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Tags: bushcraft,skills,survival,skill,hiking,fire,making,flint,and,steel,how,to,adventure,wilderness,nature,outdoors,yt:crop=16:9,camping,holiday,summer,fun,weekend,family,cabin,travel,tent,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips

Video Transcription

Barnes now concerning this video I'm not sending a message at all saying that the way you're using your firesteel is the wrong way alright as long as you get your fire going that's what counts as it's not the video what the video is about is how to use your fire steel in a way that you will wear it down evenly and not waste anything that's on your fire steel now the two general ways that we know all right is the first one is to push your knife towards the tender as such and the other way is pulling your fire still towards you leaving your knife still towards a tender it depends on what kind of tender sometimes you got some fluffy stuff that you don't want to fly away so this method would be the best but in this video I just want to show you way again I'm repeating myself but you can still use your fire still effectively to start your fire or tender but wear down evenly without wasting it now this is a Swedish fire steel as you can see this is my wife's and what usually happens if you've been using one of these for a while it tends to want to dig in the middle and that's our fault because we often use it like this and like this and like this and after a while it dig it'll dig in so much that it's going to jam here alright and this end here will become useless or pretty much useless so after a while your fire still will become useless believe it or not because you will be able to start because it stops and just using the tip of it here will be pretty difficult to do anything with it alright so I just want to show you a way that you probably know maybe already that you can use again repeating myself I know I like to do it too evenly use it without wasting it and at the same time starting your tender fairly easy or as easy as the other methods now the other methods that we know about like this or like this I always use it you know it's okay it's fine I mean there's nothing wrong with throwing sparks all over the place after a while just it will start but like in my other videos I often pinpoint two important things when you use a firesteel first of all you need solid ground control on your fire steel and the second thing is to pinpoint and place on your tinder where you're going to throw all the sparks the hardest amount of sparks at the same place concentrate at the same place so it'll be maybe easier to catch your tinder on fire and this this way will do it so it just doesn't just even up your fire steel and save on it but at the same time it'll give you a better chance of starting your fire without wasting all of that fire steel so what do you do you can use either your knife or a striker it's your preference put your thumb right on the spine of your knife you don't want to go down here on the cutting edge and what you're going to do is hold your fire still firmly put the blade against the fire steel or the pharisee Emraan and this side here you're going to use just your thumb right so now you've got two thumbs on your blade or your strike or whatever one is stabilizing the knife and all you're going to do with the other one is push down on just the end of the fire steel to create some sparks that's all you're going to do you know push down push down push down that's all you got to do you see that the sparks concentrate just in one place and you're what's going to happen is you're going to just use the end and start your fire and as you go along you won't waste it and you'll evenly wear it and you know you get the idea so I just use a little bit of birch bark here so I'm going to do the same thing with this alright just to give an example thumb on the spine the other thumb on the fire steel and you just push down okay with the this thumb here nothing else works right all right let's do it again one last time so thumb back spine the other thumb on the other end and you push with this one here okay and all you do is using the end of it all right so anyways I know this is not a most incredible video but it's just the tip guys because I've had this issue with one of my fire steels and it did happen I did have had to cut apart here and you know I didn't like to waste this part but I had to but now you know I'm still going to use all the other methods but this way I'm going to try to use it more often just to save in my fire steel so I hope this helped a little bit guys and I thank you guys for watching this is my crumble chef buttons bye

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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