want to bust my knife I need a rock and just too much snow a try and find it rocket here I see but this chunk would have been good but I was able to dig into this here and I'm quite surprised that even on the dead tree that it's still in good shape the chaga usually when I find them on dead trees he just the black layer just crumbles all down anyway this is the piece trying to get into a light somehow this is the piece that he's going to get so anyway it's better than nothing especially when you know it's minus 15 this is like cement right there all right let's keep on trekking one last one last thing I forgot to tell you usually when you find these pieces they are you know they're wet because they feed from the SAP of the tree but this tree is dead and we're in the you know dead of winter it's dry and when you find them already see that just like that little tip all right so finally we didn't finish the trail just show you I showed you a few trees anyway just got so excited with that chugga the thing is addictive but we couldn't collect any I did have my axe or anything well that's good I don't need any I just need to get a few specimens for the guide here so the sun's going down is about an hour left of light so got 23 kilometers to do and the tray was getting pretty rough to know more we had to make the trail so it's time to go back no use getting stuck in this kind of cold so I'll give you a last little glimpse of here and there's the surrounded by mountains there's a mountain over there and between the trees alright we're going back now


sharpening the enemy pouco for the tip i mean if i sold a pretty back trying to get that chug I you know would nice

alright so this will be pretty much the end of this end of this call it series not quite sure on the video them eight ninety two or three lot more anyway what I'm making right now I saw a video not too long ago by dusty I had to jack showing how he sharpens his knives and by the way dusty that's not some way i do the same thing at home he just make a plane strop very cheap to do piece of wood stick yourself a piece of leather and he put out when the stropping going up you just take yourself a piece of you know 600 grit put a rubber band or a range urbana me just to hold it you know you just do your 600 and then you stop it if you need to it that's a great idea and just reminded me I got one at home like that then I said why not make a smaller version for the field cheap very lightweight and very effective mine is going to be the width of about you know your typical belt that's going to be about five at five inches long by half an inch thick so all I'm doing now is putting it as straight as I can nice and flat surface once i'm at home I'm going to glue it little piece of old leather belt and get myself a nice piece of 600 grip I'll put it under for now and i'll put two Ranger bags on two sides and I'll be all set put in my I think this is going to go greater than the dc4 believe it or not that's what I use at home and it doesn't take long I mean I still use my I still use my Japanese stones but not as much driving home and I have let's say nothing to do I may take them in Japanese stones but most of all I'll just come to the straw I rarely have to go to the 600 grit but anyway okay I'm talking too much ah this one last thing you know every time I come out here and you know like this or just for a day or do some wild camping whatever the case may be I know if you guys read once in a while ago books about pioneers and settlers and so on and so forth I certainly do and every time I come up here and I'm just amazed of the work that they have to do to be able to just you know live to exist you know clear the land and then that bulldozers back then and then build cabins and then you have to provide for food that I mean total respect just total this thing if you guys like to read I got one of my favorite books it's called a name of her own thing I've read it three times and I think I'm still reading it at home for the fourth time hmm stories about I think it's just little after Lewis and Clark expedition amazing story

there's you know Americans and French Canadians it's part of our culture and even the British are included there but what they do is they have to open up another fur for for the furrow route from st. Louis to the Columbia River and she leaves she doesn't wanna leave her husband that's in the 1800's she doesn't want to leave her husband because he'd be gone for two years so she leaves with about 60 to 70 voyagers four to five boats you know a thousand pounds of stuff in it she leaves with two kids the only lady there and she's got another one in the room and guys she goes through so many things and it's just there's just no words and every time I reread this book I always find new places and new things and that's just an incredible so if you like to read and you'd like to know a little bit more about this book I'll just check in the comments and see if people are interested if they are any further in another video I'll just show the book so you guys can you know purchase it but it's really cool okay so that's about it for now we are this is our third night getting some supper ready pretty tired from the hike today relax tomorrow we'll be leaving around 11 in the near future I will be making a little series of knife videos okay just just I think three nights not more than that for the simple reason is you know after so many years people have been asking the same question that's fair you know first time you see that video we ask questions but it's difficult for me to always repeat the answers and the answers and the answers and it's not to show the best knives or why I caring it's not that just to answer that those questions have been asked for so long so I decided to make let's say three videos three videos concerning three different knives that I carry just answer questions so that's a little update at the same time so thank you very much again for joining me and my wife we had a super time now we have to go back to reality but we truly had a good time relaxed enjoyed God's nature and he truly blessed us you know just being still and being out of the traffic if i can say that way of life is see you guys in the next video until then you guys take care of this is mike and josie from bush truck parts bye all right there's nothing like a nice walk on a cold winter night and plus I got to get some water for tomorrow but seriously it's because I need the lights for the video if it wasn't for that well I wouldn't need it at all actually oops this is not going well anyway we got the moon find it for you up for a second I focus better than that Carla's just the second guys give me a minute it's not focusing and doesn't want to focus tonight done nope okay well that's enough for that all right so focus okay it's silent still and just beautiful down here of a sound some more for tomorrow so I won't have to come back here just beautiful patch is gone how this is going to work zoom works perfect whoops

and check out this beautiful


all right I know this is a lot of fun but you can put your flashlight away as well off no it's not so bad this recording stamp yes it's recording a key I want to go right here over there because it's gonna take me forever to figure something

now if you don't have this kind of weather where you live when you tell you you following this you don't get out we have maybe three minutes to live my fingers right now can kill you hmm

nope that's for right folks this will be you

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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