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Home & Field Sharpening Kits I Use


DC4 Small field Sharpener: a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003BUV226/ref=as_li_tlie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B003BUV226&linkCode=as2&tag=bushcraftbartons.com-20

1000/6000 Waterstones combo: a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001DT1X9O/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B001DT1X9O&linkCode=as2&tag=bushcraftbartons.com-20

DLT Trading Leather Strop: http://www.dlttrading.com/dlt-xl-double-sided-paddle-strop

Black Box Field Kit: http://www.knivesshipfree.com/complete-sharpening-kit-for-field-or-home-w-s3-dry-box-black/

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Tags: bushcraft,how to,sharpening,sharpening kits,waterstones,dc4,fallkniven,outdoor,field,wilderness,forest,nature,Wood,great,best,bushcraft skills,survival skills

Video Transcription

okay.i folks

that was asked quite a few times now through the years about what I used to sharpen my knives either it be at home or in the field and most of you know but some of you don't so I'm going to take this quick time to go over a little bit of what I use now at home now you see me use this right here these are Japanese water stones this particular one is a king made by King and I have a thousand grit and a six thousand grit that's all I use at home as a stone why do I like to use water stones well first thing it's clean because all you use is water second it won't take as much steel off your blades as others and third it gives a better finish in my opinion so Japanese water stone that's what I use at home then what I'll use and have a lot of questions on this one is my strop now a strop you don't need to really pay for a strop you can you know make it at home I've done it before but a couple of years back it was a little lazy and I saw virtual vise using this one and it was interesting so I decided to get one this one is from DLT trading we measure it for you okay so in inches 17 long centimeters 43

with two inches wide and about you know five centimeters and high about an inch three centimeters give or take now if you do make this at home I will would strongly suggest not to use a thick piece of leather and I'll explain why just if your leather is too soft even though you have the right angle when you strop your knife it's gonna have a tendency to dig in you know I mean - not the knife dig in like cutting it but dig in the leather and that's dangerous too you know round off your blade so you want something you know thin so when you come on it the leather doesn't push down it stays like it is and does the job this particular one I use with bark river compounds the black and the white the black is if I'm not mistaken about mm3 thousand I think grit yeah three thousand and the white one is twelve thousand now we'll use for three thousand which is this side here here just this in case my blade is really getting a little dull and three thousand usually does a job when I finish it always with this one the white now the twelve thousand will you know make it nice and polish a nice and finished this here I got it at DLT trading and of course the Bark River is from bark river I forgot to mention nagira stone is used with the water stone this is to take the grit off of your stone where is full of metal

at the same time it helps with the sharpening so that's at home in the field in the field I use a simple we're very well known VC for this is from fuck Niven it's got two sides ceramic whoops ceramic and diamond I've used the diamond sight but to be honest I rarely use it you know a simple reason is I don't let my knives get that dull you know but in case you make it you have an accent and you run your knife into dirt or rock this will bring it back and the other side which is a lot smoother which I've used quite a bit is a ceramic side dc4 okay now lastly is this little guy right here now this is you know I'm a stroppy

type of guy and this is more for my longer-term

fishing trips and such let me just give you a quick it's about six and a half inches 17 centimeters mmm 4 inches 9 centimeters give or take a little more 10 maybe and the height is about let's see here about an inch which is 3 centimeters now this box here is a good plastic now I got this I think a smart River I don't know I can't remember what they call it it's waterproof and what's inside pretty much everything that you've seen put in so what I've got here is the compound from Bark River the white and the black I've got a strop leather strop which has the black on one side and the white and the other and I've got sandpaper so what I have in here now I haven't never used a sandpaper yet on this thing but if worse would come and I'd really dull a knife I have I think from 220 to 2,000 grit here so I mean I can you know bring back probably any type of knife but usually it's just the white they'll use and it's good enough and you know if I break this up in a little piece you could even add I seen people add a little ball of oil you know to maintain your get in there to maintain your your blades after you're done by doing this right there now this one here if ever you do buy it you're going to notice one side is a little smoother they have the same thickness but once I it is like a little smoother and the other one is a little bit more fluffier now the smoother part I'll use the black and the fluffier part I'll use the what that's what seems to work best for me anyway alright so that's it I was thinking of a quick video and I think this is fairly quick what I'll do for you I'll try and find the right names and all the links to these things I'll put them down in the description just in case you're interested if you have any questions things that I forgot shoot me a question and I'll try to answer as fast as I can thanks for watching this is my foolish rap artists bye ok so as usual I always go too fast very sorry I didn't show you how this works alright so just take this out I'm gonna take the rest up I'll just explain it so you've got a perfect place there I'll put your straw of course it's not gonna go as well as at home you can't just go you just take your time now you don't even need to it stays there pretty good that's what I use the most

it'll move a little bit but not enough to so that's for that if you want to use the sandpaper now I won't show how it's done I'll just tell you as sent papers are about two inches wide and they're about this law so you either you put it on top of the strop

leather or not solely up to you and you bring it in will use this side you shouldn't there because there's a bump but you take your your your your sandpaper and you just bring it in on both sides and close this so your send papers

tight in there and you just go ahead and you use the sandpaper okay you know it's not as effective I mean not effective but it's not like at home let me tell you there's a job very well well for the strop anyway I've tried it with the sandpaper at home here just for the fun it works good so I need to uh okay that's how you do it okay I think I've covered it all pretty much this is the last time I hope I have a good day

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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