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Tags: camping,fishing,wild,outdoor,cooking,fire,making,wildlife,wilderness,forest,nature,hiking,lake,bushcraft,skills,Fun,Summer,Weekend,Holiday,Tent,Camp,outdoor sports,Survival,Outdoors,hunting,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips,survival

Video Transcription

well guys this is a beautiful morning d2 and you guessed it we're gonna be fishing beautiful so far oh yeah you swallowed it good - this is a good ten inches

Wow so what we're doing today guys is we're trying to yeah I know it should be equipped with my pliers but I don't feel like any amount we're allowed ten each a day to eat but of course we don't eat that so far that's what we got yeah so what we're trying to do today is trying to catch at least twenty then we'll be all set so I don't think we'll be filming everything you know maybe one more we'll see let's keep in touch yeah it's Josie's gut wall job Josie oh yeah there's another nice eight inch is it ladies ouch that's not differently yeah that's tough okay oh there you go no that's a no that's about maybe six inches you know as fishermen would always tend to exaggerate when we check our fish will never go lower than we think always an inch higher all right that's keep on fishing alright so in my first video I showed you another way I clean my fish but I went a little fast you know I was fishing right now we're done for this morning so this is another way I do it I don't do it always like this just that I need to carry these bag so what you do is you go behind all the gills make sure you get it all behind and you cut that part right off okay so now your gills are cut from the head right you just empty it as far as you can know what's gonna happen is pull the gills these two fins first fins off and all the guts at the same time so you grab the fins and you grab the mouth of the head and you just pull

this time I won't talk I'll just do it so you cut the fence not the Finster girls open it up as far as it can't come here right there you just pull a Z it's becoming apart and as you pull the whole thing will come off okay got the first two fins you got the guts and you got the gills all the same alright so after a good morning fishing it's time to have a good breakfast we have some bacon and we're using the cover of the seagull to cook us some eggs so this is gonna be some yummy

once it's all done now we're not cooking any fish because we want you to store up a bit and yes we brought some a cooler with some ice pack so it's going to be good as well very good actually they say that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words what can I add that sometimes being here is priceless

it's never easy feather sticks there you go

okay take it nice job Josie now we can have ourselves a nice fire so don't go away so I guess this will be the end whether this little mini mini series with this 2-part hope you guys enjoyed it we had a lot of fun we'll be leaving tomorrow morning with great time fishing a little bit of bushcraft but most of all is just being here is what matters so I thank you guys again for joining us if you guys have got time well there's still many places here around the fire be nice to have you still then you guys take care this is Mike from bushcraft Park by yeah you guessed it we're gonna be eating again I brought some marshmallows

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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